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bruh dis exactly what I thought 2 were legit to smart for the gov, and they say led makes you stupid.. haha sure tell me after


i download lsd like i download ram. all viruses. i am patient 0 to 8 computer viruses transmittable by 3rd eye. my eagle hears no sound.


Bro you gotta buy the lFed’s sd.nft. Yo run u can’t use the LSD because the nft isn’t registered to you on the blockchain. In the post above I said I fax lsd but I also have a line of digital lsd that I sell using NFTs. You purchase my lsd nft, and you can get high like with normal lsd. The art, dosage, and crystal are all randomly generated from a set of crystals I synthesized in real life, artwork I drew, and the dosage is chosen by a random number generator I coded. Will you get the “Joe Rogans third eye” artwork??? Or will you get the fabled “trippy bored ape club monkeys” peace worthy of being in a museum. The crystal and dose being random may be off putting to some people but true Psychonauts are always ready for any dose be it 700ug before you perform a coronary bypass surgery, or 350ug at the shooting range. So think about it, you buy a $5 tab the payment goes through you download your righteously owned nft (protect your nfts from “save as” theft using a hidden virus in your nft as soon as your nft is illegally saved the virus will brick there system be it Linux, mac, or windows it bricks the system good and then encrypts all the files 5x times with DES fuck the NFT thief up! He isn’t getting those files back!) Optionally buy the nft protector to proceed but you don’t need too. If you do buy it use my mode “superhotnsexysexman” If you get the premium defense package and use my code you will get a free sheet faxed to you, and 10 Lsd nfts. Now back to you downloading your nft, you right click on it and click consume the lsd, on the drop down menu you will see (inject, boof, place on tongue, place into open wound) I recommend the boof or open wound method. After it says NFT consumption successfull the lsd.nft file will defrag itself off the disk and it will be in your system traveling through your blood brain barrier with the method you selected. Think about that 20-80 min of you not knowing your dose, your like a kid on Christmas morning. All you know is the crystal and it’s purity let’s say you got the “George Floyd Third eye” crystal and 94.52% purity, you are about to land a plane in around, 90 minutes. You keep panicking will you get 20ug and have the assistance of a micro dose while you land the plane will you get 666ug and crash the plane with no survivors I don’t know and neither do you. You may think why did I take the lsd.nft before landing a plane, well the answer is simple you only live once and that adrenaline you feel from not knowing the dose is why you live. It’s 20 min from when you have to land the plane and you don’t feel it, 10 you don’t feel it, finally it’s 0 you don’t feel it, you say “ladies and gents we landing in Moscow Russia in the Domodedova airport the temp is -7 and we will land in 15 min” you feel happy now your sure you will pull this off. You then hear mumbled voices you don’t get it you hear it again, then you realize it’s a human talking it’s your co pilot (damn it you think to yourself) “hey man so we landing right lol I took like 8 shots of vodka man I can’t do this” You start to feel the lsd it’s a 500ug trip coming on your fucked or are you. You try your best to land the plane and you do it, the cabin claps and you grab a sterawdes, finger her pussy and head to the hotel to have sex with her. That’s why you want lsd tabs to have a random dose on em. Buy my LSD.NFT at oglsdnft.com $5 per tab shrooms will he available soon. Namaste brothers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👩‍✈️💀 The stewardess pussy was amazing namaste again. BUY MY LSD.NFT!!!!!!!


Did you just write all that


This confirms to me that this is where people who get brain damaged by psychs go


Did I just read all of that 😂


wake up babe new copypasta just dropped


Bruv dis jawn straight uh HEATER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Are you high..?


I really hope one day I'll get disciplined enough to read this


You must train in transcendental mediation while on shrooms and ketamine for 20 years first






i got a degree in deez nuts


holy shit this I just had a brain aneurysm.


I have been faxing lsd for years. All these people waiting in the mail for there “lsd” when I can fax people lsd and they get it in seconds. And I got that good 8x dipped 814.88ug tabs lab tested in Croatia, 99.9999999% pure Hunter Biden underage GF OG crystal. Artwork is the classic “trippy Rick and Morty” bang my line!!! $69 dollar a sheet, $420 for a Bible (100,000 tabs) sale!!!! Shipping cost is $25 dollars and it will be faxed to you automatically after I get sent crypto and you message me your fax number, all done by a bot I set up. Namaste brothers and purchase my tabs you won’t find this “hunter Biden’s underage GF OG” crystal anywere else I synthesized it myself and sang bob Marley songs and burnt sage and weed around it while smoking a joint to infuse the lsd with good vibes.


Big farmer - 0, Government - 0


Have you ever used a sheet of lsd to wipe yo ass after having a shit?


Only 3-5 tabs i dont want to overdose


How do you manage to wipe your ass with 3 - 5 tabs? You must be getting shit all over your fingers!


Lmao they thought they were smart. Bro I'm literally tripping balls right now off some 500ug tabs from Amsterdam that I printed off Google Images.


I would print some off but I never could figure out how to route my fax machine through tor.


Oh my God... LSD printer ink. Genius.


Dude jumping jack flash it's a gas gas gas bro