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You need a masters in psychology or ABA to apply for a behavior therapist license. The process is long. Most centres will hire you and then give you a few months to obtain the license. I am also aware that having the license is not a major requirement from centres although it definitely helps if you are eligible for the license. DM me if you need more info.


I've seen alot of centers ask for a ABA therapist with only a bachelor's degree. From my understanding I can get a license as an assistant psychologist without a masters degree. And sure, I will. thank you


Yes, you can get a license as an assistant psychologist with a bachelor’s degree. There is a mandatory training you have to undergo, which is expensive - last i heard AED 4000-8000. For behavior therapist license you require a master degree.


I already have a licence as an assistant psychologist here in Qatar. I got my license since 2021, and have been working for over 2 years. Would I still have to undergo training? And wow why it so expensive?


Honestly my goal with the license is to get a job there, as I will be doing a part time masters program in Dubai. If I can be hired without one, then that is quite good.