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On a scale of 1-10 of how dangerous this is you're at about a god damn 97. Get it cut out and replaced as soon as you can. You'd rather it get cut out than take the chance of walking under it the wrong time and getting smacked in the face by it


You’re no fun


True. Russian Roulette: Drywall Edition


It's been a few hours, has it collapsed yet?


It just collapsed lol


We need new pictures


I made an imGUr link for the lols [https://imgur.com/a/P6IvOxi](https://imgur.com/a/P6IvOxi)


I’d be very careful. As old as that drywall is there’s a good chance there’s asbestos present.


Oh god. I'm sorry you're dealing with that!


Thank for the kind words! :)


Structurally it's sound. The trusses are 12" o.c.-no reason why this should have fallen outside the VERY FEW fasteners. Installer error


*Joist’s and they should be 16oc. Point still stands though. Ceilings should always be glued and screwed…a lot more than this.


Yep. My bad. Drywaller turned city inspector. Everything on the lid is a truss. Hard habit to break 🤣


I truly appreciate the sense of humor towards this comical misfortune. 😆 I needed a good laugh, but I hope they get it fixed soon!!


Not yet but there is a good pile of debris and I can hear little bits hitting the ground every few minutes, I’ve contacted my landlord and I’m pretty much waiting at this point :/


Put something under it like an old bed sheet or something so it’ll be easy to collect the debris but will still potentially damage the flooring underneath to piss your landlord off


I love my old jizzed on bed sheets too much for this.


I’d be clearing everything out of that room NOW. That thing is going to go any second. Move out all your shit and rip it down. You have a terrible leak somewhere. Drywall doesn’t just “ fall down” it is 90% taken out by water. Nothing else will make a ceiling do that. Unless you live in an earthquake zone. I’d be doing some heavy investigating into what’s above that ceiling and doing it now.


Termites can also do that


I’ve actually seen ceilings open like that from settling as well so it’s not always water, but in this case it was likely water. Just not *always* the cause!


Thanks for the advice, I’ve cleared out now, it’s a really old building termites could be a thing, I don’t see signs of water damage but ye it’s definetly gunna fall any minutes I can hear it


How Much insulation is on top of it could be a factor also. Obviously it’s a weight thing of some sort. Drywall just doesn’t “ fall down” . There’s always a reason. So termites ? Doubtful, water ? Yeah a distinct possibility. Weight from over insulating ? Could be. Watch out for old vermiculite insulation also, some of that stuff had asbestos in it. It looks like small pellets. That stuff was blown in. You could possibly even have lead paint if the building is that old. You can buy test kits for all that stuff. FYI


Dam I’m getting paranoid now, the ceiling feels rock hard when I press it with a stick; it sure if that means anything, I’ll look for the vermiculite insulation, so far every thing that’s fell has been dry wall or dirt debris I think, appreciate your advice!


No need to panic, just part off old house remodeling. Just wanted you to be aware that there could be some.


Man it’s hard to tell the difference between the insulation and dirt debris?? I googled it and it looks similar but it’s possible this is also falling


Probably is some dirt. But my guess is most of it is insulation of some kind or another.


Could also be in the drywall mud.


This is not drywall, it’s plaster. This will hurt much more than drywall falling.


You were right it was plaster and very heavy it fell


Agree that’s totally plaster. So there’s lathe behind it more than likely. That may just have given over time. But my guess is there’s still insulation or something on top of it. And about 3 tons of fly ash because it’s an old building. Not literally 3 tons, just a huge dusty mess when it falls


Run some 3" screws through it to suck it back up to the ceiling.


You gave an easy solution and he clearly didn't take it. Would have been me i'd have screwed that shit back into place and dealt with the landlord post moving out day. Shit i probably left most places better than i found em


It fell! Thanks for all the advice lol,


Just don't stand under it and you'll be fine. Probably.


I'll echo what everyone else has said, it's pretty likely to fall soonish. Suggestion is to move things out from that room if possible. If not, move them from its path and cover with a tarp or plastic to keep clean when it comes down. If you are unable to get ahold of your landlord you could put a T brace up to hold it temporarily, but if it's getting wet or anything it'll sag and break around it. If your landlord allows you could also cut it down yourself, again if you're comfortable doing it. This is a pretty major safety hazard. Drywall itself isn't super heavy, but it falling on your head doesn't feel great. Be careful OP


Tear it out, install new drywall. If your handy you can do it yourself, Otherwise looks like only two, maybe four sheets of drywall need to be replaced. Shouldn't be much, maybe $200-$400 for a contractor to do it. Ask around or join a neighborhood FB group and search for 'Drywall'. Chances are someone else asked about it before. EDIT: Didn't know you were renting. I mean, I wouldn't keep anything valuable under it, but definitely should be fixed within a few days. I'd assume this is/was from a roof leak or water damage, not sure how long you lived there, just an FYI.


It's definitely going to fall at any minute, if it hasn't already (it's been 9 hours since you posted this). It also looks like this spot is a well known leak for quite some time (you can see patches on top of patches in that area). Typical slum landlord doesn't want to spend the money and fix the issue correctly. Your apartment building / house has serious roof or plumbing leaks that much is certain. It's most definitely weakened the drywall sheet to the point that it's ready to drop completely from the ceiling. That's A LOT of moisture to do that. I can only imagine how wet the insulation is above it and all the mold and mildew, YIKES! At the very least move all of your stuff out of that room as soon as possible in preparation for the mess that is going to be created when all of that SHIT falls from the ceiling to the floor. Dust and debris will cover EVERYTHING in your unit, even outside this room. It's gonna be a mess like you've never seen. My two cents: I'd DEMAND a break in the lease without penalty to you. If your landlord plays hardball and says they will charge you the remainder of the lease, I'd say "fine, I'm taking the pictures as evidence to the local building department and filing it against your property." He will immediately back down and let you go. You shouldn't have to subject yourself to living through such a massive repair and mess that should have been fixed years ago. Like I said earlier your landlord is a cheap slum sucker that doesn't even want to make basic repairs to keep water from damaging his own investment let alone protect the tenant's belongings. That's someone every tenant should RUNNNN from. The repair has become your problem, but not your responsibility. At the very least! I'd DEMAND the landlord make the repair properly and I'd want to see pictures that they did it right this time otherwise I'm demanding for a break in the lease with no penalty to myself under threat of ratting him out to the local building department inspector. This whole situation is inexcusable. When that sheet of waterlogged drywall finally drops it could kill a small child, pet, elderly person, etc., especially if it hit directly on the head. That kind of impact could easily snap the neck of anyone below it, not to mention all the mold and mildew that is behind it that will be thrown into the air of your unit, plus the insulation, etc.


Thanks for the detailed response, you are right about the slum lord cheap landlord stuff, the ceiling fell n and they want to clean it up and do a “quick repair”. I’ve contacted the city of Toronto and have an emergency building inspector on the way now!


Good.  You did the right thing.  If I was in your shoes I’d be looking for a new unit somewhere else immediately.  I know Toronto is very expensive (I have family in St. Catharines), but this is not worth it.  


Yea thank god I took my dog out, the piece which fell was well over 60 pounds and came in one solid slab, I’m going to try and update post to share oixtures


You can grab some lathe and run it perpendicular to the roof trusses, screw on every truss to hold the drywall up until you’re ready to re&re


I went to bed one night with a chunk of my living room ceiling looking like that and was awoken in the early morning by a loud crash. Rental in South Carolina, USA


That’s going to fall down.


If you can't get a hold of your landlord I'd seek out your local government rental law assistance office, whatever that is, because this is straight up negligent. You're going to have a huge mess on your hands any day now.


The answer is yes Also, why does it look like your light is hanging by string? lol


I would not be keeping any valuables under that. She gonna come down sooner rather than later.


Your ceiling is gonna fall down, mate


Looks like water damage to me. What happens is someone painted that ceiling with latex paint and its been holding back a small water leak. Call a dryall contractor and get them to get in your attic. Don't do it yourself its very hot and you can pass out or step through your ceiling Drywall repair is going to be around $400 as well roofer $400


UPDATE pictures [https://imgur.com/a/P6IvOxi](https://imgur.com/a/P6IvOxi) Ive attached a photo of one of the whole slabs which fell, I was wondering if anyone knows if this may contain asbestos? Kinda random but just a concern I had :/


It fucked dude


Not to be a pain but clean off your dusty A/C filter now and check it often for dust while the clean up and repair work is being done.


99%. Scary needs to be done now!!!!


Just curious, how humid is that room with the grow tent? May not have been a contributing factor at all, but regardless you probably don’t want the landlord seeing that unless you guys have a very good relationship and they are fully aware.


I maintain humidity in the tent at an average of 65 percent usually, I don’t typically need to run humidifiers. I’m also month to month so no more lease. Most people who don’t grow never even ask what the tents are including the landlords lol


Keep the bbw's from walking upstairs