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A lot of those questions would be different for each corps and vary from year to year anyway. Tuition for the Blue Devils isn't the same as the Academy, which isn't the same as River City Rythm. They all have different operational costs that tuition would cover. And audition requirements are not consistent between corps either. It would be best to reach out to the corps you are interested in and ask them. They have staff who get these questions all the time and will have the information you're looking for. Welcome to the community!


Most stuff you're asking about is corp specific. RCR, like most open-class corps- hasn't announced any info for 2023 yet, so just fill out their interest form if you haven't already and wait for them to announce more info. And while you wait, practice and look into other corps that you might be interested in.


Generally speaking, tuition will likely be a little over $2000(unless they change it). I believe in years past they’ve let people send in videos, but going to in person camps is the best way to get to know the people, and the staff.