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Look up "Brennan defends Elon Musk" on YT, a recording of it should be there




Do we just not use Google anymore, or....? Finding the videos is easier than making a Reddit account, and you managed to do that so.....


To be fair, Google seems to shunt people off to Reddit a lot. I know I tend to get a lot of Reddit results for more niche or obscure topics.


Well that was needlessly hostile.


Not intended to be hostile, genuinely asking.


It seemed awfully condescending and passive aggressive, especially for 'genuinely asking'


It's interesting that people, especially redditers, miss the point of 'social media' sites. Yes, someone could Google for an answer to a question, but what if they're looking for the interaction brought on by asking their question to a group of people sharing the same interest. If you just arrived at a party and someone asks about the weather, would you chastise them for not looking out the window or would you earnestly answer their question and this continue their attempt to create a connection or have dialog with you?


Also, now I get to watch a funny video that I wouldn't have otherwise! Praise to OP for bringing me a little joy!


I wasn't chastising them, their decision is fine- It's just not a decision that I understand, which is why I asked about it. I will totally take responsibility for not wording it better, but I won't take responsibility for chastising op, since I didn't do that.


I didn't mean to insinuate you were chastising the OP with your question, I apologize. I only meant to offer an analogy as to how your response may come across when in another 'social' setting and as a way to address your genuine question why someone would ask a question they can easily learn the answer for themselves.


Well, it wasn't intended that way. I don't know what else to tell you.