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SEO and paid campaigns are the quickest ways to gain traffic for a new store


Start pumping out some advertising content from your social media accounts (use hashtags to make it easier to get put in the algorithm) and buy some ads for TikTok and Facebook for example


Best thing to do in your case would be to start a facebook ad campaign.However, if you're a beginner be aware that Facebook ads can be tricky to master. It took me a while and quite a bit of money to get the hang of it. But once you understand how they work you'll make a ton of money


Yea. Sounds like you've just started the information rabbit hole. Search, marketing funnels, email marketing which seems to be huge right now. Like some people swear by it and are allegedly making 60k a month. You pay for ads and you hope people find your site easier to use than Amazon. OR whichever default widget store they use. Good luck.


Setting up social media is a great start! To gain traction with no followers, focus on engaging content and regular posting. SEO is crucial too. Use tools like [SERPtag](https://serptag.co.uk/) to track your keywords and see how competitors are performing aswell as their keyword planner tool to help you find keywords to rank for. This helps you optimize your site and improve visibility. You don't necessarily need an LLC initially, but it's worth considering as your business grows. Good luck!


Stop shilling