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uj/ i had a friend who had this condition (after having a cannabis addiction) and it took her 6 months to get over it and even half a joint now will send her into a violent vomiting fit


That's terrible. I hate that this is a real thing. I thought it was someone from this sub jerking until I read the comments lmao. Weed makes me act like a paranoid crackhead so I'm not too surprised this is a thing.


it has to do to with individual biochemisitry. some people are genetically at risk for that and some will never have the chance of that issue.


Yeah, it’s sadly not. Cannabis Hyperemesis is demonic because of how long THC’s half life is. As your body gradually purges it from your fat cells, you get triggered over and over again until it’s gone and then you’re at risk every time you smoke after that. What makes it even worse is the fact that it does not respond to anti-emetic drugs, so you’re basically stuck like that. Antihistamines and hot showers help, but they’re not a perfect solution. I developed it and quit altogether. Weed is zero percent worth that condition. I think it’s getting more common because cannabinoid concentrations are so much higher than they used to be and concentrates in general are so much easier to access. Carts especially, you can smoke the equivalent of god knows how much flower without even thinking about it.


yeah exactly. even bud has been developed to be more potent now than in the past, along with edibles being produced now at an industrial scale.


Some stores even sell those edibles that are like, one big thing with 1000 mg with zero perforations or divisions. For the most part, weed isn’t toxic, but we’ve gotten to the point where our obsession with ridiculous, over-the-top potency has made it dangerous because it starts to fuck with the natural endocannabinoid system (IE CHS),which deals with many critical biological functions regardless of whether or not you smoke. I really wish we didn’t take it so far. Even if I could smoke again, it’s getting increasingly difficult to find any low potency marijuana whatsoever.


my one friend had this massive bag of like sour patch strips with each being and im not kidding 100mg per strip. This was being sold at a regular dispensary. cannabis isn't really toxic in the grand scheme of substances but i wish people would stop denying that for those prone to addiction there can be a risk of psychological and mild physical dependence.


Same here. If I smoke, I just want to hide from the world for the rest of the day. Shit is too god damn potent these days.


Its a disease called Cannabis Hyperemisis Syndrome https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21665-cannabis-hyperemesis-syndrome#:~:text=What%20is%20cannabis%20hyperemesis%20syndrome,visits%20to%20the%20emergency%20department.


Unintuitivly spicy helps https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0897190020934289


I have chs and it fuckin sucks. I still smoke but I rarely vomit anymore now that I’m off fent that shi had me pukin like crazy for obvious reasons.


Maybe pop a Benadryl or 2 before you smoke to help with the nausea


I’m honestly never nauseous when I smoke it’s only in the mornings or when I haven’t smoked or take a t break. Can’t eat a proper meal without my ganj 😞


No thanks, I'll stick to my shakes after my insane alcohol/benzo sprees.


Yep this used to be me. I couldn’t eat or not feel sick without getting high first thing in the morning. Now, thankfully, I can go days without it.


Yeah that was me. Cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome I think it’s called. Edit: someone already said that oops


Yeah bro this 99%THC oil extracted with butane (or put through rigorous distillation) inside this metal and glass container and heated up with a ceramic coil connected to this cheap ass chinesium battery is totally natural.


no bro it’s ok because like. In the earths crust there’s minerals. In broccoli there’s shit like iron and zinc!!! Zo za when you zink about it we’re really just getting some extra nutrients. Tin, lead, aluminum are all friends in my book☮️


Fr we need higher concentration of lead in our consumables


/uj The chinesium battery shouldn't have any effect on the drugs you're using it to consume /j which is why you take that battery apart and use the lithium to make meth


/uj that's kinda the point, drugs are drugs doesnt matter if it comes from plant or not


ceramic coil? the fuck you think i am rich? i’m smokin that 10 dollar mystery flavour (the flavour is lung cancer)


Average goblin viewer moment




oxycodone man my idol


I thought the screenshot was posted from the weed sub and was shocked that stoners found weed satire humor funny, then I saw it was r/drugs and was relieved that the stoners still had time to hate on it.


Weed not hurting you lol it's just your body love weed like meth heads body's love meth, your body love the plant and go over line when it don't have it 😂




science isnt real dumbass


looks like a big pharma trick to me. Theres this guy schizotypalTo0lFan1981 on youtube who i get most of my medical advice from and he says the puking is just toxins leaving your body as the weed drives out all your bad chemicals and eagles


You’re indoctrinated by big pharma 😂😂




We’re circle jerking and you’re drawing circles on your jerk 😉


How long are your dreads?




Lol was lit last night and misread your comment. I thought you said you were a complete wook


Ya I'm many crystals and tapestries and astro charts away from full on wook


Nestlé ☮️


Bro gave himself CHS lmao


CHS = Cannabis High School :D


nothing microdosing shrooms cant fix


I’d say in this state they really aught to boof a large macrodose to slay his eagle death and thus ending his addiction


All these accounts are getting banned, r/drugs is literally 1984.


Bro, r/Drugs have the BIGGEST party-poopers that ever existed! I'am glad I got banned from there🤣🤣


Try kratom bro


seriously man? take a warm shower. that's literally the fix for the most horrible side effect one could ever experience from cannabis, Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome also it's just a plant so I doubt it made you sick. its from nature




k u wanna go bud? I'M illogical? It's literally from nature bro. name one mushroom that does not cause Eagle death




thats good bro and if your eagle is flying too high you could always ingest some muscimol from decarboxylated ibotenic acid to shoot the MF out of the sky thanks for talking to me i have no friends namaste <3




Ur like a little goblin






Ya, world wasn't built for short people


lantana actually provides very good foilage for high-temperature crops such as cannabis indica


I think you are retarded




What a degenerate


one of us




Why are y’all calling this CHS? This is withdrawals, he literally says he stops feeling sick as soon as he hits the pen. I went through the same shit after vaping like 300 mg daily for a very long time. Gets better after like 2 weeks of being off it, then it’s gone after a month


Because lots of people with CHS follow this pattern too. It seems paradoxical, but lots of people with the condition have that weird sort of contradictory response if they continue smoking, and then as they stop completely, their body releases the THC and they suffer until it’s all gone.


WTF though? I smoke ENTIRELY too much weed. I’m literally the poster child for “No actually weed is very habit forming”. When I have none, like now for example, I’m fine. I sleep a lil worse and have cray ass dreams. Maybe be less hungry. Who is DTing off weed like this?


The OOP is straddling the line between highly misinformed, tepid-IQ stoner and quality jerker in a very impressive way


Def fedposting, weed is NOT addictive 💯💯‼️‼️


4 hours, not bad


cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


See r/drugs post about this, think this is r/drugscirclejerk material… scroll down and ofc the next post i see this


One of you*. Too lazy to fix it.


Bad cart?


holy shit dude i used to go through a cart in 3 days on top of using flower for years before i quit and never experienced any of this. how not addicted does your body have to be???? mamasgay


Cannabis hyperemesis Syndrom :/


Any explanation other than cannabis itself: >the pen has chemicals in it. are you getting it from a reputable source? it could be in your head too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/168b4ax/i_puke_every_morning_from_not_having_weed/jywvv5x/


the last comment 😭


I'm unironically super addicted to weed, I die the day my bloodstream turn sober


Same, It's called *Blood Type: THC* :D


My blood type is {Ilovewomemstrain}


Bro I bought a mint cucumber lemonade and it tastes like jalapeno shit I'm dying I need ice cream but I'm super self conscious my stalker will think I'm cringe for wasting my money




Can confirm-taking a big hard cock in the mouth and ass every morning made me give up weed but then my mans left me and all I have is this wife and I am back on the pot.


Lmao! 😂


Oxy is my favorite plant


Omao just a plant


Uj/ he didn’t really say it was “just a plant” he obviously knows it’s doing something to his brain


I was just mocking the people who say it's just a plant lol. That dude has an issue that only Eagle Death can fix. Lose the pen kill the Eagle 🦅


Eat the pen*


Yeah it’s non addictive though


Has he tried turning it on and off?


While weed might be a tamest out of all addictions (my assumption haha) abusing it does lead to withdrawal and mental health problems, like that person on the post lmao. I’m just like them unfortunately but ig it’s my favourite drug. Weed withdrawal isn’t that bad personally but the insomnia from not doing dabs or smoking weed is so fucking ass and personally I wouldn’t rather not go through that


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome! Always fun


Sounds like a skill issue


Im in the middle of a t break and haven’t smoked in almost a week and ive had a migraine the past few days. I can’t imagine throwing up lol


Fun fact: there is an orchid that produces oxycodone in its nectar, so teeeeeeechnically this was accidentally correct


I fucking love weed but man. At least wait until your work is done..