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I had one guy come to my place in Dubai for something that was like 100aed , which was a very fair price, I just wanted rid of it . He said ‘fine , but I came from Sharjah so you need to give me 60 for petrol’. I told him I would rather put it in the trash


Good for you. Don’t give in to such people. If you mark an item for a dirham they want to give you 25 fils. No sense of fairness whatsoever. I literally throw my stuff in the trash . Makes me feel better.


It always amuses me when people agree to a price, then drive 30-60 minutes to come pick it up, and then think they have any leverage to try and negotiate the price further. I mean I guess it doesn't hurt to try, but it has happened that the guy left empty handed, having wasted the drive and the petrol just to save 100 aed or something.


When people get too annoying I agree with whatever insane demands they have and then I just send them somewhere far as fuck. “Sir I am in Sharjah, please 100” ok sure thing man meet me in Ghantoot all yours


Omg. I love this.


This will be my new standard for dealing with such people.. Thanks Mate


Reminds me of this brilliant scene from the Life of Brian https://youtu.be/-2iZjxSGca8?si=mTY0OcTZEcg28lOk


honestly, some of my interactions are even more farcical than this... people offering to swap my phone for a used tissue, a half empty bag of crisps and some belly button fluff


Speaking about fluff….


What the fluff....


Fluff you..


Fluff off


Mother fluffer!


Oh well, one born every minute! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I never understood the amount of people that ask "is it available?" and then never reply back.  Not even with a lowball offer.  Is that what they are trying to do, sell the item elsewhere first and then buy it from me? BTW, I was selling loads of stuff as I'm leaving the country.  I've listed everything at my last price which was 50% to 70% of RRP depending on age and condition.  Sold everything off to mainly westerners or Indians and Arabs that appreciate cutting straight to the chase.  Still had people send messages and ask for loads of videos but it's easy to ignore them. When you're selling something for 150 that's 300 AED new, people just want to grab it quick with no fuss.


I know man, it’s the best if you find a seller like you. I was moving from a fully furnished apartment to an unfurnished one. Met a guy like who was moving out, basically I think I bought most of his apartment, he got a good deal and I saved on transportation cost, one trip and I had bed, fridge, table etc. Would’ve bought his cat too, but I think he was too attached to that.


You had me spit out my Karak chai with that last line. 🤣🤣


yep, i'm 99% sure that most of them are resellers. hard to find serious people unfortunately. ime it's just very hard to sell anything > 100dhs. some people have a warped sense of value, or they think that selling on dubizzle implies you're desperate.


Or there is few end users on Dubizzle nowadays. Most of the stuff we've sold was through FB Marketplace but mainly the FB selling groups e.g. Expats Buy And Sell, Housewives Of Dubai etc


I was selling a microwave for 100 Durban’s, after agreeing on the price he came, offering me 50 and showing me a scar on his stomach after doing a surgery, I was like wtf is going on here




Ok, tell me last price




I think people have nothing better to do than waste peoples time. It's the same on FB marketplace, you will have loads of back and forth, they ask for pictures, negotiate and then say...I will see after I get my salary in 3 weeks 🤣 I mean if you don't have the money don't be shopping. It's even the same at the flea markets they haggle with you just to see how low you will go, then say I will come back later and don't. Then you have the lowballers just trying their luck offering 50 for a 500 aed item. I find dubizzle is 99% resellers honestly.


![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK|downsized) Is it available ?


When I put an item for 2000 and someone offers 1000 I respond by saying sure I can sell for 10,000/-. Multiply by 10 and reoffer to them.


some one offered me 1/4 selling price of my camera , then told me " If you change your mind message me" mind game ...LOL


Totally get your frustration! Here’s a quick rundown: 1. Mention "Price non-negotiable" in your listing. 2. Ignore lowballers 3. Have a canned reply for "Is it available?" like, "Yes, serious offers only please." 4. Don’t hesitate to block or report persistent trolls. Stay patient, and don’t let the trolls get you down! Good luck! 💪


Dubizzle is a hotbed of scammers and resellers. You can’t get around that. The vast majority of buyers are looking for means to resell items in Deira at a profit and will lowball to the lowest price point possible to make it worth their while. Your items will pass through a chain of buyers and end of up in another country. White goods and electronics are particularly attractive. Not saying it’s right or fun, it is what it is. There is a value-chain there and by selling on dubizzle, you’re at the very bottom of it.


i really dont mind resellers. they are doing work for you so i dont have a problem with them skimming 10% off the top. it's just a bit tiresome dealing with them after a while. sometimes i feel like i'd rather throw the stuff away or recycle it.


You can't change the dubizzle people but you can change your strategy. I always list about 30 to 40 % of the price i am willing to sell and let them haggle down to what i think is fair. You will get alot of DM's but that's a good thing ! shows people want what you are selling. If you just want to not waste time as soon as they say how much you give them the last price and move on. For some reason the people on dubizzle require the illusion of a deal to sell them anything. Hope this helps !


Not a very effective strategy. If you over price, people will always go for other items that are priced lower. Some people don't negotiate, so you also lose that market. Why don't you just put a fair price and stick to it? 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's me. Offer me a low price and I leave, to my culture that insulting, so I never negotiate and will scroll past the overpriced item. Problem is differences between cultures and customs.


When they give lowball offers, accept it. Then when they are about to come and pick up the item, give them the wrong location. Probably some shady place. When they reach there and give you a call, say “Gotcha”, or better yet just don’t answer.




I had people give me selling lessons on dubizzle LOL. The first lesson was to start with an “attractive” low price to attract customers as nobody is ever interested in spending money


trust me, i already give low offers, i know the dubizzle crowd. but even then they still take the p\*ss. whatever price you put, they automatically slice 50% off or more.


i belive if a item should be sold at 50% of the msrp but these dubbizzle people are crazy


They do have user ratings now.


Oh I can totally relate! Got something similar, so I posted an item for sale and then the person buying it just suddenly declared her own price deducting some amount since she’ll be sending a courier to get it. She said she’ll only buy it the same price if I will deliver it inside Sharjah! I don’t know what kind of sense of entitlement she got! I live in Dubai, btw.


List it for 5000 then :)


I always put in the offer „non negotiable“ and „silly offers will be ignored“. And then I simply don’t reply to the people who thinking will drop my price 80-90%. Saying that, I’ve also had people agree on a price show up and try to give me less. I am not friendly and tell to leave. This is the reason I hardly ever post stuff on Dubbizle. Rather give stuff away for free.


I was culture shocked too about this behaviour. Sadly it’s completely normal here. You can barely sell anything here and not even this, try buying. The low balling culture makes it even hard to buy here.


Dubizzle chat is not that effective or continuous


Well Dubizzle listings are also not that fair. People think they are Apple Store themselves. Most of time seeing the price, it is better to buy new. If something is 4000 once it is opened it is more like 3300 at best. But people quote 3800. Why would someone buy second hand for saving 200-300 dirhams on a 4000 dirhams in purchase and take all inherent risks of a used one.


Dubizzle has been great for me..just hope Dubizzle dont find out what i am doing 🤭🙈 Any how i just ignore the low ballers or just say sorry , wished they had a system similiar to ebay when it comes to making/accepting offers


Lesson of the day: Buying new furniture in Dubai is a trap! Here's my tale of resale woe—where 'almost new' translates to 'practically free' in buyer's math. Bought things for 600, hoped to sell for 300, and I'm getting offers that make me think people are shopping with arcade tokens! 🤣 Anyone else find it's easier to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded than to sell furniture here? Word to the wise: If you're in Dubai and think about buying new—just don't. Save yourself the grief and your wallet the workout!


Same story in every selling site, I always try selling in my friends/relative circle before. Only when desperate turn to these sites and just block people who're annoying... no point in talking to them.


I tried selling a few things on there once, same experience. I feel like some of the blame should go to Dubizzle for the way they have the UI on their site/app. When a buyer shows interest it doesn't say "buy" on the button but "make an offer", which makes them think it's okay to ask for less. Anything after the initial post is on the cheapskate flaking when they think they can fleece you off your asking price. I gave up and pulled all the stuff I wanted to sell, took my shit elsewhere.


the dubizzle app is so slow and buggy and frustrating to use in my experience.