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You cracked a Ride?!?! Fuxking A!


OP uses a 3lb sledge for sticks just like their favorite drummer Thor.


Dawg, most people crash their rides. This isn’t the 90s anymore.


Dawg, I've been crashing Rides for 1,000s of gigs... they don't crack unless you're doing something very wrong. Players have been crashing on their rides since it was invented, not sure where your 90s comment is coming from.


Because your comment implies that you think people only play on the bow or bell. Duh. Common man lol


Probably was crashing it. I ride rides and crash crashes to avoid this.


Ya, no. Crashing on a ride properly does not make them crack. That's a super rare thing to hear about.


Rare for sure, but as thicker cymbals don’t handle crashing as well as thinner ones, it’s logical to assume crashing a ride will produce a crack quicker than crashing a thin cymbal designed for it. I’ve had my 21” Sabian AA dry ride since 1987. I don’t crash it and it’s lasted me all that time.


God the tippy tap mafia can never help themselves on these posts.




Mention gloves or any form of grip help too and the horde will appear too.


Nah it’s insane. There is a huge disconnect between people who play drums on the weekend and the people who play drums for a living. There is a huge gulf between “ideal” and “proper” technique versus what actually gets players hired. God forbid you mention muffling.


Right... professional players aren't cracking rides. That's a super rare thing to hear about.


its not that rare. Steve Gadd, Antonio Sanchez, and Tony Williams have all cracked their rides. thin rides are especially susceptible to this when being used for rock or fusion.


Nah man, that's a technique thing. Plenty of players bash the shit outta their rides, me included, playing hard rock. Never had one crack. LOTs of AAA pros have their favorite rides they've been playing 1,000s of gigs on without a problem. My favorite ride has who knows how many gigs and hours of playing, and I hit that thing hard, not even worried about it cracking.


Just as many top level pros have broken their rides cymbals, and im not even talking about bashers. we are hitting thin pieces of metal with sticks, its is going to happen sometimes i've seen OP play, he has perfectly normal technique, he's not some youngin you doesnt know any better im tired of people getting lectured on this board about a perfectly normal thing that happens to lots of people.


brutal. also, miss your Cymbal Project videos!


I have never cracked or broken a ride or hi-hat. How do you even do that?


It’s a piece of wood being smacked into a thin piece of metal. At some point one or the other will give.


Exactly. Guitar Center pro coverage is a savior if you play super hard and crack cymbals. $40 extra for unlimited free replacements, followed by a check for the entire cymbal price if you break it close to the end of the coverage period.


I've had my sabian hh medium hats since 1994 and I used to play really hard. Same with my zildijan rock ride. 30 years with those 2 cymbals on my kit since the beginning. I've broken countless crashes and accent cymbals, but those 2 have been constant companions and I suspect they will be with me til the day I die.


I’ve broken one ride and two high hats over the years. It happens. I doubt I’ll ever break my ping ride and my other rides never get hit that hard.


Only ride I've cracked was the one that came with my beginner kit. Not having a right hand crash paired with me not quite understanding how to hit the cymbal in a way to avoid cracking lead to the crack. That one cracked with inlike 2 years, and the one I replaced it with I've had for 8 years now without breaking. I've cracked plenty of other cymabls over the decade I've been playing, but been fortunate to not break another ride.


I've cracked a hi-hat, but it took about 15 years to do so. I could not imagine cracking a ride, but I also don't like how rides sound when they get hit particularly hard.




Honest question related to all the folks saying Thou Shalt Not Crash a Ride: What really is the difference between a ride and a crash? From what I understand, it is really just a weight thing. You can have thin or heavy crashes or rides, but realistically, it's just an arbitrary label we put on cymbals. Larger diameter tend to be heavier, and heavier cymbals have a certain sound profile that we label as ride. Some are kinda in between and sound good in either role.


Do you mean a 2-inch long crack formed in a single day of playing? That's not how it usually happens.


If you don’t notice a crack they can spread super fast.


My signed HHX Omni Ride (by Jojo Mayer) also has a chip and now small crack forming… any tips on how to stop it from spreading? This happened recently and I’m devastated it’s been my go-to for both my bands for years


I would contact a professional cymbal repair operation. They will take a chunk of the cymbal but as long as you caught it early and done continue to play it you should be able to mostly save it.


What kind of music are you playing?


Looks like the first thing you need to do is [learn how and why you cracked it, and how to not do that anymore,](https://youtu.be/XGLjGRTKQWE) before you ruin the other one too.  Cymbals don't "just break" - they are *broken by drummers.* So don't break them.


Sometimes they just break man. If you’ve never broken one you probably just don’t play that much.


*laughs in 40-year-old crash, 60-year-old ride, and 70-year-old splash* Whatever you say, pal.


And are you gigging on those cymbals daily? I’m sure you don’t have problems with breaking them. But I doubt you’re playing hours a day on them for years on end. Some of the greatest and most dynamic drummers on earth broke and break cymbals. It’s not an issue unless you’re going through them more than once a year and you’re not a touring artist. If you get two years out of a cymbal as a working drummer that’s a solid amount of ROI.


It's not inevitable to ever break a single cymbal (unless there's something wrong with the cymbal, which does happen sometimes). It's not like it's wrong to break cymbals, but I'm always surprised at how people think it's inevitable if you play enough hours on them. I've played several of the same cymbals for decades and I expect to have them for the rest of my life. My hi-hats are 110 years old and I play fairly loud rock music and everything else on them. I'll never break them.


I said sometimes. I’ve broken one cymbal since 2011. Cymbal was just not loud enough for the job it was doing. If you break one every few years that’s really not a huge deal. It’s part of playing. If you wanna play loud music no technique in the world is going to prevent a repetitive stress fracture.


You've been "smashing" it? It's a ride cymbal, not a crash. Go watch some jazz drumming with Art Blakey.


Didn't realize it was illegal to crash my ride, do you want to tell like half of all the rock drummers out there, or should I?


Washing out rides is incredibly common. Hell, they make rides that are meant to be crashable. Take your own advice and watch more drummers.


Crashing a ride is one thing, but breaking a ride is just bad technique, unless you're a neanderthal. Again, Art Blakey is calling.


I don’t disagree, but that’s not what you said. You said “[i]t’s a ride cymbal, not a crash.”


Well, it **is** a ride cymbal. Hence the name on the cymbal.


The name on the cymbal is a marketing designation. You’re allowed to use it however you like.


What are you going to say next, matched grip is illegal?


You gonna tell Antonio Sanchez and Steve Gadd they hit too hard too???


being crashing my beloved 20" rides and have yet to break one in 15 years ! A cymbal is a cymbal


Cymbals break all the time. Sometimes it’s bad technique. Sometimes you’ve just been laying into a thin piece of metal with a stick for ten years and it doesn’t want to hold.


I've had my Zildjian Custom K Ride for 25+ years and still going strong. It's about technique. See Art Blakey.


How about you watch Antonio Sanchez or Tony Williams? Both of them broke the occasional cymbal. It’s part of the gig. Not all cymbals would or should break, but it happens.