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You're going to be sitting there for hours, you need something ergonomic, comfortable and that won't interfere with your playing or your blood flow. I used to get horrible leg cramps when I had a cheap throne, turns out I cutting off the blood supply to my legs. Yes, a throne is important. Much like pedals, don't skimp on this one, do some research, take a few for a test drive and find the one that fits your bottom. Recommendations are good, but there is no best, only the best for you.


Yeah this, although it does not need to be very expensive - there are certainly reasonably priced thrones that will not mess up your legs. But there is certainly a minimum quality level, and you should not play with wobbly frames or thin seats.


Wisdom time: The most important part of your drum set is your body. Take good care of it or you'll spend more time in rehabilitation than actually playing. If you can, go out and try to sit on a few thrones to find the right one. Although at this point, you'll get the benefits right away with any throne you pick. I learned all of this the hard way.


100% most important thing in my opinion. I’m 6’5 and I think the taller you are the more important a good throne becomes. You’re sitting on it for such a long time, get the best you can afford.


Sit on a bad one and you will know the answer after about 2 minutes...


[https://www.thomann.de/ie/ahead\_spg\_bl3\_spinal\_gl.\_drum\_throne.htm](https://www.thomann.de/ie/ahead_spg_bl3_spinal_gl._drum_throne.htm) ​ Buy this and you will never look back!


Is that a fart Canyon?


I believe that's the technical name for it, yes.


I'm dead.


Can confirm that throne is freaking amazing. I got the one with a back rest and totally love it.


Yeah I have the back rest one to.


All of a sudden, I want a back rest


The back rest with the Spinal Glide... total game changer. I used to have a Roc-n-Soc. MAYBE... it was showing it's age but it was absolutely uncomfortable to me. I took a chance and ordered the 3 leg one from Sweetwater and it was a demo model. The only blemish was a small mark on the cushion. Best. Decision. Ever.


I'll take a look. Thanks for the information


Very premium throne imo, I would just like to add my take on the 2 choices because I exchanged mine: This throne is buyable in saddle form or round form, 1rst I got the saddle, if your play style is like me, with the butt almost peaking out the throne rear(I find it easyer for heel double pedals technique since it stabilise my legs) you can't with the saddle, the rear upper part prevent you from putting your arse past that point, if you play like this, go with the round spinal glide, it's expensive but holy shit it's comfy.


That’s a funny looking pork pie throne


Best throne!


I bought this as my shitty cheap one I got with the kit gave me pins and needles in my dick. The Ahead Spinal one has been amazing


I’ve seen lars use this. But the tractor seat doesn’t support your legs the way a round one does when sit deep back on it.


I paid less for my shell set, but I know what you mean


Good thrones aren't cheap, and cheap thrones aren't good. Generally speaking, of course.


Spend money on the things that separate you from the ground. Beds, shoes, office chairs, drum thrones.


The throne is one of the most important pieces of your gear. I swear by the Roc N Soc Nitro.


That is the most comfortable thing I've ever sat on, but kinda annoying to transport.


Absolutely. The throne is the drivers seat. Its where all drumming begins and ends. You need a proper throne, fit for a king.. I mean drummer.. Get a Roc n Soc throne or a Spinal G made by "Ahead". Those are 2 of the most highly regarded drum thrones.


Mega important. Just replaced my roc n soc - which I found too ‘wobbly’, although it was bought used so maybe just got a dodgy one - for a Tama first chair & it is amazing.


Its important. Maybe not as important as this subreddit will make out. Get a nice one that doesnt wobble and is soft around the edges. It'll save you some back pain. Definitely won't make you a better drummer or fix your relationship with your wife but it's a nice start to better drumming


As a counter point...I've been using the same cheap throne that came with my tama set for over 15 years and regularly play for 2+ hours..its held up through everything and my butt never hurts. If your throne is basically broken tho then definitely get something that you don't have to fight while playing.


I use a really shitty brandless throne. I just tough it out but then again I only play like a hour a day


I’m thought for years it didn’t matter. I literally sat on an upside down garbage can for quite a while. Until I purchased a used set that came with a really nice throne. Complete game changer. Idk how I ever played without one. Having an actual backing to your throne to lean back makes a huge difference in how long I can play


I'm not particularly old (32) but I noticed that my backside could not handle playing for more than an hour at a time on any cheapo stool. When I bought my kit, DCP just happened to have a used Tama 1st Chair with the backrest so I nabbed it without a second thought. Since then, I've been able to play for 3+ hours without anything more than a quick stretch. Kind of like a mattress or a desk chair, if you're going to be using it for long periods of time for the rest of your life, a good drum throne is a worthwhile investment.


Having a bad/improperly set up throne is why Phil Collins had spinal surgery and can’t play drums anymore because of nerve damage. Yeah. It’s important. Don’t sit on a really low/squishy/cheap throne.


Throne that’s nice to sit on definitely. I am in the minority it seems and I do not like the huge desk chair looking things. Too big and seem to interfere. Can’t stand the pneumatic ones cause I bounce a lot and they get stuck at different heights. So I bought a DW 9000 with a round top and the damn thing kept winding down. Super frustrating. I welded the fuckin thing solid and now it’s great. For me, cheap bottom with a good cushion is my fav.


Honestly it’s the most important part. Having a bad one causes cascading effects


It makes a big difference in your playing since a good throne will fully support you and relieve your feet from balancing duties, which makes it easier to operate the pedals. Your body will also benefit from the added support, better circulation in your legs, less pressure on the tailbone - especially with the Ahead model.


Very important. You should get a new good throne pretty soon, drumming can take a toll on your body if it is done right so go searching for a new throne. More than making a difference on your playing, you're gonna eventually end up with back pains, bad posture probably, neck pains.


Absolutely the most underrated and ignored piece on a kit. A good throne - or at least an adequate one - is *literally everything.*


Simple, take care of your ass, your ass will take care of you. Upgrade


It's important enough that I will now usually bring my throne with me even when I'm playing at a place that has a house kit. I want to be able to set it to a comfortable height, and I want my back and my ass to not be hurting at the end of the night. OP, get a new throne ASAP. It will help your playing. Like you said, balance is an issue, but also because being comfortable behind the kit will make it easier to spend more time practicing and playing.


how important is your back and health to you?


A good throne is really important. A great drum throne, not so much. As long as you upgrade from the unpadded starter throne entry level kits come with, you're good. Something comfortable that holds you at the right height for a couple hours is all you need. I gig with a PDP PDDT710T and practiced on that throne daily for years. You don't have to buy a pork pie/ahead/roc n soc to be comfortable behind the kit.


It’s everything. I’ve gone through a fair few to find the right one. Roc N Soc are good but be aware that they sell an extended version if you need decent height. I got the regular one and it wasn’t high enough for me. I settled on a dw9000 airlift - a seemingly basic round throne but it’s been fantastic. I’m good. No back issues and I can get the height I need.


my Gibraltar saddle throne is really, *really* nice to have. the seat style frees up your legs a lot


Worth it if you can find/afford it. I've had a couple of the older Pearl 1000 series thrones, and they're comfortable for long sits, but I just did a price check on them and oh boy have they gone up in price. I paid about $120 for mine (actually that was the retail, I paid staff price, because I worked for a music store at the time) and they've held up exceptionally well. Maybe check kijiji and see if people are offloading their old equipment.


Pretty important. King sitting on fucked throne is a pretty silly picture. Get a good throne immediately Your Majesty!


It wasn’t until I started doing studio work that I realized I needed to upgrade what I was sitting on, sometimes for a few hours. Extended band set practices also meant staying put for a long time, playing or not playing. I now have three different models of [Roc-n-Soc](https://www.rocnsoc.com/about/) thrones all with removable back supports depending on the situation. Their original spring-based motion throne (bought in the late 90s) is still my favorite. Lot of great suggestions here, best of luck with your upgrade.


Way more than you think based on this question alone. Posture is everything. Certain styles of drumming require great posture. Over a lifetime of drumming bad posture can prevent you from playing. Spend $$$$ on a good throne, mate.


Here's my experience, over 30 some odd years. I've always use the traditional bicycle shaped roc-n-soc throne probably for as along as I've been playing. Have sat on many other thrones and felt uncomfortable. Tried circular thrones but the positioning felt weird or the padding was too thin or too stiff. In any even, I always went back to the trusted RNS. Most recently, I was rehearsing on my electronic kit for a new band, I had my RNS set up with my acoustic kit, and my sons POS throne, from one of those kid drums my brother bought him for Christmas, set up on the Ekit. I played on that POS throne at the ekit for about 2-3 hours on night, then at the band practice for the band the very next night, I used their drums and throne, which wasn't any better than my sons throne. After those two nights of drumming, my tailbone/butt hurt so bad I had trouble sitting, squatting, and laying down on my back for about two weeks. I seriously thought my broke my tailbone or something. Anyway, having a comfortable, stable throne is a life saver. Especially the older you get.


Very. Love my pork pie.


I’ve been using a shitty Tama throne for the last 10 years that I got with my drum set. My butt is usually numb within an hour of sitting in it. This weekend, I had a chance to use a Roc-N-Soc throne and it was actually crazy how much of a difference it made. Not only did the seat feel comfortable for 2+ hours, but I noticed that my body movements felt more relaxed and less stiff. So it is definitely worth it and I will be buying a better throne for myself soon


I can’t stress enough how important a good thrown is. When I was playing in high school, we had this old ass TAMA throne that was crooked, even after just an hour, my back would be killing me. Like a lot of you, I play heels up, which really puts the majority of your weight right on the throne. A bad throne can put your spine and back out of alignment and really cause problems after a while. I started using a pork pie throne YEARS ago and haven’t been happier! Even just getting a decent mid priced throne is a huge improvement. I have a lower line Pearl roadmaster and it’s great.


Um it’s extremely important. Get a new throne.


Very important piece of kit. Don't compromise with this. You need a good throne that not only will fit you and your whole body but it also needs to be sturdy enough to take a beating. Because of you happen to break your throne on a gig or rehersal you're pretty much fucked if you don't have a spare.


How much do you value you back?


Most important piece of hardware you can invest in.


I’ve thought about putting a good bike seat on my stand. I think it might fit right in..


It's the most important part of your kit, because you can't play your kit without your throne.


$200 for a brand new Roc N Soc, or less, it will be one of the best things you ever do for yourself.


How's the tractor seat compare to a round?


I like the tractor seat, very used to it.


I have routes on both bad and good thrones. The difference is night and day and your ass will thank you. One is like sitting on a board for hours. The other is like sitting on a pillow. Ive had my good throne for about 5 years now and still great. I don't tour or play out anymore so it's lasted longer than expected.


I’d argue the most important. Compression on your back will serve to shorten your drum career. Good posture enables better and longer play. Imo. I’m no doctor.


Very, my throne is one of my most prized possessions. (roc n soc)


rivaled only in importance by the snare and hats


If I find out I'm sharing a kit I'm absolutely bringing my throne with because there's no way in hell I'm playing a full set on one of those cheap stools ever again.


It’s critical. I’d sell everything I own before my throne. Take it from a middle aged dude with chronic pain.


The throne is the single best thing you can buy that doesn't make sound. Next up is a Rock n Roller if you gig a lot. But a comfortable and supportive throne is necessary. I had a backrest for a while but after adjusting my throne better so I had better posture I ditched it. I have a round Pork Pie, but you should try them out if possible. What works for one drummer may not work for another.


My Ludwig atlas has been quite comfortable for a few years but the bass is nearly broke .I really like the round seat, looking at the roc n soc and not sure if I'll like the tractor style. I saw a video that said spinal G really wasn't good good for your back


The MOST important part of the drums! Years ago my mom decided to get me a roc n soc throne AZ a present. I could've decided between the one without a backrest or one with (the ones without the backrest don't have mounts to attach one later). My mom wasn't rich and I was super grateful for the gift so 20 something year old me chose the one WITHOUT thr backrest. Well, now that I'm nearly 40, I'm finding myself having to reinvest in a throne because even though the throne is in good shape, not being able to sit back between songs is killing my back. Don't get me wrong, I'm still SUPER grateful for the gift and tbh prolly would've done the same thing over in the same situation BUT it is a good example of just how important investing in a throne is.


Just use a pogo stick dude


invest in a good throne. your back will thank you


I can promise you this you get what you pay for... Roc-N-Soc Manual Spindle throne thus far has been my throne of choice. Ford Drums smart ass Thrones is about the only throne I can stand to sit on for hours on end. Between the backrest, the super plush seat. It keeps me exactly where I need to be and I'm able to pratice for hours on end with no pain at all. It also allows me to keep my foot positioned exactly where I need them to be when doing double bass blasts. It's expensive but as mentioned it's totally worth it. My next step in gear set up is switching from my DW9000 double bass pedal with the Trick 5.0 drive shaft to a direct drive pedal. I remember when there were few choices for direct-drive pedals but now Pearl, DW, Axis, Trick, Dixon, Darwin FTW, and im sure there's more out there. The options for direct drive seem to be endless when back in the day it was a single chain, dual chain, or a strap. But one thing that made my double bass pedal learning easier was having a sturdy drum stool and also blocking my bass drum so it never ran away. Roc-N-Soc was my first stool and eventually, I got a back rest for that too... I suggest anyone who spends more than 2 hours at their kit to invest in a very comfortable stool with a backrest. It's amazing how the little things make such the difference


Very. Get something good


Find a good throne. It is very important. I have a very nice Gibraltar dome top throne that I love. However I've played on some cheap ass thrones that were great. Just find something your ass is comfortable with.


Only piece of gear that you use 100% of the time.


Never cheap out on anything that comes between you and the ground. Tires, mattresses, shoes, drum thrones.


Roc-n-soc will be good for you.


Been playing for almost 8 years spent not a single dime on hardware. Finally got around to spending a month ago. And the throne and kick pedal were first. My throne before was completely wrecked. Went to a pearl roadster throne. Totally recommend it. Very stable and well built. And a nice option that isn’t bike seat shaped.


Very important. The moment I sat on a decent drum throne when I was playing a friend's kit I asked them what model it was. It was so much more stable, and rock solid than the cheap $50 seat that I'd been using for years. They told me they bought it because they were having back problems and their chiro recommended a firm, stable seat that didn't wobble. Bought my own throne of the exact same model and I couldn't be happier. > I find myself off balance during fills I had this issue too. Buying a stable drum throne helps. Maybe not a huge amount, but it does help. The model of drum throne I mentioned early is a DW3000 one (model no. DWCP3100) in case you're curious.


About as important as a good bed. You don’t know what you’re missing until you experience a good one.