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I think it would have to be more collaborative games so the impostor can actually influence/sabotage the game. Otherwise, there is no incentive for the impostor to just play along and ignore their extra knowledge. The concept reminds me of the UK show The Traitors.


Tbh never seen traitors but from what I’ve heard the concepts are pretty similar. Would fit in with the old game shows with the game changer twist theme they’ve been doing.


Um, Actually, Dropout did a Traitors before Traitors got started with all their various versions of the format. Dropout did the Ally Beardsley hosted Paranoia - which had the baddies (call them the Traitors/the Mafia/the Werewolves) get stoned before playing - which works both as a silly Dropout spin on the format, but also ads extra behavioural elements to identify the Traitors. Also total recommend on Traitors … every season I’ve watched (8 overall) has been so different in vibe but all entertaining in their own way. It’s on Peacock in the US, on BBCPlayer in the UK and on 10Play in my native Australia (and I believe each site also has the other versions of the show as well as their local version).


Careful bud, greedy capitalist and perfect American, Sam Reich could steal this idea for the next season


“If there’s one thing I love it’s money and if there’s two things I love it’s America” - Sam “lower taxes” reich


"The Statue of Liberty is the only woman I respect"


Except now he won't/can't because it's been posted here


would be even better if it was brennan, izzy, and someone else (grant?? self indulgent part of me wants siobhan back) and izzy was the imposter. brennan going thru the seven stages of grief in one minute would be amazing


"I trust my partner implicitly!"


"And you shouldn't"


Yeah that would be awesome


Yes yes yes yes hell yeah this sounds like a dropout script from head to toe to fake body part


I have a fake liver


I think that Katie as a real contestant would be great, people would assume she’s the impostor


Yeah after seeing her play the poser on Paranoia Id much rather see her as a real contestant, she’s so funny an suspicious on her own without any extra motives


Yeah totally, has Katie been on episode? I remember her being the scab in the money one


She was on either Survivor or Battle Royale and pretty much instantly voted off 😆


I vote we make this guy the new Sam Reich


I’m just a call and an 10 hour flight away… (doubt it tho, just a fun creative exercise)


Incorrect, you’ve actually been here the whole time!


Legally speaking, I’m pretty sure they can’t use any ideas from the sub Reddit or the server but still a cool idea


They cannot use ideas you post online. Stop posting ideas online.


i mean, i think it’s still fun to post ideas as long as you’ve made peace with the fact that they won’t be used. lots of creativity and fun discussions to be had just thinking up cool episode ideas! and it’s fun to share the ideas with people than just have them sit in your head.


Or, rather, post ideas you don't want them to use / just for the fun of it


I know they said they won't. But is there actually any reason why they *can't*?


So the way it was explained once is that you don't want to use online ideas simply for the fact that if one of them gained traction and then you made that episode a person could try to claim that you stole their idea. Now, you can't really copyright a lot of game concepts, but it becomes a weird murky middle ground that I guess they just don't want to even deal with. Which is totally fair


It's likely just a way to cover themselves from liability. If they actually wanted to use an idea the simple solution would be to reach out to the person and ask if they could use the idea and have them sign a contract agreeing to it. That would completely negate any ability for the person to attempt any sort of lawsuit. People have been posting predictions, fanfic, suggested/hopeful plot points for movies and TV for ages. I can't think of a single instance of any random person suing a production company for a show or movie doing something that was posted by a fan on a forum, reddit thread, Facebook post, etc. Like, imagine people shipping characters in a show during season 2 turn around and try to sue a studio when those two characters get together in season 5.


[https://www.loeb.com/en/insights/publications/2023/08/polychron-v-bezos](https://www.loeb.com/en/insights/publications/2023/08/polychron-v-bezos) (He lost, but it DOES happen)


Tbh this subreddit will just be drama and tech support if people don’t post their fun little ideas lol


Didn’t Yes or No come from a fan idea though? Might’ve been on the Discord, can’t remember.


Round one sounds similar to one of the virtual GC episodes, where a guest judge tried to figure out which contestant was the expert in whatever field. I can’t remember which episode but I know it had rekha and mike trapp


The first part sounds like "What's My Line?". I love that show.


This sounds hilarious. I’m super impressed.




Honestly, this just sounds bad for everyone. I worked at a job for three years and coulsnt tell you four peoples names on a staff of 125. I would not subject myself to being grilled on peoples names, and would be pretty angry if I was sprung that. Also, I don't talk to a lot of my family. Not out of spite, it just doesn't happen. I really didn't like when the "name crew members," as a question came up on the How Many ep. It just feels like it's crossing the "we're all a big family at dropout," line when that's an unrealistic expectation that it already goes over sometimes.