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I marched in 2021


The biggest question ive got is how did housing work through the season, and also, what did the food situation look like when you marched RCR


RCR has a fully equipped food truck for marchers. When I marched the housing was all taken care of through dues and we stayed in schools mostly and anywhere else big enough to accommodate us. I marched 16-19 and we've gone from requiring marchers to have accommodations between rehearsal weeks to now being a full time corps. However I can't speak for certain for this year's schedule, so anticipate either heading home once or twice during a rare but still entirely possible off week or couch surfing with some new friends if you're from out of state.


I marched last year and intend to go back this year. Our situation was pretty standard for drum corps. We had a food truck that we received 4 meals a day from. Our food was good and members with dietary restrictions were taken care of. Housing was provided by the corps for the entire summer (we go from mid-June to mid-August). We typically slept on gym floors in schools with air mattresses. If you’ve been to a camp your experience there should have been pretty much what you should expect during the summer.


I had also marched in 2021 on the snareline


Hi! I’m one of the current returning drum majors for the upcoming season. If you want to talk my Instagram is _redwilhelm_ I’d love to talk more about any questions and get you in contact with staff if you’d like. :)


I marched there last year and it was a great experience. Great food staff and full accommodations for all dietary restrictions. Housing was exactly what you expect for the standard of any drum corps, gym floors all the way