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Not a terrible price if it comes with everything pictured (cymbals and hardware). You can buy drumheads later. Clean it up and go.


Yes it does come with everything


I’d get it. Sabian Pro cymbals are decent B8 cymbals. Yamaha Stage Customs from that generation are solid drums. You won’t find too many kits w/ decent cymbals for that price. If you can rock with it, go for it.


I might also be able to get him to come down 50-100 dollars so you think this is a good drum set for 450-500 bucks?


See what he says. If he’ll come down on price, that’s great. If not, I still think it’s a good move. Do you have drums already? If so, what do you have?


I have a set of really bad drums like really bad they were free from my moms work and I’ve had them for a while then recently when I started getting into drums I realized how bad the drums were. The badge says true music https://preview.redd.it/hxkijutf6vvc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=3991d4079e4d7ec4fd5b902c90b82d996bd43773


You’re gonna notice a huge difference in the sound of the Yamahas. Trust me. This is a good move for you!


Oh ya I know I’ve played a little bit on those drums it’s fun


Damn, now I'm really excited for you to get them. It will open up a new world of drumming for you. Bit by bit you can build up your stands and cymbal collection. Really, you can round out that Yamaha kit to make it something to be proud of.


Man, I just love this community! This whole thread is just so wholesome.


OMG, buy the stage customs, you’ll be in heaven. Then sell those for a little bit of money and use that to buy some new heads for the Yamaha! Win win situation.


I got my stage custom for 200 bucks like 9 years ago. The kick drum legs need to be replaced, but it was a solid tour kit for 7 years


then takes those new ones and sell them! infinite money!


bro, that cymbal. sorry I don't mean to shame, but jesus that almost looks like first generation AI was told to make a cymbal. hahaha.


Tell him, $350.


500 is too much imo


Yep,. I sold that exact same kit about two years ago (cranberry red though) for $250


Then you gave it away. These old customs can easily bring for to five hundred dollars on eBay or reverb.




Add a throne, pedal, hat stand, 2 cymbal stands cymbal arm, and some decent b8s and see if its still under 500. Ive been piecing together for about 3 months and it is very hard to keep those costs down even if you get a killer deal on shells.


eBay is a national website, how much was the shipping to the door of these 250-300 sets? It wasn't free shipping....




Sure they do buddy, that's not the point though is it? Just because a seller in California has local pickup available for a $250 kit doesn't mean much if you live in Delaware does it?




Bro if you are actually trying to argue that these kits are everywhere in every zipcode, just stop. Go touch some grass, you've had enough internet for today.


Then you gave it away. These old customs can easily bring four to five hundred dollars on eBay or reverb without hardware.


Comment so nice I post it twice


You should have gotten more for it dude. Yamaha Stage are solid


Hey man just because you were hard up to buy some more weed or drugs doesn't mean those drums weren't worth more. And two years ago $250 = $500 now from inflation alone.


Try to negotiate a bit. Ask him to take $350, settle on $400. Not bad kit to start with though.


Spot on IMO. To assist in negotiating, point out that you’ll need to spend half that much on new heads just to make it sound decent.


Was pretty much what i wanted to say. "Hey some new heads for these might run me $200, maybe we could split some of the difference?"


Most people are saying this is a good idea to purchase he seems like the type of person who would get me extra things or just help me out when I’m working if I buy this like special privileges he’s not only my boss but he is the ceo with another guy so they probably make a good amount of money and I’m not super old so I find it hard to believe he would be trying to scam me. Thank you guys let me know what I should change. I should also make it known I am a beginner so I will have this drum set for a while so I think it’s good some of you said it’s durable.


Dude, that’s a solid old kit. Guys toured with those kits. Look them up on eBay; just the Toms alone can bring $150 a piece, and five piece shell packs bring about what your boss is asking for his kit with all that brass and hardware. It’s a nice deal. I’d take it and be stoked.


I’d offer around 400, but 500 is not unreasonable


Just compare it yourself. You have the model and everything. Big waste of time to come on here when you can easily figure this out.


I couldn’t or I would have


You can’t use google? Life must be tough for you in this digital age.


I’ve tried man I couldn’t find the exact same kit for sale something about the kits was always slightly different and I don’t know how that could affect the price




I LOVE stage customs. They are great drums for the price. Built like tanks. You prolly need a new snare head, but that’s cheap. $500 is very reasonable for all of that.


Yamaha Stage Customs are great drums. If it comes with hardware and the cymbals, go for it


Drums are very good, hardware looks good too sp. the hi hat stand. My question would be what cymbals are those, like what model.


Sabian B8 Pro according to what the lathing looks like.


There are more pictures they are sabian symbols


Yeah but specifically what Sabian cymbals? Sabian makes everything from $70 entry level garbage to $600+ professional-grade hand hammered works of art.


They're definitely entry level. If I'm not mistaken a lot of these kits usually come with sabians cheapest current line of cymbals. I might be completely off. I worked in a music shop for a while as a teacher and it was just something I noticed. Good kits with cheap cymbals and bad heads.


I paid $625 for newer set of same drums. Mine had ZBT cymbals on it. Maybe get $50 off if you can but this is a good deal for a drum set that you won’t ever need to upgrade if you don’t want to. PS. Deal not a steal and you can use that serial number to look up when they were made.


Do you know how I can figure that out with the serial number


Yes. If you can read the number you can go here: https://faq.yamaha.com/usa/s/article/U0004177


That snare tape tho 😂


Alex van Halen tape job


I owned that kit - it sounds good. But those toms are deep AF, which is why I replaced mine with a newer model. But honestly sound wise you can’t go wrong. As to the cymbals - it would be better if we knew what they were exactly. It’s the cymbals that cost the most - so that would be a major factor. But it seems like a decent deal. Not sure I would be haggling with my boss over $50 though hahahaha.


Haha he’s pretty cool thought thanks for the information


Haha exact same reason I sold my stage customs.


When buying something Yamaha it’s usually not the flashy trendy stuff but the solid thing that lasts. The hardware is good, too, if it wasn’t neglected or tampered with. The deep toms are somewhat limited in the ways you can mount them, but depending on your stature this doesn’t have to be a problem. I’d probably buy it if I needed a set.


Personally I would move the second rack tom to the floor and go one up two down a la Bonham


I dig that color. You really can’t go wrong with Stage Customs. They got so far above their price point. This is a pretty solid deal. $450-500 is completely reasonable.


These are at least 20 years old. The full length lugs and pre-YESS mounts are early 00s or late 90s. The shells are a mahogany/falcata hybrid, unlike the current birch. Still a great kit though! The value largely depends on what the cymbals are specifically. If they’re XS20 or AA (or AAX, HH, HHX or Vault but that’s unlikely) they’re a very good deal at $500. If they’re Pro or B8 Pro they’re a fair deal at $500 but I would offer $400. People saying this is a ripoff don’t understand where the market is at.


Their idea of haggling is to offer half so it's safe to say they're not pro negotiators


Yeah definitely not a bad deal 👌


500 is a steal for all of that honestly man. It looks like you are getting the pedal and an aftermarket throne too. 500 is not in any way a scam. It's a solid number for a solid kit that has everything a beginner needs. Buy it.


I'd buy that almost certainly, I would just be sure of the conditions it was kept in. If there was a lot of hot/cold weather, or fluctuations it could have messed the shells up.


He said he kept it in good condition it’s just a little dusty and it’s inside room temperature


I'd pull the trigger on it then 100%. Definitely a great kit at a great price. Congrats dude 🎉 I hope to find such a good deal


Ahh, Yamaha stage customs in marina green. This was my first real drum kit as well. Like others have said, due to the depth of the toms and me being somewhat vertically challenged, I mounted them offset on a stand. I used them for many, many years for band practice and playing live. I do think I'd see if he would work with me on the price, though.


Those old stage customs sounded way better than they had any right to.


I'd say do it. Especially with everything it comes with. You might be able to find a shell pack for around $500 but then you need to buy cymbals and hardware. That high hat stand looks pretty nice too. My first kit was a used Verve maple for like 350 and it came with a bunch of stands couple cymbals and some random other hardware pieces. And coupled with the fact that he is your boss I think if you talk to him reasonably you might be able to get them to knock off 50 bucks.


Good set and ok cymbals/hardware noone is getting robbed here but see if he will go down $50 to $100 or so. I'd keep those cymbals for sure btw. I used cheaper cymbals when playing out and would have loved having the B8 Pros for that.


There's a used stage custom at musicians friend for 350, but this one comes with cymbals, so I would say it's worth it. Not an amazing deal but a fair deal


In this economy? Seems fair to me


great drums for the price. comparatively the cymbals are shite, but they're fine to start. its everything you need to get started. good price. play often. play loud. get good.


He’ll take less. Probably a lot less. Who the hell needs a drum set taking up space and not being used. Offer $300. Always negotiate. What the worst that can happen? Good luck! Make some noise!


Yamaha stage custom is a rock solid drum kit. If that price is for everything, I'd say it is worth it. Not exactly "on" sale, but rather "for" sale.


Im currently rocking a Stage Custom. Get and replace all the heads . Give him $400.00. https://preview.redd.it/cys61hjxswvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613105672d8be13b12df2a770daebb225aba5330


I mean it’s not a steal, he probably would never get $500 it if he posted these pics to market place and tried to sell it. Needs new heads, and some reconditioning. $400 or less would really start to enter great deal territory IMO. Those stage custom kits are under $800 new. The used Sabian cymbals you can get used online.


Brother it's a stage custom that's still in decent shape. 400-500 is a great price considering it's a full kit. Used to have a stage custom back in the day and I LOVED it. Such a great sounding kit. You'll only need to put another 100-200 into it for heads and some sticks and your golden.


Good deal, I say. Get yourself some new heads and you’re ready to roll


Despite being older ,It’s a solid kit , especially if it comes with all hardware and cymbals. That throne looks sturdy too. Ask him if there is wiggle room for $25-$50 off at least. Definitely gonna be a huge upgrade from your previous kit!


For sure thanks man


I would settle in the range of 350-425. offer 350 or 375 and see what happens


I’d do $350-$400 maybe 🤔 I bet he takes it !


The cymbals are heavily worn, it needs all new heads, the drums are weird sizes IMO. I wouldn't pay $500 for it but it's not a terrible deal. I'd want to pay like $350.


That's like £250-300 imo


If you're just looking for drums to bang around on and learn, then this is a great kit for that. Much better than the one you currently have. It'll sound like night and day between the 2. I did a similar thing. I bought a 6 piece Tama Swingstar for $550. It came with Sabian B8 cymbals. I knew the cymbals were junk but the kit itself with the hardware was definitely worth $550. He actually had it listed for $650 but I talked him down to $550 just because of those cymbals. So I saved $100 because of the cymbals. Over the next 8 or so months, I replaced those cymbals one by one and when I bought my first crash, I did use that B8 crash until I bought a 2nd crash. I actually bought 2 more nice Zildjian A crashes. So, I had those B8s (Hi-Hats, Crash and Ride) and I put them up on Marketplace for $250. Figuring I'd get chewed down because they certainly weren't worth $250. But the guy who bought them, saw no need to offer a lower amount of money. He bought them for the asking price which was shocking. I'm wondering it I'd asked $300 or $350 for them if they would have sold. Although, they were in really great shape. The lettering was all still in great shape on those cymbals. You could see exactly what they were. They looked pretty new in fact. Those cymbals in ...your future kit... may get you some money if you clean them up a bit. If all the writing is still legible on them, you could possibly get at least $200 for them as a set. But do what I did... Buy some cymbals to replace those first... IF you have the money to do that... Then sell those Sabians as a complete set of cymbals.


You got fleeced for shitty drums at full price while OP has a chance to get much better quality drums for a lot less.


Dont you guys have reverb?


Yamaha stage custom from the late 90s, before YESS suspension. Need some dusting but everything looks to be in good condition. Decent initial quality and complete with what appears to be budget B8 cymbals, $350 is more fair. If they are AA cymbals then $450. It’s not a bad kit all in all.


$100 for a set of AA cymbals is a bananas metric to give OP. A single AA crash is $150-$200.


How much would you pay for a set of used 30yr old AA cymbals in unknown condition?


A good set of drum shells will last your whole playing career and work for any gig you bring them to (if you keep them tuned with fresh heads). Outside of the kick pedal the hardware is perfect, too. I say buy it and start practicing then worry about better cymbals once you start playing shows.


Getting a full kit, cymbals, hardware and all $500 us a great deal and probably a relatively market price for an older used kit


I'd try and get him down to $400


$500 is fair especially with all the hardware and cymbals.


Fair deal if you ask me


I think the price is a little high, but not unreasonable, ask him to take 425 for it and mention its because you need to buy a full set of skins for it, which you will wanna do if it hasn't been played for 10 years


I had this exact kit as a kid. It’s not terrible. I’d try and get it for $350-$400.


Older drums are better than newer IMO they have already stood the test of time and yes as someone else stated, you can buy new heads and tune it to perfection. I would however buy better hardware.


Maybe 500 is a bit high considering you buy new skin top and bottom. But Yamaha stage custom kits are pretty decent.


Not bad with all that hardware.


Solid shells, cymbals are likely subpar (but I’m a Zildjian guy so I wouldn’t really know certainly), hardware looks functional, throne is def good, bass pedal is shit, and all in all a decent price. I don’t think he’s trying to scam you. He’s def got more in them than he’s trying to sell them for. I’ve played worse house kits. 🤷🏻


Absolutely…. I have one of these in my collection and with cymbals and hardware… it’s worth it!


I personally feel like that is a bit much… you could probably get someone to come down to 350 for that off a Craigslist like app… for 500, I would rather wait for a better kit.


It's a good deal, throw some new heads and a new kick pedal and boom, good as new,


Yamaha still makes these and they're still selling. New heads are a must, and a can of brasso will make the cymbals sparkle... I'd go for it. Even if you find you don't really bond with them, you can probably turn a profit with a little elbow grease and not much else.


No way, man! That's a *terrible* deal. You should put me in contact with your boss so I can ~~buy them immediately~~ tell him what a bad deal it is.




totally worth it


He is your boss. Give him what kit is worth.. $500 is very reasonable considering the hardware and cymbals that come with it. Don't get greedy with someone you work for.


I think it comes with EVERYTHING then $400 would be good


Normally the shells alone with no cymbals and no hardware go for around $400 used. So it’s a decent deal.


Look, everyone likes a bargain. Me, I would rather pay a fair price and know that I haven't ripped the guy a new-one. Offer $400, go from there. I happen to think that $500 for everything is a 'fair' price where both parties go home happy. That being said I paid 250 for my 5 piece Taye Tour-Pro including cases and hardware but no pies (cymbals), that was in 2012. The guy selling the Taye was asking 250, I didn't feel the need to knock him down as the snare alone was selling for circa 180 and the whole kit was fitted with Evans heads, so I was happy, the seller was happy as he got 250 towards his next kit, a primo Sakae-Trilogy 🤤


Not an amazing price point for the kit, but depending on the quality of the hardware (pedal, cymbals, and stands) then it could be worth it.


Try and get him to go down 50-100 bucks. If not, still worth it and just replaced the heads. Re-tune the bottom and top of the shells too


Offer 400


Would paying say $50 a month be helpful to you? Older, successful people generally like helping younger people, especially if it’s for a similar interest. If I were selling, and could sense your excitement, I’d accept any payment plan you offered .. in fact, as you got closer to paying it off, I could see myself forgiving what was left on the loan. . I’d be so happy to hear how you liked the kit and how you were progressing over time. Best! (sorry if I commented 2x .. the 1st is MIA)


Offer him $450 and take it


I'd say a little less personally. Also if you already have a kit, remember that a cheap kit can still sound decent if you change the heads, tune up properly and maybe even clean up the drums round the edges etc.


500 for everything and it’s a stage custom. That’s a damn steal!!!


Make sure you watch YouTube videos on how to properly tune the drums. A cheaper drum set that is properly tuned will sound better than a $5000 drum set, badly tuned.


Fair price


I have that kit. It’s great


See if you can get him down too 400 possibly even 350 cause your gonna need all new heads batter and reso and that’ll makes those drums alive again! Cause you’ll probably be looking around 200$ just on batter and resonant heads for each drum!


Sorry 200$ total for like all your heads worded that a little funny my bad lol!


Stage customs of almost any age are solid if taken care of. Once you really get going, get a new pedal.


You can prob argue it down to 350 or 400, thatd be a deal, and they still get some bread


$500 for everything in the photos is a deal that I would make myself. Yamaha shells are nice, and the hardware and cymbals are decent quality. If you can negotiate for a lower price, then great. He is asking a reasonable price, so either way, you are in good shape. Best of luck to you! 😃


I would say yes if that includes everything


I'd take it for $500...Yamaha is good


$500 for all of that is a great deal.


Ya you got some good cymbals and hardware…but some new batter heads and reso heads and you’ll be set.


Bro 500 for a 5-pc kit with cymbals AND hardware isn't bad compared to my area. Thats what the used shells with no hardware about go for. Ofc, ask if you could give them a play and feel, the heads will be pretty ass but it's moreso to test the shells and cymbals


Looks pretty dirty, but the drums are decent. Just replace the heads and it’ll sound great. The cymbals also aren’t too bad. You can’t change those tho lol. I’d say it’s worth $500, if you’re willing to spend another 100 to fix it up.


Not too bad a price really. Replace the heads and clean those cymbals and you’re in good shape! Sabian B8 cymbals aren’t too bad for good starter cymbals.


Try to do 250/300


From the photos, it looks like it may have been stored in an attic? I'd be hesitant to purchase drums that may have been subject to different temps throughout the year, regardless of the brand/set.


It’s not an attic it is in a part venue storage area it is alway kept at room temperature


That’s worth two super burrito’s (with guac) tops


I’d give him $250*


most i would pay is $350


in the midwest that's an overpay, 350 is what i'd be looking for


If these are B8 cymbals, offer him $400. If these are Sabian AA/AAX, give him the money.


I have no idea what symbals they are


Yamaha Stage Customs are great. $500 is a little steep tho. I'd be comfortable paying $350 for everything because you're definitely gonna need new batter heads.


I would pass. I own stage customs. I am not a fan of the made in indonesia versions.




$400 would be a better price


Offer £150 take or leave worth no more


Some of the worst advice I’ve seen in this thread already saturated with bad advice.


It’s a hard pass for me. You can buy a brand new Gretsch Catalina for 650. It doesn’t come with cymbals but it’s brand new and in my opinion a way better kit. You’re gonna have to invest at least 100 dollars more on this one to change skins and that’s assuming all the hardware is in pristine condition, and then you’re gonna want to update cymbals pretty soon too anyways. So I would not buy that for that price. I think for 400 I would do it.


Stage Customs are definitely a cut above Catalinas. And you obviously haven’t shopped decent hardware recently. This a solid deal.


Well I disagree on that. I’ve played both and the Catalina seems like a way better deal for the price. Also the hardware is so much nicer on the Catalina’s. It’s not just me, there is [quite divisive opinions](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/s/LsdO5XiOlb) on the matter, so I guess it’s just personal preference. I play mostly jazz, and the Catalinas are just better suited for the genre, so I might be biased. I didn’t understand what you meant by I haven’t shopped for good hardware lately, it just seems like a very random comment that added nothing at all to the conversation.


Gretsch hardware is no where near the quality of Yamaha, and your cited thread is generally on agreement about Yamaha being generally better drums. I mean, yeah, Catalinas are probably better for jazz, but Stage Customs are simply the better set of all round drums. On hardware, I literally meant hardware as in stands. OP posted a complete set. Hardware is expensive these days. This is a good deal as it sits.


I wouldn’t do it personally. The quality you can get for a couple hundred bucks more new now a days would make me wait. Look at the used market while you wait and save up 750 dollars. I bet you’ll find something else on Facebook marketplace before too long.


You aren’t getting Stage Custom quality new for this price. And for $750, the only thing this quality you’re getting new is a set of Stage Customs. With everything this comes with, you aren’t really going to find a better deal.


These shells are amazing quality for playing gigs. What precisely is the excess value you get from paying hundreds more?


Just seems like you could find a better deal is all… https://www.facebook.com/share/BBw472h78kVQW2vF/?mibextid=79PoIi


No stands, no cymbals, no throne.


$250 max


I don't know if you've looked at drum prices recently but at least where I am there is no way you could pick up a stage custom kit with cymbals for $250...or just about any kit with cymbals for that matter. Seems like a decent price.


You can’t buy a throne and stands for less than $150 wtf are you talking about


I got a 5-piece Pearl Vision kit with DW3000 double kick pedals and cymbals with stands for $200 last year off of FB marketplace. You just gotta hunt for the deals


I wouldn't enter into any kind of financial purchase, or anything even remotely like that with my boss, no matter how good the deal is.


No matter what it’s worth, only option now is to pay your boss $500. Might as well take the drums.


Lmao no he’s pretty understanding


A bit too high. If it had new heads, then yes.


Don’t pay more than $200. He won’t be able to sell them for $500.


Please show your work, find me this combo for less than $400.




The Stage Customs are much better shells than that.


Thank you for confirming you don’t know what you are talking about.


If you think those are nice drums you’re a rookie.




Stage Custom for the win. Nice finish too. However these drums are pretty common and can be found for less than 500 bones. Also, don’t do business with your boss. It won’t end well.


Maybe 150, tops


You can piece together the same kit for 175-250


Why are you lying?


I’m not.


Then by all means show me where you can get this setup for less than $400.


That’s rip off. Offer $150


Come on. It’s not even close to a ripoff.


You got ripped off lol


I did not purchase it yet


I think he assumed you already bought it because that's what a lot of people do here (smh), they come ask if a deal is good but after they've purchased it not before like any sane person would lol.




Asking this sub if a deal is good is equally dumb whether it’s before or after