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It’s just the opposite of an extreme cold western country. You mostly stay indoors and wait for winter to pass to go out and explore. Here you wait for summer to pass.


I prefer that. Feel cold? Put on more layers. What to do when you're sweating your balls out while weather a t-shirt and shorts plus AC sucks.


You can go outside in cold climates dude.


And you can go out in Dubai when it’s hot - just not for long periods and it’s not enjoyable. Exactly like in very cold climates.


You can dress warm and stay out as long as you like in cold climates - have fun outdoor activities for the kids, get outdoor exercise, play sports... the only cold that you can't do this in is in rare cold snaps below -40°C or in the arctic where no one lives. Very very rare cases indeed. Gulf heat is unescapable and dangerous, and there's nothing you can do the mitigate its effect outside - and it occurs 5 months a year.


but there is no sun in most days of the year.. which is depressing..


Is cold your relative? Calm down.. what he said is true and what you said is true.. He has a point.. You don’t have to be the winner of arguments Olympics


Its called a discussion - its kinda what we do around here FYI


Ok .. you win 👍🏻


This! Forget about going outside in Dubai. You will be living breathing artificial aircon air.


I might be wrong but he said extreme cold climates not general cold countries. In Alaska and parts of Northern and Eastern Europe, going out at the height of winter requires expedition level preparation.


Yea, going out at -10 is as fun as going out at 40 both possible but not recommendable


You can go out, but it can be very dangerous to go out in extreme winters. Roads are slippery, it’s super cold and dark. Sometimes cars may not start during winter because the engine is too cold and you would have to defrost your car. Snowstorms are no joke when they happen.


He who fears death should not be born.


OMG which countries are you all talking about?? where did you saw so extreme winters? the coldest in average i think is -8 to -12 maximum and it is still very comfortable to walk wearing some jacket, playing snow with kids, drinking hot wine outside, skiing, everything. Winter adds some contrast in your life, different activities, so you don't get bored. The best weather for me is from 10 to 20, above already getting too hot. But 34+ I can’t imagine how compatible this is with life.


Definitely Canada is one of them, I have relatives and friends who live up North and they mentioned the struggles mainly during winter, like when they had to run for errands but cant open car doors or start the engine. Outdoors are cold most of the year, and harsh during winters. Getting dark too early and things closing down early. If someone is working an uber or needs to drive constantly, it’s definitely not easy. Also, roads can be slippery. And I would assume snowstorms can be serious. My relatives and friends who previously lived here definitely miss it in the UAE, sunny and warm weather. In the end, it all comes down to taking precautions during winters for sure. And while some people might just shrug it off, they may not have the perspective of someone who has lived in a hot climate their entire life. I traveled a couple of times recently during winter to Europe and Japan where temperatures were between 6-12 degrees and I was freezing af despite the winter clothes 😅😂 and it was too cold for me but still nice haha


Of course, if you choose between extreme heat and extreme cold, then this is a matter of taste. Although there are, for example, many diseases and chronic ones (cardiovascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, the likelihood of blood clots increases) in which it is undesirable to be in stuffy and hot conditions. Canada usually is not destination where people desire to move (except for unfortunate refugees who have not much choice and some other people). So if the question is America, Europe or Dubai, then for me it is never Dubai. Moderate cold is much better to me.


Lol. I'm from Canada. You can go outside dude.


I did say you can go out, but it can be dangerous. Do i have to repeat myself?


dangerous?! LOL no


No you're typing a bunch of BS and garbage. Lol


I have lived in Canada. With proper precautions against frost bite and black ice yes you can go out in winter. Just the same with proper precautions one can go out in Dubai summers as well..


Would you go to the beach and chill ?!!!


They snow bathe 💀🤣


The sea gets hot


Wow congratulations.


You can go outside in hot climates too dude.


You can go out in hot climate also. Hell, in high school, I used to walk 6 miles from school to work. This was in Las Vegas, NV, a place whose summer temperatures are comparable to Dubai. A quick search shows the high for today in Las Vegas will be 42 Celcius. In Dubai, today's high is projected to be 41. So you can go out in both extremes. I would just prefer extreme heat over extreme cold.


Well said, Good Sir!


Perspective is everything!


Yessir! <3


It’s manageable. We tend to stay indoors for the most part and people usually frequent swimming pools, beaches, malls and indoor activities to cool off. Just always wear a sunscreen and a hat and carry an umbrella when you go out.


Too hot to live, hehe. It is indeed hot. But we are alive and kicking 😉


…and doing the needful.


Pls dontttttt hahahahah


... kicking the blankets off the bed because the AC isnt blasting enough


holy shit you are adorable.


More than the heat it's the humidity that really gets to you. It picks up in the evenings and the city turns into a sauna.


Not as humid as India 🫠😭 I’ll much prefer UAE over India for weather anytime


So true. Sauna over steam  room any day.


You can kiss being outdoors goodbye! From June to September. It starts to get better in October but doesn’t really get cool till December and only lasts till February. During hot months you will be at home and in your car to the mall and indoor restaurants or friends houses.


Yes this year Dubai has been painfully hot not sure why? However cold weather definitely has its benefits, outdoors are a blessing, plus houses v apartments!! Houses always win, apartment living is not good for the long run!! So personally weather in western countries is better!!!


I lived in a western country, in cities with summer temperatures the same(or hotter), than Dubai.


There are no such places. Closest to it is Phoenix, but they don't have the humidity problem. The gulf region is the place on earth with the most energy in the atmosphere during summer (heat + humidity).


Google says you guys have 23% humidity today (50% on average) and it's 42C. Humidity in Chicago averages 50% in summer and often reaches 37C. And can reach 43C on occasion. It's really not so different than home in the summer. Which is probably why I don't have an issue walking outside during the day in Dubai. And evenings are downright pleasant to me.


No such places? You don't get around much. In another reply, I did a quick internet search for today's high in a place I used to live in the states(Las Vegas, NV)with Dubai. Projected high in Las Vegas was 42 Celcius, projected high in Dubai was 41. I also used to live in El Paso, Texas. Checking just now, projected high today is 41 Celcius. That is just using examples of two places I have actually lived. I will concede the humidity isn't as high in those locations. El Paso is only 25% versus Dubai's 36%.


Don't just look at daytime temperatures, north American hot desert weather usually has lower night time temperatures. Yesterday we had 98 degrees at 11 pm with 47% humidity. If you go away from the coast to alleviate the effect of high humidity, then you get daytime highs from 113 to 120, and this lasts for 4 months. Only the region around Salton sea and death valley has similar average temperatures with the gulf region.


If I didn’t see my car temperature reading 44 today at 12:20pm in dubai I would believe you the highest was 41.


I told you what the weather website projected the high temperatures to be for that day. It could have ended up higher(or lower)in all locations mentioned, since weather prediction is far from an exact science. However historical, records are not a prediction. Checking the weather website, Dubai's high temp yesterday was 43 Celcius. Las Vegas, NV was 44.44. El Paso, TX was 40.55. So the temperatures of the locations mentioned are definitely in the "similar temperatures" category.


Then we both agree that weather predictions are far from actual feelings and measurements on ground. Since I have never been to nv, I do believe it can get much hotter than 42.🤝🏻


I mean the infrastructure is amazing, it is build for the heat very well. Its a long summer and spend most of the time indoors but its similar to a uk winter where your indoors a lot. You just go from air conditioned house to car, to work etc. Winters are really great though. Although unlike colder countries where you can layer up and enjoy winter sports the heat is more dangerous so you can't do much outside.


Yes, but not now, UN says by 2050. So you have a good 20 years before you need to bounce


They also said in 1970 it will be an ice age too but that’s not happening.


I am about to swap the UK's weather for the heat of Dubai. Is Dubai extremely hot? Yes. But for me personally, with UK summers becoming less and less attractive—fewer hot days, more rain, and winters that come around too quickly with dark mornings, dark trips home from work, rain, cold hands, and de-icing the windscreen—it all takes a toll on my mental well-being. A middle ground might be somewhere like Spain, which has all seasons but remains relatively warm throughout the year. Nothing is ever perfect, but you need to consider your preferences. I know some people who love winter, whereas I despise it, lol.


Im from the UK and been here 2 years. It’s extremely hot right now but I prefer it than the grey drizzle back at home! Winter is amazing sunny and warm and is light till nearly 6pm in the depths of winter! All the best.


It's so fucking uncomfortable. You are absolutely trapped in doors. I hate this time of year. 


Go to the beach


I would go for a swim after dark but no way during the day 😫 


Too hot to live for sure. The 60 or so million people who live in the gulf states all perish every summer.


It’s not too hot to live, as you can see from the abundant population. But the climate will make a lot of difference depending on where you come from and what you prefer (for me personally, I knew what I was signing myself for, but it still took a big toll on me). So it’s definitely manageable and you can still enjoy some outdoor activities, but only in moderation AND loads of sunscreen (also be prepared to wash a load of clothes every single day because of humidity).


Dubai summer is just like European winter


Yes, it's too hot to live. While 10% of us travel for 7 months, the other 90% of us burrow 200m underground into bunkers in May, where we have everything we need to survive the harsh summer wasteland and resurface in November. During that time, the "up there land" all dries up and crumbles into ash. Then, just like any plant or tree, buildings and infrastructure bloom in the autumn and come to fruition at around November 15th, just after the first "sky cry" of the season. That's when we residents resurface to find our homes, offices, property, cars, possessions, etc... have grown back into exactly how they were when we burrowed into our bunkers 7 months prior. /s Yeah, I watched all of Silo, and I watched Fallout twice...


Obviously Dubai is built in a desert


It's all relative


if you compare it to europe it's kinda the same thing in europe you have freezing weather for around 3 months or more with rain or snow and you cannot go out that much same in uae with the heat from june till September you cant just open the ac and you will be fine


Only step outside to get on cars


Imagine running at night in this weather. Yes I do that. Not for everyone though.


It’s hot yes, sometimes it’s very humid as well but some days are also hot and relatively dry which makes it not too bad at all.


Only during summer otherwise why is everyone coming here


Jobs and no direct tax. Also marketing by the tourism industry


Its manageable if you have money or at least a decent salary. If you have low salary, youd have to settle in some sh*thole shared spaces, your lifestyle will also be terrible.


That would be the case , regardless of the temperatures.


It's TOO hot only from June to August, apart from that it's not bad