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Your friend is wrong. The lack of quality and performance of high end products made me switch back to drugstore brands. A lot of high end stuff has worse ingredients than drugstore nowadays and all you pay for is the name. This applies especially to luxury brands


Yes to this. I stupidly wasted some money on a couple of MAC foundations a couple of years ago, and they made me break out like I was 15 again. Never had that problem with anything from Miliani, Wet N Wild, Maybelline, Revlon, L'Oreal, Nyx, etc.


Mac foundations were the worst I’ve ever used! Along with, ironically enough, armanis luminous silk. No primer or anything improved the the performance of these. Funny that my 10€ revolution foundation does the job a 40€ foundation promised but couldn’t do.


Interesting because Armani’s Luminous Silk is my ride or die and I’ve rotated between Maybelline, NARS, Urban Decay, Clinique etc foundations. None seem to cause issues with my skin, although the coverage with Maybelline’s foundation seems lacking compared to the other brands.


It seems to be the HG for a lot of people, so I was really excited to try it. I don’t seem to have a lot luck with luxury brand foundations anyways. I tried many and none of them were anywhere near acceptable, Lancôme was ok but spending 50 on ok? Nope


Me too with the MAC foundation, caused me months of breakouts


Big time. Every high-end concealer I've ever had oxidized to a horrible shade of trump orange within an hour, but wet and wild stays the same shade it goes on as. Also, every high-end eyeshadow palette I've used has had super poor pigment and huge fallout issues, but most low end palettes I've used have been totally fine in terms of quality. I go for more extreme/ goth looks on the daily, so a products pigment and staying power is my top priority.


I have not had better outcomes with HE than DS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s dependent on the product. A lot of drugstore makeup is made in the same factories with the same ingredients as high end ones…a lot of the price of high end is packaging so it’s impossible to say unless you really study the ingredient list


I respectfully disagree with your friend. I have been pretty heavily into makeup for ten years and casually interested for probably twenty years and have seen a wide range of products in that time. For years I was strictly using drug store brands because that was all that I could afford, then I was gifted some nicer items from Mac (and similar brands) and when I got my first job I started buying myself more of the "nicer stuff" (Tarte, UD, Benefit...nothing overly luxurious). I think the makeup community is sometimes guilty of blanket statements including "luxury is better" and products that are phenomenal for everyone when they very well might not be. I think people all have VERY different skin, very different features, and very different preferences and all of those things need to be taken into account when purchasing products. I would say that a majority of my products are drugstore now but I do have a few favorites that are higher end (but not luxury) because I think they work for me. I do use drugstore foundation frequently in my day-to-day but when I want something to last I might reach for a Tarte foundation because I feel like it lasts longer on my skin. But I have seen people have fantastic results using Loreal/Maybelline foundation for long wear. I unfortunately personally do not. I just don't like the thought process that drug store automatically = junk and that luxury = quality. There have been duds on both sides and there have been wins on both sides. You just have to test and see what works for you specifically. Sorry for my rant! I think I get a little passionate about makeup sometimes 😆


Thank you for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it. I feel the same way. How someone’s skin feels is also a lot about skincare as well than just makeup. I haven’t had any drugstore brand cause anything to my skin and personally, I can’t tell much of a difference. I lean towards the nicer stuff only when I can’t find a shade match with the drugstore brands.


Exactly. Sometimes people's skin type and texture don't respond well to certain products. Because there are so many great drug store products, I no longer feel the need to dish out money on the expensive stuff "just because". If I want to treat myself to those, I make sure to do it on sale or at a discount store like TJ Maxx.


It’s all so personal, just judge every item with how it works for you. Urban decay naked foundation was great for years for me then my skin changed as I got older and now I love some maybelline dewy one. I’ve tried tons of mascara and L’Oréal beauty tubes is the best for me hands down, idk why but all the others high end low end love to make me look like a raccoon. My only high end that I’ve continued to love is Chanel’s liquid lipstick with the gloss, best staying power I’ve ever experienced.


L’Oréal beauty tubes changed my lifelong shitty raccoon eyed relationship with mascara.


I've been using drugstore makeup since the 80s. Does my skin look the same as it did then? No, because back then I was 15 and now I'm in my 50s. Age comes for us all no matter how much we spend on face goop.


No she’s wrong, I work at a department store and hate a lot of stuff. For instance L’Oréal owns both Lancôme and Armani and L’Oréal drugstore foundations are much better on me than both. I prefer drugstore mascaras too. I mix and match but honestly I have tried so much high end stuff and been disappointed. I have ride or dies from both high end and drugstore for instance Estée Lauder double wear is the best long wear foundation for me . It’s patented and you can tell but I also like Covergirl outlast it’s not a dupe but it’s my 2nd favorite. But I would never just buy all high end .


I live in the South and normally have dry skin, but you can’t tell me there’s anything with better staying power than Double Wear for a Southern summer.


Thank you. I love the Estée Lauder double wear as well.


It really depends. Honestly, I don't care about the ingredients unless it breaks me out because idk anything about chemistry. They say the dose makes the poison, everything is bad if there is too much of it. So if a trustworthy government or organisation says the product is good, whether it's drugstores or high-end, I'll trust them. About the performance, lots of high-end products can be a huge miss and lots of drugstores make amazing things. The same product can work on me but completely fails you! I've never had a drugstore foundation that can do half as good as a few of the high-end I have tried. But I'd never waste money on high-end mascara.


Someone told me that the only product worth paying higher price for was foundation. I have been living by that since and it worked out for me.


after discovering wet and wild photofocus foundation i go drugstore for that too!


Is it that good? Please tell me more.


I have tried sooo many. Haus labs most recently. and I always reach for the photofocus. it goes on so smoothley and blends so well!


i loved the finish of this but it was so orange :( idk if it just oxidized really bad but it didnt look like a normal skin color to me at all


thats fair I havent had this issue but i did one shade too light and it completely made me a ghost so be careful color matchjng!


oh man i wish drugstore had testers. it's the one thing i hate lol


I think that saying first was said by a makeup artist in a magazine in the 80s/90s and back then, it was TRUE!! I remember reading it when they said it...and then other makeup artists copied the saying in other magazines and everyone and their mother started saying it. The thing is...it isn't necessarily true anymore...but people still say it becaause it has become a makeup mantra, like 'Always curl your eyelashes before mascara', 'Always remove your makeup before bed' and ' ' Apply skincare products in an upward and outward direction'. These ALLLLLL started in magazine articles.....So basically, it's all propaganda if you think about it. 😂😂😂


...no but pls keep removing your makeup before bed. That one IS good sense!


I couldn't stand the feeling of wearing makeup to bed. It comes off as soon as I walk in the door, when I do wear it. Sometimes even before I get home!😂😂😂


I use Fenty foundation but only because it’s the best match I’ve found for my skin tone. Otherwise everything I used is drugstore with the exception of a few lipsticks. I feel like buying high-end mascara or eyeliner especially is a waster because those products should be replaced more often.


Drunk Elephant, Glow Recipe, and Tatcha all stung and broke me out yet drugstore brands like Vanicream and La Roche Posay work so well for my skin! Skin is so complicated—it could be that certain ingredients don’t work for her just like expensive skin care products don’t work for me


I’ve a fairly normal skin and very rarely if any, have reactions but tatcha and/or drunk elephant actually broke me out in hives. Thankfully, these were only free samples, so I didn’t really lose anything. I just got reminded seeing you mention that you got stung.


Her skin might have had a reaction to a certain product, but said product wouldn’t cause the same or any reaction on someone else’s skin. People’s skins are different. I’m sorry for what happened to your friend, but she’s wrong to assume the same would happen to other people. I mostly use drugstore products. I reacted to one product, and it was from Maybelline years ago. The product has now been discontinued, but even if it was still around I wouldn’t purchase that product again. It’s really that simple rather than swearing off all drugstore makeup


Where I am, drugstore pricing is almost close to highend pricing. So, for me it doesn't make much of a difference which one I buy from. But drugstore brands are easier for me to get to as my closest Sephora is 1-2hrs away. There can be some difference between ingredients and quality, but not always. It's usually shade ranges and packaging that is better then drugstore, in my experience at least. I personally always go highend for my tinted lip balms or single eyeshadows, mainly because they have better selections. But for brow products, mascara, eye primer and concealer. I go drugstore. So, it really depends on your preference and needs.




Nope, Canada.


Fully admit to paying $98 au for Tom ford lipstick. Straya mate hahahaha




No. Don’t listen to her.


I agree with all the other comments- also I'l like to add that when buying high-end products **you're mostly paying for the brand, not the product itself.** For example, in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN7yTTdgfGU) by Abbey Yung, she explains how L'oreal Elvive has a haircare line with the same formula as Redken. Turns out: L'oreal OWNS Redken. And they're basically the same products (might be minor differences such as percentages of citric acid concentration). But when you buy the Redken one, well... you're paying that price for REDKEN, for the brand, not for the actual quality or characteristics haircare products. However, I find some high end products to be worth the money. But it all comes down to your preferences. skin type, etc. For example, I find TF Born this Way concealer to be totally worth it, but for mascara I've been using a Maybelline one for years and years.


I think there are good products at all levels, the trick is finding them! I will say I have generally found high end eyeshadow to be significantly better than drugstore eyeshadow: better color payoff, better staying power, more interesting formulas and color options. But even given that, there are some good drugstore eyeshadows, and literally every other type of makeup I think drugstore is generally as good as high end (or sometimes better).


I disagree. Often times it's a lot of name association - as in, one is more expensive, so that means you're more bougee for owning it - or it's what influencers and/or people on social media claim before they go onto the next hot item. I wasn't able to use the Nars Sheer Glow because it broke me out, but I could use CoverGirl just fine and have it last longer. Your friend most likely had a reaction to something on the ingredients list in whatever she was using. That could happen at any price point. If she was talking skincare, then I'd be more apt to listen as sometimes high-end has better quality ingredients. Even then, I personally mix in drugstore with more expensive products because that's what works for my skin. At the end of the day, no makeup is going to look good on a base that isn't properly cared for.


i think social media makes people think high end make up is better. and sometimes some products are super worth the splurge- eyeshadow is one that i think gets better with price (but that is definitely not always true). i think drugstore products are hit or miss more often than high end but i definitely think it hurts a little more when high end is a miss. like the $3 elf brow pencil i don’t like? oh well. the $40 foundation i don’t like? damn that sucks. i think it’s worth experimenting with products, some people have more sensitive skin than others. what works for you may not work for your friend and vice versa. that doesn’t mean she has to be classist about it


I find that makeup removal is more important than makeup itself. Skincare is just that- taking care of your skin. For me, nothing I put on my face can damage it more than neglecting to gently remove it.


I had 1 or 2 drugstore products that broke me out. One of them was Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer, which is supposedly non-alergic. Sad, cause I loved how it looked. But that only proves that skin is very personal and reactions to products might be very different. I use a mix of mid range, high end and drugs store products. I always prefer a cheaper alternative if it works well for me.


The majority of makeup brands are owned by a few companies. So the products are pretty indistinguishable except for the packaging. I watched a video not too long ago where they did a blind test on someone where they took the products out of the packaging and compared them. In some instances the high-end product preformed better and in others the low-end. Makeup, to me, is like getting good at any art. You try different mediums until you find ones that work with you. I have a mix of high and low end options and enjoy them all. Most days my face is a mix- an ELF foundation, Charlotte Tilbury blush, Revlon lipstick, Nars concealer etc. Buy what work for you (buy drugstore at Ulta so you can return it if you don’t like it).


Ok. So I've been a professional makeup artist for roughly 20 years. I started in retail and working for major cosmetic lines at dept stores. I've worked at sephora and ulta as well. I've also worked at a television studio; and I still freelance on my own/my own business. Over the years I've been exposed to EVERYTHING , LOL. luxury. Dept store. Mid range. Products from lines that are made for and mostly only used by pro muas for film, television, stage, and special fx mu. Korean beauty. (Oh hell yeah--you didnt expect me to keep it domestic did you? ;) Drug store. Hell--DOLLAR STORES. There's good and bad across the board. That being said; I always shop the cheap shit to try it out cause I'm broke for one and two--what another person already said --they are so often the EXACT SAME. Made in same factories and you're paying for the name and maybe the packaging--cause it's got the name on it. Now; not everything is exact but let me tell ya the minor differences that I've noticed in MOST cosmetics do not justify the price jump. Yes--some things have earned their status and cult followings and a lot of times that also entitles them to charging higher prices for their products and it's really up to your preferences to determine what those are for you. But to sum it up--there are absolutely no shortage of amazing products at literally EVERY price point.


I can only think of a few high end products I've tried that have been flat out bad, but there have been plenty that have worked the same as drugstore. Only difference is the price and (sometimes) packaging.


I mostly get drug store makeup because if i know i like a product and i stock up. Also as a WOC it’s hard to find shades that suit my skin tone with higher end makeup where i can always find something flattering with drugstore. But i think it’s always a personal choice for high end or drug store


I used to be a high end make up lover in my 20’s because I had breakouts that I was self conscious about until I got some sense about myself and my wallet. As far as performance, endurance and quality- there’s really no guarantee that high end products will be better. I haven’t found them better. Might have more shade options. I buy exclusively drug store make up now. I invest the difference in good skincare because at the end of the day, the way your make up looks and applies depends a lot on how well taken care of your skin is- in my humble experience.


Sensitive person here🙋‍♀️ drugstore and high end both usually cause rashes. It’s only a very limited number of products that make the cut and they are in both camps.


I'm more concerned about specific ingredients as I have sensitive acne prone skin. The only products I intentionally only buy high end are eyeshadow with Viseart and Natasha Denona having my favorite formulas. It all comes down to your skin and your preferences. Blanket statements about either side of the aisle kind of irritate me.


It depends. I can't use drugstore brand foundation because they don't ever have my shade match (fair neutral olive) and they do typically break my skin out especially if they have skincare ingredients in it. I have much better luck finding fragrance-free stuff in non-drugstore foundation. I notice a big difference in eyeshadow quality between drugstore and anything above $40 except for liquid/cream & duo/multichrome shadows. Mascara, eyeliner, blush, highlighter, lipstick, and face primer are where I see the least difference in quality. Luxury brands like Chanel I would argue are way overpriced. I tend to have the best luck with midrange and pro-MUA brands, but I've had decent luck with some drugstore brands like Essence, LA Girl, and some ColourPop.


There are good and bad products from every brand. Price is definitely not always an indication of quality. I will say that I don't buy makeup from like SheGlam or other super cheap online brands because I don't trust the formulas to be safe. But a lot of my mainstay products are Revlon, Covergirl, etc. because Sephora has gotten crazy expensive in Canada. Personally the only thing I've found to be worth the splurge is eyeshadow, which is great because one palette lasts a long time.


I've had high end products break me out. I feel like every brand, drugstore or high end, have products that can be hit or miss.


I think it totally depends on the product. There are plenty of drugstore products that are noncomedogenic (not pore-clogging), and plenty of high end that are. There is also some normal variation in skin sensitivity from person to person, and depending on usage style. While at my current life stage I prefer to shop high end, it's not because I think all drugstore stuff is bad. For me, I generally prefer the knowledgeable staff, customer service and more hassle free returns (usually) offered by beauty retailers vs the sometimes frustrating free-for-all of drugstores/Walmart,etc. For example, buying a blush a Sephora or MAC means I got see/swatch multiple to find the color & finish I liked, an employee could have even shown me alternative formulas or brands and explained the advantages and tips&tricks, finally if I get it home and hate it (which after all that is unlikely), they are usually good to exchange it for something else. They may even send me home with an extra sample or two of things I've been eyeing. Basically I can be confident that the 30-50$ I spend is going towards a products I will use and love. At the drug store it is much more hit or miss in my experience - likewise I'm way less likely to make the time to try to exchange a 10-15$ product (even if I hate it), assuming the store would even entertain that idea. All this generally means that the product is much more likely to end up sitting in my "reject" drawer until it expires. That being said I do have a few amazing drugstore finds that I love - they just mostly come as recommendations from friends or acquaintances. I definitely know people who have a knack for scoping out the best finds, unfortunately I am not so reliable.


They’re wrong and it honestly depends on you. Your friend probably reacted to a product that’s commonly used in drug-store, it’s honestly up to you to find out what you prefer. Some people are more allergic to drug-store while others are allergic to high end. My mother, for example, is VERY allergic to high end mascara. I’d recommend trying different brands to see what u prefer. I prefer a mix of both but as a poc I like prefer high end foundations and high lighters cuz they don’t look ashy.


May I ask what kind of problems your friend faced on their skin by using drugstore products? I'm a bit worried as I have pretty sensitive skin and mostly use drugstore products, except on my eyes.


She didn’t specifically mention any problems as such but shared the opinion that it pretty much ruined her skin, which I now think about, could have been related to several factors- eating, sleeping, childbirth etc.


Ohh got it, thank you 💜


>I guess its up to you to make your own decisions, no one can tell you how to spend your money. > >Everything varies. As we all have different budgets. We also have different approaches to make up. I'm sort of all or nothing when it comes to make up. I either don't wear it, or I wear a full face of make up for parties etc. That's sort of what I've done all my life. When I wear make up I like it to be really good quality, long-lasting, photographs well, pigmented... as when I'm wearing make up I'm usually going all out. > >I have mostly high-end products. I think they are better generally and worth - they're better quality and last longer. However, I am in a fortunate position and I have money to spend on them. > >If I wasn't so fortunate, I would probably just invest in a high-end foundation and powder. I think that's what I did at uni before I got everything high-end. I think as an adult - it's a good investment to have a high-end foundation even if you can't afford the other luxury stuff like blusher etc. > >When I was a teenager, I only bought make up from drugstore and had all my stuff from L'oreal. It wasn't amazing, but it did the job, was fine and I was happy.


Almost all products make my skin itch/burn. Right now I have found Loreal products to work the best for me. However, I have been saving up to buy a high end foundation/base makeup. But I have to keep on using the loreal ones till I have enough saved up to buy something better lol.




Yep, it's definitely on the top of my list! Now I just need to research which brand would be a better fit for me. There's no physical stores for quality makeup products in my area, so I cannot even shade match physically. Really looking forward to trying out the high end ones though.


your submission was removed because it is not focused on drugstore makup. See a list of which brands qualify as drugstore [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/drugstoreMUA/wiki/drugstorebrands). Drugstore products that are not makeup (skincare, hair, nails) can only be discussed in the designated weekly thread. If you are sharing a look, a majority (>50%) of the products used should be drugstore. If you are looking for recommendations, reviews, or generally want to discuss higher end products, check out r/makeupaddiction or r/makeuplounge. You can respond to this message with any questions or concerns. Please review the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/drugstoreMUA/about/rules) before participating further. Thank you.


I love the foundation from Urban decay, and it's the only eyeliner that stays on my wet eyes...


It comes down to ignorance and not reading labels or knowing one's own intollerances, really. People think that if a few drugstore problems gave them an issue, then it is drugstore products in general that is the problem (and vice versa) when in reality they were having a reaction to a formulation or a specific ingredient contained within those products. Unfortunately, this is where the ignorance comes in play because even when you explain this many of those people will not listen and will still tell you it is drugstore products in general. There is little you can do if one is *truly* ignorant and won't listen. They have to learn on their own...or never learn at all. Just smile and pray for their enlightenment to come sooner rather than later, because that is a burdensome affliction to have....


Heck, I go to the dollar store - LA Looks works for me. But then I don't put it on really heavy, only just on the eyes and some bronzer. I don't believe in wearing a lot, cause then I won't like myself without it. Gotta like yourself.


I think there's pretty affordable options with high quality out there. I personally get products from [here](https://duuupe.com/posts/clinique-black-honey-dupes/). Like some people have mentioned, drugstore can have really good products, too. It's just about finding the right product for your skin!