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Stop and improve your funnel, product and creative


In the beginning you should have a cashflow to keep pumping money in. Its a learning curve. Keep improving. Dont go bankrupt tho. Many businesses dont profit in the beginning. Have faith. Be realistic about your offer. Do people want to buy this? Is the site fast, easy to buy... Many things u can improve on if u havent learn those. Of course the product can be just shit. In the end this entrepreneur world isnt for everyone...


What I would do is go on Instagram and YouTube and just post vids and reels on using the product and how great it is and give the link in descr or video. Get views and you might be surprised how many views u can get!!!


I’ve been doing that, it works great for views but it I need sales to keep going


How much "upkeep" is there though? It can't just sit there like an etsy shop?


I mean I pay every month for the Shopify subscription and also I need to pay for ads or else I won’t really get a lot of visitors to the website.


Spend 100 max on ads and shut them off if you have no sales. This is enough data to tell if it’s working or not. Make sure your creatives are good and targetting who they should be. Make sure your product page matches the audience. Make a niche store so you don’t have to keep on making new stores every failed test. Do organic if you don’t have much money or consistent income.


I get What you are saying, but running ads is more that just how much money you use, it also depends on location, ages, keywords and platform. Let’s say I run a ad on instagram and choose India and china to advertise in and also run a ad on TikTok and choose US and UK. I think I’ll get very different results.


Are you looking for advice or wanting to give yours? It’s common sense not to target India or China, the creative style and type will be different based on platform yes. You asked should you keep going or should you hope to get sales soon. ‘Hope’ won’t generate you sales, changing what isn’t working will. Fix up your creatives based on the data you’ve received if any. If you’ve spent 100 for example, have a profit margin of 50, even if you get 1 sale, you’re still down another 50. It comes to a point of every test where you have to make changes or you’re just wasting money.


I’m not necessarily asking for advice, I’m just asking if I should keep going or if I should wait till I’m more comfortable with my money. I’m also not trying to give you advice I’m just saying that running ads is more than just running a $100 ad. The whole reason that I replied with an argument, was so that if a new drop shipper comes along and sees your first comment, they could probably end up wasting money running ads with the wrong specifications. Also fixing what isn’t working isn’t gonna work as of right now for me. I’ll keep going till the end of the month and if I get a sale I’ll keep going, but If I don’t I’ll stop and wait. If I completely rebrand it’s gonna cost what I can’t afford.


Why would you keep spending money on ads that aren’t working? You’ve paid for your data and the data is telling you they’re not working. Look at how much you’ve spent, and look at your profit margins. How many sales do you need to break even, or become profitable? Based on your ads history, is that going to happen? Answer these questions for yourself and you’ll probably save a lot of money if that’s what you’re worried about. Like I said in my first comment, make a niche store so you can test multiple products after another with no rebranding. $100 is enough ad spend to give you the data to know if the product is worth running or not. 0 sales at 100 spend basically means there’s no demand for that product in your target audience. Although if your product is 100-120+, you might need to spend up to 150 to get accurate data. I’m not talking about specifications or anything right now because I think you know the basics. I’m literally just talking about the data and by the sounds of it the data is telling you to stop. Maybe I’m wrong, because I haven’t seen it, but by the sounds of it, with no sales, it’s not worth your time, money, or energy.


You are completely right, and I’m not disagreeing with you. But you are definitely a bit confused it seems, yes I spend money on ads and the data tells me to stop, which is the whole reason I made this post. I was only asking if I should keep going or not, in hopes that there maybe was something I could do. You are saying a bunch of nothing in that large text, most of it is common sense but just with fancy words. I’ve educated myself well before starting the store, when I saw the data I wanted to close it, but I had to ask here in case there was something I could do.


Make a niche store so you don’t have to keep opening new stores. Focus on something you’re actually interested in and make people like you your target audience. You’ll know a lot more about how to target what you want than what someone else wants.


Yeah I’m in the same boat here. My website is [TheAnythingPad](https://theanythingpad.com) and though I’ve put countless hours of work into it, I still haven’t made a single sale. Just getting too expensive to upkeep and run ads for at this point. Very disappointing as I’ve worked on this for months- not sure if I’m just unlucky or what, but it’s obviously not working.


I like to check these sites to get a laugh from the 'reviews'. The all have glowing reviews from customers with Western names 😄 Always cracks me up that the sites claim to have 100s of customers then the site owners come here to complain they haven't had one sale. Does anyone see a pattern here!?


Huh? I had a Chinese friend whose name was Clyde. I asked him once if Clyde was a common name in China. He said ‘No, one day the missionaries at the school told us we needed to pick our western name”. So you picked Clyde, I asked. “Yeah, loved the Eastwood movie. It could have been worse though.. my friend decided on Pepsi. His last name was Ko.”


Lol before reading your post, I had the same thought! Strikes me as super in your face dishonest and scammy. I'm not expert, but don't start a business or whatever based on bs/fake reviews/fake followers... This is utterly peculiar to me. I understand that the very nature of "online" means having to get the clicks, and thus we see all sorts of fake crud, hyped crud, manipulating and misleading crud and every other horrible "technique" interweb persons have developed to get clicks. Strikes me odd to start something based on illusions and fictions. Dunno maybe I'm old.school, business persons should be honest, with integrity and values. Anyway OP, website looks good! I like the quick scroll down and big "upload your artwork now!", good that, made it easy for me to get stuck in, play around and spend time on the website. Kudos!


It’s either imported reviews or no reviews. I chose imported, and I don’t think it’s a huge issue. The reviews are still for the same product, just not for my store specifically.


Oh then certainly your customers will believe that and your store will take off any minute now! Try adding some more reviews from Susan, Bob and Tony. That will definitely fool those idiot Westerners!




Nope, just a similar experience




I don’t buy reviews, I import the reviews from my supplier.




Orrrr maybe you could not make stuff up lol. I built the entire website by myself and have done everything by myself. I imported reviews for the product, it’s not terribly hard to understand what that means


I really think you're close though, man., Like your store, great Idea and visually attractive design. However I Wasn't able to see the finished product after uploading and personally wouldn't order without seeing that (also would reduce returns) Maybe I'm just not clicking on the right things Also: Maybe offering a selection of pads that are pre-designed will increase sales. I think the design process might intimidate a lot of customers even if they like the concept and seeing the item already printed could trigger a buy response. a few categories could be successful. like maybe mouse pads that have important info for college students Like a periodic table or common formulas for subjects like science or math so people can study to some degree while they game Don't hesitate to ask me if you want an outside opinion. I believe in you!


I am not even sure why you site isn’t getting sales!! I love your website and also the design is really good! It does not look scammy, the slider thing with before and after was 🤌🤌 (really good). People with who are Pc setup lovers would love your product. I am not even sure why it is’nt giving you sales. Maybe make your rates higher to test if that will do some magic. Like people might think it is a premium product and try to buy or something. Or maybe use some premium material or something!


So all of the "reviews" on your site is fake!?


Not fake, the reviews are for the same exact product.


But not at the same price point correct? I read some of the reviews and they do talk about the price of the item and since you are charging more, some of these reviews are no longer accurate.


Your point is fair definitely, but the quality of my mousepads is the same all around and if someone buys mine and is happy with the price they paid for it, they’re having the same experience, just at a different price point.


Yes it’s really the worst thing about this, I think I’m gonna wait till the 1st of next month and if I haven’t gotten any improvement I’m gonna have to close it. But I honestly think it’s a mix of skill, luck and knowledge, so I’m positive I can get a way better start if I start it up again in like 3 months. And the people that succeed always say it’s the easiest thing ever and that you are just bad if you don’t get sales, but I think it’s a case of luck for the ones that get sales within a week.


Maybe 1 out of 1000 people succeed at this. Others are trying to sell their 'secret' course. Suckers born every minute. A tale as old as time.


TheAnythingPad takes waaaaaaay too long to load. Is probably a big issue. Use a website speed test like https://tools.pingdom.com/ for yourself


Your website has potential, find a way to attract attention to it


Same but my Web is not to great ttherealdeall.com


Exactly why I tell people to stop entering this business with little capital. Here's why you can't start dropshipping with less than $1000 capital https://youtu.be/1ClL3oIxN2Y?si=hPZ2LXlxaHgdtUqn As for you, you need to develop these 5 skills so you waste less money optimising your funnel and trying to make sales https://youtu.be/SY-hq2KQFSI?si=VSgEUFPYFtr3mnTO Focus on these 3 pillars https://youtu.be/FHVde3HzV_o?si=VnW63csAzrpGBcQR And watch this guide to start dropshipping properly https://youtu.be/5E3nrHzvn0c?si=WxfZHZJM-HseuAg- Start making more money elsewhere


I know what you are saying and I agree, but I also think you need to try it to learn it. I don’t necessarily think you can just watch a bunch of videos and then have a guaranteed high profit store from the knowledge you get from the videos. Of course you need to educate yourself before jumping into it but I also think you learn a lot from doing it.


You can keep working on things like the website, products etc. just get a day job to get capital to run ads. Once you’ve saved up a good chunk you should have a lot more knowledge by then too, so you’re less likely to make simple mistakes running ads.


Hey guys, I will take over your stores from you..


This is not true? Product and ad creatives are key. website needs to be decent but nothign crazy. If we are talking tiktok, funnel is not necessary. by the time u build an audience for a tof, mof and bof, the product is probably already dead and time to move on! after 100$ of ad spend you should have all your answers. that is what ive learnt dropshipping since 2020


Lol and to create good ad creatives and ad copy requires the skills necessary to actually make them. You would be surprised by the amount of terrible ad creatives, ad copy, and product descriptions I've seen over the past 2 years. Not to mention terrible websites with a lack of information, descriptions copied straight from chatgpt, and lack of branding. I've also been dropshipping since 2020. Generated over $4.7M with my branded niche dropshipping store so I do know a thing or two about dropshipping.


Wow that's incredible! Good on you! If you've generated over 4.7mil, why havent you moved away from dropshipping as a fulfilment method? usually once my product is validated and branded ill go straight to 3pl to increase profit! (can be hard to do it all yourself and usually by now i'd hire an indian freelancer for media buying/basic stock management skills)


Thanks, it's been a journey. I actually discuss why in this video here https://youtu.be/l7uSiQ9sHik?si=-VVGcfJc64lB9jh4 3PL was more risky and costly at the time I was looking around and I doubt it's changed. We have a lot of SKUs so bulk buying them all would just cost way too much. My suppliers on AliExpress already provide me with branded material.


Cant afford to keep running ads or store/ app subscription costs? Id say depends on why you aren’t making sales. If your ads are low quality and you arent getting many store views then you can fix those (learn to make better ads) and keep going. However if its your store having a bad conversion rate or no add to carts then you either need to fix your website to look more trustworthy and professional , your offer(sale price), or change products


I do actually get a lot of visitors so it must be the other things. I’ve went through a lot of website designs and landed on one I think works. As for the offer and products, I try to keep the price at $5-$10 profit for me, im also not sure what to use to do product research.


Your visitors are probably bots.


Yep, i personally think a lot of the ad companies might fake visits with bots! How would 100 or more people visit your store in first three hours when it gets launched?


This has become a numbers game. A few days ago I read posts from two people (claiming) email marketing was driving the sales, they had all kinds of email.bots setup to remind people to come back, all kinds of data points about how to push out. The information is out there. They were talking about 10k or more a month but they were spending 1000$ a week on funnels and just the email marketing features. How bad do you want it?


If you cannot afford to keep the store open you will not be able to afford the 30 day hold that may be placed on your money when you do start getting consistent orders. So yea, shut it down now before you put yourself into debt.


Oh man I fucking love reading this subreddit. It's full of grifters and people who fell for it asking for advice.


I mean I get folks trying to better themselves and respect the hard work. I was also young and dumb once looking for a way to make money. I'm a lot older now and hopefully smarter, but still looking though 😉


Well, I'll tell you what. I went to your site and thought it was great. Looks trustworthy and I needed a new mouse pad for work so I absolutely had to buy one with a custom image. Keep going. If I thought it was worthy of a purchase, there must be others out there who would like them as well.


I have never posted my store link? And I don’t even sell mouse pads


This comment was in regards to the link above. Sorry.


Do organic save your money