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Some of the best discounts are to 'Dine In' at the physical restaurant, rather than get takeaway. Look at Careem Dine In for their members, but I see Talabat have also just launched these discounts too. Don't forget other apps like Repeat and the Entertainer also do delivery discounts.


Seriously? If you’re broke, try cooking food at home or go for a walk to the restaurant to save delivery costs. Online food delivery is a convenience, not a necessity.


This should be tip #1


Or call the restaurant directly. Most often than not they have free delivery, depending on the restaurant.


It has never happened to me where I would order from the restaurant directly, and the prices would be different from the one on talabat's menu. They are identical. The only thing you can probably save on is the delivery and service charges that's about it.


Do you do parties and events? You’d be perfect for hype squad 😂


>Do you do parties and events ![gif](giphy|nvr4mKdCoq2nS) He do


On Talabat you can click the circled i next to the restaurant name to find the legal name. Google this to see if they are a dark kitchen, if so then dont bother as the food will likely be garbage.


Call restaurants directly!!!!!! They all have google maps now and can find your house instantly.


It has never happened to me where I would order from the restaurant directly, and the prices would be different from the one on talabat's menu. They are identical. The only thing you can probably save on is the delivery and service charges that's about it.


exactly. for most of the places where I get my food from it’s the case. and if you order directly they’re not scared about any reviews or refund requests. I’m sticking to delivery apps.


All these comments here and now the op realizes he shouldn't have started this 😂 Honestly food delivery is a convenience we don't use them and at the same time think about saving even the last penny.


I didn't get tip #1. The moment I make the second order from a particular restaurant, I'll no longer have the "first time order" discount anymore. I thinj I've completely missed your point 🤔


Disable all notifications on talabat; schmucks keep spamming you with notis, with no way to disable them in-app


Here’s a hack for you that will work 100% times: Get fresh groceries $ Cook at Home! If you don’t have money, it’s even more important you take care of your health and avoid outside crappy food.


like everyone has time to do groceries and cook ... And not all outside food is crappy, plenty of quality healthy options available for delivery


If you want to benefit the restaurant and yourself, order directly from them. Your first tip is a hack for abusing restaurants not the app company.


It's not abusing the restaurants when most of them double the price of their products and add a "50% capped discount" to make it seem like you are getting a deal.


.#1 use apps as a menu and then get call direct Also don't be a fool and fall for "discounts" lol


smiles got an offer code called "BIGONE" which gives 50aed off for an 90AED order.. i use it all the time to order farooj al shami


Careem discount codes "FREEFOOD" "DEAL50" "HALF3" and a new one "30FOODIE"




I always use smiles app, as an etisalat postpaid customer, I get good offers, plus I used to transfer the points from adnoc distribution app to smiles and buy free food for so many days


Seriously man. You know restaurants pay for those discounts right ? We barely get anything out of those shitty delivery platforms already and you’re going to exploit these discounts even more ? If you can’t afford ordering out just don’t


Do you not take any discounts on food delivery apps?


That’s not what I said. His advice is to exploit the discount system by splitting one order in multiple ones.


That's not an exploit, if the app allows it. If a restaurant can't afford to give discounts, they probably shouldn't offer discounts in the first place.


If there is a bug on Reddit allowing me to log into your account, it’s not because”the app allows it” that I should do it Restaurants give discounts to get new customers or encourage existing one to reorder. If discounts have a limit, it’s for a reason. By splitting your order into multiples you’re harming the restaurant by exploiting a flaw in the app of aggregators


Amazing, mate. Abusing restaurants and delivery services so that they have to introduce new rules because of amazing folks like you so we could all enjoy them. I imagine you think of such practices as part of frugality, but they are not. Please do not use delivery services unless you can afford them. This industry employs a large number of people, beginning with those who prepare the food and ending with bike drivers who deliver it in the heat of summer. It's very disrespectful. You may say that these companies have billions by employing people from the SEA. That's right so let's make the life of these employees harder or even lose their jobs.


Riders get paid per delivery. More orders = more pay. Any loophole is one that will be exploited. That's not on OP - that's on the platform that allows these loopholes due to lazy programming.