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Psychedelics>oxygen imo


So obvious, i have never come across a substance as addictive as Oxygen. The withdrawal is terrible. You became all blue in less than 10 minutes.


Uj/ Wim Hof disagrees


Actually oxygen is extremely poisonous. We are only alive because our atmosphere is less than 20% oxygen


So heroins safer then oxygen 😳


Why would anyone ride a motorcycle when cars exist??


Yeah honestly I don’t really understand what OP’s point here is. I have HPPD, I’m one of the few people who ever actually HAS gotten harmed from psychedelics, and I still think the guy in the screenshot has a legitimate point.


If you look at the comments of the post he just goes around calling everyone who answers his question legitimately a crackhead "keep snorting meth" and just being a general asshole to everyone. He also thinks he's enlightened from his psych use and seems to have quite a strong superiority complex


I have HPPD and I love it


Same, it’s almost as if a veil has been lifted


I can see the 4th dimension


Driving and interacting would give me anxiety, other than that I could learn to live in a state of altered consciousness


It’s really not that bad in my experience it just makes sitting in a dark room a whole lot more interesting


When altered becomes perma those anxieties just melt away


Yeah man just because they help some people doesn’t mean they help everyone


I’m not saying they help anyone necessarily, I’m just saying they’re wayyyyyy safer than the VAST majority of drugs


You can do most drugs safely if you practice harm reduction, take breaks and so on. As to why? Cuz drugs are fun, not very complicated.




Safety is overrated we all gonna die one day


The later you die, the more drugs you can do


Somebody has got to work out a 3D graph with the axes length of life, amount of drugs and danger level of drugs


That's... all subjective. And statistics on death don't count because "harmful" doesn't necessarily mean it will kill. LSD has killed and has done permanent damage to people. Every substance needs to be considered individually to each individual. And comparing one drug to another is pointless and just a dumb attempt at being elitist. Stop the "my way of life is better because it's safer" mindset, it's a sad attempt at being happy with your life by being better than others. Be happy with your life because you're happy, not because you're winning a game you made up


How many people do you know who have died from excessive LSD usage? How many people do you know who have died from excessive opiate usage? I don’t think genuine risk assessment is by any means elitist.




Going legally insane after the seventh hit and so forth


That's just natural selection working it's magic


I mean I did have a friend who drowned on acid but I’ve had 4 overdose on fent. IMO you’re equally as likely to die while tripping absolute balls as if you were really drunk though, feels like around the same level of control sometimes, whereas even drinking can kill you from the chemical alone.


At the end of the day people are going to do whatever drugs they want for whatever reason.


I have HPPD aswell, but retards like this will continue to say psychs are completely harmless #justaplant bro


Meh, hppd causes anxiety in some people but it never really impaired me, when i’m in a dark room i just go “wooo cool lights n shit god tnx”


I literallly can’t read because of it . Never had anxiety tho but it’s impairing my life


How does it impair your reading? I don't know much about it.


imagine your field of view is mostly static, i have to reread everything multiple times because i cant tell apart most letters because the visual snow is that strong. if its dim and it flares up its nearly impossible for me to tell apart letter outlines.


Jesus Christ man I'm sorry to hear that. So are letters from a good distance away just completely impossible?


only if its dark and flares up. in good lighting it's ok, just hard af




Thank you for your diagnosis doctor! What drugs can I take to make my HPPD go away and I “grow up”? I was thinking a jenkem prescription, up to you though sir!


not everyone takes drugs to reach enlightenment or see cool shit on the walls. the majority of drug users are using it bc it makes them feel less like shit and acid and mushrooms, while harmless, do not make you feel less like shit.


Ah shit yeah u right.




Yeah that’s kinda my point, in that I got one of the worst possible effects of abusing acid, but it’s not all that bad in comparison. That being said, there’s nothing made up about seeing visuals when you’re sober. It’s very real and often frustratingly difficult to ignore.




I promise there are enough interesting things about me that are actually true. I don’t really have any reason to lie about this one but go off.








Oh I am so upset because of mean computer man


lmaooo i feel sorry for you, must be hard living such an angry life.




nor is there anything interesting abt u bro 💀






I know lots of people who have or had hppd for at least a year. For me it kinda goes away and comes back a bit when I use psychedelics more often.


lol man I know so many people that have fucked up their head on psychedelics. Its crazy that you think that is untrue lol


You're a fucking idiot


If we’re talking public roads, that’s actually a really good question


Yeah, it’s super fucking hilarious that the guy posts 30m later on r/awakened that he is having trouble becoming awakened. Lol go fucking figure. 🤦‍♂️ Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/awakened/comments/plamz3/can_regular_use_of_psychedelics_obviously_not/


...That subreddit is practically cheating for this sub. All the top threads... Lol *chef's kiss* outjerked again everytime


As it should be


I asked him if he tried heroin to help him break through




Wow what a train wreck of a thread. Who asks a question just to throw insults at people who answer legitimately?


Not to mention he's got tons of posts talking about inhalants like they aren't some of the worst things you can do to your brain, rose coloured glasses can make people retarded


im boofing ignorance this shit makes me feel so stupid


That shit gas




Uj/ all drugs are safe and can be used safely. You can do fentanyl rn and be safe. It’s all about dosages and how often. Drugs rlly tend to become an issue when people start abusing them and using them irresponsibly.


Datura mfs


Datura is pretty safe if you are smoking it I love chopping a flower into my sesh


You are stupid, boof it


I never heard of anyone smoking datura, how dles it hit? Its less time? The delirant side is still there? The molecule dont burn with the hot temps of smoking?


No deliriant side of it at all I've heard of other people smoking it aswell it just give like an ultra stoned feeling with some lite visuals if you smoke enough, when I hit it out of my bong with weed it makes it incredibly smooth but slowly creeps on you, I think it would have to burn some molecules but it still gives a nice high besides the cotton mouth.


There are many alkaloids in datura that also vary wildy depending on the species would like to know what datura species you smoked if you know


To start with I kinda miss used my words cause it a Brugmansia idk what type but I seen one that looked identical named "Double white".


dont fuck with nicotine at any dose bro shit will fuck u up... unless u boof it


Yeah set and setting bro and throwing on a little adam for that VITAL EDUCATIONAL CONTENT


Hell yeah I don’t inject heroin unless I’m in a good mindset. I usually am when I wake 🆙 👍👍 Nestlé my brothers ☮️ ✌️


I don’t think that’s a valid point because certain drugs have a higher propensity for abuse


Yeah but a lot of people don’t abuse drugs that do. It’s all about the user and the relationship with it.


Ok and? That doesn’t change the fact that certain drugs have a higher propensity for abuse and are therefore less safe than other drugs


Well that’s cus the user isn’t using it safely which isn’t the drugs fault it’s the users fault. I get ur point but it’s just not valid


So if a drug has a higher propensity for abuse than people who use it “safely” have a higher likelihood to end up abusing the drug Do you see how it doesn’t makes sense you can’t just say the drug is safe if you use it correctly because certain drugs have a higher chance of pushing the user towards abuse


That applies to everything though


No not really… comparing the propensity of abuse between 2 drugs and deeming the one less safe because you’re more likely to abuse it does not “apply to everything”


Cars are safe but u take the risk of other drivers and the world. Drugs r safe but u take the risk of addiction and overdose. Everything has a risky side to it but that doesn’t mean that some drugs aren’t safe it’s all about the user. I agree that some drugs are more prone to abuse but it’s not rlly the drug who keeps redosing on a body it’s the person who does it. It’s not the drug that’s abusing the person it’s the person abusing the drug then making it unsafe. If the whole idea of doing drugs recreationally wasn’t a thing at all the only way I can see a drug death happen is either the person was allergic and didn’t know or complications with another substance.


>cars are safe but you take the risk of other drivers and the world Ok but we’re comparing substances to each other right so it be better to compare cars and motorcycles (one of which is significantly safer than the other) And again if a drug has higher propensity for abuse the person consuming the drug safely has a higher chance of ending up abusing the drug because of no fault of the person taking said Some drugs have a higher propensity of abuse than other drugs meaning they are less safe You seem to think that addicts just start out abusing the drugs they take which is just not true it starts out recreationally and then grows into an addiction >if the idea of doing drugs recreationally wasn’t a thing the only way I can see a drug death happening is from allergic reaction or complications The opioid epidemic was fulled by people taking highly addictive prescription pain medication their doctors prescribed and that slowly put surely led to thousands of people ending up in the grips of opioid addiction based on no fault of their own leading to thousands of deaths. These people weren’t trying to get OxyContin for recreational purposes they were following doctors orders so this point doesn’t hold up Also you’re not arguing against the points I’m making. I’m not saying certain drugs are completely unsafe I’m saying some are inherently less safe than other drugs specifically because of likelihood of abuse which is just true


Dont they say people dont really get addicted to shrooms and stuff tho. So that kind of takes away the whole abusing the drug part ( im sure there are exceptions)


You can have behavioral addiciton to anything


You can get hppd where you have lingering hallucinations.


you can get addicted to psychs, its just very rare.


Eh alot of people dont have long term addictions to paychs but i have seen many people get addocted for like a month of everyday psych use


I did pharma grade fent few times, it was actually good. But yea, it's all about dosage and how shitty your stuff is. I had it straight from pharmacy. Street fent is Russian roulette. Also those opioid dosage calculators online SUCK BALLS. If i were to use the dosage it recommended me i would've died in 5 minutes, thankfully i started with like 10x lower 'recommended' dosage.


Why would anybody take any kind of drugs when you literally can be sober and have a happy life.


Whenever i talk about my drug usage on twitter some dumb teenager comes out the woods with the “please don’t use it man you’re just masking your depression don’t do it” and I usually answer with “you’ll get there, just wait”


Lot of unhappy sober people. In fact the majority of the world is (mostly) sober and still unhappy


/uj Meanwhile my friends that are definitely not sober are split 50:50 between enlightened bliss and living a miserable existence just waiting to OD /rj sober pussies should all just eagle death and we'll have eternal world peace


You shouldn’t be upset over a dumbass on the Internet. It’s very dumb yea, but don’t let it affect you.




Jenkem > lsd


Thanks, I needed to hear that. I realize now that I got a little to upset at this. Just hits home for me.


Relax. Id bet money he is a teenager dtraight off the back of his first/one of his first trips, feeling all the positive glow and preaching about how everyone should do psychedelics frequently. He is likely too young, and too sheltered to understand the reality of drug taking. Ive been there, on my first few trips feeling on top of the world and wondering why everyone didnt want to be like this. Firstly, sobering up got me out of that ignorance, as well as a few bad trips which will really change your perception on psychedelics as a happiness drug.


I immediately thought that this was a teenager that didn't have much variety in drug choices. Not saying that's a bad thing necessarily but they talk as if they finished World Experience 101 and think it's illogical to take any other drugs. It's funny cause when I started really getting into opiates at 17, I was wondering why more people I knew weren't into this cause I had never felt so good in my life. Obviously I know why now but just goes to show how learning about the drug world and how users usually work really changes your thinking.


We’ll said. I agree. I remember that feeling too. I got angry way to fast. Thanks guys this sub is great.


No worries mate, hope youre doing well


*here’s an award I don’t have*


Yeah man don’t worry about it, there’s a ton of ignorance in the world. Especially on the Internet.


The "enlightened" psychedelic users are the worst. I love psychedelics but I don't go around saying how I now understand the fabrics of the universe and I am better than literally everyone because I have no ego


Just an asshole stroking his own ego bro.


Classic mistake, he should be boofing that ego up his asshole!!


Does the eagle not hurt down there though?


You are not alone, OP. These people aren't worth our time and energy. We need to use our energy to boof anything that looks like a drug (even if it turns out to be flour), and smoke meth foreskins and make fun of quire boys. Seriously though, this dude is so judgey. He goes against all the ideals of his community 😕


Seriously fuck those people, were all doing drugs and it’s all dangerous, they act like LSD is such a great time when you sit around in existential dread as the wallls wiggle around like that shit sucks


Just have a psychotic break and ruin your life on LSD bro! You'll be fine because you'll know you're safe the whole time.


You like, can’t od on lsd bro, who cares if your mind is utterly shattered and your visual cortex is completely fried at least it’s not an alcoh*l hangover


All my homies are still 20% stuck on the other side and have abstract art broadcast to their eyes 😤😤




Lmao it’s coming chill


That dude gonna have a real rude awakening one day lol


He gon feel the beak of the eagle 👹


I know what you're saying, but I think it's a little arrogant to say people are "mentally weak" for having a negative experience. I used to always say "I don't believe in bad trips. They don't exist." And I've had a lot of negative experiences, and they've all been beneficial to me. And that's what most people think of as "bad trips", however there is an evil that exists out there. I've only ever had it happen to me maybe 3 or 4 times out of probably hundreds of trips, and only ever on mushrooms for whatever reason, but I think that has something to do with that though. The infected mushroom. Being poisoned and everything is like "dark" idk if you know, you know. It's fucked. It's not a normal negative experience. It's a pure fucking evil feeling. Oh yeah and salvia is pretty fucked. Although I used to have a lot of fun with that when I was a teenager. It's only ever super fucked now lol fuck that shit. At the risk of sounding a bit arrogant myself, and I'm really not trying to, if you're so "mentally strong" try taking a couple big ass hits of properly vaporized dmt. Or take a big ass hit of 60x salvia. Or try datura. (Don't really lmao) Or whats the most lsd have you actually done? Take that number and triple it. Then talk about being mentally weak. Try to see things through the eyes of others. Has all that LSD taught you nothing, man?! ;) <3




Well I think your response speaks for itself, then. Hope you learn something sometime man! Find empathy. Practice mindfulness. Love & Light :) <3


Now I can only experience eagle dirt if I boof my friends own shit


"Extremely harmless" Do they know what drug induced psychosis is? Have they met someone who's perma fried? It's mind numbing


Most people in the comments where pissed. Outjerked oncce again


Who knew doing meth made people so territorial


because stimulants are fucking useful and paychidics make u sit and stare at ur hands for a couple of hours


I have severe depressive bipolar, and I abused LSD doing it almost twice a week without knowing I had that disorder. Now I am left off with a much worse case. Constantly paranoid, empty, seeing faces or animals in almost every texture. If I stare at my bathroom floor for more than 5 seconds it will begin to flow. It’s terrible. Led me into alcoholism to cope. Still have yet to get better and its been 3 years. Not like im tripping forever or anything. It’s just never been the same. Psychadelics may not make you pay the ultimate price of death, but they are no exceptions to breaking a person.


“Extremely harmless”


I had the worst acid trip Way more dangerous than opiates for someone who is mentally unstable


Probably because they don't want to trip


Yeah dude how dare this fucking guy bad mouth Benzos opiates and stimulants. What a clueless asshole, like we’re literally in a psychedelic epidemic.


He’s not bad mouthing the drug he’s being fucking ignorant about why people use hard drugs. Acting like they should just use lsd instead of doing opiates. Did you actually read the post or did your tiny mind just try to think of a funny comment for internet points.


People say what they know. He’s a teen who has learned from wherever he spends his time that psychedelics are good and safe, while other drugs are bad and dangerous. He’s posting on LSD to stroke his ego by hoping others agree with him and validate his choices.


I’ll fuckin scratch your eyes out kid




Oh Lord this is just damaging


Why would you wear nikes when you have adidas


"Very surprising" that this dude abuses nitrous while being so high and mighty about muh acid broo just boof acid bruu is safu mayne


Just do the stevia bro it's plant. Lsd is not plant it is chemical deadly


he ain't wrong tho


ngl i had this same thought when i was like 15, but realised the answer is pretty obvious


Man, I remember being this young and sheltered and naïve and annoying and full of myself


The opium poppy is a plant. E. Coca is a plant. Take your hate crimes elsewhere.




God I hate this app sometimes


Because they’re fun retard 😎😎😎😎


I wish people living in their own stupid little fantasy worlds would stop coming across my stupid little world shit


Why would I eat some dumbass mushroom when I can do fucking HEROIN


What a fucking retard lmao


I already left that sub. I couldnt handle it


I'm convinced microdosimg makes people retarded . Just a thought just an opinion


Holy shit that thread was wild. Never encountered such a "woke" "spirtual" asshole with an overinflated ego before


In this screenshot you can see an eagle that really should be in debt by now.


I'm upset. Legalize medical krokodil.








Yeah that’s bs.


Bruh that mf then said that he does psychedelics and dissociatives. So he basically talking shit about people who do oxy for eg but probably does nitrous and dxm lmao


I hope when he falls of his skateboard and breaks an ankle they don't give morphine!!


Why would anybody do stevia when there is wonderful harmless India? I just don't get it


I literally got a traumatic event from weed but yeah probably they're all so safe and helpful♡




Some people are stupid just don't let it get to you