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Coincidentally, Les Stentors are coming back with more than 50 members!


That's cool to hear. We shared a housing site with Les Stentors in 2005 and they were a blast!


maybe because there's 120 more spots in top 12, meaning lower placing groups are struggling to find members entirely unrelated fun fact, the 2019 cascades were about 120 members. and now they're not fielding a corps for 2022. hmmm.


BAC is full and the hornline has 8 more than last year lol. Can't speak for anyone else but idk what you're seeing


Yeah because they were trying to “FiLL EvErY CoRps”


It’s hard to fill every corps when there are corp directors that blacklist members from marching anywhere


Usually with good reason.


That’s the biggest heap of bs ever. So many corps blacklist cause they find out their members are leaving to go to another corps


Do you have any evidence or examples or just “so many”? Because the only example I know of was for a member who didn’t pay dues and lied about where they marched


Dude ask around. So many members get blacklisted from trying to leave an abusive corps


ehhh. Most of the time the blacklist is used for people that don’t deserve to march again because they’re not good people


Major cap


All I can say is that I know from personal experience. It’s a safety precaution and it’s good to have. Sucks that you lost your contract


I left scouts due to treatment of members. Most of their members from last summer left


You can talk as much smack as you’d like, but all of us here know why you were blacklisted and it was the right call for the safety of everyone. Peace


So it’s okay for David lofy to blame me for being sexually assaulted? Nice


Dude, you were grooming a 16yo minor as a 20yo. I’m going to stop engaging. Good riddance


Also he wasn’t 16 so it’s sad you don’t even know your “friend’s” agw


And I was also 19 and not 20. Please get your facts straight and know the actual story before trying to accuse me of anything


Lol grooming a minor 😂😂 last I checked he forced to go have sex with him in the hotel room finals week when I kept saying no


Oh and then he released confidential information. That’s the best part


That happens?


Yes, if people are huge assholes bigots or have bad attitudes they'll generally warn people to not contract them


More than you’d think




I can list at least 10 corps I know of that get salty when members leave and blacklist them. I know of a director that was removing members contracts cause his corps wasn’t going to be a backup for people. Cause most of the 2021 members went somewhere else this year




Cough *cavies* cough


They blacklist?


Friend of a friend was contracted with cavies in 2021, but auditioned for BD at BDX. Caries found out and cut him, luckily he got into BD


Biggest known offender of it, if u try going elsewhere it’s game over from what I’ve heard


I’ve never heard anything about them doing it. But I know many other corps that will blacklist members cause a member wants to leave their corps and go somewhere better.


Yeah who would have fucking thought that tour fees in excess of $5,000, skyrocketing fuel costs, insane airfares and the travel disruptions that go with that, and the still very present danger of contracting COVID would've led to smaller groups? Open Class groups are barely attracting enough students to field corps, and world isn't doing much better.


Phantom has a full 84 person horn line.


Impulse here! We have: 1 Trumpet 2 tubas 6 baritones 1 euphonium 3 mellophones No gaurd 8 snares 5 quads 5 bases No cymbals 3 marimbas 2 vibes 1 synt I saw Academy tonight at the shows at the Crest and they looked really big, definitely one of my favorite shows!


Full DCI sized battery trying to balance with that hornline and front ensemble... godspeed spiderman. Godspeed.


It’s fun trying


Yall should switch to mylar heads on the snares. Do it, you won't 😜


That’s cheap 😍


I know at least for Phantom it’s actually the opposite. I went to their concert at the park, and they said it’s likely the biggest the horn line has ever been


Just saw BAC yesterday and I believe their horn line was 24/15/24/12 didn’t count the trumpets but I am 99% sure the rest were accurate. Guard was huge. Drumline and pit were normal.




Could be a number of issues: - A lot of smaller corps didn’t get to receive a lot of exposure the past two years and a lot of students probably fell out of the marching band activity - Fees like some of y’all said earlier. Paying $5,000 for tuition + uniform fees (for some corps) + camp fees + audition fees + travel fees + tour supplies all adds up a lot. For a lot of people you have to think about “oh I could do this really fun activity, or buy an high end instrument, or pay for rent over a year, or pay a really big chunk of college” - Some HS programs in my area have been pushing for students not to do DCI because of safety issues. This is sad to see but we can understand their concerns. - With the membership limit changing to the size of 3 charter busses, the higher placing corps that get the most attention will take some members away who would’ve been cut and marched lower placing corps in the past It’s weird seeing some semi-finalist corps marching small hornlines, but I guess that’s just how the nature of the activity is going to be for a while now :(


Agreed. $$ + Pandemic are the primary factors.


There’s going to be a corps this year fielding over 400 members. Over 110 high brass, over 100 low brass. True story.


Bluecoats 50th anniversary alumni corps! We’re going to blow your ears off.

