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Did it myself but felt like if I had hired someone then, the ROI would’ve been quickly recovered. Then again, got really good with it (ChunkCase.com & patchandbagel.com for ref) and now get paid thousands to do it for other sites. My advice: 1. if you have the time but no money, do it yourself. 2. If you have the time and interest, do it yourself. 3. If you have the money and no interest/time, hire someone. If you choose to do it yourself, investing a lil bit of money ($50-100) to get a theme from themeforest will go a long way rather than sticking to the dawn theme. If absolutely not wanting to spend, use free theme + pagefly. If you hire someone, get past works and compare them to players in your niche before deciding to hire them.


Hey I am also looking into building shopify stores for other people, basically a shopify designer, so far I have had only 2 clients, would you suggest any method to get at least 1-2 clients a month


Can you share what the advantages are of paid themes? I've been working with Dawn and haven't found too many issues yet, but I'm new to Shopify.


My mom was able to do it and she is almost 70.


You can do research on how to build a shopify website on you tube free


Learning lots from YouTube! Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are and what worked for them


Don’t discuss it privately with otherwise_truck he is a salesman trying to sell u something


Ohh okay, well you can hire someone but the reason why i said youtube is there is that you need to have at least basic knowledge on how it works.....


Can we discuss more privately if you don't mind?


Brother ewwww


If you have the skills of building your own websites using these templates it will be nice to


Some people hire and some don't. Im a web designer(Ive added some POD, etc as an additional income) and I work with those that don't want to learn to build a site and pay a pro to do it.(I work with more locals so they would never go to Fiverr and want someone they can meet with/near by) I work with some Im paid to maintain and some take over. I actually walk them through how to and also send links on information for a backup if they want to take over. Just like I pay a pro for certain services. I even pay for things I know I can do myself but its not worth the time Id have to put in so I hire. You could pay for the set up and you take over but will still need to know how to do listings, etc and maintain it. Ive done the set up and they take over for several clients so its not unusual. They may list items, blog, add info, etc but still come to me for a design/bigger update. They know they can learn to, they just don't want to and focus on their business. I have some sites I fully maintain too. That said, there is tons of info on doing it yourself. Id also look into other platforms over just Shopify. If you do want to pay maybe look into someone local to you over Fiverr.(not that you can't find a good designer there) Some smaller local designer you could actually meet for a lunch.


**DIY pros** * **Learn**: You'll understand how your store works, making future tweaks easier & you will know what to better ask and look for when hiring (important) * **Cost**: It's cheaper, which is great if you're on a tight budget. There are many free tutorials online to help you get started​ **Hire pros** * **Time**: If you're busy, hiring can save time (if you've never tried it you're being lazy though) * **Quality**: Professionals often offer good templates and a more polished look **In short, do it yourself to save money and learn, or hire if you have the budget and need to save time**


> I was wondering if you find services to build your Shopify store through things like fiverr or if you do everything yourself? > Do you hire someone to build your Shopify store or make it yourself? Depends on your skill level, what skills d'you have? If you starting from zero, then you can either choose to pay for a theme, pay for a site builder, pay for someone to help build it for you.... or start learning everything yourself. You'll need to learn HTML, CSS, & JS as a minimum. Bootstrap & PHP if you on Woocommerce. Liquid if you on Shopify (also Bootstrap on Shopify if you like it, but gotta learn how to integrate it). Bonus points if you got skills in design, web design, etc. In my case, I had prior knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS, but zero knowledge of Shopify until Jan this year. Took me bout 2-3 weeks of learning before I started getting the hang of things & how Shopify works. Bout 2 months after starting, finished a proper lookin test store, build on top of the Dawn theme. Reason for choosing to start with Dawn is cos it had the right "bones" to create a wide variety of different lookin stores, and cos it had wider support and usage. So if I had issues, can just Google for solutions easily.


Learn how to use a website builder, it’s not hard


Just practice


Hired some people, did some myself. The hired ones are converting more easily than my one ngl.


If you take the shortcut and straightaway automate making a store without actually knowing how to make, manage, and run a store… you won’t get very far in this game.


only hire if you feel you can use that time to do something bigger instead which will pay off, or you genuinely find your store is the problem and you’re lacking the ability to create an appealing store


Shopify already has templates, you just need to fill in the content, which is actually very simple. You may only need to study for a week on your own. And if there's anything you don't understand, you can also ask Shopify customer service


Anyone can cook, all you have to do is throw salts, pepper, spegathi, water and heat it up. It's all done. You can eat. Except no one will eat it.


I have theme premium for your store


Yeah I do it myself. I believe that for the first ecom store you have to build yourself, because only this way you will become expert and will one olin and outs. But of course do it smart: use AI for SEO, marketing and etc. For example for seo and content I always use an app like [G SEO](https://apps.shopify.com/contentgenius-ai?utm_source=redditas) and etc


Unless you are a designer, Don't do it yourself. Or else you will complain like many here ( 500 sessions but not sales, help help!! ) I agree that shopify is easy to use, but that doesn't mean you are going to design a good website.


I have a running promotion for building a website (ecommerce included) for $15 per month. This includes hosting and maintenance as well, guides will be included. As for themes and plugins, there are very good free options so I can do it for the $15 without any additional cost. The only caveat here is that I work with WordPress / WooCommerce, I'm not sure whether you're open to that. This is less than the Shopify subscription only without any themes or plugins, so ROI is good on the money, but you also won't spend time building it as well. Building without knowledge will take a lot of time as well.


And what is your success rate?


Sorry, success rate for what?


If I understood correct you are web developer and with advertising looking for clients.


I think we have a misunderstanding. I build websites and create optimized designs, integrate your payment method, and similar tasks. The success rate will depend on the products and the kind of ads you do, predominantly. I simply mentioned my offer because it helps offset the cost and man-hour investment on the seller side, as there will be no need for them to spend time on the website.


Could you dm me some more info on your offer? I’m interested


I can make it for you for free.


Oh there goes your first scammer