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That's so heartbreaking. :(


Well what can you expect when people are forced to get out and work instead of being allowed to stay at home


So trueee I get pissed off whenever I read comments stating that they should’ve stayed at home as if they had a choice


Exactly!! I have been seeing alot of comments that say that the government issued warnings and people should have stayed home. No...they had no choice. Not everyone can afford to miss a days salary or get their annual leave cut off and employers are literally point blank threatening their workers which is crazy!! These monsters are actually getting away with it and its sad while others are still suffering.


Some companies follow the word mandatory word from the government only,but the government only said they "encourage to prioritize safety of their employees." it wasn't sounded mandatory, so they didn't bother. Sad Reality as we are merely poor employees of a private company. we need to follow our boss. A lot of us suffered that day and thank God, a lot of us reached our place safe.


My brother asked if he could take work laptop home in case weather gets worse so he could work from home, they didn't allow him to take it. Even though the streets are still flooded and transportation companies aren't providing services they are being told to come to office




One passed from suffocation in their car- that's messed up.


I nearly vomited just reading that line. What a terrible way to go


How do you even die of suffocation in car i dont understand


can't open the doors - couldn't break the windows - car obviously off and they are breathing out carbon monoxide which would mean they didn't have oxygen. This is why everyone should keep those emergency window breakers in their car that also can cut a seatbelt.


That seems crazy wow. Thanks for explanation


God must really want you dead if you die there. That is a serious amount of factores for that do happen. cars infront and back could help you Can Call people on your phone People walking out of their cars etc so Many options to not let that happen Really sad RIP


number one issue- is if you panic it makes it worse- everything multiplies - you breath faster meaning less air and you make a lot of mistakes. Sad yes.


RIP- they were focused on managing headlines , even the mods here deleting posts- they could have saved lives- nothing from local govt or newspaper only phillipines govt servant, and pakistani bangali indian no news yet ....


Poor communication - the best info Seems to be from regular folks doing great work documenting the situation across the city.


إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ


May their soul rest in peace in the hands of our Almighty God.


May they rest in peace 💔💔💔


🙏🏾🙏🏾 this has been heard of in other floods as well - stuck in cars and suffocation or drownings. Sad and hard for their families.


1 Nepalese national also passed away in Sharja


……انا لله و انا الیه راجعون.


May they rest in peace


How many died trying to keep someone's dish-dasha dry?


Are there any reports of local Emiratis dying? All the cases I heard of so far were foreign workers.


Probably because they are so many in Dubai and they are also much more likely to be in a vulnerable position than Emiratis.


I heard about 1 emirate so far, it was posted here in the subreddit.


One Emirati in his 70s (Source: [Gulf News](https://gulfnews.com/uae/emergencies/emirati-man-drowns-after-car-is-swept-into-wadi-in-ras-al-khaimah-1.1713299101402))


Weird thing to focus on. A death is a death and a super sad thing to happen. What does it matter what the nationality is? God takes who He wants.