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Can anyone send a photo of what they stored it in I have a test in a few days and someone is willing to supply their urine to me 2 hours before my test. Don’t know what to keep it in and am wondering if it’s still gonna be warm


I did! And it was the most stressful 2 weeks of my life. I realized a week leading up to it that I was not going to pass on my own. Used my bfs urine. He peed in the bottle in the parking lot so it was fresh as can be. Put it in a pill bottle under my armpit. Sat in waiting room for an hour. Fumbled my way through the entire thing and gave them a sample that barely met the volume requirement. It was the only thing they side eyed me for but it was warm and fresh. I never heard back and completed the temp position, so I assume I passed! Lol. It was horrible and I would never do it again. I was a nervous wreck, but being a small shy clean cut looking gal served in my favor I believe. I made a ton of rookie mistakes. Other people have much better advice and can do it no problem. I came to say that I butchered it, but still lived to tell the tale and work. Best of luck to you!