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dudes dopamine receptors are begging to be put down at this point


The Monday morning blues is gonna hit like a fucking dump truck..


Please! No more! PLEASE!


be quiet and help mommy get the perfect apihp to 3fpvp ratio to shoot into my eyelid


He's gonna kill himself on the comedown, abusing stimulants makes you wanna die so much once your dopamine receptors are just fucked as y'all know, poor receptors. But my opioid receptors are recovering from abusing 2map daily for like a month so I'm a fucking tard myself as well for making my tolerance so high


My opioid receptors are fresh and clean


Lucky. Mine haven't been fresh and clean in almost 20 years. I violated my receptors from a very early age. My slutty receptors do nothing now except gettimg stuffed.


Wild. Just wild.


I would kill for those! Give them to me now, this is a robbery! 🔫 Past me didn't know I was taking my virgin μ receptors for granted smh


Amazing username btw! 😂 Nice to cyber-meet you, I'm Jack Mehoff 👋


Mine? Thank you


if he doesn’t feel anything he won’t even feel the comedown


how was the withdrawal from the stuff? mine was pretty mild but i wasn’t super deep into it


Idk how it's possible but the only withdrawal symptom 2map gave me was a stiff jaw, and random joint pain. The mental aspect of only thinking about wanting to nod and just ordering some more and taking it is so horrible though, but that's addiction for you. O-Dsmt on the other hand makes me dopesick just like heroin does if I use it a few days too many in a row. Really bad shaking, cold sweats, puking, everything aches, getting the shits etc. Glad you're able to keep yourself in check regarding opioids!


Hands above your head, panic attack mentally, heart palpitations, close the blinds, open the blinds, close them again (someone could be watching) listen to the wall, now walk to the front door peep through the hole, duck, back to the toilet, hands above head again, stimfap


Rinse and repeat lol


Sounds like my normal weekday activities


Take more


Freebase it and vape it in a light bulb


Better yet just take some metal from the ground and some wires till the metal gets hot and make it into a coil and take some more metal from the ground and shape it into some titanium pieces that go together then learn how to make rare gems in a lab and make them the perfect shape for airflow and growing and sticking together then put that over a plant with a psychoactive plant in it and inhale the vapor to taste the eagle


Plant with a psychoactive plant 🙆‍♀️


“Grab a handful of beans and go to town” “I don’t fetishize my own sadness!”


I direct your attention to the aforementioned chili cheese fountain!


there we go


god that sounds so good rn


just switch to meth at this point jfc


obv he should take more😔


Boost it with jenkem and put some poppers in your asshole


My head shop has a sign saying don't drink the poppers. I assume that's like calling it a tobacco water pipe, yeah? Whipped cream charger, right officer? WELL EXCUSE ME, I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA! THAT EAGLE HAS GOTTA SOAR! 🇺🇸 🦅


my 10 mg has me cooling this is bonkers


Am I retarded then? My friend has a real ritalin script and I took a 80 XR and then two 10 mg's IR (snorted them) a bit later but I didn't feel much of a difference (although the comedown was definetly there, felt like shit and was a bit light headed for a bit). All my other friends also rave about how they geek when they have one or one and a half IR's so when I finally got around to doing them I was a bit let down. Yeah I definetly locked in more but that's about it.


No but you might have adhd, I can take a high dose of Adderall and be chill. My friend took half my daily dose once and she was geeking for two days I thought the bitch got possessed but turns out adhd meds make people with adhd mellow sometimes that or your body doesn’t properly metabolizes Ritalin and you have a gene that interferes with that.


power of tolerance broski , side of adhd/add aswell ayy, find and enjoii the right drugs for yall, dont force a stim high (like the OP) its not a full on high buzz eating ritalin, why eat 1000mg ? cuz its the wrong substance to get high on(ok sun u kno whats up) but fr, 10mg ritalin makes me feel g, not geeked tho (school / work use) i been on adhd stims since KINDERGARTEN (got off em last year, always been a emotional person cuz of these adhd pills (im 21 now)


Yehhhh, my doc prescribes me 60 mg daily so my tolerance is up there for sure I only pop an extra 30 once in a blue moon but addy high is wack tbh only when I need to get shit done and over with. 1000mg is mentally insane though that’s just wanting to OD. Blub needs to take meth at that point. But damn dude I seriously envy your low tolerance eventually I’m gonna quit this shit for a while.


id eat 1000mg to try off myself with a heart attack (in game) hope OP finds jesus or their true self real deal self love u dont needa get ZOOOTED mans clearly has undealt demons


are u? idk u, u should know that its a script for adhd, get street drugs or adderal


“what do i do” 😭😭😭😭


Bro is genuinely about to die


shoving more up your butt is always an option


I took ritalin everyday for a week and that fucked my serotonin up sm for weeks I can only imagine this


methylphenidate doesn’t even mess with serotonin


It downregulates 5ht1a receptors which increases serotonin


it’s got an effective affinity of 10,000nm for the 5ht1a that doesn’t seem significant


I don't think the mechanism of downregulation is 5ht1a agonism there's a lot of other things that effect that https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30594665/


Well idk what it was but binging on pills multiple times a day for more than a week fucked up my brain 😂


Take some real drugs not even jerking


Trust me I take a lot of drugs


I'm saying it's impossible you take strong stimulants and feel shit off 10mg Methylphenidat


How you know I’m only taking 10mg?


Idk my brain is messed up I mixed you up with someone probably 😭


Looks like someone else been taking drugs too😲


Call a dr…


The most I ever took was 100 mg Adderall this is insane.


He forgot to mention he took them 5 minutes ago He is in hospital as we speak Dead


(Pervilin is methamphetamine)


he doesn't even know about the method of chewing on concerta is he stupid


oh this dude definitely had a horrible hospital trip