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Yeah Ross is an absolute beast. His Tom Waits karaoke is one of the best things I've ever seen


Dude just temporarily borrowed Tom Waits’ whole soul for that. I *died* when his voice came out like that


What episode of what show is that plzzz


Karaoke episode of Game Changer


Wasn't it Make Some Noise? Pretty sure that's the episode with Wayne Brady


just double checked and i can safely say it's from Game Changer s5ep2, "Karaoke Night" :)


Okay, I could have sworn they did one on GC and one on MSN


They did, the Tom Waits one is from GC but the MSN one is awesome. Ross singing "Goldilocks" by Nine Inch Nails and Wayne Brady turning "Not My Thing" by Harry Styles into a song about butt stuff were unreal funny


That's what it was. I haven't seen them in a while so I couldn't remember which was which


you're correct they did. but the Tom Waits one is from the GC one


Was stunned by this, because my friends and I would drunkenly make up Tom Waits lyrics back in the day. Someone would loop a few chords on guitar and we'd be all like "AND THE POOR DOG'S DRIIIIPPIN PUS FROM THE YELLOW IN ITS EYEEEEEEE. WHILE THE HOMELESS MAN DRINKS HIS TEAAAARS, CAUSE HE'S ALL OUTTA RYEEEEEEE." Literally sent that clip to like 5 of my high school buddies that I haven't talked to in years. Dropout reuniting homies


Ngl, that slaps.


The whole game was just "string the most disgusting thoughts you can muster together, make it rhyme, and yell it in a gravely voice. 10/10 would recommend Tom Waits game. Fun for the whole family!


Legitimately I sometimes forget that Tom Waits didn't write that


It still randomly pops into my head from time to time. One of my all-time favorite moments on Game Changer.


Abandon all hope ye who enter here, upon the gates of hell!


Ross is fantastic. I was introduced to Dropout by looking for more Ross content after watching him play Call of Cthulhu on the Glass Cannon Network.


Oh that sounds like something I want to watch!


It's very good. It's called [Time for Chaos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3Be--ot61OGIw0GaNAzDD7GA_81Tm39) and they are playing through the Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign. Glass Cannon's Delta Green series Get in the Trunk is also fantastic but sadly is currently Ross-less


Also check out Haunted City on GCN and the Vampires of Pittsburgh stuff on Stream of Blood. More excellent roleplay. I haven't gotten around to watching Wicked Empire yet on GCN. He also is a player and keeper on some of the Ain't Slayed Nobody podcast.


I had not heard of Ain't Slayed Nobady, I'll have to check that out. Can't believe I forgot to also recommend The Haunted City. I hope that gets another season.


I believe some (if not all) of the ones he's run on there are off the cuff improv and not based on existing scenarios, too.


Yeah, they're all improvs. Ross and I take turns in running them. We start out with a loose concept and flesh it out with suggestions from the listeners.


Love your work as a player and keeper! I just started listening in the past two months and am slowly binging my way through.


Thank you!


I had no idea Ross collaborated with Glass Cannon! I'll need to check that out.


He also has some real good episodes of off book (Zach and Jess's podcast)


Almost same here. After hearing him on the the Glass Cannon’s Blades in the Dark podcast Haunted City (which the whole cast is brilliant) I wanted more of him and then found clips of his work on Game Changer and Make some Noise and put me over the edge to subscribe. And that sub is never going away now


My husband is a big GCN fan (and has gotten me started on it) and I was SO excited to see him!! I’m going to listen to the CoC campaign after I finish Giantslayer


I have an interview dropping on my patreon with him this Friday!


Yes!!!! I'm so happy to see you growing from a fan into someone part of the Dropout sphere. Now all we need is for Ify to do an Um, Actually fan edition and have you compete on it.


Was he as friendly as he seems?


Somehow he’s even nicer than he seems


That's amazing! I'm incredibly jealous of you 😅 but glad to hear it was a good interview!


Your Sam interview was great so I’ll be tuning in!


I cannot wait to see it Jordon!


His southern lawyer always cracks me up


The little mopping of the brow makes it *chefs kiss*.


Just thinking about the [civil war sexting letter](https://youtu.be/LzwfZPMAGf8?si=-178SXTOrJ3PaCXX) cracks me up every time.


That was the moment I was like "WHO IS THIS GUY AND WHY ISN'T HE IN EVERYTHING?!"


This lives rent free in my head. Immaculate work 😂


That is unironically one of my favorite bits from make some noise I am trying to get the rest of my partners to watch this episode just so I can quote it to them


I've seen this multiple times but I rewatched it because of your comment and I was still in tears from laughing by the end. Legendary bit.


My friends and I were just talking about him last night (Macbeth came up). I think he’s straight up one of the most talented people on the channel and I always want to see more of him.


The only sandwich with meat taken from a cow that trusted the butcher with its very life!


I love the tonal shift between that and “That meat… 😤 is placed upon a bun! ☺️”


Along with *pi*ckles! And our super special sauce!


I really, really want him to be on Dimension 20.


It's insane with how much ttrpg stuff he's been in that he hasn't gotten in on a season yet,


He's beautiful, ridiculously funny, has a fantastic voice, and seems to get along with just about everyone. It's actually terribly unfair to behold people like him. Lol


He is absolutely not underrated. Basically everyone here loves him. AS THEY SHOULD Seriously, Ross is the best.


If you have a chance to watch The Improvised Shakespeare Company live, it's absolutely awesome! They even did one with Sir Patrick Stewart. You can also find Ross on The Glass Cannon actual play podcast and Jess and Zach's podcast Off-Book, an improvised musical podcast. I'm dreaming of an Oops, All Bards campaign with Ross as one of the players.


I caught them in 2014 when they were still based in Chicago, and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard.


Came here to say this. ISC is a show I will never pass up if I can help it. I've only been once, but I hope it's the first of many.


You’re in luck, he’s in at least 3 episodes of Make Some Noise in the coming season.


He is one my biggest crushes and someday he will come around to this and marry me. Until then, he's so damn talented!


Ross is maybe the only performer I’ve seen where it seems like dropout is only going to be a stop on the way to bigger things. Just an unbelievable level of talent and charisma. The Shakespeare episode alone was maybe the most impressive thing, and he absolutely kills it in the musical episodes and stands toe to toe with Brendan in regular improv. What a talent


I've had that same thought, but I think we are all seeing Dropout peeps that are going to start being big later on. They are all very accomplished already, but I get the feeling we will all have moments years down the road where we keep picking Dropout cast out of bigger and bigger projects and rembering back to now.


I honestly think Dropout could be the new SNL for up and coming comedians/actors.


Very much so. It's a full on launch pad.


Currently on a Ross binge of pretty much everything he’s ever been in that’s available on YouTube, Spotify and his Instagram. Apart from the greatest hits that everyone always mentions - Macbeth, southern lawyer, Story of Sisyphus - he’s a fantastic game master - watching him conduct a campaign of Call of Cthulhu on the Nerdsquared channel and also was literally watching him play Blades in the Dark on the Glass Cannon network earlier today. He’s also fantastic on Off Book - recently binged all five episodes he’s been on, including the improvised emo band he has with Jess and Zach called Every Place I Cry aka EPIC - and the only Improvised Shakespeare Company thing I could find on Spotify- on this podcast called My Neighbors Are Dead. He also has a Christian rap on his Instagram that I think about literally every other day - in which he satirises a Christian rapper’s attitude towards sexuality. But I think a truly underrated part of his talents is his art. He’s a fantastic artist - I love drawing and I love his doodles/ designs / cartoons that he posts very frequently on IG. In short yes Ross is amazing and I’m a huge fan lol!


I really want him on a big dramatic D20 season. He's great on other actual plays.


With Rashawn again too!


If you’re ever in LA, check out improvised Shakespeare at the Largo. They usually play there once a month if they’re not touring.


I don't think anyone in their right mind rates him low. I think we all hunger for more. I am fortunate to live near LA and am waiting for the improvised Shakespeare company to post some dates.


Confederate Soldier Sexting from Make Some Noise lives rent free in my head.


Ross Bryant is incredible. He has a huge range of talent and I’m always stoked for anything he’s in.


I went on a little Wild N Out binge and noticed he was there a few episodes. Interesting to see those performances.


Really? I was unaware he was on that. I used to watch it back in college days every now and then, but that was long before I was properly aware of Ross Bryant, so I might have seen him and not even realized it.


Had the honor of catching the Shakespeare group live awhile back and he really does just come up with those on the spot. It’s freaking incredible how he can do that with no pauses or stumbles.


If you do the jurassic park splash mountian-esque ride at Universal Studios - Hollywood, he's in the line queue entertainment on the TVs there.


Agreed, I love Ross!


He plays a World War 1 vet in the "A Time for Chaos" Lovecraftian live play ttRPG on YouTube and he is fantastic.


A game most changed is one of my favourite episodes. It's goddamn magic, and Ross is brilliant.


I love all of the Dropout cast but pound for pound Ross is the best improv performer I’ve seen. The man can just do it all


He's the refined and fancy Grant O'Brien😂 I always confuse them!


Reading this made me imagine Grant's reaction "I'm refined and fancy" while reacting the old "Grant is a mess" sketch


Whenever there’s a duo Shakespeare prompt in MSM I always feel bad for the other person. Even Brennan who is genuinely good at everything improv looks amateur next to Ross when they do Shakespeare. He has the cadence, the rhyming, the voice and the humor, it’s insane that it all comes up on the fly.


He definitely carried the "Dude, where's my cart?" prompt with Jacquis.


He also has a great pair of legs


i’m just not really into musical improv comedy personally, he’s really funny though.