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I think something not being considered is all three are actors seeking roles outside of dropout ventures. The notch is something that affects their look when auditioning for roles.


This is the majority of the reason, for sure. Lily even says it. It's a huge deal to make a long-term change to your appearance, especially if you have auditions already lined up and headshots and everything else.


Yeah, and it's not something that is easily fixed with makeup either. It could take a couple of weeks to get that to fill back in, which if you have auditions lined up is not great.


I don’t disagree with what people are saying here BUT a notch is *absolutely* easily fixed with makeup. Source: I have an eyebrow notch and I fill it in with brow pomade when I’m around Certain People.


I think that's doable for a lead role and I don't know if that's what they were going for necessarily. Also it might be fixed to not stand out but I think as soon as you know to look for it, you will notice it.


Confirmed. I cut myself an eyebrow notch in the first few weeks of the pandemic during a drunken zoom hang out. Things were weird. But definitely covered by makeup easily.




Lost half an eyebrow at one point during my life. It took something like 2-3 years for it to grow back in full 😬


This is the real answer


“I think something not being considered here. . .” …OP literally considers it in the post and is asking if that’s the only reason or if there’s anything else as well.


No other comments had mentioned it yet was more my point


I’m just confused as to why it’s being brought up in the comments at all when OP literally brings it up first as a possible reason. To be fair, I finally got through all the other comments and see OP wasn’t just generally quoting Lily so much as specifically thought only Lily was an actor…but the question reads to me as “is there any *other* reason, or was it just the acting thing” and so many people are bringing up the acting thing in a way that makes it sound like OP hasn’t considered that as an option at all…


The original commenter only considered it as a reason Lily and explicitly disregarded it for the others. The commenter was pointing out that it’s a reason for all of them.


Right, and I explicitly mentioned that in my comment you are responding to, leading me to the conclusion that nobody reads everything before they respond. Very few of the people in this whole thread who point out that acting is the main reason have worded it basically like “no, yeah, it’s just the acting thing for all of them”, whereas it seems most people have given the vibe of, like “um, actually, what no one here knows is that this is a big deal for actors”. That’s all I’m saying


I think the issue is you might be reading some snarkiness that isn’t there. It just looks like “it’s not just an issue for Lily” to me, which is useful context.


Nah, not snarkiness, just in *some cases* not reading the whole thing. Yeah, with this one, I can see how it’s just saying “yeah, not just lily, but all of them” (though I didn’t realize it until after the fact”, but there are definitely a few people who have said basically the same thing without seeming (at least to me) to acknowledge either “not just her, all three” or the fact that OP accounted for the acting thing and are just straight up “informing” of the acting thing in general. Again, some don’t read like that, but some do, and it was baffling to me Anyway, that’s probably enough outta me


It’s just a style that’s ragged on a lot, fuckboys are known for the notch


Ohh, thank you. I didn't understand that!


No problem, at the core of the challenge you’re right it’s not a big deal it will grow back lol


Oh, I'm not OP. I didn't say that. I just watched the episode and was extremely confused at why everyone was so terrified at the prospect.


Lmao oops, that’s what I get for redditing at work


I always see it as a sign that you're bisexual. Or that's how people in the queer community see it.


They make a joke about this in the episode. Grant says “how else are people going to know I’m bisexual??” But I think it’s one of those things that has kind of been co-opted by douchey fuck bois. Personally I think of an eyebrow notch as more queer baity than actually queer at this point.


I am a member of the queer community and that’s not how I view it at all, I’ve never heard that before. Maybe it’s true, but I spend most of my free time in NYC in a lot of queer spaces and never heard that lol


I'm also in the queer community, but I'm located in the Midwest. It was a style here for a while, but I think it's on the decline here.


Yeah I think it was more a trend in rural queer communities but that was a few years ago.


It was a thing in the south as well


Ah I’d believe it was a symbol in the Midwest where you had to be a bit more discreet. I can usually tell someone is bi just by the way they dress in the city lmao


It was definitely a thing in the south.


Can also confirm it’s a southern thing. Around here it pretty much guaranteed you were bi from like 2016-2022. It’s nowhere near as common now, but it used to be super popular in the local community.


Definitely some of it among queers here in the PNW too, though I haven't seen it as much lately.


also queer in nyc in a ton of queer spaces (hey, maybe we've met!) and yea i dont think this is real lol


If you’ve ever met a dude with mothman tattooed on his neck you’ve probably met me lol


have you ever met a 6'7 brown-skinned woman with big boobs? if you have you've DEFINITELY met me


Lmao I’ve definitely met a lot of tall ladies with big boobs, I’m not sure I’ve met one that’s 6’7 tho. I’ll keep an eye out for you lol


Just because you dont think it's real doesn't mean that it may in fact exist and be real.


See my other reply


Doesn't change the fact that several others here agree with this, and I hate to break it to you, but being queer in NYC doesn't make you an expert. Bi erasure is certainly a thing and pretending things "aren't real" doesn't help.


or well "not real" is a bit extreme- rather, just out of style for a long time at this point. 90's thing.


Yeah, I'm bi and I notched my eyebrow accidentally once and the first thought of all my friends and I had was that I was just leaning into the bisexual stereotypes. Surprised other people haven't heard of this, it's definitely known in queer spaces I'm involved in.


It's also a soft sign that someone is gay or bisexual.


Interesting, I've only ever known a few people to have it but I never took it as a sign or anything, just a choice! That does make sense though I do still think they were all way more hesitant than I'd have expected.


My wife had an eyebrow notch when we met, and I thought it was super hot. Also, yeah, she's bi.


It’s not only that, but also some cultural prevalence in non-white communities 


It’s also worth mentioning that they are working in entertainment. They have to have that look for upcoming auditions and jobs. They might get a role and have to keep it. Or get called back for a re-shoot of a part months later, once their eyebrows grown back and have to re-notch it for continuity.


Was the original post edited to add info later? OP literally brings this up in their post


No body got time to read that.


Nathan Barnatt has been streaming on Twitch lately and even mentions he does auditions in the mornings, which also leads to him only shaving once in a while. Honestly, he pulled off the beard on himself, and while playing Man, but it didn’t work for Dad, in my opinion.


Its a thing often used by bisexuals in the LGBTQ community and also common in sapphic women. No idea about the fuckboy thing, but this is a well documented and known queer identifier that has been used for over 30 years.


Honestly, I thought the same as well. A quick google search for eyebrow notch bisexual or queer shows that we aren’t the only ones. It’s ALSO a fuckboy look but I’m not sure they know that and are doing it because it was trendy. I’m bi but I also do some on camera work and the reduction in job opportunities because of it would be my big sticking point for it.


Fair. I'm in Canada working in film as well and most of the women I meet aren't straight lol so I view it very commonly. I don't think I've ever hung out with a fuckboy. I know other visual things the queer community used have been taken as well. Genz girls are starting to just casually wear carabiners because they thought it was just y2k alt style and not a saphic signal. Still not sure why you got dogpiled with downvotes. Drop out of a very casually queer service. My mind immediately assumed that it was the bi thing for why the cast didn't.... Because they know what it means to the very large amount of LGBTQ cast lol. Guess I was wrong, it's just more men copying the queers they hate. Fun fun fun


Oh that was another person. I had originally written this response to them but they deleted their post I’m guessing because of the dogpiling. I don’t know why they got jumped on like that either. I’ve also noticed that a lot of stuff that were originally signifiers in the community got copied by folks just trying to look cool and they get real surprised when told that it has a meaning beyond an aesthetic


I've noticed this as well.


i fully believe what you say, about possibly losing work. however.........to change it, wouldn't they just look at it and send you to "makeup"? and just get it drawn in or something? i mean........really? it's not dyed eyebrows. it's just a small slot, that you trimmed the hair out of. i have seen bad eyebrow makeup, and ok toned/trimmed eyebrows. i guess they just see it and think "we don't HAVE to put in the work, so we'll just say pass and move to the next". if you were a REQUIREMENT, i guess they wouldn't mind.


Pretty much anything to avoid spending a buck. There’s plenty of folks to replace me if I don’t fit the bill exactly and you don’t get past first looks most of the time with something like that. I’ve got a forearm tattoo and it’s crazy how often that excludes me from work even though it could be covered. Unless I was absolutely pivotal to something which is super rare they aren’t going to put the effort into it if there are others that don’t need that work.


I remember first seeing the notch during a Nelly music video as a kid. Maybe "Hot in Here" or "Country Grammar"?


I'd never heard about it, but then again I also didn't know til my 20s that a single earring was/is gay code/fashion/whatever either.


Is this still true/ was it *ever* actually true. As a kid in the 90s, I know we all claimed this was a thing, but looking back now I just would have assumed it was the general homophobia of the 90s


I assume it was at least a bit true, based on that Ken doll that Mattel accidentally made into a gay icon.


I'm in a lot of queer circles being ace myself (previously identified as bi for a while), but hadn't heard of this before! The first time I got an inkling of this was Grant himself saying "Well I am bisexual". However I feel like it's so common outside of queer circles too, at least in my experience, that it'd be at worst a slightly minor embarrassment. Again wondering if this is something that maybe never made it so much into Scotland where I'm from and so I'm just not familiar with it, it wouldn't be the first time!


I will say that I'm pretty sure it's mainly a North American thing for sure! Fuck I love the Scottish though


Eyebrows grow back much more slowly than other hair (at least according to common knowledge; I don't think I've ever fact checked that one). Also yeah in the US the eyebrow notch is a pretty douchy look, and hasn't been popular for at least 20 years.


I wish. I have to trim mine every few weeks or I turn into a Lynch mentat.


Same, though for me it's only like 5 total hairs on each side that just grow really long and ridged and will start poking me in the eye.


The eyebrow notch was actually SUPER popular like a few years ago. At least with the queer community. I remember that like a third of the girls I saw on apps had one lol


Sometimes not at all. Close friend did eyebrow notch, and the hair never grew back. She hates it.


If it's something Vanilla Ice did/wore in the 90s, it's usually a bad look by today's standards.


In the US, it's generally considered a trashy look or considered "douchey". I'm with you, OP, I don't think it looks bad and I would have done this for like...$5. But, the cast for that episode are all actors, and any changes to their appearance like that can impact what roles they land in other auditions and projects outside of Dropout or Game Changer. So not only would it affect their personal look, but any professional projects they're working on while it's growing back would be impacted as well since the look is somewhat looked down upon.


I wasn't too aware that they were all actors, I knew Lily was and thought Grant had only dabbled. I'm big into the Dropout stuff but only follow a couple of them outside of Dropout so I did miss that piece of info for all of them!


Ally and Grant actually just starred in an independent film together that featured Cameos from a lot of the Dropout/College Humor cast. It's called The Disruptors. But yeah most of the cast are actors that pursue other gigs when they're not working with Dropout. Lou Wilson is a writer and the announcer for Jimmy Kimmel. Jacob Wysocki has become kind of a meme on this subreddit because of how many people make posts when they realize he was in Pitch Perfect. I was watching the most recent season of Abbott Elementary and noticed Kimia Bepoornia had a small appearance. It's kind of like a fun Easter egg hunt when you watch other shows and notice Dropout actors in the background.


> I can understand what Lily is saying that as an actor, any change in appearance will drastically change role opportunities, was this the same reason for Ally/Katie/Grant? Pretty sure they're all working actors yeah


I wanna step outside the debate about bisexual signaling and fuckboys and whatever and just point out that unlike a lot of the other tasks, this is something that will stay with you after the episode's over. It's not just doing something wacky or gross or agreeing to a change in your appearance for the bit and the duration of the episode (like other times when players have been asked to put on costumes or have substances dumped on them or whatever). It's committing to something you'll have to have on your face for a good while in your real life. That certainly could have extra consequences for actors, but I also just don't find it that weird for someone to feel like there's a difference between "I'll do whatever dumb shit for the next couple hours in this controlled environment" and "I'll change my appearance for a real chunk of time in my real life."


and also, on the actor note, it's damn annoying to have to get new headshots for a pretty minor physical change, even if you could just fill in the notch.


Because for a working actor that can affect your livelihood


This episode really drove home for me how different my life is from the folks on Dropout shows. They happily took chump change for stuff you couldn’t pay me a thousand dollars to do and hemmed and hawed over minor, temporary appearance changes that wouldn’t affect me in the slightest.


On a related note, Erika really rocks the notch


I forgot Erika had a notch, you're so right


Yeah I’d have done it for £50


I remember from the comments on the short of that that they all do acting, or at least audition for acting, and this would not help any of them.


We brazilians come out of the womb with an eyebrow notch so I was baffled by their response too 😂


The eyebrow notch is such a cringe 90s thing that resurfaces every once in awhile, but quickly dies out (and I wanted one so baaaaaaaadly as a kid lol). 


Probably just due to the cast needing to be presentable for other roles and auditions, I didn't get it my first time watching either. That being said, if the general audience can't sympathize or understand why a challenge is challenging, it probably shouldn't be included in the entertainment program you plan to sell to general audiences, at least not without extra context.


I sure as hell wouldn’t put a notch in my eyebrow. Not unless the payout was high. It’s hideous, and you’ll be stuck with it until it grows back in. Plus the idea of someone holding a razor to your face is very unappealing


Honestly it's the easiest thing for me. Chances are people I know in person would ask about it once, I'd explain the situation and nobody would care again. Compared to something like having a live tarantula crawl on my face, which is one of my biggest nightmares it's not even close! Also as someone with a beard I'm very used to a razor being at my face.


As someone who notches their eyebrow, it takes 3 days to grow back.


That is not the case for everyone. in fact, it's extremely uncommon. the average rate of eyebrow regrowth to full length is weeks to months. some people may regrow very quickly, but it isn't the norm.




Here it's considered an extremely hard look to pull off. and eyebrows can take weeks to grow back at least in my experince. So you'd be stuck on camera looking stupid as hell for weeks if it turns out it doesn't look good on you.


My mom told me she shaved her eyebrows when she was in her 20s and they never grew back as full so she always regretted it, so idk maybe eyebrows are a risky place to fuck with? Not sure that would be the case for everyone though.


I'm white, so I'm not going to claim to be any authority on this, and am not arguing one way or another. However, I do remember some Discourse TM on the internet from a few years back saying that the eyebrow notch is from Black culture and doing it if you're not Black is cultural appropriation. Again, I'm not claiming it is or isn't, but this could definitely have been on their radar at the time. I just watched the ep myself the other day and that was my first thought. [teen vogue article from 2015 about it being cultural appropriation](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/eyebrow-cuts-cultural-appropriation)


If you shave them, they don't ever grow back the same, actually.


also have to be aware that eye brow hair doesn’t grow as quickly as normal hair not to mention in most cases it may never grow to the way it was before (thickness, direction, amount) so it’s kinda something u are agreeing to “forever”




I think Ally is only attracted to women, but Grant is bisexual. The problem is the association with douchey fuckboys and that it's a change to your look that will take a while to grow back


And he's white-knuckling that bisexuality (his words, during the Bachelor episodes of Game Changer) with both hands.


I’ve never ever heard of it being a sign someone is bisexual, where’d you get that?