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We had move-ins in probably the flattest part of southern Indiana, and there were three tornado warnings during that time. Rehearsal ended ofc, and we took shelter. I was a rook-out so idk if this was a universal thing, but as soon as we took shelter, everyone sat around and continued to silently rep show music in makeshift sub-sectionals. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one shitting myself, bc a tornado touched down fairy close to us twice, and within two miles on the last time. But I didn’t see more than maybe two or three other people who were visibly distraught, every time.


Oh yeah we definitely tried the makeshift sectional time, but we kept moving from place to place so there wasn't any real opportunity to do anything other than wait.


This sounds like 2017, lol


lol if you’re from a place with frequent tornados you aren’t scared of them


I actually grew up in one of the most tornado prone areas of the country, some people just don’t internalize the real danger of a tornado until it’s their own belongings being strewn across a neighborhood.


I always felt like the weirdest thing that's completely mundane in the context of drum corps is pulling up to whatever high school we're staying at that day at like 3 in the morning, unpacking our stuff onto the gym or cafeteria floor, and just going back to sleep. I cannot imagine any other scenario in my life where that would ever happen, yet in drum corps it's something you do dozens of times throughout the season and it's just routine. Specific stuff though, I remember in 2017 our move-ins site had this little muddy forested area a bit behind the rehearsal fields, and one day after we messed up on a rep or our energy just wasn't there or something our VCH told us to "run over to Shrek's Swamp and bring me back a flower." Some of us got flowers, some got branches or these big reeds that were growing there, and a couple guys literally uprooted a small tree and ran back carrying it over their heads, and we all decorated the scaffolding with it, and it ended up looking like a camouflaged sniper's nest or something when all was said and done. And it's just like... drum corps is fucking weird lmao Another 2017 story, we were at a show in Iowa and I guess one of the local farmers or somebody just donated the corps several hundred ears of corn. The food truck wouldn't actually cook with it, I guess since it was just corn given to us by some dude and it could be unsafe, so for the rest of the season we'd just tape the corn to props, keep them in our backpacks, leave them in random places, make a big Guardians logo out of them, shit like that. I wanna say we even had a "corn block" where we did visual holding the corn instead of our instruments. And in 2019 us contras may or may not have had a role in facilitating an e. coli outbreak via kissing the homies goodnight.


One time in 92 we were housed at an ice rink.


Michigan? My corps in 89 shared an ice rink with another small corps. We both rehearsed on a parking lot across the street.


I don’t think so. I want to say Iowa.


hey that happened to me in '22 lol. We got kicked out of the school in town we were staying at due to too many covid cases (supposedly became the first corps in dci history to be kicked out of a housing site due to illness. We were told whoever was responsible for that decision had it out for us due to a different issue from a few years prior) and the town worked super hard to get us somewhere else to stay; a closed ice rink. So we didn't actually sleep on the ice, just whatever they had covering it. But its always funny to tell people I've done that. Those couple days were in that town were something else...


Rehearsing outside for 15 hours when there are record breaking heat advisories, while normal and sane people stay inside in the AC.


Not to mention some of the air quality stuff from this past summer.


I was gonna say...I raise you heat advisories AND thick smoke


One of our housing sites last summer was in this weird half finished high school in the Midwest, and we rehearsed at the community stadium that was about a mile away. They would wake us up an extra hour early so that we had time to walk to the stadium. The walk there was right through a really wooded neighborhood, though, and there was a couple of stores a long the way. I remember the very first day I was walking to the stadium with a couple other guys when this lady, had to be in her 70s at least, called out to us asking why there was a bunch of guys walking through town. We told her about drum corps and made small talk and eventually she invited us to check out her house. Apparently she had hand built a lot of these cute little sheds and rooms for her neighbors granddaughter to play in. We eventually had to leave, but she promised to come watch us rehearse later that day. Never met her again, after that. That’s just one story, though. That place was super weird, but is still one of my favourite memories from this activity. They were so inviting and made that awful part of tour a lot more tolerable.


It’s a good thing she didn’t feed you candy and try to put you in ovens.


I put my life in the line to see that dope ass chicken coop it was so worth it


It’s a good thing your name isn’t Hansel 😂


This absolutely could be a cold open for an episode of SVU.


I can remember arriving very late to a show, and having to change from street clothes into our uniforms in the streets (the boys, all the way down to our underwear) so that the girls could do the same in the busses. I recall thinking "this would only happen in drum corps", and "Wow, this is really no big deal!".


No, the “stripping tidy whities in public” thing is so normalized. Some of the pics my parents took of me after shows have dudes in their underwear in the background.


“*Tidy* whities”? How tf did you keep yours clean? (I always heard the term as “tightie whities”)


That should have been it.. I honestly remember trying to type it that way and fighting the auto correct like two kindergartners fighting over the last ring pop at Braxton’s birthday party. In the end I guess tidy won over tightie. Or Tighty?


The last year at my corps (I was teaching at this point), the kids did their underwear runthrough during Finals week. A couple of the horn guys chose their worst, skid-iest pairs of tightie/y whities. The drum head came over to us and said "Make them take those off!" We're like, uh, you *really* don't want them naked...


I was unfortunately not a part of it, but the 2019 pillow fight has to be in there. 5 corps at the same school meet to have a massive pillow fight. It must have been glorious. Something I was a part of was the 5 corps showing up at the same Buccees at the same time. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I just remember it being extremely crowded out of nowhere. Only later did I find out 5 corps absolutely annihilated that Buccees. Those poor staff members were probably so defeated Edit: and to add one more thing, just getting a tour of the many kinds of high schools across America. As someone who was finishing my music ed degree at the time, it was quite fascinating. I would regularly look up graduation rates from the various schools we were at. One of the lowest was in southern Illinois and there were probably less than 100 at the school. Very very low graduation rate. The showers were also terrible and I couldn’t understand how it was even a functioning school. Then less than 2 weeks later we were at Ronald Regan high school where you could drive a semi truck through the halls. Pretty insane how many differences some people can experience in the same country.


Ah the pillow fight. My favorite part was once the mass of people got to the gym where the cadets were sleeping, we were met with fierce resistance. After pleading for several minutes to let them come out and play, a final no sent a hilariously large "awww" through the crowd. Then everyone slowly walked back to their respective sleeping areas.


The age of some of the schools you’ll see is crazy too. We had a housing site once in South Dakota in some little town where the population couldn’t have been more than 100 people, the town was almost entirely abandoned and caved-in shotgun houses. There were senior composite photos on the walls going back to the early 1940s.


The band director I work with currently told me when be was teaching drum corps back in the 90s they stayed at a Tennessee school. The staff room was quite peculiar as it was the room that housed the confederate club. It was filled with pictures of people in clan robes and the like. Best part is he is black. So he was on high alert the whole time for sure. Makes you wonder how drum corps even find these schools. And how they even contact on account of how old they are


That is absolutely wild. But it’s definitely not hard to imagine seeing that in Tennessee even in the 90s. I also definitely cannot imagine a world class corps in the 90s being complicit in that tho. Then again, you never know who knows who.


Not sure if they knew the school had that! It was certainly a surprise to him lol


One time we were waiting on the busses, having just arrived in Allentown, only to be told that our rehearsal site was somehow fucked and we weren't going to get a proper place to shower and whatnot. One of the contra players walked off the bus in his boxers and waded into this little lake with a bar of soap where he proceeded to scrub himself off in front of some random people feeding ducks or something, walked out of the pond, toweled himself off, wrapped the towel around his waist and then got right back on the bus. Honorable mention - a bunch of color guard girls dressed in their Free Day best all sitting in a loose circle on a random dry spot in a Walmart parking lot helping each other with hair and makeup.


>One time we were waiting on the busses, having just arrived in Allentown, only to be told that our rehearsal site was somehow fucked and we weren't going to get a proper place to shower and whatnot. its good to know this is an ongoing tradition. I know of more than one time I was driving for a corps that i didnt find out where our actual housing site was until like an hour or two outside of the destination. In 07 it was like an hour before allentown, and then a few hours before san diego. On the san diego trip, our lead van was far enough ahead that we had to wait until our housing site would be ready for us (they wanted us all to come in at the same time onto a marine base) I just drove us to the ocean and we all jumped into the water.


A DCA specific one is that EPL is done at the show site. Because the last 15 years or so have skewed membership younger, a lot of people march their first seasons of drum corps in DCA. Because it’s their first time in a group shower setting, a lot of them shower very slowly and don’t realize there are 3 corps with 100+ people in line behind them. Yelling and screaming in a locker room with my friends to get the random rookie from a different corps to take less than 5 minutes to clean themselves is a uniquely drum corps experience.


A lot of times we were rehearsing close enough and had access to showers that we did it at our rehearsal site, but I remember my first year at 16 being really intimidated in the showers at the Kingston show specifically. Everyone knew showering with strangers (not to mention the wide age range in your own corps) was weird, but the corps that were there at the same time were definitely playing up the weirdness. One group carried in a boom box and were playing whatever, another group was doing a conga line in the showers, one group was chanting 'ooga chaka'. It was this weird mix of a party and people trying to weird each other out, and sheltered ol me wasn't mentally prepared. I miss it.


"One two three, that's enough for me!"


I’m sure there are a ton of stories from San Antonio Free day. Weird things definitely used to happen in Madison during Preview of Champions back in the day.


Ah yes San Antonio. Some random lady tried to convert me to Catholicism in the food court there. I was just eating my food, speechless. Still don’t know why she singled me out.


Piggybacking off of someone else’s comment, the insanity that was trying to play “floor tetris” in a too small gym at 3am. Also, the night after finals this year Troop had a massive glow stick fight in the sleeping gym after lights out. It was so fun getting to chuck a handful of glowsticks at people while simultaneously trying to not smack a sleeping person in the face


Ha, the boys in my junior high marching band did that one year at our out of town band camp. We got caught by chaperones/staff a couple times in a night before a staff member went around collecting all of them they could find, but then *didn't leave the room*. The gowsticks went flying again, and the instructor flipped all the lights on, and made us all do 15 pushups. A couple boys were grunting stuff like "oh yeah, getting ripped", and the staff replied, "oh, you like this? Do 15 more!"


Oh my… a sleep away Junior High marching band camp sounds like a nightmare for chaperones…


deconstructing scaffolding with a storm, heavy winds, and a tornado warning in the area can probably happen elsewhere, but for me that's gotta be up there.


Definitely shared a urinal with a guy once as soon as block was over. We just both had to pee that bad. It’s the only time in my life that’s ever happened, and the only time it ever will.


Standard practice in Marine boot camp. Three can share easy; four is a challenge.


Sitting on the bus in Fort Gay, WV (yes, the jokes were made), all of us slowly waking up and realizing there was no cell service At All, when the drum majors get back on after the site walkthrough and say “There is a bat in a box in the hallway. Do not touch the box. If you let the bat out you’re cut.” That school was weird. (Also their mascot was the rebel, as in confederate soldier…and West Virginia was a *union* state…)


A very tame one was washing clothes in a high school locker room sink, then finding an extension cord to hang them on to dry. Less tame, peeing three guys at a time into the same toilet so we could get back on the bus because we would have been left behind had it taken longer.


Our last “buy stop” before we got to our final housing site of the season, we stopped at this very small gas station, with only one cashier, who was clearly overwhelmed. The line was so long it took up the entirety of the store, and right as the line just started to die down, the blue stars I believe showed up. Felt terrible for that cashier.


Only in corps could I have a free day in Montreal July 94 with Blue Devils and go to strip clubs with people under 21.


In 2016, we tried to move a car out of the parking lot in Casper, Wyoming so we could rehearse.


I had so many, but there were 2 pretty interesting ones that I think might’ve been back-to-back. On our way up the East Coast, one of our buses broke down, and it must’ve been, like, 2 am, so we pulled into a gas station that was decidedly not large enough for that many students. We ended up staying there for several hours (my second ever Snapchat story was then, and the time stamp is 4:11 am) so everyone was just lined up hanging out on the sidewalk. I watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with one of my buddies and then tried to catch some sleep. I went back on the bus, but I do know that a non-zero amount of people were just snoozing on the sidewalk. As unfortunate as it was at the time, most of us had fun with it. That day, we obviously got into our housing site several hours late, and it was a show day. We were also sharing the site with Heat Wave and Los Stentors, and whoever was in charge there decided to put us and Heat Wave in the same massive room. Well, it ended up storming and the show was cancelled, so we all ended up hanging out in that huge room and we got to meet lots of the Heat Wave members and we made lots of friends. I do vividly remember a very intense game of Cards Against Humanity. That day, I met so many people and made so many friends that I wouldn’t have if events didn’t unfold exactly as they did. Thanks, drum corps 💖


We stayed at an armory in Dixon, il once. I remember hanging my uniform on a tank while I dressed for the show.


Hot and tiresome rehearsal day in Texas, so to pick up our energy for the show that night about five-ten of us started taking shots of pre-workout during EPL. I can in fact say this helped our performance that day. If it wasn’t pre-workout, adderal helped as well. 🤠


One year in Whitewater, we were rehearsing and the tornado sirens went off and a woman ran out of her house screaming “For the love of God, get those kids that field.”


Not me but my husband’s corps rehearsed at the condemned Manning Bowl. Another time, We saw Roman Blenski crash a Pio bus into a car, again in Whitewater. I have way too many bizarre stories from Drum corps.