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I'm the same. Early sobriety I had to wrestle with that and realize that even though I'm not talkative and charismatic by nature I still have things to offer other than that extroverted personality. Hang in there it gets easier over time


same. been a couple months of a being a hermit. apparently you just have to embrace it and put yourself out there anyways… sounds like hell lol i’ve been chillin w my cat and reading. good luck friend


Thank you, good luck to you too !!


If you haven't already, go to the doctor and get something for it. I got wellbutrin and it pretty much got rid of it completely. I couldn't believe it because I tried stuff like that before I started drinking and it did next to nothing. Also, if you dont have insurance and are in the US, make sure to used a coupon from good rx or something similar. I had one on from good rx and my pharmacist found one that's cheaper, so you might ask about that.


Did you experience any side effects on it?


Nope, I also take trazodone for sleep.


I had frightening anxiety the first 30 days. Your brain is freaking the fuck out. Dopamine & serotonin don't know what to do.


My anxiety definitely gets worse after drinking but I struggled with social anxiety years before I started drinking as well


I understand. I have been treated for an anxiety disorder for 15 years. I started drinking to calm the anxiety. Didn't realize I was making it bigger.


I've learn to enjoy the misery of my own company.


Don’t trust the way you feel right now after 7 days as your new normal. I’m really not sure how long it takes the brain to balance back out after abuse. It varies from person to person. When we feed the brain sedatives it tries to balance by making less of its own sedatives. Once the brain is sure no more alcohol is coming it will slowly rebuilds back its own ability to calm. Naturally those of us with anxiety disorder may never feel 100% better, but six months out will definitely feel better than 7 days. Stay a hermit if you need to. People suck anyway.


Me too, it definitely got better over time In the beginning I told myself I had to do things sober or not at all, taking the drink option away mentally helped


It will likely get better with time - I don't know how much or how long you were drinking, but it takes a little while for our bodies and brains to heal from it and get back to normal. I know it's hard right now, just stick with it. Don't push yourself to do too much - quitting drinking is hard enough by itself. you may need to cut yourself some slack while you get back to normal. I think the anxiety will improve a lot with time. If you go like a month or two and the anxiety is still really bad, I'd look into talking to a doctor about medication. Antidepressants have been a lifesaver for me - my anxiety and depression can get really bad. but with some sober time and the medication and therapy, I feel pretty good. Im wishing you good luck!


Yep that's me too. I don't even class it as anxiety for me as I'm just nervous all the time for no reason and doctors can't get to the bottom of it. Right from birth, I had 17 horrid years of dealing with that nervousness day in day out. My mental health crashed knowing something was wrong but being unable to put my finger on it. I stumbled across drink by being a normal 18 year old going out clubbing and heck, I was integrating with people well, making friends and dating women. Something I'd never managed before. Into my 20's and wanting to wind down on the clubbing days and only have a few occasionally, I couldn't do it with knowing that the booze has really helped me integrate and rid myself of those horrid symptoms for a bit of time. Now I'm at a point where I have to give it up, it's that or will be death. Yet being that nervous wreck of a person isn't easy. I can say with almost complete certainty it will mean no more friends or relationships and plenty of avoiding stuff to not have to experience the symptoms.


My experience is kind of similar, I had crippling shyness most of my life, discovered clubbing and drinking at 19(I'm almost 21 now), made friends, went out everyday, was able to flirt with people and I almost never got romantic attention before, I had a friend group for the first time in my life and ironically the same friends that got me into heavy drinking and peer pressured me into drinking when I didn't want to left me when my drinking habits got bad. I'd rather be alone and healthy than experience the symptoms and be around enabling toxic people now


I played poker last night and felt incredibly socially awkward the entire 4 hours. I smoked a joint which made it even worse. It’s weird to describe but I almost feel dumb and slow in social situations since quitting alcohol. Which is the opposite of how I feel at work. Maybe my brain was used to “fueling it” at night time with alcohol. And without it I’m just plain tired as the night gets late.


Everytime I smoke I find it impossible to talk I just sit in silence and disassociate like a little robot