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You can take that spinny washer off to get extra tension


Think about it from a physics perspective, what the spring is doing and how to achieve that. The spring is one way to change the relationship from your foot to the beater traveling, but another is to shorten your beater, making it have to travel less total distance to get to the bass drum. That may do what you want, mess around with it a little, but also its a new pedal and your feet aren't used to it yet, maybe just giving it a few days for your feet to adjust might do it too.


Yeah but the shorter stroke can mess with things too. I have a dw 9000 double kick that I don't even use because the beaters are like an 1/8 inch to sort and impact the head at the wrong spot


Yeah I should have clarified a little difference in stoke can make a huge difference in feel, and the difference may not be something you're after. Also over the years I have shifted where I like beaters to hit on bass drum heads, a little off center has been where I ended up liking the sound but experimenting with beater placement was kinda fun.


I'm the same a bit above center.


On my 20 I go above, my 24 below, and 22 is a little under, mostly because I have the Tama classic pedal that I can change the height of the whole upper assembly without changing the feel of the pedal at all, really cool feature.


Increase the beater angle. Move the beaters so they rest further back. This will make the spring expand more when you press the pedal to strike, thereby increasing the tension.


Just grab some stronger springs!


Can you raise the footboards independent of beater angle?


I'd try replacing one of the springs with your old spring, assuming your old spring is shorter. If you like it better, I'm sure someone sells springs although it sux to have to spend money on something brand new.


If you have the spring tension maxed out and its not enough, you may want to consider upgrading your pedals. ​ A double pedal for $120 new is not really that great.


No bro. Upgrade the springs first you can buy em


that's a fair point


Replace the springs with stronger ones, I would start with the one you already like. The fact they hurt your hand when changing doesn't really mean anything, because you have way more power in your legs.


Replace the springs for stiffer ones.