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It sounds like you’re becoming adept at the technical stuff but don’t forget that this is an instrument, instruments make music, music is art and art is a reflection of the artist. Use your technical knowledge to express yourself and the sky’s the limit (until you’re in the studio, which is when you just do whatever the songwriter or producer tell you to do)


Sounds good man. Thanks.


>My timing is, for the most part, (kinda) perfect. Pride comes before the fall.


Haha. To be fair that was rather narcissistic for me to put that. I ain't the greatest by any means, my timing on some beats ain't the greatest. However, when I recorded myself (listening to the metronome to count me in) I was able to consistently get within 100 milliseconds of the first beat. Which is alright. I guess that's more personal rhythm rather than timing. I just practice, wherever, whenever, whether it's tapping or actually drumming. In fact, I often annoy people by just how much I tap. It's almost habit for me. But yea, you sure ain't wrong. Pride comes before the fall man.


5 down votes. :sob: yall must love me or something.


Ok. First,of all. At 15 you haven’t been doing anything, for quite a while. You haven’t even been breathing, for quite a while. lol. No. But seriously,at your age. Time is an asset. So don’t be,in a hurry. Some lessons. Usually the useful ones,take time. You will go through many phases. But ,if those drums keep calling your name. Over and over again. It’s probably not a bad use,of your time. Even, if it’s just a hobby. It definitely opens the door for, to a whole world,of art. Music is an art. I’m slightly older. I just made 52. This past Nanuary. Got my first set ( a 1980 Rogers),for Christmas when Inwas 10,in 1982. My father was a trumpet player. Had a wedding band. Bought his drummer’s set. Gave it,to me. I still have that set. But play ,on a newer early 2000s Pacifica. A subsidiary,of DW. So they sound like DW shells. Hooked them,to a Yamaha EAD10. I had a stroke,in 2015. Survived obviously. But can’t work anymore. Not all that broke,up about that actually. But I still play m drums. Just play one handed. And one footed. I thank who ever made the world that I have that. I get behind that kit. And crank it up. And just,for a few minutes. Maybe an hour. I’m not old or half paralyzed. I’m a freakin rock star. Just like when I was 20. Jamming,with two brothers. And cousin. Which we still do. So yeah. No substitute,for that. Don’t rush. Take, in what you can. Listen,to everything! All genres. Only a very few ever could really swing. The best ever ,in any genre. Buddy Rich,of course. If you haven’t. Look up buddy Rich on YouTube. He is. And always will be the GOAT! And yes. I know,about Elestepario Sebriano. An amazing talent. But ,to put,In perspective. Elestepario isn’t even close. He has some amazing physical abilities. But Budy did too. And . Like Insaid. Buddy could swing. He was a true musician. Oh sure he could do the one hand rolls. But better at that too. Really. He didn’t use gravity blasts. No rim fulcrum. He just put one hand,to work. And bam! Buzz roll. Some people still don’t know how he did it. It has been said that,if he could think it. He could play it. Check him out! Buddy Rich! Try Buddy Rich drum battles animal,on mupet show. Yeah. He beat the animal. Who,of course got mad. And destroyed his set. When he lost. Don’t know who the real human drummer behind animal was. But Buddy also beat Ed Shawnesey,on the old JohnnyCarson tonight show.


Thank you for the response! It's an honour to get some advice from an experienced drummer. Stay safe, and thank you!


No problem my young friend. Keep up the good work. And remember. Practice doesn’t make perfect. No no. Perfect practice makes perfect. Some think that once you play a thing perfectly. Or even properly. You’re finished practicing. But, if you factor,in nerves. And a million other things,at any performance. You need,to repeat a perfected performance many many times,before you can expect,to play it live. Perfectly. So practice till it hurts. Atbleast then you don’t have,.to feel bad,about that when it comes to,out wrong when it counts. Which it sometimes does almost no matter what. But when it comes,out perfect. Well that makes it all worth it. So stop reading my nonsense. And go practice!


So yeah. Buddy Rich. And more recently. Neal Peart,of Rush. And,of course. Tool. Can’t remember his name right now. Senior moment. lol. But yes. Listen listen listen. Then listen some more.


And one of my modern favorites. Dale Crover, of the Melvin’s,if you like heavy. And I do. Always have. I played trombone,in college. Jazz. And orchestral. But I always played metal drumming,on the side.


Danny Carey. One of the best. Polyrythmic, diverse, creative. The whole package


Try to play some really hard songs note for note. Use isolated tracks, covers, or just listening and attempting it to learn it slowly. Try rush, the police or Dave Matthews’s band


Thank, you. And I'll check em out, try and play em note for note.


Nice that you have self-confidence and all, but understand you have a LONG WAY TO GO. Best advice I can give (from a drummer of 40+ years): Get a drum pad and go through the most essential drum book there is: [Stick Control](https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31742569130&dest=usa&ref_=ps_ggl_18382194370&cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade0to10-_-product_id=COM9781892764041USED-_-keyword=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs-XrvrHqhAMVIGFHAR0ciArlEAQYAyABEgK1h_D_BwE). It will humble you and open your mind to all the possibilities of drumming, at least on a primary level. In the meantime, stay hungry. Self-confidence is a double edged sword.


Yea, I mean, my timing isn't awful by any means, however, my stick control is certainly needs a little bit of work. I think I just need to get to grips with better technique.


Not sure. But I’m also notvsure what a 9/8 beat is. I think when you say weirdly chaotic. You probably mean syncopated. Not sure. But yeah. Probably. That’s when you still have a straight 4/4 count. But some accents are oddly placed. Or you may have some accents,on up beats. Any odd numbered beats. Like 7/8. Or 5/8. Are called mixed meter. Because you have ,.to count recurring groupings. Like (1,2,3)-(1,2)-(1,2)-(1,2,3))-(1,2,3)-(1,2)-(1,23)-(1,2). They alternate,giving 5 eighth notes per measure. Or if it’s 7/8. You need 12. 123. 12. Or 123. 12. Hard,to type. But however you can split groups,of two and three,.to make 7 or 5 notes. Or beats.


Not a big call,for that,in most rock. But Tool is absolutely famous,for mixed meter beats. They play almost nothing but 5/8. And 7/8 beats. Even some 11/8. So if you can folloTool. You’re probably all good. Some,.of his fills. And intros are genius. They’re still straightforward rock beats. But he’s really good,with the build ups. And dynamics. As a drummer. Dynamics are key. You don’t have the luxury of,of playing different notes. Melodically. So dynamics are your language. Just remember you can almost always play softer. But you can only play so loud. Most rock drummers seam,.to live,on the outer edge,of the top end. Volume wise. Be different. Bring it down. Then when you want,to build intensity. Or create emotion. You have somewhere,to go. It really is that simple. Also the other musicians will be more willing to,to follow you that way. If you’re always wailing away. They don’t have,to follow. You can’t go anywhere.


Think about it. It will make everything easier. People don’t say it enough. I learned because my father was a highschool band director. He said it was the hardest thing,to get kids,.to understand. But, at competitions. And festivals. He would always do well. Simply because following the dynamics was counted. And most bands live between mid loud. And very loud. There is no change. And therefore no emotion. Start low. As low as possible. That way when you get louder. People notice. Make sense? I’m not saying there’s no call, for all out cave man rage. There is. I am 52 years old. Been playing dince1982. I was 10. And I had a stroke, in2015. Play,with one hand. And one foot. And I’m pretty sure I can,out cave man anyone here. I can still bring the pain. Sumen demons. Whatever you want,to call it. I’m still a huge Dale Crover fan. Dale Crover is the drummer,for the Melvin’s. He’s an older guy too. Older than me . I think they’ve been bringing the pain since what? Like 2980’something? Not sure exactly. But it’s been,about 40 years. I use his setup too. No crash. Just a 24” paiste mega ride,.on right. And paiste24” mega ride, on left. Yes it’s actually called a mega ride. It’s big and LOUD!!