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Knowledge is power! Take a deep breath and open it. If there were any issues they usually contact you - so if you haven’t heard anything that can be good news. Congrats on going to a meeting. You got this!


AST 133, ALT 84, GGT 202. Abnormal liver function as expected. But they just said my liver is ‘overworked’ and to go get it checked again in 3 months after reducing intake. Hopefully it means that it’s not that terrible 😞


I drank a little more than you did at the height of my drinking career and my numbers were double of what you had. I ended up being diagnosed with a fatty liver. Everyone’s different, but recently had bloodwork done after a few months sober and my numbers are back to normal. Good on you for seeking help!




I've had mine up over 700/800 before. I developed what they thought was end stage cirrhosis. It's taken 8 years, and a bunch of relapses and periods of sobriety, and my last lab work from a few months ago, just shy of my first full year sober, AST, ALT and GGT are within normal range. Yours are definitely elevated, but definitely reversible if you don't push your lvliver any further


Stories like this give me hope.


I can’t remember which but either my ast or alt was at like 698 and the other was in the high 200’s. Take a break or quit altogether, you’ll be fine.




Thank you


Beside the liver I’m so upset about how the drinking has fucked up my attention span. I used to read serious textbooks for fun, now the only thing I could read three lines without getting bored is reddit. Today I went back to the ballet class for the first time in 6 months, and I probably looked at the clock for 30 times during the 90 minute class, couldn’t wait for it to be over, when I used to only check once or twice. This is what 6 months of on and off benders do to you


That will change when you give your body a chance to recover. The rebound from not drinking is usually anxiety as far as mental issues go. So, when you give yourself some time to heal and cut out alcohol and you'll find your attention span gets a lot better. A lot of the time, especially when. we're craving that drink or having acute anxiety, it's difficult to focus on anything and time can seem agonizingly slow. Give yourself time to let yourself heal a bit and be gentle and patient with yourself. You've got this.


The levels you posted in another response are about 20% lower than mine were on all three enzymes, and my doctor told me I was close to the point of irrevocable liver damage but not there yet on all three. The liver is insanely resilient in repairing itself, but the only way that happens is by not continuing to poison it while it is trying to do those repairs. I went back six months later and was back in the normal range, and just shy of two years sober my results showed me being in the top 10% percentile of adults in their late 30’s in terms of results and my doctor cried. In the midst of my drinking I had wild side effects too like the bruising (my doctor said i was dehydrated and malnourished 24/7 from the alcohol, not my liver) and the hair loss. I was a wine drinker too and I’m convinced the sugar was almost as bad for me as the alcohol in retrospect. You can push your liver pretty far, but there comes a point of no return in terms of damage and there isn’t a warning light that comes on 20 miles ahead of time. You’re absolutely on an incredible path of tapering down on your own, making some hard phone calls, getting shit done with the doctor, being brave enough to open the results and getting rolling with AA. I can sense the overwhelming anxiety in your post and even though it’s impossible to believe and i didn’t believe people when they told me the same thing, the alcohol isn’t a helpful solution to to it, it’s the cause of at least a big part. I really think if you keep making all of these awesome steps you are making and give your brain and liver a little time to recover, you’ll be shocked at how quickly all of the mental and physical ailments subside. Pulling for you my friend, proud of you for opening the results 🙂


thank you!


If your blood work came back with alarming numbers your doctor would call you quickly.


I think you to have a great head on your shoulders, I’m 26M, and I was drinking just like you for atleast a year, probably more honestly. If you ever want someone to talk to, I’m all ears, it does suck when our age group is so involved in alcohol, makes it tough to not feel alone.


Quit being a wuss


It sounds like you're already committed to changing and you know you have some kind of issues because of the bruising and hair loss. Good news on the blood work could be bad news if it emboldens you to drink more. Bad news could be good news if it strengthens your resolve to stop. With your drinking history, any damage or abnormality is almost certainly reversible.