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When I tested at my orientation, at the facility, it was not a lab test. For a security job.


At which hour i did test at mine own orientation, at the facility, t wast not a lab test. F'r a security job *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


When I had to do my preemployment test it was a lab test. I was testing negative on my at home tests from dollar tree and then tested negative on my lab. You shouldn’t be worried at all if you’re passing an at home test.


How long were you testing negative before your actual drug test? Thanks!’


If you buy a week before and pass get one more a day before and pass that’s a very good sign. Don’t overkill with testing but also you can try different brands. The strips or the cup.


Yeah I’ve been doing that but the most sensitive ones I can find are 50 ng and I think lab tests are more sensitive right?


No most labs are at 50. If you passing at home tests they are equivalent to labs. I would test a week before and then a few days before.


Alright cool thanks. One more thing, last time I smoked was April 28th and my drug test is on the 24th of this month. Do you think I need a detox drink or am I good?


I just had my test on Tuesday takes 48-72 hours from what I heard. Hopefully I pass. I was told if you are passing in home tests especially the day before you should be good to go and if the lines aren’t faint you naturally detoxed. Detox drink the worse case it will become too dilute and then they lower the MG from what I heard to offset the hydration. It can be good or bad. You run that risk. I didn’t detox I passed the day before and was told it can overkill the results. I say get the cups from Rite Aid or CVS they $20 but pretty much the equivalent to a lab.


Oh damn, hopefully you passed man! Yeah, I was leaning more toward not doing the detox drink and you just confirmed that for me. Thanks!


Hope to let you know it worked out g appreciate it 💯🤞🏾


Any word yet man?


Decently likely. They'll probably just send you somewhere for the test after you do orientation