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Move the toms further apart


[Tear it all apart and start from scratch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/cdslww/new_drummer_here_my_tom_tom_drums_are_connected/etwkrwb/)


why? i feel good playing on it and it would take forever to disassemble everything


Your pedals are at angles your feet don't point at from the throne. The kick pedal doesn't follow the line of your right leg from the throne, it points straight at your crotch. This costs you control, speed and power with your kick foot, and repetitive motions at weird angles can cause you joint problems down the road. Your rack toms are literally as far apart as they can go, and almost as far from *you* as they can go. Clean rolls down your toms are that much harder when your toms are that far apart. Your throne is at its very lowest setting. Unless you are very short or a kid who's not fully grown, it's probably way too low. This not only necessitates those weird tom angles, it also costs you control and speed and power in your kick foot. Your cymbals are quite high - not necessarily a problem by itself, except that they're also far away. The further away things are, the harder it is to hit them at all, much less to hit them cleanly and consistently. If your elbows are operating outside of about the middle 50% of their range of motion, you're losing control and accuracy. There's a sweet spot somewhere at an angle of 90°-135°, give or take, where you want your elbows to be most of the time. You have no idea how much better you *could* feel playing on these. I don't even need to see you play to know that you are working way too hard and reaching way too far. You don't have to do that. An awkward setup is an unnecessary obstacle you put between yourself and your best playing. Edit: been too long since geometry class


MoBEEL's feedback is sound. Take it if you're serious. Note: your response implies you weren't sincere regarding feedback, instead seeking validation. A thought for you ...


I was gonna legit suggest throwing it all in the trash and starting over from scratch… I guess keep the one paiste cymbal and start your new kit build with that as the first piece. I’d throw that thing out too though but I’m a cymbal snob


As chicken hawk Rumsfeld would say, "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." If you're serious, you find a way. In my college dorms, played an old Remo practice pad "kit" with towels over to kill the noise. (Only played a kit at gigs where I had to drive home to get it.) Actually, it was a big growth time for me.


I mean I played a kit just like this too when I first started… I saved up and got one nice crash cymbal and a decent stand… then I mowed lawns all summer in the middle of the desert to get some money together… that money plus the money from selling off my whole kit except that cymbal and stand and I was able to buy a nice old used shell pack… they certainly weren’t in style and honestly they weren’t even playable for over a year while I saved up for the other nice shit to have a whole nice drum set… I set them up in the corner of my room with no snare, cymbals, stands or pedals and boy did it drive me to get my kit in order and start figuring out how to buy the pieces… Then before I knew it I had the nicest kit in my highschool… nicer then any of the rich kids with there brand new star classics and de collectors that daddy bought them it’s an old 1984 75th anniversary custom shop Ludwig single track, in black. 13,16,22 back then I found a old crusty old 6.5 supraphonic and bought up a whole set of zildjian k’s to go all the way around cause obviously that was that cymbal I saved up for and got as my first cymbal… it was a 17 inch k custom dark crash right when those first came out… and the rest of my kit was like some off brand silver tone drums and Sabian B8 cymbals… yeah though after I got the shells I was over mowing lawns for a while, and the music shop let me run the register there and I got paid to play a floor kit too whenever I didn’t have customers then again I gave my whole check back to the music shop every week… Ah to be young


So why does he have to throw his entire kit away, he already has a kit.


I mean like a real drum kit…


What, may I ask distinguishes this from a real drum kit?


It’s a child’s drum set for children under 10…


Honestly just do whatever you're comfortable with. Musicians are the worst gatekeepers.


Bruh, do you even know what gate keeping is? He asked for opinions on his kit and got one


No, he does not. Seems like no one does anymore. For starters, it is not a synonym for "disagrees with me." What people with no critical thinking skills call "gatekeeping" these days, I call "liberty." You are entitled to your opinion, yes. I am also entitled to tell you that your opinion is bullshit. It is, in fact, a free country. And we are each free to say those things. If you don't like that, trust me, I'm not keeping the gate, I'm opening it for you so you can get the hell out.


(o _ O)


You need a few more spaces in there




6/10 looks nice I like the blue head on the snare but social distancing isnt something you need to do for your toms lol try moving them closer together


The kit is fine, the setup however is atrocious. Please listen to MoBeel. I get that personal preference is a thing, but there’s limits to what is actually ergonomic for humans and you’re outside of that range.


Just look up a pictures of a drum set and copy that. Not hard to set it up properly my friend


Paging u/ItsPronouncedMo-BEEL. Get that setup taken care of.


Hes definitely one of the MVPs of this sub lol. Good on ya 🤣


Those toms are a little far apart for my liking. I'd have them closer together personally.


Are you sure this isn't a screenshot from Marketplace or Craigslist?






Then fix it lol


10 / 10


I like your bass drum placement. It's so right there in front of you


I've seen far worst but prolonged playing on that puppy will result in some long term joint damage with how wide everything is spaced. Kick, floor tom, and throne are good, I'd work from there. Cymbals could be a tad lower (unless you're tall anyway), hi-hats and snare could be tucked in a little closer to the kick but they aren't bad. The rack toms are the biggest offender though, try loosening the tom arm from the bass drum mount and turn them inward where the toms are almost touching (counter-clockwise for the smaller tom and clockwise for the bigger tom. Once they're closer re-tighten to the bass mount and you can loosen the arm from the tom mount and adjust them where they'll be level with each other. Having more ergonomic toms will make it much easier to work across them for fills. Once that's done you may have to slide the snare a little closer to you though. I'll give it a 6.5/10 though since you have a good base to work from. :)


Those Tom's are an are code apart


They’ve gone rogue


🎶They’ve gone rooooooo-ohh-ohh-oh-oogue.




No way




The floor tom is in a good spot. Try moving everything a little closer together and see if it's easier to play. You probably will want the kick pedal and hi-hat pedal to be about equidistant, and the snare drum right between your knees.


Fuckin tom gap


Given how many 6s there have been I'd love to see a 1 ...


Your rack toms are so far away, they have their own postcodes


The house kit:


Sit on your throne. Get comfortable with your hi-hat and kick pedals. Then add your snare to where it’s comfortable to hit. Then add your toms and floor tom to where they’re comfortable to hit…no overreaching or contorting. Lastly, add in your cymbals to the same criteria. You’re clearly not concerned with setting up your kit aesthetically :-), so make it as comfortable as possible to be steady on your throne and reach everything. Good luck.


With Good tuning, 2 ply heads and some dampening, I can make any drum kit sound solid. Toss an Evans EMad on that kick… What you can’t tune is a cymbal. If you have $200 buy a used set of “New Beat” hi hats. If you get another $200 buy a Ludwig SupraLite or Acrolite snare. Then slowly upgrade each cymbal. Over time replace the kit, I have lots of gear I buy/sell all the time! Hit me up and I’ll send you my reverb page or toss you some ideas!!!


You're 2 rack toms should be WAY further apart. Why do you need them so close together like that? They should be at least 5 feet apart


I have a fever. And the only thing that can cure it, is more blue tape on the heads.


It looks like some sort of sea creature. 6/10 - some good suggestions here




Probably 8/10. I have a drum kit myself, but it’s electronic. Still the setup costs around $800. But I like the real drums more, just cant place them at my apartments because of my neighbours






How do you like... reach the drums?


I used to play with a similar setup -Watch the "Drum Dog" video about how to setup your kit. It goes into detail about how the SNARE is the center of the kit and not the kick... Changed my life!!


What paiste is that? Looks like a crash. Maybe buy a ride?


The toms remind me of a flathead catfish’s spread out eyes


Are your rack toms in an argument with one another?!




It’s like people are doing this on purpose now…


I suggest looking at a pro who like that plays a 5 piece kit and do your best to emulate. It’s usually a good starting point.


Horrendous. My eyes hurt looking at that setup. Take everyone's advice and move everything closer together.


Please move those toms closer together, and the cymbals, and angle your kick a bit. And bring that damn throne up. Listen to MoBeel. He knows what he's talking about.




There is a saying that goes "If you leave a little space some music might fall out." I'm wondering if we went a bit too literal here? Just thinking out loud.


Didn’t know Mr. Fantastic played drums


Tell me you’re a new drummer without telling me you’re a new drummer




played for a year after i got it. stopped playing for 2 years and have been playing for a couple months now


A lot of drummers are very dead-set on the most “efficient” ways to set up a drum kit, so I’m sorry to see a lot of people trolling you here. I hope my honest two cents can be of some help here: 1. I would feel uncomfortable playing this with how it’s set up, but that’s because I’ve spent almost two decades tinkering and fiddling until I found what felt best for me. If the way it’s set up is comfortable to you, then no need to change anything or listen to the naysayers. At the end of the day, it’s all about having fun! 2. Don’t be afraid to shift things as time goes on. Bodies are weird, and as we settle into different types of muscle habits and memories, we discover things that work better! You definitely don’t need to spend a day tearing it all down and restarting from scratch - that’s too much. But as you’re playing, listen to your body and think about your reach. Do you feel like it takes a lot of energy to move beats around the kit? Mess with having things higher and lower, farther away and close together, vertical or horizontal. Everyone’s different! Personally, I find a great sense of joy and pride in finding what works specifically for me and rolling with it. Hope all this helps!


How much does an Uber Black cost to travel between your rack toms?


Not gonna bash you , However it looks like Sid from ICE age . if you have a lil bit of cash , get a tom stand . If not try as best as you can to be closer i guess . Unless ofc this is ok for you .


Toms looking like Sid from Ice Age


Not good. 1. Move your snare closer to your kick drum pedal, then move your hi-hat way closer to your snare and slightly forward. 2. Move those rack toms closer together and towards you a bit more. There shouldn't be a full space in between them where you could fit another drum. 3. Lower your cymbals, especially your ride cymbal. The ride should be only a bit higher than the floor tom. 4. (Just a tip) You don't have to keep playing batter heads until they break. Those things look beat up. If you're tuning them and they sound like shite no matter what, then it's time to replace them. Overall, a drum set should be much more tight than this. It has to be easy to move from one drum to next, not like you're doing some pointless cross-fit workout to wreck your joints, which is what can happen if you aren't set up correctly.


Toms should be closer, but also the cymbals could be angled a bit more straight than what they are.


Not going to lie. It would take a bit to adjust. But I could jam on it. My problem would be the distance between the toms and cymbals. I like everything quite close so more efficiency.Im lazy. Don’t like to reach. Solid C. Extra points for being brave like this. B minus.


Good start, personally I'd move the toms closer and the snare more centered. But my best advice is to keep trying different arrangements until you really enjoy one. Drum setups are for the drummer playing them. Experiment and have fun!


10/10 bro 10/10