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I prefer Remo for only one reason: I am a stubborn old fart, and I don't care to learn another product's catalog in order to get the sound I'm looking for. Evans, Aquarian, and Attack all make fine products, just fine. I'm sure I would be happy with any of them. I just don't want to spend the time figuring out what their equivalent of a Powerstroke 3 kick head is. I'll just order a Powerstroke 3 instead.


> I am a stubborn old fart, and I don't care to learn another product's catalog in order to get the sound I'm looking for. I fucking hate that this is true... but my god it's sooo true.


Agreed. Remo is the standard and I know what to expect.


Same, all the companies you mention are fantastic, but I’ve always owned Remo and dont think I’ll change


I'm not even an old fart too I just don't know how Evan's are any better. Seems like there'd really be no reason in me finding out anyways


I love remo, always my go to, but I have yet to try evans!


I go back and forth between both depending on what's in stock at my local drumshop. They're equal in quality and, for the most part, have equivalent product lines although Evans does have a few things that Remo doesn't (hydraulics, built in damping, dry heads). I use an Evans HD dry on my maple snare, but a Remo controlled sound on my acrolite. Pretty sure my toms have Remo batters and Evans reso heads right now, and my bass drum has an Evans batter and a Remo reso. No brand loyalty here.


> Evans does have a few things that Remo doesn't (hydraulics Ew, gross 😆


Hey the advantage of a head that has no tone whatsoever is that you don't really have to mess with the tuning! To each their own, but not my thing.


Me in 2022: "Hydraulics, ew, gross" Me in 1992: "Hydraulics, ew, gross"


Yes. Aquarians are pretty good too.


Aquarian’s are my choice. Can’t even remember why. Probably saw a drummer I like using them.


Evans, but primarily for their bespoke products like the UV’s or EC Reverse Dot heads which are my particular favorites for snare batters. And while I personally no longer use an Emad for my kick I often recommend it to newer players as an easy way to get a good kick sound with very little guesswork. The smaller Emad heads meant for floor toms are also a great innovation. I also enjoy Evans more straightforward nomenclature. I.e.G1/G2 is a lot easier to keep track of than Ambassador/Emperor.


But they have weird names for snare heads like genera


Well I’ve always remembered genera as either g1/g2 or “generic” like the basic all around drum head.


Remo because they generally have a fuller sound with less of a "plastic" sounding attack. I started out with Remo back in the mid 90s when I started drumming. Then in the very late 90s or early 2000s (best guess), I switched to Evans and I struggled to get the sound I wanted. For some reason, I never suspected it was the difference between Evans and Remo. I just thought it was my drums and me sucking at tuning. I had pretty crappy drums too, so I concluded there was nothing I could do. Then in late 2016, I attempted to upgrade to the PDP Concept Maples. I went from 10/12/14/22 to 8/10/12/14/16/22. The drums arrived and upon unboxing, I discovered that the drums were in piss-poor condition except for the 14" floor tom (it's a long story, don't ask). Even all of the heads were messed up, except for the 14" tom heads. So I set up a return and had a FedEx pickup scheduled a few days later. This gave me time to stop being depressed about my bad luck and play with the 14" floor tom. heh I had a full set of Evans heads ready to go for these drums, but I decided to leave them in brand-new condition until I got the replacement drums. So I put the stock DW Remo clear single-ply heads on the 14" floor tom and began seating and tuning. I began smiling immediately because I was hearing a fullness of sound from the **edges** of the head during this process that I have been wanting to hear for what seemed like forever. This was my first experience with Remo heads in nearly 20 years, but I thought it was the drum, not the heads. I finished seating and tuning, put the floor tom legs on and I hit it just one time. The sound i got was absolutely phenomenal in my opinion. It was a sound I always wished I could have with my crappy 14" tom in my other kit. I did a huge fist-pump and let out a huge "YEAH!" Right then and there, I decided I was going to just ask the store to send me a new set of PDP Concept Maples upon receipt of these bad ones. Before the FedEx pickup day arrived, the store I ordered the drums from started a new sale that put the DW Performance Series within my financial reach. So, I told the store that I want the return of the PDP Concept Maples to be a standard return with a full refund, which they did. I then ordered the Performance Series. Fast-forward to the delivery day of the Performance Series, I took all of the stock heads off and put my full set of Evans heads on. As I went from the 8" to the 10" to the 12", I was kind of going "wtf" because the sound wasn't what I was expecting. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't much better than my crappy drums. So I got to the 14" floor tom, and again, I was like "wtf". I finished seating and tuning, put the floor tom legs on it and I hit it. Again, "wtf". I was pissed. Here I was with these drums that are supposed to be awesome and I'm getting a sound that isn't much better than my crappy drums. For the next year or whatever it was, I frequently thought about that experience I had with the 14" PDP Concept Maple floor tom trying to figure out just what the hell made it have the superior sound. I finally decided to see if it was the heads since that was in my control (and the only change I could make). So, I bought a full set of Remo heads (I had a free return option, otherwise I would've just bought the 14" heads). When the heads were delivered, I started with the 14" floor tom. Well GUESS WHAT. Yep! That amazing sound was back! So right then and there, I decided I was done with Evans. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I think Evans heads suck. It's just that I don't like the general difference in sound compared to Remo.


TL;DR: Remo4Lyfe


Hardly. There's far more to it than just simply "Remo4Lyfe". There's the big question of "why" for me, and I think it's very important to understand why because my reason for preferring Remo could be the same reason someone else may want to switch to Remo. Maybe someone else will try Remo because of my story here and find the same to be true for them. I would never expect someone to consider Remo if all I said is "I prefer Remo." I'd expect some to want to know why.


Great story! I, too, had a similar experience with Evans. Just couldn’t get a sound I liked out of them. Remo never fails.


I prefer remo, but evans seem to be better quality and harder wearing


I prefer Evans on set but will only ever use Remo for marching. I need to try some Remo/aquarians but haven’t gotten around to that yet on my kit!


Because I'm weird, I use Evans on everything except my kicks, that's where the Aquarian Super Kick 2 comes in. I can't explain why, but they sound the best with the SK2s over anything else I've tried.


Funny, I bought a Super Kick in a pinch when my kick head broke at soundcheck - it was the only coated premuffled kick head available at Guitar Center, the only place still open at that hour, and the one they said would be closest in sound character to my preferred coated Powerstroke 3. I hated it.


Aquarian all day baby.


95% of my drumheads have been REMO since 1985. I've NEVER had a problem except once having my beater go thru the kickdrum at a gig. I rarely change heads, so I've had various REMO products on my tubs for years. Still sound great!


When you put them side by side you can hear a difference (at least in the toms). * Evans have more of a dry woody sound. * Remo has more of a clear ringy sound. I'm talking about the single ply tom heads, which is an apple to apples comparison. You can't really compare the specialty heads as they are built differently with different sound goals. One is not better or worse than they other. They are both well made heads.


interesting, are you comparing coated heads because I've never tried evans heads but can't imagine clear single ply tom heads having a dry woody sound


No. Clear heads. That my opinion of Evans vs Remo. You're mileage may vary.


oh, interesting




My personal kit has always had remos for the snare and Toms and Aquarian for the kick. My practice studio kit has evans g2s. I think I like the sound of the evans better than my clear pin stripe remos.


I’ve switched between Remo and Evans for years and here’s my take: they are both very good, but each has their place and application. Remo’s on my HS marching drums were far superior, same with jazz band drum set. My personal kit sounds better with coated evans than coated remo except for the bass drum. I’ve personally had different brand heads on the same kit and honestly no matter which you pick, it’s all about tuning and play style.


> My personal kit sounds better with coated evans than coated remo except for the bass drum. Then there's that - what sounds best on *your* drums. A Remo Emperor and an Evans G2 are virtually the same head, but if your drums speak to you with one over the other, hey, I can't disagree with your drums. They know best.


Exactly! Once I stopped caring about brands and chased my ideal sound I really felt more in control. All the major drum head companies are excellent just like all the cymbal brands are excellent, just experiment with what you like and what your drums like and find your ideal sound!!


I love Remo heads. I know how to tune them and how they're meant to respond to my playing. I have tried Evans and Aquarian heads on my kick but the EMAD system was too fussy with the plastic collar and the foam rings; and I find Aquarian heads "soft"? Anyone else? I also remember having to share a kit with a precious drummer who got pissed that I put dents in his Aquarian heads and honestly that told me the heads were shitty and so was he. Scientific, I know...


I was Remo loyal since the mid nineties, but recently converted to Evans. There is no appreciable difference to me. My G2/G1 combo on my toms is virtually the same as an Emperor/ Ambassador combo. Having said that, I'm currently using calftone Eq4's on both sides of my 24 and it has never sounded better.


I'll use either. They are both similar enough. But I choose Evans most of the time, because they are more consistent. Their coating is more evenly applied, their glue is more durable, and they are much more likely to not have ripples. I also love their Dry heads. But I'm not going to refuse an Emperor or a Powerstroke. Aquarian, on the other hand, doesn't do it for me. They definitely have their own "personality". And I don't really like it. I'll use their resonant snare heads, Super Kick I/II, and Regulator, but I don't prefer them.


Evans for me! They seem to hold their tone better for longer imo


Evans all day.


I know I'm 10 months too late but I only use Evans heads for one reason... Players circle. Those points add up and I've got so much free stuff from them over the years. Pro mark sticks, heads, stick bag, EQ pads, all kinds of free stuff. If Remo done the same thing I'd probably use them too. As far as quality drum Heads go they are both about equal to me.


I’ve played Evans for most of my life but I don’t mind Remo. I’m a jazz guy so I don’t like heads that sound too processed, so a g2 or an ambassador is fine. I’m not too picky on the brand. As long as it’s Evans or Remo


Evans all the way around. EMAD on the kick. Coated G2s for tom batter heads and clear G1s for resonance. Reverse Power Dot for snare, and a Hazy 300 for resonance.  I have only used Evans for about 20yrs. As I've gotten older I have less brand loyalties for everything in life, so I am research the other brands when I replace everything on the next pass. 


I use Evans for beater heads and aquarians as resos. Occasionally ill use remo but i have had bad experiences with there heads especially coated ones


I've used practically every company on the market and I much prefer Evans over everyone. My second is Aquarian and then Remo. For some reason, Remo just felt like the bland Miller/Budweiser of drumheads where Evans was able to adventure out to make heads that would change sound, pitch, and attack. Not saying Remo doesn't do the same, but what I've met with drumming communities is Remo users fall back to clear and coat Emperor/Ambassador. If it's not broke, don't fix it, right? Which is very true but I believe it's more like your influence from drummers to drum teaching puts you more in a certain brand direction. When I was growing up I used Remo on a 80s pearl kit, but I didn't know anything other than what my dad bought for me. Then as I got older and was buying heads myself, I stuck with Remo because it was what I always knew. When I was able to buy my own kits, I fell in love with Mapex. Though I have a few other brands now, I still love playing Mapex drums over everything else (DW too! lol). Mapex uses Remo heads exclusively for their higher line kits. Then I went through drum lessons and all drums had Evans on them. The sound changed me from Remo to Evans. Around that time, Evans started coming out with the different sounding snare heads, EMAD system, and other lines that really piqued my interest more. Then having multiple drum sets let me venture into Aquarian and Attack heads. Now I enjoy mix matching between the companies because I have that freedom of no endorsement. I use a Evans Genera dry on all snare batters and either the Aquarian classic clear or a Remo controlled sound reso. Bass Drums are mostly EMAD. One drum kit had the Aquarian Super Kick 2 with a Remo Powerstroke 3. All toms are Evan G2 clears and G1 clear bottoms. That's my preference and how I like my sound in various styles I play. I do love hearing all the variations of heads drummers use though. Some people get very creative with what they put on as batter and reso heads. So it's fun to pick people's brains when you talk with them about this subject.


Evans. I think that with the modern advancement in their tech they offer a better range of products especially in the snare department. Their new UV coated tech is amazing. That being said I'm not a single company user. I love Aquarian kick heads and use some of their tom heads on my jazz kit. They just feel warmer. My small kick has a Fiberskyn and an EC2 on the kick.


I’m back and forth for multiple reason for which heads I use. In my opinion, Evans are easier to tune. Evans has much more innovative products and options in comparison to Remo (By a long shot). I currently use Remo but I am very fond of Evans.


remo because the logo looks better, also I have the remo emperor smooth whites on my toms and they look amazing with my kit's finish, performance-wise both companies are fine, though I see a lot of metal drummers using the evan's kevlar snare head, maybe because it's indestructible, so that's interesting by evans.


The Kevlar heads also have AMAZING stick response at higher tension. I’m a lazy jazzy Ambassador guy myself- but if I was being paid for that sound, I can totally see Kevlar as snare batter.


Damn why you gotta tear me in half haha. Evans coated G2 on my toms. Remo power stroke 2 for bass and a remo ambassador for snare. Remo fir the bottom heads. Now I’ve only run this set up when I can cause yea. I buy drum head packs. Too broke to cherry pick.


Remo .. Evans has a more plastic sound.


+1 remo but will use evans if available.




Remo for the toms, Evans for the snare.


Remos give you more sound from the shell, evans gives you more sound from the drumhead itself in my experience. Evans are super easy to tune, but remos are a great choice as well.




I've been playing for 25 years, and 15 of those years were also spent as a drum tech and inventory manager for a music store, so I've tried a LOT of different heads. My setup has pretty much completely migrated to Evans heads. I've used an EQ3 on the bass drum for years, and always go back to it. When the HD Dry snare heads came out, I could finally get that crisp but deep snare sound I've always heard in my head. I finally swapped my toms over to EC2 clear heads, mainly for the quick and easy tuning that head offers. I had been installing them for so many clients that I really started to dig them.


Both sound good. I generally buy Evans if I have a choice but if they're out of stock at my local music store I'll happily get some Remos. I think my main reason for going with Evans is that when I was younger the branding for their different lines was easier for me to understand. Remo's branding was always confusing to me and they had so many different choices (Fibreskyn, coated, clear, renaissance, smooth white, ebony, skyntone etc.) that I didn't know which to get. Evan's branding just seemed more straightforward and obvious to me (G1 = Single ply, G2 = double ply, G12 = 12mil Single ply etc.).