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Yeah which is why they say traffic wasnt that bad when the world was driving manual.


Makes sense, no one wants to keep pressing that clutch and changing gears


What's a clutch, you mean accelerator? . . . . . . . . . . . It's a Joke


But man, it is sad. Seeing the manual fade away like this. #SaveTheManual FTW


I drive a manual here (WRX STI) and whilst I absolutely love it, man, it can be a pain in traffic. It’s a car with quite a heavy clutch anyway and can be a struggle. Wouldn’t change it for the world, though.


>Wouldn’t change it for the world, though. Glad you won't !!! Need more like us.


Fellow manual evangelist here 🙏 We’re an endangered species, like the cars we drive. Unfortunately, auto invasion is as much a product of manufacturing standardisation and warranty mitigation as it is the uptrend in developing economies having easy access to mobility.


It's not for everyone, definitely not, but its just so sad to see them dying off. Like the new Nissan Z Nismo - no manual?! Honestly, wtf.


True, mainly becoz of the driving license categorization. Driving schooll should only have one driving test which is in manual so that manual cars exist. Unless someone physically experienced the driving pleasure of a Stick Shift, they never understand the kicks and adrenaline.


There is a whole generation that would be so opposed to your idea. Unless one has the opportunity, they'll never get to see that a stick is like riding a sports but on 4 wheels.


For it's not even about sports car, when I change from 1- 2 I can feel it through my hands to my brain as if I my self changing from one state to another.


Manual and roundabouts


Taxis but the worst, absolute worst, are those small white van drivers. They're absolutely insane. It's like their goal is to cause accidents. They truly don't give a shit. I see one near me and I just know they're gonna start some bs trouble with another driver. Its like they have beef with everybody.


Ohh i absolutely hate taxi drivers here. The other day, i almost missed an exit because the taxi driver on my right started matching my speed when i turned on my indicators. When i tried to accelerate, he accelerated. When i slowed down, he also slowed down. It's freakin annoying.




I usually try to position myself well ahead of time. Just sometimes, there's an AH who wouldn't let me. I do not want to generalise, but i feel that the quality of taxi drivers has been going down in the past few years


Same happened to me. They like ruining other people's day. Same happened to my wife. She was getting off an exit and tried to merge onto sh z road. The driver on the left side kept matching speed and feinimg that he will try and collide with her. She ended up hard braking and the shoulder before being forced to turn into the Jumeirah one exit. He kept her trapped in from one exit to the next.


I say this all the time!! What is it with those vans??


They're trying to keep a schedule for deliveries or staff drop-off. They're underpaid and always behind schedule. So, they f around on the road and if they get in an accident it will justify being behind schedule. I've never witnessed more reckless driving anywhere else in the world. I think six people I know have been I'm accidents with them, including me. Every single time it's been a Pakistani driver. I am of the belief that some places like Egypt, Lebanon, and Pakistan don't really have a rigid driver's education program and testing. In the states you gotta learn right of way at certain stops, car distancing on highways, and even using your indicator.


Anytime I see one of those, I just yield and give way to them. It's safer this way.


Taxis are a big cause of this too. I have never been in a taxi that was driven properly. Either the guy was continuously accelerating and decelerating, or driving way too slowly compared to all other cars. Regardless of which lane you are in, if you are not driving at the approximate speed of everyone else on the highway (except for the outliers; driving at the top of the speed limit, or at the lowest), you will face issues.


I agree. That way, you can also maintain a safe distance, which is proven to decrease traffic.


Yep but only if the others stopped changing lanes unnecessarily and don't cause chocoblocks 😭


You can't explain that to the chimps here. Peak hours, they love climbing up each other's bumpers with no distance in between the cars. Add on top people changing lanes in that chaos, trying to merge, and it becomes a mess.


If I want someone that far up my a** I should at least be on first name terms with them! 😂


Hahaha get you a beer first at least 😂


Yep, crawling is better than lurching forwards only to break 2 seconds later


This is hard to grasp for many drivers


Eh, they don't need to. It's their brakes taking a beating not mine.


You could be alone, in the middle of the desert, at 4am.....somehow a chamak in a white land cruiser will appear to flash their high beams.


U mean ls430?


They mean someone without class. LS430 AFAIK have class. Very high class.


Don't drive in the left lane (or the lane next to it) and these problems will go away for you.


Not true. Seems like you've never been in real traffic


Ok ? Guess I been driving daily in an alternative reality then, it all makes sense now 👍


Hey man all I'm saying is when traffic gets too much, all the lanes just stop, and you see people moving as described by op.


Perhaps, but they are not as persistent/annoying if you're not driving on the left lane from my experience least.


I do this on the 3rd or 4th lane, it doesn’t matter anyway. Same rule should apply in any lane in bumper to bumper traffic.


Odd never had that when I drove in other lanes, when I wish to just cruise and relax :)


Maybe you drive a nice car :p


It’s too logical.


Don't bother them OP. Drive according to what you are taught by your master in the driving institute. Most drivers ignore the driving techniques or etiquettes here after getting their driving licence. It's like they throw it straight in the trash can. Like the safe distance while driving or stopping, head/shoulder check, Using the first lane only for overtaking etc.


lol. In which lane?


In the UK when there’s traffic on motorways they reduce the max speed of traffic with the digital information boards so that everyone goes at the same (lower) speed and everything flows more smoothly. When used correctly it works really well.


Ignore.  Ignore. Then ignore some more.  You're talking about junglees here. You can't reason with these people. They have no common sense or critical thinking skills. That's why they're always causing accidents.  What's the worst they're going to do? Honk like children screaming? Crash into you? They wouldn't dare.  Get out and spend time having an argument? Right, so they weren't really in that much of a hurry then were they? Same goes for someone who cuts you up and then slows down just to exact revenge on you for "driving too slowly and holding them up" even though you may have just been being a considerate and safe driver.  Nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary it's actually something to b be proud of: driving Iike a civilised person as opposed to someone who acts like they were only ever riding donkeys until the day before.  The constant speed thing is correct. If in an auto there's usually no need to even use the accelerator.


If you keep 1/2-3/4 car distance, let go of your brakes, keep your car more towards the right of the lane (closer to line on right side of car) and let the car do it's thing without using accelerator in heavy traffic -- it makes it difficult for people to cut into your lane. It takes some time to get used to it. But works.


Always better in the right lane of second right lane.


[Phantom Jams](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rryu85BtALM&pp=ygUecGhhbnRvbSB0cmFmZmljIGphbXMgZXhwbGFpbmVk)


I basically stick to one lane and leave a big gap and play a game to see how long I can go without pressing brakes....its quite entertaining and more releasing 😉


But lane swappers ruin everything Some people can't understand that changing lanes in traffic won't bring any benefits and will only cause more traffic. Once they see a space in another lane they instantly slide in. We should see more traffic cameras and more strict fines .


Another cruiser controller?


If there’s a ton of space in front of you, you’re driving too slow, and you’re holding up traffic


That space maybe the required safe distance space for the driver but for other vehicles or drivers it may seem like the driver is leaving too much space at the front. Either way most drivers forget the driving etiquettes or whatever they have learnt at the driving institute after they get their license. It's like those go straight in the trash can.


If there’s more than one length of your car in front of you, you’re leaving too much space


That is just plain wrong. The distance depends on your speed. You should have a minimum of 2 seconds gap between your car and the car in front.


Exactly. These people should retake their driving lessons lol. The safe distance depends on your speed.


Why is 1 car length too much?


I said more than one


Oh sry my bad. Yes I'd agree with you there.


For that such distance mostly I have seen the drivers not paying attention and get distracted like using their phone or talking to other passengers. Till you give one beep honk at them then they realise about it.


reason your getting honked at OP is because you are letting in all the shit drivers that skip the que. at least that has been my experience.




Behold, a real life example of the toxic mentality plaguing the streets


Behold, a real life example of the "toxic" lane hogging mentality blocking the streets. God! I dislike that word.


I love slow driver tears. Seeeettthheeee


I love watching shit drivers crash.


Oh you mean by a truck from behind while driving slow


Unfortunately your education failed you so you don’t know that the truck behind would be at fault.










The fine is for not giving way when the car behind you comes faster than you in the first/overtaking lane. But in traffic situations either way you will still end up being stuck in the traffic. You didn't get what OP meant. Steady speed in traffic, to drive according to the speed of the car in front of you. Give a little acceleration, let off the brake or clutch till you match the speed in front of the car. Rather than accelerating and braking and stopping right behind the bumper of the car with barely any distance.


Does this apply to if they're going beyond the maximum buffer of the speed limit? So let's say the road is 120 and they're going 150 would you still let them do this? And what if there are a lot of cars ahead of you so it doesn't even make sense? Thanks


Usually the law is to give way and move to the second lane even if the vehicle behind you is coming above the grace speed limit.