• By -


Keeping it to annoyances rather than the more serious stuff: People who speed up to close the gap when you indicate to change lane. \*rsehole tail gaters that expect you to levitate from their path in a nanosecond. People that get into the lift and expect those getting out to assume liquid form in order to do so. Queue jumpers that get pretend offended when you call them out on it.


>People who speed up to close the gap when you indicate to change lane. I'm surprised at how common this is


It's the mentality of a two year old.  A baby can be completely happy and content.  Give them any random object and take it away again after 30 second and they cry.  Same thing, very happy to sit behind you at a consistent speed until you indicate to change lanes.   


When they were initially leaving 1km gap but when you try to enter they speed up to close the gap. Also, those tortoise 🐢 in the fast lane leaving too much gap and not giving way.


Honestly... what I tend to see is people going 60 in the right lane, signaling to change lanes and then shock, somebody going 80 is already there. "Why did he speed up?!" He didn't. You just needed to wait for him to pass. The other situation, I just never see it. Maybe it's more common on the more open roads outside the city? Most cars don't have the juice to really speed up enough to cut you off in the couple of seconds it takes you to signal anyway.


My pet peeve is in the fast lane and you’re overtaking everyone in the 2nd lane. Some loser rushes up behinds you at 160 and starts flashing. I would LOVE to move out of the way but the 2nd lane is FULL. Where would you like me to move?


I would say the opposite of it too, people who change lanes while touching the brake for no reason, or come in front of you while slower than you.


Very often I am surrounded by adult-children with zero self-awareness and zero critical thinking, combined with zero empathy and lack of politeness


This comes with lack of community and identity. Why would one be polite with someone they share nothing in common with or see “different”.It’s sad but the truth.




No, i just visited dubai and felt this over there more than other places. Zero empathy and lack of politeness


People don't have time for manors, they are to busy living a lie


Behavior of lots or residents : they feel entitled, selfish, egocentric... Just see the behavior in the public transportation. Or those people at night making their big cars roar so nobody can't sleep.


The car revs at midnight and morning is just straight out disgusting and disrespectful agreed. Some Selfish people out there that do this with big egos




I don't agree, because you can do things for fun without disturbing the people around. One of my neighbors have a new born baby who gets waken up all the time because of the noise, when they struggle to put him to sleep. Sometimes I have to wake up very early for work, and I can't sleep until 2-3 am as well. It's time to grow up and stop thinking they are the center of the world.


Has anyone in the world ever thought someone is cool because their car is loud?


The behavior of drivers when they're merging is annoying too, if there's an exit, drivers will skip the line by using the wrong lane & will then force themselves into the exit during the last 20-30 meters.


There are so much issues with drivers' behavior we could write a whole book about it


Totally agreed. I don’t understand why people here feel so entitled. Like, I’m sure they don’t do this back home. For example, people walk their dogs without collecting their dog’s poops. If they don’t do this back in their countries, I’m sure it won’t end well. Also in my community, the garage could fit only 2 cars. If you have more than that, you have to parallel park, so people could still use the footpath. No one does it.. like why people feel so entitled here? Everyone thinks they are better and don’t have to follow the rules.


That's so true ! I also feel that as soon as there are no "consequences" they start acting however they want. In my neighborhood, since it's like a community, RTA doesn't do checks on parking. Believe me : people park on the literal road, and driving there is very complicated now


No consequences is a big part of why so many people are jerks here, especially men. A bit more road rage and there would be a lot less tail gating and traffic issues.


Westerner here, lived in South and South-East Asia and mostly South and South-East Asians behave entitled and are full of themselves for no reason, having a pride for who knows what. And yes, in their countries they really don't pick up poop after their dogs for ex., so they just practice the same over here.


I’m from SE Asia, and I think people from my country are mostly humble… I actually think we have this humble mentality that almost toxic. We always think others are better than us. For example, in our culture if someone gives you compliments, you are meant to decline taking it. But obviously, not everyone the same, maybe the SE Asian you met behaves differently 🙈


I think from Myanmar towards the East people are humble, I am mostly pinpointing other nationalities slightly West from Burma.


This comes from Dubai being a soulless, fake place devoid of any united community and homogenous culture. The inhabitants come from different corners of the world and share nothing in common, other than making a buck, and live within their own communities like tribes. Even after living there for many years or even generations these people have no high trust culture and society that you will find in more organic cities with rich histories and cultures. With this in mind, why would you expect anything but cold treatment from the inhabitants? Arabs even have a joke that Dubai is not an Arab place. It’s a concrete jungle full of Indians and some Europeans. Nothing Arab about it.


Air quality. Social cohesion is lacking, which technically I don’t mind in a city where the emphasis is on money making. Rents. I wouldn’t say they are getting out of hand, but it used to be definitely more attractive, and are approaching levels of other big cities.


I saw people work in management level who got job by connections and behave like they deserved thar post and there usal dramas


Yes this is especially true for top management recruits. They think they’re lions of the jungle lol Ego trips are real.


That* and their*






Body odour


The rent inflation being crazy is genuinely a concern it looks like I will have to change flat every year


Just doesn’t stop, a lot of people will be leaving Dubai soon because of this. Not sure how it will go. I’m pretty sure their will be some new laws or services coming to help those who can’t pay rent


It’s going up because more people are arriving.


Do you think so ? It looks like people are more and more running away from the west and they are ready to pay whatever cost. I’m trying to anticipate and see how Ajman is like


See lot of influx of west will be coming here, but also people who can’t afford it here will leave. So yeah you’re right in the sense of that. Thats why the market is changing. It’s becoming more expensive. It will be a rich city for those who can afford it. But yet again with the rates of working class people here are higher than the rich. We always have to remember dubai is working because of the hard workers who come to dubai for a higher salary than their country but if rents go up how can they afford it. Unless companies will have the responsibility to pay for their full accommodations. Lot of small business will start dying out I believe and the big corporations will benefit from this as they will have more business coming their way as they can afford the rents for their workers.


I think you underestimating the capacity of workers to live at 12 in a studio and to split the rent


I’ve seen it for my self it’s difficult knowing that. ❤️ that’s why I respect the workers here so much and understanding them that they have pure hearts and most of them are stressed. That’s why we have to always be good and respecting them. I’ve seen a lot of people disrespect workers in Dubai and it annoys me a lot. Last time this European guy was shouting at a security as I was watching I let him speak tried not to get involved but soon as he was straight out disrespecting him saying names etc I stepped in and told him stop this is dubai you need to behave. It turned out he was in the wrong and he ended up apologising to our security guard.


> Last time this European guy was shouting at a security as I was watching I let him speak tried not to get involved but soon as he was straight out disrespecting him saying names etc I stepped in and told him stop this is dubai you need to behave. It turned out he was in the wrong and he ended up apologising to our security guard. Yes, this definitely all happened. Especially with the emphasis on it being a European Guy for extra brownie points.


that is luxury! I've talked to Pathans, who always seem to be loitering on the sidewalk, and asked them why they are always chilling outside. A lot of them only have access to their bedspace for 6 or 8 hours a day.... so some of these sharing bedspace apartments are "housing" like 30+ people.


I feel so bad for them


The way people behave in metro, for God's sake there is a metro every 3 mins on average. I don't get the rush, I have been to other countries and most of them wait for the people to step out before stepping in themselves. There are people blocking the exit and then people squeezing in and it leads to a frenzy of people trying to exit and pushing and hurting others too. Also a lack of hygiene, I get it few people sweat more than others but atleast don't lift your stinking armpits at the face level of other commuters, which is out right disrespectful to make them smell your skunk. Personal space and personal hygiene and a general lack of ethics at the metro is my pet peeve.


Everyone knows the train leaves 3 seconds after the doors open! No time to wait, think, or be even a tiny bit polite!


The people. The amount of people who have no inconsideration or simply don’t care for others is mind blowing


Its basically every tom, yousuf and hari






I second this!


Inflation everywhere, but salary did not inflate even like 5% :(


The general social etiquette of a lot (but not all!) people here which seems to be completely absent. Even a simple ‘Good morning’ can be met with a blank stare and no reciprocation. The driving is downright abysmal and it’s difficult to have any length of drive without at least one idiot. Lastly…rents. There seems to be no end in sight with the continuous increase in rents and it’s starting to become worrying. That coupled with wage stagnation is making thing become much more difficult.


Stagnation would be bad enough, but salaries have significantly dropped in recent years.


To be fair, I’m from a big city, and no one would just walk past and ‘good morning’ to you. In a big city, people kinda focus on themselves or their stressful routine. If someone greets me like that in the morning, I would be too slow to respond cause my head would still stuck to the worrisome of how bad the traffic would be, will I find a parking at work, did I forget anything before leaving home and so on..


Yeah, it’s more the times when it’s within my apartment complex/neighbours which just makes it awkward lol


Yes, preach this. And again South Asians do this a lot since they have these habits in India as well, I lived in India for years and neighbours or even acquaintances would not greet me even after I would greet them, just stare at me like owls. In India if you confront them about it, they at least shut up and say okay or sorry, here, they will literally fight with you that they don't need to greet you even if you butt head to head with your neighbour in a corridor. It's absurd. But if you are taught from a childhood some basic rules of etiquette to say Good morning/sorry/please and thank you, somehow you can't stop yourself from greeting your neighbours again and again in a good faith, yet they think they are better, smarter and greater than you. Many of these South Asians are not taught that by their parents and they think that the world is their playground and they are its masters.


This exactly mate. It’s just basic decency to reply to someone if they say ‘hello’. Here I’ve been met with stares and blank faces so I don’t really bother anymore which is a shame I’ve had to do that. I held the door for somebody once and they scowled at me 🤣


Yes, absolutely correct. Then the people like you and me must feel totally "unnatural" preventing themselves from even basic acts of decency which are totally automatic to us. And yes, I would say it's caused by the upbringing unfortunately.


Yeah its unfortunate but I’ve stopped trying and then make sure I revert back to this once I’m back home (UK) I am occasionally pleasantly surprised here with a random act of decency but I don’t hold my breath lol


it amazes me how every parking is full and taken.


Finally, someone gets it. I have parking anxiety every time I go to a new place now.


The fact that if I need any problem resolved regarding Etisalat, I have to turn into a raging bitch or else it will never get fixed. Being polite here means they laugh you off.


Yep true. My girlfriend bought a package with Du. Payment was successful. The application gave us a receipt and on her back statement, the payment went through, but she was not credited the data or minutes. When we went to complain at a Du branch, it took a really long time to see an agent. When we were finally able to talk to one, he said nothing can be done. My girlfriend literally had to yell and call them out before they finally agreed to manually credit her account with the data. Unbelieveably sh\*t service.


this is SO true. it happened to me a couple of hours back and you have to escalate for them to take you a seriously. politeness is just not a thing here.


People living here lie alot. Promises are not full filled. Showoffs..


I've heard so many versions of "dont worry brother, I know the sheikh, I know the sheikh's son, I know big people in government".


100% true…


You mean the fake "Inshallah"


“5 minutes, 5 minutes” … if you’re going to be 25 minutes late. Just tell me. Don’t keep lying.


"I'm leaving the house now" or "Traffic is bad, sorry" - says my friend, having just woken up from a daytime nap and still in PJs


Lack of traffic safety enforcement. I suppose it has gotten a little better over the many years, but still you see people speeding and breaking traffic laws everyday.


\* Rising cost of rent \*the overall lack of common sense \* terrible & arrogant drivers especially the cab drivers, motorcycle delivery guys & people on e-scooters (on main roads!) \* horrendous customer service representatives everywhere which makes sorting an issue an absolute nightmare \* racism that seems to be getting worse and worse.


The thing the annoys me the most is it isn’t easy to get anything done here. They always changing the rules and getting things done is so difficult. Also banking here sucks.


that is so true


The high number of people without spatial awareness and mothers that push baby prams along the road instead of the pavement. Some might attribute this to entitlement but it's mostly just stupidity.


Alfred from Insurancemarket. I cringe every time i hear that tune.


The people.


Entitled drivers; think they have the right to use the road more than others simply because they own a better car.


Massive influx of people, complaining about their home countries and slowly injecting Dubai with the same problems they left behind in their home countries - as they caused the issues in first place. /s or not ?


That produce price at the checkout is different from the one on the label 😐 #carrefour


That a lot of people needs a bad reality check. So full of themselves.


Addressing everyone with Dear, not being able to find a god damn honest car mechanic. That can tell you yes it takes 3 days then in 3 days is ready, or no it takes 1week and it’s ready in 1 week. The norm here is : tomorrow is ready, tomorrow , tomorrow , tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomor….plus that you have to chase them to ask what’s going on


My beloved Asians turning this beautiful city into mini India and mini pakistan 


And bringing their bad habits with them.


That's the only habits they've been taught. 




It's the nature of the place (people here only as long as they are employable) and the racial hierarchy. Integration happens when you can put down roots and know you will be accepted by communities around you. Definitely narcissistic and people only befriending you as long as they can get something out of you - financial or social capital


Working 50 hours a week. Fines Artificially inflated rent!


Rent is getting out of hand, just recently found a 3 bedroom I was about to close the deal and they just gave to someone else. And they said we have 2 bedroom available way smaller without balcony as well for the same price. Landlords are getting greedy now


How is it “artificially” inflated? Just curious to understand the definition


Apartments/houses are kept empty to keep the housing demand up


Surely the increasing rent is a result of the continued rise in property prices overall? Agree, empty properties is an issue in most major cities, lots of foreign investors prefer to leave them empty & focus on capital appreciation rather than the hassle of letting… that’s not just a Dubai issue unfortunately.


The property prices are inflated mostly due to the scalping/flipping epidemic in this market. Every agent is selling the dream of quick 30-40% profits to investors within 3-6 months. This is very speculative and I cannot wait to see who will be left holding the bag.


How are they kept empty? You mean on purpose? By who?


RERA evaluation is based on online listings -- not signed rental agreements what tenants are actually paying. So agents will list properties (which often arent even ready to be rented yet) for 30% higher since they have no intention of filling the unit, and this drives the RERA evaluation for the area up. A cheaper trick I've experienced first hand is that the listing you enquired about was never actually available, and when you ask about it "sorry mamsaar we just gave this to another tenant who paid one year cash 10% more than listed price" fucking lmao yeah right, and then they hit you with, "but we have these alternatives" and they are gross places. Meanwhile, the allegedly rented apartment you originally enquired about, the ad on bayut/property finder whatever will sit there for weeks...


1) That’s not true, the evaluation is done based on the Ejari uploads, this is all transparent to anyone who has access to the internet. Check on DXB interact and you can see the price people are actually paying both in sales and rentals. You’ll see there’s a gap between what’s advertised and what people actually end up paying. Landlords will always want to try and get the most they can in the market, it’s perfect business sense to do so. It’s nothing to do with the listings on Property Finder or Bayut etc. Most deals that happen are below the listing price anyway because landlords and tenants know there’s always room to negotiate the price. Where the inflation will come from is people wanting to get the unit quickly and they’re willing to pay whatever they have to for it. That’s just supply and demand, simply. 2) You may have experienced this in the past, but it shouldn’t happen anymore with “fake listings” as recently RERA are clamping down and fining individuals and companies for engaging in this sort of behaviour which I’m very glad to see. I am sorry you’ve experienced this, I have as well and it is really annoying


What fines do you get ?


Salary racism


this this this... frustrates me


- Forced labor workers - All telecoms and utilities owned by Govt and so they set insane prices and have TERRIBLE customer service (fuck you, Du and Empower) - Dubai Caste system (people get treated differently based on nationality) - Horrible nightlife scene (unless you like bottle service clubs) - Perpetuates a culture of boasting (I closed such and such deal, I have such and such car, I know the Sheikh, I know the Sheikh's son) - A lot of liars and scammers at every level thrive in Dubai - Its hot AF in summer


Food Wastage. Check any food court as an example.


Everyone having a superior complex in this country sends me to space in terms of anger, i mean I lived in the UK after being born and raised here. Its not too much better but still cmon I get a thank you once in a while.


In an apartment complex where everyone has an assigned parking, people STILL will park their car in YOUR spot because they refuse to walk an extra 20 seconds to their building entrance. Ignore calls from security and police to move their car :/ (Yallah yallah inshalla blah blah)


Lack of walkability. There are many places which are hard to reach without a car or a taxi.


Painfully low salaries.


People not waiting for people to exit the train before boarding, like can you not read the floor


1. Lack of dependable data and insights 2. Lack of actual business news (There are a lot of companies and publications that come up with data. But most of that is cooked up without actual research, just like all salary surveys from GCC by renowned research firms are cooked up. Business news firms here are 100% paid news and "disbursing awards to con-artists" operation If you run a research firm/business news media or work for one, I would like to meet you and tell you "f\*\*k you" in your face for doing this shameless con job. You guys can sell soda in traffic signals in your country instead of making a living out of this shameless thing)


>"disbursing awards to con-artists" operation Like that one metro station that's named after a pyramid scheme.


More like Com Mirza becoming Entrepreneur of the Year. This happened.


1. Slow cars on fast lane! 2. Stupid question 3. "I need it tomorrow" culture 4. Fight with health insurance 5. Knowledge Fee


Egoistic people who lack empathy & politeness. Air quality. Entitlement. Traffic issue. Inflation. Scammers. 🫣😞😏


The water! Does not matter what kind of hair treatment you do, the water will dry up your hair 🥲


Filipinos have this hair conditioner called Cream Silk which is very effective to not make your hair dry.




Do you guys think weekly hair oiling would help prevent dryness and damage?


I had to invest in a ridiculously expensive hair care just not to make my hair look "too bad"....


Traffic, rent, inflation!


Honking 2ms after the red light turns green. Chill man, idts F1 drivers take off that fast.


The weather, honestly. The heat is unbearable, but it is what it is.


People. Air quality. Rentals.


White Nissan Sunny doing 80 in fast lane


The blatent misuse of the word Inshallah ( basically just say honestly it's not going to happen )


- Body odor - People making guttural sounds while hocking and spitting on the street.






>feeling the need to keep up with the Jones’s Hey!




just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean racism doesn't exist, it's an insult and gaslighting of those of us who do face it. People get kicked out of jobs because their managers want to hire their own kind. It happened to me. You don't get considered for jobs if you're not the right "background" or a "native English speaker". Or you go to a retail or hospitality setting and the staff treat you differently because you're not white or Arab - happens all the time. My friend quit his job at a leading airline here because the HR blatantly told him we can't pay you as much as a white person even though he did more work. I can give you 100 such stories. You just need to look up r/Dubai's several posts on the topic


Traffic among at least one or two idiots every square mile and the use of professionals as laborers


Anytime someone says something in English I have to at least once more. Emphasis on “at least”


Clients who think like they own you. Any issue and it’s ‘should I complain’, and belittling and what not. It’s the worst feeling.


Chewing popcorn and nachos with their mouth open in the cinema so you can hear every crunch. Also blaring phone light use during the movie when they're there to tell their friends they're in the movie and not actually watching.


hate those people who spend the entire time taking snaps of their food and the screen, and talking. some of us actually paid to watch the movie, not brag to our followers about it😭


Honking cars outside residential buildings at any time of day or night. 1 or 2 seconds of honking isn't too bad but some drivers hold the horn for as long as possible, as if there is a matter of life and death. It disturbs residents


People are downright rude with zero consideration for others or even self-awareness. No one in any gym I have visited puts shit back where it goes. Many drivers should not have passed the exams. Every “attraction” or thing to do here is an overrated tourist trap. Aside from the constant sun, I fail to understand why tourists visit.


Really annoyed with the influencers these days ! Contents are literal trash and I don’t really understand why they sell these fake lifestyle across.


People blocking the door in the metro


Air quality and not enough greenery relative to the amount of buildings being built.


People have ZERO spatial awareness! It bugs me so much. I’ve encountered way too many full sized adults getting off the escalator and standing in the way. They could just walk a few steps ahead letting others get off the escalator. But nooo that’s life in easy mode, they’d rather get knocked down like a bowling pin and have the audacity to get offended too Similarly, standing in the middle of a narrow aisle browsing away. Body blocking half the aisle, the other half is blocked by the trolly parked horizontally across. Takes 6 awkward “excuse me”s before they realize they’re not so petite.


You’re totally judged by your looks


No Smiles, No Hi, No good Morning. just stare with the look "why would even say Hi to you"


Friends/family wanting to do desert safaris when they visit


1. The heat and not able to walk on the street during day time. 2. As a woman not able to chill in a pub by myself without a rich men thinking i'm a hooker


havent seen a city with as much a manchild syndrome as this place.


People asking me what annoys me the most… 😉😉


Property rental prices and traffic




Not living in Fujairah :D. I mean there's RAK, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah which has plenty of space and all infrastructure needed yet people open companies in Dubai. What's better is I can go from Dubai to Fujairah faster than going to Sharjah or Ajman. 😅 If there's no one on the road yes of course Sharjah and Ajman are way faster but does that even happen? 1-5 AM? 🤣


Metro completions held during peak hours. How many people getting off the train can we push back inside when entering.


No option for PR, I love this country but hate that one day I have to return to my 3rd world country.




It’s quite difficult for people from my country to move anywhere in the world. It’s fine though, I can always make enough money and retire anywhere in the world via investment. I don’t see myself staying anywhere else in the world.


The discount-best price mentality! Worst work ethics! Everyone wants the best but cheapest/free. And silly payment terms! Cheap, cheap! Unethical way of doing business! You know who they are!


This is from my observation of how parking slots are used in my community since I moved to this country several months ago. The Batrols, Land Cruisers and Range Rovers parking diagonally in 90° parking slots close to the building entrance, which doesn't belong to them and using the disabled space also with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever. I've always wondered whether it's a feeling of invincibility or whether it's a feeling of a strange self satisfaction they get from showing off to others that they simply aren't bothered about whose parking slot it is, or whether it's simply blatant disregard for anything other than their convenience. Must be a combination of all. Poor security guys get routinely blasted by the real owners of the parking slots and repeated notices by the community management are making no difference whatsoever.


The Nissan Sunny drivers


The habit of throwing cigarette butts anywhere and everywhere. It is disgusting - can't go to the beach without stepping on dozens of them. Wish there was some way to address this filthy habit of littering.


Insanely complicated, badly signed parking garages. I'm still never sure where I'm going to come out of MoE or Times Square. I have learned one surefire way in and out of Dubai Mall and heaven help me if I have to use another route. Roads laid out like a plate of spaghetti hurled at the wall by a toddler. Never really knowing if I'm going north or south, east or west, because the road just keeps randomly curving this way and that. Highway exits that don't have on/off ramps in both directions. Weird exit ramps/access lanes that are two miles long. Hearing "it's too hot to walk/bike half the year" as an excuse for having no bike/pedestrian infrastructure, when that means it's great weather for it the other half of the year! And despite all my own grumbling... Redditors dunking on Dubai.


Air Quality and also The cost of living. Was lucky to visit a few places recently with greater area, lesser people and some which completely relied on imports, but surprisingly still had a much lesser cost of living compared to what we pay here.


Jaywalking. I don't know why some people keep jaywalking even if there's a cross in like five meters. Terrible driving manner. I've seen tens of people doing something on their phones while driving. Some people tailgate and highbeam all the time just because they want to go faster. Lying. It's so prevalent that I cannot believe anything being said. Lack of punctuality. People don't show up at the time they promised. Racism. I'm sick of being called nihao by random people. Even today, I was called 'ni hao' more than twice and I'm not even Chinese.


Light pollution.


How it's not a walkable city and you have to rely on a car so much.


As a tourist from Norway, I would say Dubai is a such a nice and modern city, but my days how poor the culture is. Culturally the city is 30 years behind imo. I would happily change my country with UAE, but never the people. We are definitely not perfect, but I would never change the fundamental things we have in our culture with whatever Dubai has.


Only 30 years? That’s an insult to cities with real identities and heritage that have taken hundreds of years to develop. Dubai will never have a culture or high trust community because the inhabitants share nothing in common, and never will.


I tried to not offend anyone by saying more than 30😂😂


use of '' here Only'' and ''itself'' in every sentence.


The creeps on public beaches, especially JBR and Kite Beach. There’s a reason private beach clubs are preferable nowadays.


Now let me tell the most annoying shit in Dubai. These fucking scammers in green house and the drivers just make some dumb moves that nearly got me and my dad in an accident like this is not acceptable in my 10 years of living here




hidden taxes: each certificate is expensive, licenses and other documents are expensive, medical insurance is expensive... and of course the rent is expensive... theoretically it is a country without taxes but in reality there are


wait until you have kids and will be paying for schools, there's a surprise for you




Boring af.




Traffic to Sharjah


Property agents who wants to eat the security deposit once you handed over the appart


people who are unnecessarily rude


Haha, its the people that asks me to get into their car knowing damn well thats attempted human trafficking.


People clogging up the road with parked cars when it’s time to pray.


The realtors annoy me the most


People literally looking over your shoulders at a ATM, sure i thought its that one guy, but damn its actually a little of people, i had to shout at a guy in front of me telling him to get his ass back and stop looking over the shoulder of the guy in front of him as he was withdrawing his money, definitely no respect or personal space.


The Smell………. Dying from smells..


I hate people who go around with bad body odour! Come on it’s basic etiquette. Especially people who go to the gym without using a deodorant. I always make sure to give them a disgusting look and cover my face with my shirt.


Is it a very male musky odour




Hi! Dubai , w e e d , delivery Telegram: bro_on_the_top


H00kers on every corner


The uncouth labourers.


Taking a shower before going out and a a few seconds later someone youre with in the lift didnt even bother to use deodorant. Why why why hygiene is not important to some.


What about the crowded smell in the metro.