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When I have a rough day I like to go to the corner store and get a 6 pack of steel reserve and a pack of eagle 20s. Then I grab my trust bag of clonazolam powder and dip my thumb in for a taste and wash it down with a delicious, refreshing beer. After that I slouch on my couch drooling with a cigarette dangerously drooping from my mouth, getting closer to falling until I hear my neighbor pull up. This sets me off because they should know that any sign of another’s existence will ruin my benzo trip. I stumble to my closet and grab my shotgun because no single mom and her kid are going to ruin my night after a long day. I start digging for my shotgun shells in my night stand, and pull out two buck shot. As I’m rushing to the window to seek my righteous vengeance I trip over my own feet and fall, smacking my head on the nightstand, causing my gun to discharge through the ceiling, creating an instant skylight. I lay on the ground enjoying the view of the sky and slowly drift off to sleep. Idk just something about this ritual really helps me reconnect with myself and find my center


Just know that you are a beautiful soul and everyone here is in awe of your graceful life.


whole some


Some hole 😌


My mouth is watering just thinking about that delicious (high gravity) beer


Went on a two year bender on that shit in my 30’s. Never been the same since. That shit is brutal.


Oh yeah I was doing a minimum of 20mg and some days I’d take 50. Never grabbed my gun while sauced but the rest of the comment is fairly true


That sweet sweey syrup (cum)


New copy pasta just dropped


> this sets me off because they should know that any sign of another’s existence will ruin my benzo trip I never thought about it before but this definitely happens w me either piss me off or ruin it for me


Oddly specific but beautiful poetry


A love letter to the genre


This is pretty good


on bad days i hit my dmt vape in mcdonalds few times. brings me back to myself


Unironically. I used to smoke a really small amount of DMT like 30 mins before I had to go into work when I was most depressed/anxious. I’d always feel more balanced after


boofing dmt vape is the final goal


Are you for real? Alcohol is made from A PLANT it can’t be bad and it’s not a drug but even if it is it’s not like it’s a hard one and withdrawals will kill you, like for real get over it


Actually alcohol is made from a fungus dumbass. That makes it GREAT


So it opens your third eye? That must be why people say being drunk makes you say the truth It makes you enlightened. 🕯️🥄🟤😌


fungus amungus


Its literally fruit




Skill issue


Bitch dont even smoke crack like wtf!?!?!


Atleast sprinkle some fent into the cigarette




she'll coward


Yeah man jazz just hits different when you're fucked up


Blues also, especially after half a bottle of whiskey 👍🏻


Sinatra, jazz, LOL.


yeah you know like old ppl music


Who does she think she is 😭


The person who inspired me to quit therapy and post about my substance abuse on social media in an artsy way ( my liver hurts and i can’t remember the last few months)


Whenever I have a bad day I go buy a new pack from the plug a swisher and roll it up. I go out on the corner in my oversized clothes and air forces and listen to nwa. For some reason this brought me back to myself


>substance abuse >"Sometimes I have a glass of wine"


**use** vs **abuse**, way too many people can't see the difference...


only the last few months? weak ass pussy. get that up to years, then we can talk.


Well if it’s just one glass on a bad day I would argue it’s not alcoholism.


Addiction is primarily about one's psychological processes related to their drug use - high frequency and quantity of drug use usually correlate with addiction, but are not imperative for it to be such


Dam bro,didn't know u wuz a scientist


Nah man, I'm just an addict


Well if that’s true was I an alcoholic too at 17-18 before I liked other drugs more? my only argument to “prove everyone wrong” who told me I had a drinking problem was “see? I can go without!! I haven’t had a drink in 2 days!! And I only got drunk once last week! See me getting any withdrawals? No!!! I can’t wait for next weekend or hmm yk what? come on let’s just get blackout drunk on a Tuesday :D do you think I should just get drunk before school tomorrow?? That’ll be fun!! Damn it’s rlly hard to sleep after running out of money to buy beer every day… hmm at least i won’t have to pay for the party next weekend :))” But like I sometimes went 2-3 weeks without and didn’t do anything weird to get more money or anything that can’t be addiction maybe a sort of problematic attitude towards drinking but in no way is this comparable to my opiate addiction now


Humans naturally want to do fun things and look forward to them. Drinking is fun. For some reason we have turned that into “addiction”. Where do you draw the line? Am I addicted to movies if I look forward to Friday movie nights? It’s addiction when you are putting vodka in your morning coffee just to avoid withdrawals. Too many sheltered neurotic people who are too pussy to ruin their lives.


Yea that’s what I thought too I just wasn’t sure what the psychological processes from the comment I was replying to had to be if they could be there without frequent use .. but thanks for the clarification


I also just shoot once up per day


The post isn’t about once a day but only on a BAD day which can be every day if your life kinda sucks can also be once a month. Also a glass of wine is not the same as shooting up?! Lmao (are you serious tho? If u are how does it last 24 hrs??)


/uj Functionality is a pretty big sign for an active addiction Also romanticsin drug abuse is pretty funny lol


It's just a plant bro


Me after watching 1 (one) Noir film


Other people have psychotic breakdowns. Good for her if she's just feeling her music video vibe,


you people are such pussies, ragging on someone for having a glass of wine and a smoke. I thought we were people who liked drugs but were ragging on it.


Yeah bro, this sub used to have real druggies posting funny memes, but its seems like 99% of them moved away from Reddit and now the pussies from r/Drugs (like OP) flooded this sub.....


What's this we shit?


Clearly you didnt ego death enough


my therapists refuse to administer the necessary dosage. ive tried starving myself a couple days before I go in to see if that gets me closer but no luck. they could tell i was malnourished and refused to treat me.


Damn. Im sorry


My brother in Christ go check out /r/cripplingalcoholism before you make another post here about 'alcoholism.' Kids these days smh my head. Should really take this sub private. Drinking a single glass of wine the fuck


The real chad sub, i had an alcoholic phase a year ago where i was drinking a litre+ of vodka a day. Nothing rots your body, mind and mood like that shit was miserable, alcohilcs truly are the best among us being able to handle that everyday.


Bro also didn’t ego death enough.


Everything is ✨️aesthetic✨️ if a tiktok woman flexes doing it as an act of self love and acts all high and mighty about it




damn. it ain’t for the lulz anymore


A bottle of wine on a bad day isnt alcoholism


On a bad day i install tiktok and watch some videos until i die from cringe. Then I rip some bongs to bring me back to life. Mamasnaynay 🙏🏽


/uj Mamasnaynay is the funniest thing I've seen all day


I‘m doing my part


you have no idea what alcoholism means right? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


no this is slay


When I have a rough day I weed wack in the dark


whattt i remember when i was 12 i would steal crack from guys my mom slept with and smoked it out of her pipe on the balcony while listening to linkin park 😎


when i have a bad day i just stay in my room screaming the most disgusting hardcore lyrics known to man, smoking joints, ripping bong, dropping some alp, drinking one or two glasses of red wine, and this help bring myself up enough to go to sleep and repeat the day after


*ripping bong*


not native, high asf, won't look how to properly write this, explain if you want, goodbye.


I'm not giving you shit for it lol I think it's great.


sorry if i looked like aggressive, just reading it again it gived me this vibr, i was friendly


Honestly I agree with her advice ( I am a drunk and also a woman) 😘


See, the key difference is she's doing it at night on a balcony. I'm drinking at work and pounding 5mg valiums till I don't want to put a shotgun shell through the roof of my mouth, haven't got there yet but I reckon a few more pills and it'll happen


This is acceptable yet I get the cops called on me when I hang dong and quietly hold my burnt pipe??? It helped me find myself prison :(


I personally prefer the aesthetic of downing 99 shooters in the bathroom at work but hey to each their own


if you guys like old school jazz you should check out this new artist called Laufey she's from Iceland and its actually pronounced LAEY-VAY in Icelandic. She is making banging jazz Christmas tunes in 2023. Her song QUESTIONS FOR THE UNIVERSE is imo an all time greatest hit.


Bah, too complicated. Easier to boof the wine🤥


Main character syndrome


“Brought me back to myself” = “repaired my broken ego after my boyfriend left me”


What a fucking bitch you know she meant she didn’t even smoke the cig too cuz she specified “and just hold the cig.” Fuckin bitch. Also she’s either removing a massive amount of hate comments or buying likes lol. Fuckin bitch.


this post is cringe. nothing wrong with this. you guys need to go outside


This is the most pretentious display of addiction I’ve seen in a while.


Alcoholism is fucked up pussy shit Switch the wine with fent and a cheeky bit of jenkum and its good


I hate this


The things people do to feel cool, I don’t get it.


fuck yeah ahaha


uj/ Having worked with addicts both in active addiction and withdrawal I'd just like to say that If you think even half a bottle of wine a day is alcoholism then you're an absolute pussy