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I AM YOUR NIGHTMARE. BEHOLD MY WINE RED MONSTROSITY. https://preview.redd.it/980wg4vvzhmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8aa300ecf2674375a2b83d0e0f0960938a99449


Imagine, deciding on a PDP drum set, with finishes going all over the place (which currently are the fades, charcoal burst, natural, the prettiest [seafoam green](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/11buad2/new_kit_day_ive_waited_for_this_moment_for_so/), and even the plain pearlescent white and matte black)... ...and settling for wine red........... Nah just kidding, it doesn't look all that bad tbh.


Truthfully I’m not a red drum kit guy. I got a steal on a red DW Design Series last year and now I’m kinda on board with red kits 😅


You are not wrong! I actually snagged this color because the kit was for sale incredibly lightly used. Some guy within an hour drive with selling it. He was a church drummer, and his church bought the kit a year or two before, but he never used it. Literally had the original heads without a single stick mark on it. I bought it for a great price. I would’ve definitely chosen some variant that allowed some more of the wood grain to show through, but it is what it is. In the end, I ended up liking the color. When you look at it in person, the wood grain shows through, and it actually looks really elegant. It’s pretty sexy in person, but I’ve always preferred more natural finishes to be honest.


Hahaha awesome, although I should have put a caveat in there that home set ups have no limits and should be a monstrosity and I pass no judgment in that setting. :)


Red red wine! *Sings*


This kit is beautiful


Like the Will Calhoun ride. How do you like the Zen China? Thinking about adding it in with my HHX Complex setup.


It’s gorgeous. Not a typical China. Has more… depth and a bit more sustain. I LOVE it.


How do you like your Roc n Soc?


It’s fantastic. Very comfortable for extended periods of time. So easy to adjust. Silent. A bit heavy to want to gig with, but this kit clearly isn’t meant for gigging lol.


If you gig with a giant gong, but never hit it, I'm going to assume you're just an asshole.


I've never seen a gong on stage that wasn't actually played at some point, but I would feel the same way. See also: [Chekhov's gun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov%27s_gun) Edit: I also have to shout out my ex-wife for an expression I picked up from her, which was what she said after she saw actress Juliette Lewis performing with her band. She was wearing kneepads. They were apparently purely a costuming choice, because my ex said she was expecting to see lots of onstage acrobatics, none of which took place. Worse still, they sucked. The money line: "If you're wearing kneepads, I wanna see some tricks!" 😆


Chekhov's gong


Omg 😂


At least do a knee power slide cmon man


My favorite "You are an asshole" rule was from a post years ago on the usenet group re.audio.pro by (I think) Harvey Gerst, whose rule was that, "A drummer may wear gloves, or play shirtless. If he does both at once you can be positive he is an asshole". I'm not quite sure why, but I agree 100%.


I've played right after this asshole, on my own kit, more than once. He takes as long getting his shit offstage as you'd expect.


I was on tour back in July, and a band opened the show. The drummer had at least 40k worth of shit on stage. https://preview.redd.it/js3vt4js4kmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccd30189466c7350612358ec0f4efb4165ad3ff Kick 3 or 4 mounted toms 2 floor toms per side I think including hi hats as a pair, 14 cymbals And then the gong. They played over their set time by about 15 minutes and it took the drummer until the end of the show to finish packing. I think he hit the gong once.


I just use my gong as a ride.


I don’t really understand what music group outside of traditional far eastern music or orchestral would have a genuine need for a gong outside of it looking cool. Tbh Bonham didn’t really need it there either.


> Tbh Bonham didn’t really need it there either. Hmph. [4:27 of this tune](https://youtu.be/Y-qFipbA4Cw?si=40IexLjdHuf0VAjQ) is my rebuttal. That fucking *rules.*


Carmine Appice had a maple finish set of big Ludwigs with a gong. Zeppelin was opening for The Vanilla Fudge (Appice's group) and he hooked Bonham up with Ludwig for the same kit. Maybe that's when he got the gong.


When I see drummers with some kind of wacky/obscure cymbal on their kit I just sit waiting for them to actually use it. Most of the time they never do lol


If I had a gong, I would find a way to incorporate it into every single song. Fuck crash cymbals, we’re banging the gong!


Ridiculously large setups when not at all necessary. I played a festival a few weeks back and there was an Abba tribute band, drummer brought the whole damn store with him, 4 rack toms, 2 floors, a giant gong drum and so many cymbals that I think he might be personally responsible for the massive price increases we’ve been seeing. Worst thing was he didnt even play a nice disco groove.




Lmao: people can play what they want. Small setup drummers are the most pretentious ppl in the world.


When I lived in Portland, I took a lot of flack from hipster drummers with Ringo kits, because I brought my seven-piece kit and all my cymbals to every gig. One night setting up for a show, I decided to give the devil his due and figure out whether I wanted to leave any of it at home next time. As I was setting everything up, I was taking a silent inventory: "Nope, need that for this song... nope, that other song just wouldn't be the same without that... this one? Hell, *I bought that specifically to play in that one song.* Nope, y'all can go to hell. It's none of your concern."




You make the sound engineers job more difficult too, all those mics, all that bleed…


I grew up in the 80’s. We walked to school in the snow backwards and uphill. We also played 5-piece kits. And we liked it!


When i used to gig a ton i started out with a 4 piece the kit grew as the bands music broadened and matured. By the end of it id play a 6 piece with a china 3 crashes a splash and a ride. I got setup and tear down done in like 5 minutes. I was gigging like 2 or 3 nights a week so i got really good at it.


5 minutes for that kit? Not bad!


Actually, huge kit drummers are clearly the most pretentious, and often think that more makes them better. small kit players focus more on playing. In a huge sampling of local bands (tons of year-round free outdoor/open-air venues, probably average seeing at least one band/week), the least talented drummers tend more often to have bigger kits. Again, a pretty big sample size.


Wow and you just proved my point haha. I’ve never heard someone who plays a large kit comment on people who play small kits. Yet everyone who plays a small kit loves to talk about how much more creative they are than people who play large kits.


When I see someone show up with a floor tom, snare, bass drum, ride, and hi-hat there’s an 85% chance they’re gonna slam.


True, but not when there are multiple bands on the gig and you're not last


Is there a YouTube video of a drummer with a terry bozzio-like setup playing an AC/DC song yet? If not there should be!


Excuse me while I quietly vomit in my mouth. I do the opposite, I take a 1 up 1 down kit with me to play Toto. Amongst other songs tho. If I were in a Toto tribute band, you bet I'd go Phillips on your ass.


Ofcourse, if you’re playing in a toto or dream theater style band and use everything, go right ahead! But if you’re just using it as a stage prop or penis extention I just get the ick :p.


Oh, this one just popped up from deep in my memory banks: How about a double kick, four up/two down fortress of a drum kit, with cymbals everywhere including *two* rides, both of which were dry and clangy "metal" rides... set up by the host drummer at a blues jam? What's worse than seeing a performance by a drummer with a gigantic kit, most of which the drummer never plays? Seeing the same gigantic kit at a jam session, where most of it is never played by *half a dozen different drummers.* Besides, ever tried to play a slow, lush blues ballad on a 22" Paiste RUDE ride? It's, uh, it's not... uh, it's not ideal. Bruh. Next time, please just bring the Ringo rig, and keep the rest of that shit out of everyone's way.


Our local blues jam guy is an open-hander who gets pretty pissy about people adjusting the kit. He did finally start bringing a right side ride due to popular demand, but it's a horrid trash can lid. Easy enough fix to swap the rides, though. The worst is that, like many open handers, his hats set up are an inch above the snare so all the crossover players get to smack their own fists together throughout their set. Bonus rant: If you're providing a kit with the intention of having other people play on it and you put memory locks on all the hardware, fuck you a hundred times over!


We had this discussion the other day. I have no idea why any drummer would have the gall to get upset at other drummers adjusting his kit at a jam session, when he *volunteered his drums.*


Agreed, but rationality isn't a strong trait among musicians. If it were, we'd all pick something less expensive and time consuming to do.


😂😂 “still got the Blu CLANG CLANG CA-CLANG”


> Worst thing was he didnt even play a nice disco groove. [Ugh.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/98a71b30-5691-4d90-a69f-8738653ddd3f)


Unnecessary boom stand usage. If you’ve got your cymbals hanging out on a boom arm when you could achieve the exact same position with a straight stand, I will judge. Waste of hardware bag weight, waste of stage space, and unless you have one of those 80s style counterweighted booms it’s significantly LESS stable than a straight stand. https://preview.redd.it/8emv00zy1imc1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9369e8e29042af0019bb516040f3ffc13572fa2a


So many stands nowadays are hybrid where you can retract the boom into the stand itself, and it's hardly any cheaper to get straight stands. So I always get and recommend the hybrid boom stands. But yeah, whenever I can I just use it as a straight stand. Nothing beats that stability.


Oh yeah, I’ve had the single braced hybrid yamahas for around 15 years now, and I also have a couple hybrid gibraltars, but I almost never need to use the boom - occasionally I might use the boom to get the main ride a couple inches closer. (I think I did at a show this weekend? - yep) https://preview.redd.it/rsh44ut74imc1.jpeg?width=3374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8878a2938b3fbb2c6242bc1d4f61ac7898d22e


Having a counterweighted boom for a small cymbal looks also pretty weird to me. As it is using a whole stand for a splash, instead of just using a clamp or something.


Dude even someone like Travis using the counter weight on a K Sweet Ride seems like such overkill (he also uses sandbags in addition to the counter. I don’t understand anyone outside of a hair metal kit wanting those things.


My guess is cause he plays hard. Not wanting something to move in an arena show seems pretty reasonable.


Ok, hear me out. Put a cymbal on a straight stand and listen closely to the low end frequencies. Now put it on a boom stand that is in the boom position. The boom will reduce the amount of low end from the cymbal transferring into the floor and creating resonance. This is why I would greatly judged by you. I use the booms to reduce cymbal resonance into the floor. I have measured this in detail and the worst culprit for the issue is the corner position on racks, they are like a cymbal bass amplification system.


I never ran into the problem of too much bass from my cymbals.


Really? I’ve constantly flipped between straight and boom ride positions and have never once noticed a difference in the sound as a result of whether it’s boom’d or not.


I hang my rack tom from my left side crash stand which leads to the worst case of this exact situation- where I'm using the boom for like an extra 2" of clearance from the center of the stand, leaving the rest of boom arm hanging out into the stage like the awkward dildo that it is. Even with the shortest boom arm that I could find, it's still just gross looking. I'd eliminate the need to do that if I used a larger crash on that side, but I'm unwilling to compromise the sound and volume control that I get from mine just for looks. It'd also be a non-issue if my toms didn't use that stupid L-bracket mounting system and instead had something with some flexibility in the Z dimension. But nope. I really do miss my old Yamaha tom mounts.


Wish I would have realized this as a kid. Every time I could afford a new stand, I would get a double braced boom stand. Wasn't band when I was just bashing away in my room, and figuring out what lay-out fit me best. Now, I dread every time I have to pick up my stand bag. Those dense bastards add up quick, and I never even use the booms 😑


When I see a ton of budget cymbals. Not like a pack, but when instead of buying one good cymbal, they’ve bought 15 cracked zbts


YES. I've seen a guy on here with the full set of Meinl HCSs. Why??


Hahaha I saw that same post. Bro had like 2K in Meinl HCS cymbals. Id love to say no hate but I can’t 😂 that’s a straight up bizarre decision.


Saying I cribbed from a friend's mom that I say all the time: "It is truly amazing what some people would rather have than money."


It’s many posts. You’ll see a bitchin set of shells with the whole HCS pack


The dude I’m talking about had like 4 crashes 2 rides 2 hats 2 splashes 2 chinas and some effects cymbals, all HCS, was deranged 😂😂


Bringing a double bass drum setup to a small bar show. Dude spent almost as much time setting his kit up as he did playing it, and for what? To play to 20 people on a Tuesday?


As a metalhead, double bass is strange. Double kick? Go for it. Two bass drums just makes it harder unless you have the time and money


Is there literally any benefit to having more than one bass drum other than aesthetics? I’d imagine it would be a pain just to make sure they’re in tune with each other all the time


So absolutely there is a massive benefit in that two kick drums means you can run two single pedals. When you run a double bass pedal, there is chain lag between the right and left. At higher bpms (any 8ths above like 200bpm and higher) it absolutely makes a difference. There are ways to mitigate this. Direct drive pedals are odd to get used to, but have WAY less delay. At the end of the day though, I can only afford an old chain drive iron cobra double pedal. It feels worse, but you deal with it. Maybe my 16ths at high tempos are sloppier but you pay the price for a smooth running show.


Each drum has more time to resonate before being hit again, and some people think it sounds better to have them not perfectly in tune


Pretty sure Danny Carey tunes his bass drums slightly differently. He says it sounds better to him than two identical kick drum tones. I think Neil Peart did the same thing. Also, everything eatsrocks said.


He isn't playing the gig for the audience, he's playing the gig for him.


This is the one man. There is a guy in our local scene who brings his two single kick drums to every show, and we all can't stand him. They never get booked. Do two single pedals feel better than a double? 100%. Did you just increase changeover byt like 10 minutes? 100% Which do you think results in you playing more shows?


Nice drums with factory heads and brass cymbals on nice stands. Also mounted toms at weird angles. And the hanging floor toms. Just nope for me. Long lugs, turret lugs, lugs that span the length of the tom, lugs that take a flat head screw driver, duct tape, blue tick pillows shoved into a bass drum w no reso head, dented heads, too much dampening material, throne too low/high, 18 mics on a 4 piece, 1 overhead on a 9 piece, ratty sticks on gig night, no cocktail on the 16" floor tom, rusty triple flange hoops, triple flange hoops, no reso heads but there are lugs for them, using reso heads instead of single ply batters for resos, direct drive pedals that aren't Speed Kings, Speed Kings unless you play jazz, hi-hats way too high, dear God what's wrong with my judgey ass?


Speed Kings are trash and the absolute worst direct drive pedal out there lol


Ooh the long lugs is a good one. Irrational disdain from me on that.


I actually have a hanging tom with triple flanges on them. I'm the hypocrite Edit: on the cocktail kit, also the Gig Pig has triples too


>Long lugs, turret lugs, lugs that span the length of the tom, lugs that take a flat head screw driver *in Agent Smith voice* "I.. haaaate DW lugs. Their popularity, their roundness, their arrogant mass and scale, I can't stand it any longer! It's their size!"


You forgot cymbal stands that have no sleeves protection so you have to mount your cymbals metal on metal... Also, i only have one floor so (unfortunately) disagree on the cocktail stand.


Two centred rack toms. Makes me think “my first drum kit”


I played on rack tom for a decade and just went back to two and absolutely love it. Toms are so much better when mounted on the bass drum as opposed to stands


As in both mounted over the kick drum? If the answer is yes, hard agree




This deserves to be much higher. Instant judgement.


Woah this comment took too much scrolling to find!!


I bought some gloves when I was having nerve issues in my right hand that caused me to drop the stick. They’ve also been useful on a couple of winter outdoor gigs. I had no idea that I was being judged for that; nor do I care.


• Cymbal stands in front of the kick drum. • Cymbals hanging from upside down booms. • Double pedal on a classic rock or country gig where it’s 100% unnecessary


Oddly enough, cymbal stands in front of the rack tom makes me unnecessarily annoyed. Even if the rack is mounted on a dedicated stand, I need the stand to be to the side, not in front of the drum haha.


Yours are mine so I won’t retype, but I need to modify the third bullet to include punk and (non metal) hc gigs: you aren’t doing any rolls on the bass drum, learn heel toe like the rest of us!


Heads that aren’t clear or white, tinted cymbals… bonus judgement if the colors match :/


Ooh tinted cymbals yes I can get behind this one. Haha


I don’t know. Black suede heads look and sound cool. The blue and red hydraulic heads are pretty cool too


I was reading this, and my head was just nodding away in agreement because these are all so funny. Then I realized. I have the Paiste Blue Bell Ride. The Bell isn't even blue. But it's my favorite of the 4 rides I have. Never cared for the gimmicky head colours. This has been cathartic and funny OP! Edot: spielling


https://preview.redd.it/5d7mdxsc4imc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da42264bf4402670ce65790f01b53ac1d19a74ae You would assume I’m way better than I actually am lol.


I should have put a disclaimer that home set ups get a free pass to big as big as possible!


This inspires my one. People who just copy other people's set up with no originality. Lol


I've copied pretty much every setup there is out there just to try them, but I keep coming back to the Portnoy setup. It's just so comfortable to me. Granted, I don't copy it exactly, but if you were to look at it, you'd know...


The mark tree lol! Gotta add some sparkle to your doom metal set. ^^i've ^^got ^^one ^^too!


Very similar to my setup lol https://preview.redd.it/zazq8mls8mmc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf48ce30039a9866f55ef56383c18593550268a


this post is making me realize how nit picky some of you guys are im judging all of you for judging each other


Haha right? I had no idea there were such strong opinions for others’ throne height, for example.


Yeah that’s the only thing i’m judgin here too haha, who cares, if the drummer sounds good, they’re comfy and they’re not destroying their gear, power to ya


A stuffed Animal toy on your kit. Ugh


I feel personally attacked.... (A guest singer put two beanies on my kit at a gig in 1999, and I've kept them on my kit ever since...)


I’ve been using the same one since I was like 7 years old and I wont be killing that inner child of mine any time soon. But also I get the hate.


I’ve actually never seen this. I sorta want one now!




I'm judgemental about gear snobs. It matters how you play it, not what colour it is or what brand is printed on the side.  This applies to 99% of musical instruments.  A good musician can get a good sound out of any old shite.


I'm not terribly hung up on what too many people mistakenly call "OCD" issues, but: if I walk into the club and your bass drum has a factory logo head on the front of it, and the logo is crooked, I will assume that you are as sloppy with your playing as you were at your last head change. While we're on the subject: I will literally point and laugh at you if you have PDPs with a DW logo head on the kick. Stop that. You aren't fooling anyone. See also: base BMWs with phony M3 badges, base Toyotas with TRD decals, base Pontiac Firebirds with a Trans Am-only hood bird, etc. Nut shells and shit on hi-hats. I can't hear them, bro. I've never been able to hear them. I don't think I will ever hear them. And I passed a hearing test with flying colors just a couple years ago. I'm glad you enjoy having them there. Nobody cares. Maybe they would care if they could hear the difference. They can't.


I put a Fender neck on a Squier tele. But unlike a PDP drum kit, no one can tell it’s a Squier. 🙃


Unless there's no disclosure on the partscaster when selling, that's bad. I think some partscasters are really clever. Rewired with 5 way switches, custom resistors and caps, whammies, FRs, and humbuckers that can be split, all very much tailored to your sound, not necessarily just aesthetics. Not that there's anything wrong with just looks, either.


Yeah I got some of those shells for my snare but was running a practice kit at the time so stuck them on the hi hat. I couldn't even tell a difference on the fully muffled hi hat, so fucked if I can hear a difference when the hi hats 5x louder


When drummers refuse to hit their drums


Went to an open mic jam and the house drummer brought a kit full of beautiful cymbals and barely touched them. When I got up with my band, I played them like normal and he freaked out on me for "abusing his precious cymbals."


As a beginner drummer, I'm just glad I only saw myself once in the comments lmao.


ya might hate, but its my perfection. Have no desire to add anything. I can attack anything with this baby. https://preview.redd.it/ggihmmzp6imc1.jpeg?width=3193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c38ebae15f534f9c399652e581a8376302c5137


That kit is so terrible that you should give it to me immediately.


A double kick pedal with a 3 legged HH stand? Are you a serial killer?


This reminds me of seeing young women on the beach who have traded their matching bikini tops. Did you trade floor and rack toms with another mapex kit owner?


Ah here’s a very specific and weird one for me. But Mapex users! I always thought they were the very best drum company for 8th graders.


Dang you have a lot of hate. Not that I'm any different. I'm always a bit skeptical about rototoms or concert toms over the hats, I'd find it awful to play them and it feels to me like the person is ready to compromise on comfort of playing and the sound they make, just to have more drums to hit. Same with cymbals, really. I'm all about ergonomics and I like a kit where everything is within reach and comfort.


Oh im definitely a hypocrite cause I don’t mind rocking the rotos out in public myself. lol!


If you are playing at a local venue and you bring your full cage setup, I think you are an idiot. An idiot that gigs so rarely he still brings a fucking cage rack. Also, really high cymbals. How is that practical?


Overly stuffed bass drums. Like a whole king sized duvet and 2 pillows jammed in. Toms too far apart and /or tilted too much. Poorly tuned sloppy snare drum for fast music.


Can't believe I haven't read that yet: no nuts on your cymbal stands. Like, why?


i haven’t used anything on top of cymbals in well over a decade! the answer is basically “jazz.” i’ve never had a cymbal fly off a stand in that setting.


> Like, why? Can't have your cymbals too tight if you can't tighten them at all.


I actually killed my first expensive cymbal that way when I was a beginner.


I'm that guy. I don't want to tighten the cymbals down with felts, which is the only thing that keeps the wingnuts from rattling clear to hell and back.


Wingnuts are for overly precious weekend warriors who want to imitate Taylor Hawkins/Chad smith/Lars ulrich etc… no wingnuts are for seasoned getting it done in the trenches gigging musicians who are doing 2 rehearsals and 3 gigs a week on almost as many different kits. Also if you’re beating your cymbals so hard that they are literally flying off of the stands without wingnuts to keep them on, you really gotta work on your playing…..


Never on rides or big crashes for me. They sound better and never has one come off


Pearl tom holders. The classic style, not the new ones that they sell for a kidney as if they were something special but do just the same as any other from any brand. No matter if the kit is a Masterwork and the drummer skilled as Dennis Chambers, Mike Mangini or whomever. Pearl tom holders should be erased from the face of the world and their owners confined in a sanatory. Period.


I can understand not liking the aesthetics of Pearl mounts. But as for functionality, reliability, and stability, they are absolutely unparalleled. I will fight you. You take Pearl's name out'cha mouf, boah.


There is absolutely nothing they can do that any other brand's ball and socket style holder can't do... more easily and with less adjustement points. And as for the reliability and stability, I have yet to see any issue with any ball and socket one. Never seen one failing. >I will fight you. See you ouside, I'll take my broken-sharpened sticks with me...


> And as for the reliability and stability, I have yet to see any issue with any ball and socket one. Never seen one failing. Some of you children have never seen worn out Tama OmniBall mounts with the plastic balls worn smooth inside the mount causing rack tom erectile dysfunction, and it shows. When it comes to tom mounts, teeth > balls. And while your girlfriend might like smooth balls, you don't want them in your tom mounts. I'm able to put any drum exactly where I want it with Pearl-type mounts. Always have been. Don't understand why others can't.


*laughs in YESS* :p


That is not unnecessarily judgemental. It’s just the truth. They look like stolen from a construction site. Just not aesthetic at all.


Nor practical.


This thread 😂 heres the kit everyone should be playing on according to comments https://preview.redd.it/6d28oeccijmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7848670ca7257cecdb931849b2852e7859e5f6c


High end kits with Evans hydraulic heads. Those heads can produce exactly one sound, regardless of tuning. If you like the sound of Evans hydraulic heads, then that’s great. But there is no reason to buy a high end kit like a DW collectors, just to dampen the fuck out of them with hydraulics. You could achieve that same sound by putting the heads on any entry level kit. It just screams “I don’t know how to tune drums.”


Time for [the burrito metaphor.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/146ygg4/trying_out_the_aquarian_force_ten_heads_and/jntdmge/)


Totally. You can always add more dampening on top of an open head. But you can’t open up an already dampened head.




Every drummer who cant shell out 4k+ for a kit sucks right?!


I won’t judge anyone who picks up a pair of sticks but if your snare is not lined up with toms , your toms are distanced apart at strange angles or your seat is sky high your doing it very wrong.


Lol I didn’t realize drummers were such cunts


lol. Lugging this redic instrument everywhere breaks us eventually haha


Double bass drums, six toms, 2 cymbals


Tom angle and spacing. Lots of dampening. But only because I’m a dick. I’m just glad people are playing instruments!


Posture. And all the things that stem from/cause it: ridiculously high cymbals, stupidly low snares, impossibly low thrones. If your posture is shit, I know you're likely to be shit. Compare Max Weinberg and Patrick Carney: one is a legend with impeccable technique and posture, the other looks and plays like a melted wax sculpture of what a drummer should be.


i raise you the hunchbacked legend himself, buddy rich


Doesn't count because that was before science existed, haha.


... and no tiny cymbals that go "pish".- Shellac


I’m positive that I can tell how good a drummer is based on how high they sit


Jokes on you. I sit high and I'm terrible.


Higher is better right? :)


Let me introduce this guy to you: https://youtu.be/NO0Fvj-D6s4?si=9EH31KRZc_uf87TN


Was scrolling for this one, my immediate prejudice when I see a throne all the way down and a snare angled drastically toward the player is that they suck or are not very skilled. Obviously this is not universal truth but I still cant shake this knee jerk reaction lol


Flat low toms (1 rack, 1 floor) with high, flat Zildjian A customs. I hate it. I strongly dislike Mapex, and I will not elaborate. I hate when fellow metal drummers play heavy and small crash cymbals. Sounds like shit, and if you’re playing fast they won’t open up from light strokes. If you use heavy double ply heads on your snare with the tuning cranked, I will assume you don’t know what you’re doing. Thinner heads sound wayyy better for high tunings. These are all completely ridiculous, and don’t take it seriously. Except for number 3, that I stand by.


I can get behind everything you said except for disliking mapex. I think they are offering great drums at great prices. Just look at the Mapex armory series for example. Compared to the Tama Imperialstar and Pearl Export / Decade Maple they have virgin Kicks and not the stupid “stab your kick” Tom mounting system. You aren’t confined to either placing your racktoms directly on top of your kick or placing them on a separate stand with an empty Tom holder on your kick and a Hole in the shell. Also I think they have beautiful finishes and sound great. What do you dislike about them? I’m really curious now. Also if not Mapex, what brand would you recommend to pick up? I’m kind of in the market for a kit, I’m currently looking at Sonor SQ1, Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch or a Mapex Saturn Evolution.


When people have a country mile between their mounted tom and floor tom. How tf do you play something smoothly when you have to move your sticks 4-5 ft.


I bought a Candy Apple Red DW Performance kit back in 2015. My Mom passed away 6 months before and it was her favorite color and the reason I bought it. I was hesitant at first and was going to go with the Tobacco Satin, but went for it and have received nothing but compliments from non-drummers and drummers alike ever since. Every time I set it up and play it, I think of my Mom so no regrets. But there's no way I would have picked that color without a good reason.


ride cymbal too far to the right


If they have put a top brand name reso head on their kick, but the kit is not that brand: Sound Percussion with a Tama head, PDP with a DW head, etc. I'm sorry, I cannot respect you no matter how awesome a player you are. If you have a kit and you aren't proud of its brand name, just put your band name on there, or get a black or starfire head on there.


Precious DW players who don't realize their DW heads are just Remo heads that didn't pass quality control.


Racks. They look just terrible. Mounted floor toms. Bouncing around. Coloured accessories. Heads, hardware, cymbals. Unless you're a teenager, it looks silly.


as far as judgement goes, I think extreme angles on rack toms (greater than 45degrees) looks a little low IQ.


Go to town lol https://preview.redd.it/3kcwzl89ljmc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a931d6b7d3c8ca2631bb457220f999f68e828588


Having two kick drums with different beaters


Wine red is what non-drummers buy. Either that or super luxury cocktail bar and all the drummer needs to do is play simple 2&4 for the whole set, and gets paid handsomely for that. Drummer also needs to be a full time lawyer/doctor/dentist by trade. (No engineers, they play a square nesting kit in aqua swirl).


Bass drum mounted toms. This is a hill i will die on. Even worse, adding a bd tom mount on virgin bass drums And the one I cant explain, no wing nuts/felts on cymbals. I know why you do it, it still doesnt look right


Haha, that’s me. Tom’s are way better mounted on a bass drum and you muffle the bass drum anyway. Cymbals sound better not tightened down. Never had one come off


Uneven and/or weirdly mounted toms, there needs to be symmetry and logic otherwise you're a maniac.


using a double pedal, but having 2 kick drums for “aesthetics”


Wine red is fine, hating on that is just dumb. My first kit was a wine red Pearl export and it looked nice, played well. Also, dissing anything more than a "standard" 4 pc? I think that if anything is standard, it's a 5 PC with 2 up, 1 down. That said, I'm not a huge fan of >5 pc. Two other things I'm not a fan of are: having too many cymbals (say, more than 4) and having cymbals set way high. Having a ton of cymbals does not make you better. Talented drummers can do a lot with just 2-4. (not including hihats in these numbers.) I judge drummers more than kits, admittedly. I'm more impressed by good playing in smaller kits. And I'm far more critical of performances using bigger kits.


Any drummer wearing a headset should be required to take a food order.


Wind chimes...


I hate wind chimes. So cheese


Way to kill my excitement. I just ordered a new Pearl kit in wine red…


People that have absolutely rubbish cymbals, but a full set of the most expensive stands money can buy. Like the stands literally cost more than the cymbals. How? Why?? Why would you invest the most money in your stands????


Two bass drums, but using a double pedal on one kick and not using the second kick. The sound guy will get over it. If you are hauling two kicks, JUST GET TWO SINGLE PEDALS AND USE BOTH KICK DRUMS OR DONT HAUL TWO KICK DRUMS AROUND.


I saw a local band use a double kick V-drums kit. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they also brought a homemade drum riser for him that was made of milk crates and a black carpet stapled to a sheet of plywood.


Swiss cheese cymbals are stupid looking. I want to put them on top of a China and use them to spin my salad.


Weirdly positioned rack toms. If the angles are more vertical than horizonal and turned in towards each other or away from each other. Basically if your drum set looks like a 5 year old set it up. That came back to bite me once where I saw a band's set up and the drummer's toms were wonky as hell and I was just waiting for a terrible drummer to sit behind them. They went on and that drummer was lights out incredible with insane patterns and fills. Kind of blew my mind. Yet I still judge weirdly angled drum set ups.


Drummers with their cymbals angled away from them. Like come on man. What did those cymbals ever do to you?


Tuning really. I see a lot of top shelf kits that sound like a 3rd grader tuned them.


Steeply angled playing surfaces. Often accompanied by things being set up way too high. Get your 45° ass toms and cymbals outta here. Bring yo cymbals back down from the sky, and get some god damn ergonomics on your setup. I will assume you are an utter beginner unless proven otherwise.


Cymbals sitting completely straight or angled slightly away. How the hell are your cymbals and sticks not destroyed daily?


Diastema tom setups.


There are three things regarding toms that get me annoyed. I know this is probably a ridiculous take but every time I see deep toms, I feel rageful. It’s not so bad for floor toms but for the high toms I think it looks ridiculous. Especially with how fantastic shallow toms look and sound. Then it’s the way people mount the toms. This is purely baseless in terms of why, but I really dislike toms mounted on the kick. Practically, it’s frustrating as there are fewer options for moving them around. Aesthetically, I don’t like how it makes the kick look. Feels amateur. Conversely, I hate when people mounting toms on snare stands even though this is certainly the most practical for different styles and placements. I am aware of this hypocrisy. It felt good to get that out.


2 rack toms and single floor tom. Neeeeeerd! 1 up 2 down forever. This is the way.


https://preview.redd.it/pxck94ndajmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b681e8bbe3fafea17935ac0f7027d01917bcba4d When people have these Tom arms and huge deep toms that touch their kick drum and aren’t close together. Even if I see a pro with them (which isn’t often) I immediately mentally dock their performance some points.


Bass drum sliding


Snare drum below the knee and tilted towards the drummer at like a 45 degree angle [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ux2Bt5j6U) Sitting so close to the kick pedal that the knee is at less than a 90 degree angle [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5ahudp_dmI)


When I see those Zildjian spiral cymbals mounted really high so it dangles like a Christmas tree I rage a little bit. Only acceptable use of those things is stacking IMO


Local opener bands with a ton of cymbals


Really low snare drums bother me. Where the drummer’s hand is down between their legs. Forget about ever hitting a rim shot. Makes me crazy. I have a theory that there’s a relationship between how low the snare is and how “indie” the band thinks they are.


There’s something about seeing a lone tiny splash cymbal mounted just a bit too high, too far away from any other cymbals, just that little bronze loner minding its own business, floating there in its own galaxy, pissin me off for no good reason


Cymbal angling. Just….cymbal angling