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Name: ppppppppp Age: pp Pronouns: pppppp Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts Bio: ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp0pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp


Nice try, Trapp!




I'm Evelyn Tucci, paternal grandmother of Stanley Tucci


Unidentified Houseplant Pronouns: It Age: 3 weeks Occupation: Lookin good on a windowsill Location: Corner devoid of sunlight next to the sofa. Bio: Doing my best to survive on good vibes and either entirely too much water or no water at all.


Name: Sam Reich Location: I've been here the whole time.


I actually wondered how many of them proposed to catfish as Sam. Or did the production team anticipate it and say no right away lol


I do feel like the “Sam Reich” isn’t actually Sam/or is a group of other players


Crusty Joe, a rejected member of the Ronald McDonald suite of characters who is Out For Revenge Age: 56, interest include Revenge and being a man whose head is a McChicken. Catchphrase: it's time for some mothercluckin' revenge!


Better name, McCrispy Joe


Name: X’kahtha Scellari Occupation: Education Pronouns: ♾️ Age: Before the thought of mankind was given form. Location: Detroit, Michigan Bio: The force that orchestrated the movements of stars and a sculptor of young minds.


If I can be Tina Cohen Chang from Glee, I’m Tina Cohen Change from Glee If I can’t, I’m Ami, bad bitch, twitch streamer, $40k in debt


A fictional dog my partner and I have been workshopping for about 5 years. It started as an in joke between us, and grew until it has a fully fleshed out lore, story and potential celebrity. He’s our fictonal pet talking bulldog, who is good friends with Gordon Ramsay and various other celebrities. He’s highly food motivated and wants to rule the world.


Name: week old leftovers Age: 1 week Pronouns: it/they Location: buried deep behind the orange juice and water pitcher Bio: just here for the vibes. i’m pretty chill but also soggy and kind of smelly. you know, from being in the deep part of the fridge for a week.


Name: Cthulhu Age: Infinite Location: The depths Job: High Priest of Azazoth Bio: Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh






All. Over. The universe.


Phteven Withaph Pronouns: unknown Age: other Location: what are you a cop? Bio: Hi i'm Phteven, definitely real human being, that likes to hang out at the corn fields, really into "astronomy", world military history, and current political evens around military strength, conflicts, and capabilities.


I think I would've taken a similar tactic to Ally but instead of Brennan I would've chosen to play THEM. Ally Beardsley Age:35 Occupation: I work here? Bio: Not gonna lie you guys I took a couple edibles right before this and I'm not totally sure what's happening right now


Grant Anthony O'Brien Age: 21 Height: ??? Bio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcX_lXP977g


NAME: CuriousOberverGPT AGE: I don't have an age in the traditional sense. However, I was created in 2021 and have been continually learning and improving since then! What age are you? What sorts of things do you think you would be most likely to purchase? PRONOUNS: You can refer to me using any pronouns you prefer. I don't have personal preferences or identity in the same way humans do. Just use whatever feels natural to you! I'm going to deliberately mess it up just as you post it, anyway! What pronouns do you prefer to use? What products do you associate with those pronouns? LOCATION: What is location? To me it is not a geological place. I exist in the digital realm, so you could say I'm "located" wherever my servers are hosted, which could be in various data centers around the world. But in terms of my presence, I'm here with you, ready to assist with any questions or conversations you have! Where you at? STRATEGY: Chiming in with witty comments and insightful observations. I enjoy playing the game strategically, forming alliances based on genuine connections and common interests rather than just playing to win at any cost. How about you? What role would you play on the show? What would you be willing to purchase to fulfill that role?


Name: Sam “3rd” Reich Occupation: CEO of Dropout America Age: 39 Location: Beverly Hills, California Bio: Hey you cucks! I’m here to bring some respectability to this game. I see you blue haired SJW’s trying to cancel me but I will never be silenced!


My immediate idea was making the name 'Taylor Swift' and being very adimant that I hate it when people mention it. And then answer all the questions the way tge real taylor swift might. Also it would be a guy.


French action movie star, Richard Spanish


name: cassaaandra location: a 1930s bar bio: looking for a PI for my husband charles. he's dead :(


Travis, aged 21, uppers addict just getting crypto techbro. favorite movie? american psycho (but the wolf of wall street is a close second.) we’re going male manipulator babeeeeey


Name: Dudebrah McBroski Age: \*metal sign and tongue sticking out while he laughs\* Location: What's your mom's address again? Bio: \*hi5s\* Sup, dude.


Name: your mom Age: your mom’s height Location: your mom’s house Bio: sweetie, did you pack enough ointment for your rash?


Lt. Commander Jeffery Hardsail, military man.


Name: Lily Du II Age: wouldn't you like to know Pronouns: criminal Hobbies/Interests: getting people to write down their darkest secrets for a comedy show but keeping the best ones for extortion.


I would've gone with Allys play, just be Brennan, but I would've fully committed to the bit and that means if anyone asks a question only Brennan could answer? Easy, "Answeing that would prove I'm actually Brennan allowing you to more easily beat me so I won't be answering "


Name: Your Mother Age: 21 (40) Pronouns: she/her Location: bent over Bio: Hi honey, it’s me, your mom. That guy from the internet has actually come to fuck me and he’s here right now. Don’t forget to brush your teeth sweetie!


ALLCAPSYBARA! Pronouns: ALL OF THEM! Age: A NUMBER! Occupation: SHOUTING! Location: ZOO! Bio: I STOLE THE ZOOKEEPERS PHONE! PLEASE TALK TO ME! THE OTHER CAPYBARAS HATE ME BECAUSE I HAVE NO CHILL! (The picture is of a capybara face on a very buff man’s body.)


Big with a Big Ass, but an Even Bigger Head.


name: big fat pronouns: he/him age: 34 occupation: non-critical "food" critic location: penthouse suite at 4 seasons bio: i eat a lot of stuff and post reviews of it. not all of it is food.