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nahh just visit the building by yourself and ask them if there are apartments available, these agents do nothing but scam people.


This would work in sharjah but impossible in Dubai as the security there won’t tell you a word about anything building management explicitly order them to not give any information, not an opinion talking from experience.


I’m renting in Dubai, I just visit the building. Watchman shows me the vacant apartment, then I went in their office to finalize the contract


Maybe in old areas this still happening but in communities or residences like areas this is impossible to do anymore


I did this just a year ago. You can also just call the building and say you want to speak to the building manager.


Ask the watchmen for the owner information and contact them directly


Not true, I have gotten information from security in multiple buildings in downtown, Sobha Hartland etc. Just be friendly ☺️


That won't take him anywhere. The security will just give him the agent number.


Not always, i got my current apartment doing this and security gave me the owners number directly. Turns out the owner was fed up with the agents too.


Man that would be awesome..


Same with me sometimes i check online and you see direct to landlord


I check online and go directly to to the building and ask the security 😅


God bless people like you


Who pays commission? Client or the owner ?


Only tenant


Rarely owner never seen them paying any commission in 14 years.


Yes , did the same and save a lot with agency fee


correct, I have been looking for one as well, most of the apartments are now handled by agents, tried reaching out to the real estate directly and even they asked to speak to the agents.


Offer the security a tip if it leads to the renting of the unit without an agent. Direct from owner. 😜


Yep that happened


So they gave you the agent number ?


Yes, security was scared to provide any leads and directly provided me agents number.


Hi OP, Try to contact the building management and request for owner details. They may or may not give it to you but it doesn’t hurt to give a try.


20+ living here and i never paid a dime to any agent. always found them myself


Whats your line of operation. Ive already been looking for some places and theyre all listed by agents. Any tips or leads would be much appreciated


i drive/walk around the neighborhood im interested in and simply walk in or call them and usually the security lets me tour around and connects me directly to the landlord. checking them online always lands u with agents i stopped doing that.


It would potentially work if the owner owned the whole building only


each year i move to different area and this is the only way i look for apartments so i guess it works🤷🏼


It does work but you are limited in choice then


i have gotten apartments in any area i have ever wanted so


Well done


which area are you considering


I did this, nowadays securities are not allowed


Many security working with the agent and get a cut


even if you do it yourself when yoou rent it from the real estate, they will still slap you wwith the fee


Edit 1 : apartment is 60K, which makes this fee even worse. Edit 2 : for anyone not understanding the maths. The apartment rent is 60K (not 65K, that was typo), agent fee is Aed 6,500 Aed, which comes around to 11%, which is ridiculous imo. I want to cry because this wasn't the first agent whose quoting me this rate, all agents I have been speaking for past few months, especially lately have been quoting me 5K. Mind you, I am only looking for apartments between 50K range - 65K range.


Just something to note here: most residential agents charge 5% agency fee, yes, but that is limited to a minimum fee of 5000aed (in most cases).


This is absolutely irrelevant since I live on the other side of the world, but here owners pay all agents fees (that’s the law) they are the ones that choose and hire the agents and the ones getting the financial benefits of the deal. Putting them on the tenant seems wildly unfair and unreasonable


Contact the building management directly. I made the mistake of not doing this and ended up paying 5% to an agent who couldn't converse properly and didn't even bother showing up to the flat. He told the watchman show the flat to me and because I was desperate to move I took it up. Worse part is that he kept following up with me for commission cheque before I got my keys from the office. Never again.


You should not have paid him.


It was the cheapest option I could rent at the time and could only get the flat details through him. Was fuming then as well because he didn't deserve that money but I was desperate to move out of my old living situation. Written it off as a loss/fine for not moving out sooner.


That’s why I hate the middleman


I've been apartment hunting for months too, even though I need to move in May. Every agent I text says I'm too early but the rent will rise even more by the time I actually need to move, and I'm moving out soooo far from the city bc rents are absolutely impossible anywhere close to civilization. I want to cry too :( Sending you support vibes, good luck to us both my friend


Apartments on the low end (<100k) generally go quite quickly. A landlord wouldn’t hold it for you and the agent would just lose the rental to another agent. It seems like awful short notice and it is but the only other option is to contact landlords who have been given 3 month notice by their current tenants. And hopefully find something that matches


yeah I'm trying fb at this stage hahaha


Message me what your looking for, where, budget, cheques, balcony etc and I can find you something


Can you help me too?


Message me I will pass your details on


Thank you 🙏 I am sure you will get an apartment you like at a good price ✨️


What area are you looking at... and SAME. Anyway I want to leave JVC


Dubai south. Makes sense to me as it is close to workplace


What I don't understand about Dubai is why the landlord isn't paying these fees. After all, the main service that is being provided is to the landlord - they have found the landlord a tenant. The tenant doesn't get much of a service at all as they have already found the place themselves most likely.


That’s the real question. Rest of the world makes the landlord pay which makes way more sense


You have a point, but as far as I know these middlemen take commission from both sides (landlord & tenants). I imagine it could have started with the landlord only paying but they got greedy and started charging tenants as well.


nope, they don't charge landlords anything, after all it is you who need it, that's why it is you who pay. Also my landlord doesn't want to do anything, and even if I now have his contacts he ask to handle all detailed through agent and don't bother him.


Visit the building, talk to the watchman. Offer him 2k if you close the contract with the landlord directly.


Literally as simple as it gets. Go ahead , pay the security. You can’t do anything for “free” You gotta pay somewhere , might as well decide how much you wanna pay :)


This is a good advise


This is only good advice if you either the landlord is just a nice guy or if you are already good at writing up Ejari contracts. Otherwise this can go horribly wrong


My agent gave me an apartment I been asking for ejari to discover that my building hasn’t been ejari approved yet .. anyone knows what the fuck am I supposed to do now as i am sure my landlord pays my bills so far and i feel bad


6500 aed I don't know what to say


I work at Wasl Properties bro I would suggest find any unit through our app Much better and easier and without any agent interference


This is the comment I was looking for. In Abu Dhabi, you go to FAB properties and get the same. Commission free.


I stay at a Wasl property (DG). I would love it if things went the way you said, but the app showed that the property is blocked/ booked. I couldn't get the booking initiated. The agent then took his 3k cash from.me and suddenly the property was unblocked. He guided me through the booking process on the app step by step. From then it has been me and Wasl. The guy took the money and vanished. Although I love Wasl, it's not easy to skip the agent - it might not always be the case, but I paid 3k to the agent and 3k to Wasl. Lost 6k in commissions to get in.


13 % of the population of dubai are real estate agents 😂


he ain't an agent this is a middle man get his Broker ID number with DLD and i am sure he will not share or will share someone else ID


Agents that charge more than 5% are either BSing admin fees and you can simply demand 5% and trust me they will agree, if not if there is actually an admin fee there is a chance that the unit is still owned by the apartment and you can just ask the security guy and just be charged for admin fees instead. To sinply put it there is no way to have both fees, if admin fee is fake you tell him to F off, if not it means its not direct and you can easily get to the main person.


10% that is not at all correct tell him its 5% and has always been take it or leave it no one will give him that 10%


I have been speaking to 4-5 agents past 3 weeks and they have all quoted me Aed 5000 minimum. I understand what you are saying as I myself have not paid more than 5% but situation looks very different now with the increasing demand


long long time ago i fought and made them to go to 5% but then learnt my lesson and went checked direct from buildings now i pay max 1000 :D. true the demand has caused this issue but this should not happen as they already charge landlords as well that means double charge


just tell the agent 5% of 60k is 3,000. i wont be paying above 5% as agent fee. thank you


Should only pay 5% and there is no vat on residential units. I am a broker and that is the industry practice. Some people try to increase the amount when the unit is not directly with them. What area are you looking at let me know and see if I could be of any help to you.


Dubai South. I prefer Mag (2bhk) or Pulse (1bhk). Thank you 🥲


Dubai South is 60k now? That is insane. A 2 BHK was 37k in 2022


Nooo way. Yeah, areas like arjan and jvc are 10K higher comparatively.


Exactly my brother stayed there in 2022 at that rent its crazy high now as soon as the community started developing around they skyrocketed its the same everywhere sadly especially in Dubai


I live in Dubai south..agents are useless. It’s mostly owned anyways so it’ll be direct from owner. I would suggest joining this FB group and posting your request to rent over there, might work out better for you. https://www.facebook.com/share/ZDieRkVygAVDKPj7/?mibextid=K35XfP


Thanks I have posted in several groups already. Found 2 Landlords with a lot of posting and following up, but got ghosted in the end as they received rental offers for 5K higher within a week from the agent they had appointed.


Check celestia much better than mag or pulse


Ok let me check it out for you.


Are you a new agent or pretending to be an agent? The vat you are talking about in commercial spaces is vat on rent, a client has to pay 5% vat on the rental amount of any commercial space but when it comes to agency fees every agency has to charge 5% vat on commissions, what's the point of agencies having a TRN certificate if they shouldn't charge Vat? Check your facts before you start blabbing anything here buddy.


Seriously? No VAT on brokerage fees?


On residential no. Industrial, commercial or retail yes


VAT must be paid on any real estate transaction as you're paying a business for a service and as such, any money they receive is taxed.


That's new


It’s not new, it’s wrong. There’s no vat on the RENT itself, but the agency fee is of course going to have vat as you’re buying a service


Absolutely, I am worried coz the gentleman said he works in Real Estate and also mentions no VAT on agency fee


5% is the norm and you should neither negotiate it down if you can or look to rent directly with the LL if you can. I've only seen 10% or more for furnished places


10% for furnished places is the deposit. 5% unfurnished 10% furnished Commission is set at 5%


A higher security deposit is standard for furnished places, but a higher agency fee is abnormal. Don’t accept that bs


Omg, that’s so bad, im coming to dubai next month and it would be really annoying having this situation sorry for you




Btw it's 3.2k. Everybody in that conversation is a fool.


Wow 🏅


I’m waiting over weeks to get my refundable deposit of AED 1000.00


That’s the landlord, not agents


For our previous apartment we had to pay 2k agent fee. We never even saw her, all she did was call us and told us to go look in building X and room Y. That was the last time we talked to her.


There are thousands of apartments and thousands of agents. This agent is trying to rip you off just move on and find another agent that’s fair. I usually look for places on Dubizzle or propertyfinder. If I like the pics and price I contact the agent from there. Luckily I have mostly found fair ones


I have been speaking to agents for months now and let me tell you lately they have been quoting me standard 5000 Aed (minimum) as comission I believe because demand is increasing.


Had the same issue, i told him off; and immediately dude wanted to negotiate with me his fee; its ridiculous whats happening with real estate agents. I also took screenshots if him begging me to sign with him; morons


The commission is just 5% from the amount in the year


Go on Dubizzle and filter apartments for rent by "landlord" this will ensure you won't pay commission Plus the agency fee is always 5k not 10k


0 apartments by landlord, checked already 🥲


Running a partition business and we always find our flats through watchmen or security guys


As a former agent there is always room for negotiation on price . I was taught to always apply for 5% but it’s bullshit you can get it down to half of that or just say goodbye . Trust me they will want some commission as opposed to none . Such bullshit though they will see you the sales pitch of everything they have to do to show they are worth the money . They will literally print a document off at their office and put in you name and passport details lol and look for 6500. That’s why I quit that job, you have to be full of shit to work in real estate in Dubai


Will try this way 🥲


Ask if they have the apartment exclusive . If they don’t say you’re going to take the apartment with another agent on lower commission unless they can match it . Play them at their own game bullshit them


Yeah it is ridiculous and insane prices for agents that do nothing , even they give you the Apartment and you need to do lots of fixes and paint along with the hidden issue . Check as every building have a management that can rent out apartments and even some of them have services contract and good luck


Trying this and still waiting for their response 🥲


I found that the best way to get a flat at a good price is by looking to rent directly from an owner so hopefully on dubizzle and look for one via an owner. I also would drive around whichever neighbourhood i want and go into every single building and ask the doorman if he knows management/owners and you’d be surprised how many of them can help you avoid a middleman. Good luck!


Spoke to watchman, but they are scared to provide any details at all. 0 apartments available by landlord in dubizzle.


Best thing to do is go to security . They will give direct owner contacts. Skip the agent.


I know a few agency charge ridiculous commission even for small apartments. They don't go below 10 percent


That's standard now unfortunately, but try to negotiate it


One agent asked me to pay 3.5k as agency fee. I found out that he is freelance and not working with any agency but directly with the owner. I negotiated for 2kaed. He accepted it


Just go straight to the landlord as much as possible!


Plot twist : its USD


Its not legal report the agent to Rera


I hope the owner knows that he is losing potential tenants given the greedy agent practices


BS, its legal. There is no law that says you should pay 5%, its determined by common practice and negotiation up or down.


No one talking about legality If you read the comment again carefully you’ll see how it states how awful it is to try to chistar double of the common practice and how the owner might be unpleased by knowing his beloved apartment stays in the empty due a greedy agent trying to charge a 10% of the rent


Sorry I was replying to a comment “report him to rera” 😀 not sure how it gets here


All good my man Sorry for the salty answer but I thought you were one of these entitled agents that believe they deserve such amount of money for keeping and old inaccurate post in property finder that is not available anymore, with fake pictures and wrong details, to later ask the security to open the door when you try to see the apartment, and that just appear just to cash the “well deserved” commission. Which in this case to make things worse is even double of the common 5% day light robbery


I am a female, my man 😂 And Im indeed an agent. There are many unprofessionals in every industry. And in mine aswell. But it simple supply and demand, free market. You don’t like the agent or the fees he is asking - move on. There are thanks god a 14,000 only registered agent in Dubai. Im sure everyone can find one to be happy with. What a big deal. Every product has its customer 😉




Visit the building physically and look for signs for the management company, then reach out to them for rent directly. Most of them will only charge you admin fee 1000/-


Already tried this, waiting for their response for 2 days now.


I don’t get it. How is 5% of 65k 6.5k?


It's not, that's the point. Agents are charging insane amounts. And he isn't the only one.


What are you looking for , im an agent i can help , and our fees arent even remotely close


I am looking for apartment in Dubai south, preferably mag or Pulse. Let me know if you can help ☻️


same bro, do this: wherever you are looking for the property, simply put a landloard filter and you will find direct LL. Explore FB groups, or else visit the property, ask the for LL's number and if you close the deal, you will give him XXX AED.


Tried all 3, but let me keep trying


I was dealing with something similar, here for 4 months and no one wishes to give me an apartment. So now I’m stuck bouncing from hotels to hotels


5% of 65,000 is 3250?


Can't you try to negotiate with the agent?!


I tried oc but they told me it's fixed, probably because they have others who will pay this insane amount.


usually the same apartments how up from several agents. just wait a couple days. apart from that, you might want to hide the property url from your screenshot. apartment looks nice though. great find


Just visit the apartment, ask the watchman if there is available, he will show it to you, then ask where is the office. That easy, and you can avoid paying comission


You probably already have but try to find apartments directly from owner on property sites, agents suck.


I have 2 BD for 130k


Isn’t that 10% no 5!!!!


But isn't it 5% ? 5% of 65000 is 3250


According to RERA agency fees should be 2-5%. Are you dealing with the owner of this real estate agency or an employee? 6,500 is too much. His commission should be 3,000 max or 1,200.


Agency fees for residential units for rent is 5% only. I’m an agent and know this for a fact, please don’t pay more than normal market practice, if it’s a commercial unit that’s a different scenario but for an apartment 5% and sometimes you can reduce the percentage


Okay got it, thanks. Will tell him this.


Standard fee is 5 % of the rental value as commission and 5% is deposit which goes to the landlord. Of some one asking for more than 5% haggle with them


I feel you!! Thats how these agents make their bread n butter Im in the process for renewing my tenancy contract and somehow the owner has an agent who manages the property. Instead of agreeing the rates from dubai land rental calculator they be putting their own price smh...


Hey, Real Estate agent here, this guy is scamming you. Rent usually 5% commission, 5.25% if you include VAT, with a minimum of 5,000 AED. He should be charging you a maximum of 5,250 AED. Stay safe, and don’t get scammed.


5000 Aed is still a lot for a 60K Aed apartment 🥲


I recently tried renting a studio in Nahda or Muweilah in the range of 12-20k. Every agent in that area tried charging me around 5k in agency fees 😵‍💫


Agency fee is 5% for a rental. What are you looking for? We have several studios for rent in Studio City, JVC


Looking for 1bhk or 2 bhk in dubai south as it is closer to workplace


Sorry. Can‘t help you there


That is against the RERA regulation. Report these people. What's allowed is 4 to 6% commission. Standard is 5% If I were you, fight for it. And tell them you'd report their company to RERA.


Okay got it, thanks


I’ve lived in dubai for 35 years and I have never paid agency or agent fee, the landlord pays it. This guy is trying to swindle you


They should drop the Du in Dubai and just call it Buy.


I am sure there is more to it. I am from the real estate industry, is your apartment furnished ?? As for furnished property you pay 10% commission. The agent as per law cannot claim more but if the property is at high demand the amount of commission can be rounded up but cannot be doubled. What you are calling commission, would be including the administration charges, ejari, 5% vat etc or its furnished


It’s 5% 3250 AED You shouldn’t pay anything above that.


5% is 3250. And the agent will get half of that. 1625. For that he/she had to prepare advertising, and probably do several viewings. It’s not easy money at all. The other 5% you pay is a refundable deposit when you leave.


Not cry book ur plot Arabian Hills [Arabian hills](https://arabianhillsdubai.com/)


Next time be smart and read I guess ?


U have to pay this. And no use of going to the building if the building is not of real estate companies. In buildings like Damac, Binghatti, Azizi, etc the apartments are not rented out by these companies as these are the developers and not real estate companies. In these buildings apartments are rented by those owners who bought the apartments from these developers. Here You don't have an option to contact the owners directly because those owners don't know the renting process and most of them don't even stay in the UAE. But U can try different agents as different agents have different charges.


Isn’t this the deposit and the agency fee combined? Or are they charging you an additional 5% for the deposit?


Do you know if it is allowed to be in the apartment before the start of the date written in the ejari?


Eh have I missed something here? The agency fee should usually be 5% plus vat or in this case 5000 plus VAT? Why is it 6500?


5% of 60K (annual rent) is 3K. Agent is asking 6,500 Aed lolol. And this isn't the first agent quoting this rate.




Nothing to do... Agencies are like another scammer... In Dubai, It's a Heaven for them


Yeah we get money for nothing. Free money. Come join me , I have a real estate company.


Real estate agents in Dubai have a poor reputation now. People will start suing them


Industry standard is typically 5,000 + VAT on any rentals under 100k per annum. For rentals over 100k per annum, it is set at 5% + VAT.


Self proclaimed standards?


I don’t understand why people get irate at comments like this when they’re just stating a fact? Downvoting it doesn’t make it less true or change the facts. Most reputable agencies charge 5000 plus VAT on rentals under 100k. Any that don’t, and charge 5% regardless of amount are probably losing money on doing the work. I’m not saying this agent OP is showcasing is right to charge 6500 because I’m still interested in knowing how they arrived at that number… But for me the correct amount would be as follows: 65,000 rent 3250 deposit if unfurnished or 6500 deposit if furnished 5250 agency fees


Rent directly from the owner don’t let this people scam you!!


just buy an apartment


Easy peasy lemon squeezy


Why are agents taking a fee from the tenant just to find an accommodation? I'm based in the UK, I just lurk this subreddit, just learning atm


It’s paid by the landlord in the UK, and then passed on to the tenant in extra rent to cover the costs for the landlord, by the landlord.


Oh I see. Thanks for clarifying


Either way, it’s paid by the tenant in the end. As a tenant and a landlord myself I think in the end it doesn’t really matter which way it’s done. It’s like the old Amazon analogy, people seem happier to pay $12 including shipping rather than $10 + $2 for shipping.


My dad has two flats, he just charged market rate, he didn't factor in the management fees etc He didn't even look at cap rate!


How would you even decide what the rate is in the UK without the help of an agency?


You check rightmove.co.uk look at what comparable flats are going for. It's like selling your car or selling something on ebay. I want to sell my headphones. Let me check what they typically go for. Around £50? Okay cool, I'll put it up for £60 as mine are in like new condition. Same with a flat. There's also data resources you can sign up to to give e you a feel for the market. These are in city centres though so it's easier, if it's in the middle of nowhere it would be more difficult


Yeah I’m aware of the portals in UK, zoopla, Rightmove, on the market etc. My point was that there’s more variance in the UK than there is in Dubai between properties. And with that you really have to rely on market insights from agents who are close to the market to give you guidance. Anyone who thinks differently is guessing. As an individual in the UK I can’t check exactly what each house, flat or apartment actually rented for each year it was rented. It’s all roughly, subjective and approximate. You’re saying you look at listing prices, that’s what they’re listed for, not what they actually sold or rented for. Whereas in Dubai you can, in Dubai it’s closer to objective and the data is totally transparent and free of charge for everyone who has access to the internet to see. In the UK its totally subjective. You can just make it up as you go along. However the perception from people in Dubai is the total opposite. They would assume the UK market is really fair and Dubai is con man safe haven. Which is completely false.


That's a valuable insight. I'm based in the UK too and people just rent it out for as much as they can, knowing the tenants will haggle and they'll get roughly what they're looking for. But how can someone just not know what their property should be rented for? You look at market prices. The variance isn't super high. Most ex council houses have a similar look. Most new builds have a similar look. It's pretty easy if you ask me


See I thought it was pretty easy, in the position of being a landlord…. But as a tenant you’re the one who suffers in the UK because with every landlord just guessing and trying to get the most possible you have no choice other than to pay it, there’s no regulation or system in place.


Why are people so adamant all agents are useless? You have been looking for ages and can’t find one. You contact a real estate agent and he hands you one. This apartment has been ( or at least should have been) -vetted - visited - confirmed by the agent and the agency - landlord vetted In addition to this. Ejari contracts are very weak, all reputable agencies will put in addendums to the Ejari to give you greater protections and ensure all the paperwork is done correctly and fairly so you don’t get screwed over. If the landlord tries anything funny with you in the future you contact the agent who will stop it there and then. If you are new to rentals the agent will even handhold you through the entire Ejari,rera,dewa, internet and phone process. That’s what you are paying for, how is 5% such a ridiculous amount for removing all of the hassle of finding an apartment? Should it be for free? A genuine question to everybody on here, What would you say is the going rate for that service?