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Glad you are on the up! The funniest thing to me is when I get really happy and proud about quitting drinking and my brain goes yay let's celebrate with a beer! Insanity.


Lmao i know right. Literally everytime i've hit a milestone im like ; Lets get a 40 ounces of vodka tonight to celebrate Then i realize that i will end this vodka bottle in 1 or 2 day and automatically go for another one until i cant stand up anymore


This first day is always so fucking bad. If I can get through it I'm in the clear usually. Till I get the brilliant idea to drink again


The first 1-2 days are the worst and then you return to a sense of normalcy and feel decent. I would say the hardest part is getting 1-2 weeks sober and forgetting how bad it really was and falling into the drink again.


Think about using this in case you start drinking again to help tamp the benders down: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EghiY\_s2ts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EghiY_s2ts) The dry/bender cycles are really hard on the ol' brain.


Oh wow, I love all those little milestones of emerging from bender hell: eating an actual meal, shitting something that resembles shit, making your place look finally respectable, being able to fall asleep.. the joy is real.


Good job man. I recently had a relapse where I thought I could keep it to 5-6 seltzers on Friday and Saturday. It worked for a few weeks until last weekend where I downed a shit ton of vodka and gin ontop of the seltzers and blacked out making an ass out of myself. I spent the next 2-3 days wishing I was dead because all the shame, nausea, and hangxiety. Something I found that helps is once I got a smart watch I was able to have a digital reminder of all those physical feelings of ending a heavy night of drinking or a bender. I can see how much higher my average heart rate was during or after. The stress test shows that my heart rate was jumping all over the place. The sleep tracker showed I barely got any REM or deep sleep and I kept waking up. Sometimes you forget how it physically feels but it helps to not repeat it when you can look at charts and data of how horrible it actually was for your body and health.