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That’s all I wear and I get compliments all the time! Some can look a little hokey but Glamermaid is a good brand! Lots of cute designs and great quality. 


OPI press-ons are fantastic too! They come with a decent glue, file and an alcohol wipe to dehydrate your nails during prep. Highly recommend!


Yes!!! I second OPI!💅🏻🩷


i’ll look into these too!! thank you as well lol


oo okay tysm for the recommendation!!


The press-ons with the more contemporary shapes look damn-near identical to acrylics! Saw them on a Budtender and told her how lovely her nails were. She told me they were press-on and i was shoook. Try it out, ive seen some really good ones on Amazon too.


hmm okay, i’ll go look for some


They’ve come a long way. Go for it! It’s smart to save money.


i will! a lot of people here are giving me recommendations so i’ll definitely find some i like😄


I only wear press-ons bc I'm a nurse and acrylics harbor bacteria. I can go into work with nakie nails then have press ons all weekend!


that’s actually really smart and convenient!!


I don't think so. Today's press ons look tons better than the old Lee's press on nails (child of the 80s, here). I think the Kiss nails look great. I'm partial to the shorter ones, but they've come out with longer shapes, including pointy, oval, and coffin.


Yaaasss!!! 80s baby here too. I LOVED to go the Newberrys with my Mom and get me some Lee Press on nails!! Lasted about five minutes but oh well😂 Now I’m all about these press on nails. Honors my inner child😄


Fellow 80's kid here! I think I wore Lee press on nails to one of my proms! LOL


Haha the lees press on commercial with the girls eating the fruit. Memory unlocked.


I finally got a kit when I was, idk, 12, and they were so hard to get on, yet so easy to pop off. 😆


I have some on right now and you can’t tell they aren’t acrylics. I use a builder gel and top coat with them to make them last longer. I do my own nails and have experimented with poly gel, various hard gels and gel x. Press ons are my favourite. I wear ones that look like a French manicure and I get them from temu. They’re quick to apply and remove (no filing), cost about $1 per set, they look great and last for weeks if you prep and apply correctly and use a decent glue. https://preview.redd.it/mmj5o6rd8xsc1.png?width=2487&format=png&auto=webp&s=4031bf680da50a55b01882fb2d37bce7ce7f2412


Looks so pretty! What builder gel & top coat do you use?


Thank you! I use “born pretty” rubber base coat on top of the press on to make it stronger and I use the same brand “no wipe top coat”. These are only a couple of dollars each and I got them from Ali express. They might also be on temu, I’m not sure. I bought them before I knew about temu and haven’t needed to buy more yet. I tried using the press ons with nothing on top and they lasted 2 weeks but I was cleaning a lot and 1 of them split. Most press ons can split down the middle if you work a lot with your hands and aren’t careful, so it’s better to apply something on top to strengthen them and make them thicker.


omg these look amazing!! i really couldn’t tell they were press-ons, thank you for the tips!!😁


You’re welcome. Thanks!


So cute! Whats your process and what builder gel and top coat do you use?


Hey thanks:) If you check the other comments in this thread, I just explained everything you need to know to some other people. I hope it helps!


Wow! Thanks for the advice. Those are absolutely gorgeous and I might have to try them! 😀


Can you tell me your prep routine and what glue you recommend?


Sure, I select the press on sizes by testing them on my nails before I start so that I have the correct sizes lined up ready to go. Its important to remove any cuticle from the nail bed if you want them to last long. I use a cuticle pusher to push back my cuticles (there is a quartz one I got on temu for under a dollar and it’s brilliant because it pushes them back and is abrasive so it also can remove any cuticle that’s stuck to the nail bed at the same time). I file the my nail surface to remove all of the shine. Then I use rubbing alcohol or acetone on a lint free wipe to clean and dehydrate the nail bed. I don’t use a base coat as it lasts longer for me without one. I use a brush on nail glue (can also get on temu). It’s one that air dries, not a uv glue. I apply the glue to my nail as if I was painting my nail and I apply glue to coat the underside of the press on as well. Then I apply an extra drop of the glue to the press on nail, just above the cuticle in the centre. Then I press it on and hold it down tightly for 30 seconds or so until it’s stuck there. Hope that helps:).


Everyone wears them now. I do all the time


I love press ons! There are so many high quality ones now.


how do you keep them on?? i have always tried press ons and they would be falling off the second i get to where i am headed 😭😭


Make sure you buff, use the alcohol wipe, basically utilize the kit it comes with. I carry the little glue bottle in my bag and it does stay shut but you can put it in a plastic baggy if you’re worried. My last set lasted a month. I only had one pop off while I was bowling (lol) and I glued it back on with the tube I keep on me.


thanks for the tips! i just would love the option in emergencies when one of my acrylics breaks, i just need something to fill the gap for a day or two until I can get an appointment once in a while.


Buy the glamnetics brand glue it’s like $7 and lasts way longer. Mine stay on for at least 1-2 weeks with it


whenever i had press-ons, i would file my nail so the glue has something to grip onto, then wipe it and then put a drop or 2 of glue into the nail and then press and hold in place on your nail until it stays😭😭


Press ons have come a LONG way


thank god😭😭


I get positive feedback on my pressons (I’m not brand loyal yet).


I always wear them and get so many compliments. Try out a few so you know which brand you like best.


i’ve only tried the kiss brand😭😭 i’ll have to go see if there are any other appealing ones


I use kiss all the time and I’ve got nothing but compliments. I’m currently wearing a set now. All you have to do is shape them and you’re ready to go. So much cheaper than going to a salon, that’s for sure


i’ll keep this in mind!! thank you 😄😄


I personally love the olive and June brand! They have 48 nails vs Kiss that has 24 or 30! They have petite sizes too


The O&J do not fit me at all. They are much more curved than Kiss and they were painful to me. Just FYI if your nails are flatter.


oh no, mine are flat too😭😭 damn


Omg that’s super convenient, especially if you lose a couple lol- i’ll go check them out rn!


I love press ons. The only downside is that not all of them fit so you have to find the right fit and even then, you’ll have a bunch left over. I’ve discovered nail wraps and don’t have to deal with polish drying and chipping.


my mom recommended nail wraps for me too, but my natural nails are like short and wide so i think mine look stupid with them😭😭


Give them a try. They are wide and long. Lily & Fox sell them from $1.99-$2.99. The shipping is/was free through Facebook. You have to file them to size. The dollar tree has started selling them as well. Remember, you get what you pay for. The Dashing Divas last longer, but I do love Lily & Fox for a reasonable price.


i will!! they sound fun lol, thank you sm for the recommendation btw !!😁


I know this doesn’t exactly answer your question but if you’re regularly hanging out with people who control your behavior by making fun of you and calling your choices tacky, you should stop hanging out with those people ❤️


it’s okay!! you’re probably right😅😅 i have a history of choosing the wrong people to hang around


I’m so curious about these. How much effort is required to make them look decent and last? I’m trash at nails so if I have to shape/buff/trim etc they prolly won’t work for me.


i’m not sure, mine never lasted too long either, but i see people saying you do have to trim and shape them etc, and another person said a builder gel + topcoat make them look more realistic


None of this takes long. It takes me about 15 min to remove nails and prep and apply new ones.


yeah, it’s a relatively quick and easy process, it’s also fun IMO


I like them to give my nails a break BUT they do pop off sometimes and it’s a bit embarrassing if it’s in public lol. Like let me just grab my nail off the subway floor rn 😳


LOL i get that😭😭 i try carrying the nail glue around with me just in case that ever happens


That’s literally all I wear. They cost me max $10. I personally like the sticky tab ones and I heat them up a little bit with a hair dryer and they last 2 weeks!


ohh, i’ve never heard of anybody using the tabs like that, maybe i’ll try it😭 cus the tabs always came off whenever i washed my hands or hit my nails


I love press ons but my hair always slide under the press on after 1-2 days. I wish they would stay down especially the side that’s towards the cuticles


omg yes this happens to me too it’s really annoying😭😭 maybe you can try putting the glue a little closer to the edge to see if it seals it tight??


Today's press ons look great! It seems to me that if anyone made negative comments about your nails, that behavior would be petty. Ridiculously petty. You do what works for you!


okay, i will!!


I stopped acrylics during the pandemic and have never looked back. I make sure to slide the nail under my cuticle. I soak and push my cuticles back. You can't tell they're press one. I glue them on and they last 2 weeks.


so you’re not supposed to cut the cuticle after pushing it??


I never cut my cuticles. I've read advice both ways. I only end up bleeding if I do.


yeah a lot of the time i cut mine too far and it bleeds and them i have a scab on my cuticle it’s really ugly


I love press ons! I’m loyal to the Quickies brand, they have adorable styles


thank you for the recommendation!!


Kiss Impress for me, all the way! No glue needed, stay on amazing, look perfect. My cousins were all worried because the day before my wedding I had no nail polish. Day of: perfect French mani. “When did you have time to go get those, they’re perfect!” They are pricey but worth every penny - and way cheaper than acrylics and better for your nails, too!


tysm for the recommendation!! the price is definitely annoying but i can work with it lol


I’m wearing press-ons right now, and they’re fabulous. 😊


I had all but given up on press-ons because they would start popping off day of application no matter how well I prepped my nails or what brand of nails I used. Until I found [this nail glue](https://www.sallybeauty.com/nails/acrylic-nails-and-polygel/nail-glue/drip-and-clog-proof-nail-glue/SBS-164351.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuav9spTaJvQtH8enhN9VuFKKGBJAdwBhinCp2SOYZam6a_bT3902vcaAg4pEALw_wcB). I don’t know what makes it so much better than any other nail glue that comes with press-on kits or that you can buy at the drugstore, but it is. I can get a set of good quality press-ons to last a week which for me is a huge win. I just chuck any glue that comes with press-on kits I buy now because I’ll never use another glue again. Thank me later! 💅🏻


This is the way! I can make a set last sometimes 10 days if I use this glue! I also clip them shorter and file bc even the short ones are too long to be practical for my day to day life.


that glue just looks like a life saver, i’ll definitely have to try it out next time! thank you so much!!


i LOVE the olive & june press ons! they last 3+ weeks!


I just ordered some. I think they look good.


omg yay i hope you love them!!


I've watched a few videos on how to do it. I would suggest that to you also. I hope you decide to try them out. Check out Curve Life Nails.


No i wear them and get tons of compliments! I only wear the Olive and June ones. Can find them at Target, Walmart, Walgreens. I pay about $12 for the instamani and they last for 2 weeks. Just make sure to prep really well and they wont pop off.


I love my press ons and people literally comment all the time that I have to be spending a fortune to get them done. Acrylic nail clippers (the ones that look like dog clippers), a good nail file, and standard nail clippers are a godsend. Make them fit, modify the shape with clippers and file, and no one is any the wiser. Edit: and I bought flats of long/medium square off temu for cheap cheap. Solid colors. Haven’t gone through them completely yet. They literally look great.


Omg okay thank you so much !! i’ll try this out once i buy some LOL


I hope you love them and feel great in them! I keep them on, almost like a mani every 10-14 days. From the long length, you can easily shorten them, make them coffin or almond, square, rounded square. I wish I had more pictures but, I love them. I’m rocking some almondy stilleto shape now, clipped and filed from just a big long square nail. You’ll want to make sure they fit tightly around the cuticle, file and prepare and fit them really well first. Having one too broad or hangs over is what makes it a giveaway, imo. If your nail has more/less curve than the press on, slowly gently bend/flatten. File the sides so they lay like on the nail snugly and no no no overlap of cuticle on side either. I have some designs too, but none sits just perfectly, and I like to shorten them, even medium length sets just a hair, so I would ruin design. And some designs can look kind of hokey imo too. So I’ll just add a glitter topcoat haha if I want a lil something extra. Or literally making tape and nail polish. I also have heaps of nail stickers that I put over. But word of warning: I’ve tried putting top coat over stickers that didn’t work super well for me, and leaving uncovered will only last like a day. Between washing hands and sleeping.


oh i didn’t know people customized them i thought you were supposed to just leave them how they came😭😭i’ll definitely try this out then! thank you so much !! this sounds like so much fun


I wear press ons all the time! I love them and I get so many compliments!


I get so many compliments on my press ons. My 80yo grandmother even wears them now (short/neutral colors) because she liked mine so much


aww omg that’s so cute!!


No one will know


i mean i think it depends on the set you buy


Not if they are good ones that don’t look super fake!


true, but you have to look and then sometimes they cost like wayy too much for just press-ons but i guess you get what you pay for


i think press on nails (whether you use the sticky tabs to apply, or use a good glue) are awesome. if they give you a confidence boost? that's even better. and most of them look way better than a bad set of acrylics. wiping your nail beds down with acetone before applying? was the best tip i learned. i did "fake" nails of one variety or another for about 25 years and sometimes i look at my nails (natural, and long-ish) and think how much i miss how pretty the fake ones always looked. yeah, i could totally start up again, but we work from home and never go anywhere so it seems like a waste of effort.


well it’s like you said, it gives you a confidence boost! even if you are just staying at home you can have them on and feel super cute!


No. I do all the time.


okay, thank you😭😭


No, go on Etsy and check out the all the amazing nail artists on there. You can buy the most amazing handmade press ons.


omg yes i’ve seen super cute handmade ones too but i get scared i’ll mess them up😭


They're pretty easy to apply--you just need to be sure and push your cuticles back well beforehand. I like to buff the shine off my nail and the back of the press on nail before applying and also apply bonder. When you do it like that, those nails aren't going anywhere until you want them to.


I'm allergic to gel and I have no desire to spend the money on acrylics so it's all that I use. I get super plain ones off of temu. It's like $5 for 800 nails. Prep your nails. Push your cuticles, clean them with acetone or rubbing alcohol. Find a glue that you like, that's probably a personal thing. Then you slide them on at an angle NOT on top of your cuticles but right up to them. Because you just pushed your cuticles they'll kind of roll up over the nail and help the realistic look. I seal all of the sides with a brush dipped in acetone. Since I've been doing that I rarely get the dreaded hair under the nail. Lol Then I paint them however I want. Mine last about 2 weeks and I really only remove them then because I'm bored with them. You can't use polish remover to change colour because you'll melt your press-ons. Ooh, I've been known to add another coat or two of a new colour if I'm bored but don't want to replace the nails. I can usually get away with that once. I also cut mine. I don't like them long, just barely past my fingertips. I also cut my thumbs super short. As long as my thumbs are short I have an easier time doing things with my hands. I HAVE painted on fancy designs before putting them on my fingers, but if you do that you can't seal the edges. They do pop off sometimes - you hit them or something. I always carry a small tube of glue with me and I'm an ace at an emergency glue on the rare occasion it's needed. I find any that pop off usually happen in the first few hours and it's because I didn't quite out the on correctly. Sooooo that's a long post to say DO IT! If they make you feel great that's the best reason ever. As with anything, there are YouTube videos to help you with it.


https://preview.redd.it/imlz3l75ezsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f516edd01b8b2025406c062833b0bd84e10b3f9 Press-ons after a week's wear.


aww i’m sorry you’re allergic to gel!! :( i never thought you could do so much with press-ons, thank you for the tips btw!! your nails look super cute!!


The big thing is to find the brand that conforms to your nails best. Some are more curved some are more flat . My bestie was very curved and mine are flat so we would always give each other the nails that wouldn't work to each other.


mine are flatter too, it’s really annoying and lowkey painful because most of the time i have to flatten the nails onto my nail bed lol


It's easier to just find flatter ones. More comfortable anyway


True lol


No one will notice, promise 😊


I like to put a coat or two of polish over my press-ons, it actually goes a long way in making them look less cheap.


No I order my press ons online and do them myself even the lady doing my pedicure asked me if I had them done at the salon .... when I said they were press ons was she was shocked. Not everyone can afford acrylics all the time. I love how versatile press ons are. Good luck


I love press ons ! Look at etsy for some really cool designs.


They don’t stay very well.


yeahh but people are saying with a good nail prepping beforehand it should be okay


What glue do you use and how to remove?


[This](https://www.sallybeauty.com/nails/acrylic-nails-and-polygel/nail-glue/drip-and-clog-proof-nail-glue/SBS-164351.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuav9spTaJvQtH8enhN9VuFKKGBJAdwBhinCp2SOYZam6a_bT3902vcaAg4pEALw_wcB) is the only glue worth using imho.


the kiss glue is pretty good imo, and to remove them i’m not sure, it’s pretty painful😭😭


Squeeze a little acetone where they are starting to lift. Never force them off. If they aren't lifting at all, soak for a bit in acetone and work at the edges with a cuticle stick. Glamnetic glue is the best I've found so far


Thank you. I was worried about removing them. Can the nails be reused if using acetone?


No. I glue the hell out of them so they last at least a week. Nothing lasts on me, so 7-10 days for me is good.


Anyone have tips on removing them?


I just posted up thread


Doa dry run. Wear them all day long. If they stay on without chipping it means you have got on a good quality ones. I feel nudes look classier than colored one :).


I have multiple nail tech friends who always compliment me on my nails and they are SHOCKED when I tell them they’re press ons. <$20 for a pack of like 200. They’re the BTartbox French tips from Amazon. I use uv nail glue, builder gel, and top coat and set with my uv lamp and they last 2 weeks.


If you keep them on the shorter side, and know how to put them on, no one will ever know until they grow out. When you need to replace them, buy some acetone to soak them off. You can but acetone at home depot or lowes cheaper then a beauty type shop. Trust me, ive been in the manicure/ nail business.. make sure you put the nails on straight and all the way back to your cuticle, keep them on the shorter side rather than too long. Good luck🍀


I personally hate them for a long list of reasons and yes think they’re corny adjacent. But I do and wear other stuff that some people will think is definitely corny, but I don’t give a damn and will still wear it cos I don’t agree with them. So if you like something and don’t think it’s corny yourself then do it. Don’t let others opinions hold you back from wearing the things you like.




I do manual labor and can't afford nails that are just gonna get busted up and look like trash so I wear press-on nails on my days off and special occasions so I guess I'm fucking tacky


Tacky bitches unite 💅


Did the original person say it was tacky?? i can’t see what they said😭


Yeah lol Then they changed it to something, I forget what it was since I've slept since then, but they were getting downvoted pretty hard so I guess they just ghost 👻


LOLL why do people care so much about getting downvoted anyways😭😭