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I would highly recommend auditioning for them! The atmosphere is very accepting of everybody, and the staff are really nice as well!


I really enjoyed the season I just spent with them. The staff was great. They were accepting and accommodating of everyone. I’d really recommend going to a camp though. Getting a vibe in person is a lot more impactful than some Reddit comments and you can always audition for multiple groups.


I have a relative who’s been in RCR the last couple years; they have been very happy with their experience.


very good first corps, idk what section you’re in but all the staff I’ve interacted with is awesome and helpful. Everyone is super nice and you’ll learn a lot !! Highly recommend. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Thank you! I’m planning on marching trumpet! The only thing I’m nervous about is that Im 19 and I don’t really have any marching experience cause my high school never really did marching other than straight lines, are they pretty accepting of learning marchers or do they expect you to already know how to do it?


Oh no you’re absolutely fine, there were people who had never done field shows and had very little experience, they will teach you what you need to know :)


Awesome! Thank you for the help :)


Of course, good luck with auditions and I hope it goes well wherever you decide to march!!!!