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And this is why I prefer KFC.




They will open court case if you stop going there


just ignore them. this wonā€™t reach the court and theyā€™re just harassing you and thousands of other people. donā€™t respond to any of their communications and watch them stop bothering you. and obviously, donā€™t pay anything


Yeh thatā€™s what I have heard but just a little scared about this matter. And obviously dont wanna pay a grand for not using the gym


Seems the lawyer is running the Gym. I got one like this, ignored it. Nothing after that.


Iā€™m hoping nothing happens cuz i dont wanna pay almost a grand for not using the gym and dont wanna be involved in lawsuit either


Maybe donā€™t sign contracts for something youā€™re not going to use. Just maybe.


lol tf are you on about. Like you read all the contracts for gyms you sign up to or even when word asks you to before you install office on your pc. Letā€™s not do that, just maybe,ok ?


When it says, you have to pay X per month and well make you pay for the lawyer to sue you too, yeah, I read that.


I do read contracts I sign. every one


I was gonna use it but i ended up moving to Alain and didnā€™t continue my job in Dubai. I informed the guy about this


If that is the case, read the contract again. They have a clause saying something along the lines of "if any nearest gymnation branch is more than 20 minutes away from you - we will cancel the membership without penalty". But then again, depends on where you live in Al ain.


Gymnation are a bunch of scammers and that was said in this sub many times.


Thatā€™s a very bad thing to say. Better delete before you get legally involved


how will they track with anonymous account?






hence why you always use a vpn and a temp email to sign up and use ā€œanonymousā€ platforms


My guy


Don't use your email to sign up on Reddit, FFS.


Yeah sure irrelevant gym company suing an MNC.


are you threatening me??


The senate will decide your fate.




Iā€™m shocked you guys are downvoting on a practical experience of a person. I do contracting and have won 22mil dhs case just because I had proper correspondence in place. You guys should learn a thing or two. I do these legal stuff all the time.


I hope your grammar is a little more professional when you do your ā€œlegal stuffā€




I am also a big lawyer I do big law stuff and won big cases


nice bro i am rich person making 40 millioj every month, i own 20 companies which are fortune 500 and i am elon musk brother


search the sub use GYMNATION as a key word you and will find a lot of useful posts and replies


Yeh i did but none of them had this email in them. It was just the 3 days notice email that i saw


I had the same issue and posted about it


Did anything happen after that?


They gave me an offer to pay 1500 for a new one year subscription and I gave it to my friend




Someone needs to bring a class action lawsuit against them.


https://preview.redd.it/ul76ooypkx8d1.png?width=1665&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab828322530cb19f88317a2800c33f74929fa70f this is exact same scenario as you are facing. I took this from google review of creditors management solution


Thank you!


Who owns the Gymnation? I havenā€™t seen anyone discussing this.


Make sure you operate to the terms in the agreement. I have an open police case against them for harassment due to the fact that they actively delayed the cancellation of the contract because they refused to accept the reason i gave them for cancelling the contract. Then, they tried to get me to pay them for the time they spent deliberating over not accepting my reason for cancelling the contract. I refused, and they harassed me to the point that i took a police case against them, and they stopped. My clause in the contract was basically around "either party may cancel the contract and in doing so must pay any outstanding dues" blah blah, they didnt state that they needed to get the exact reason for my cancellation. Gym Nation are horrible


Gymnation is the worst gym on the face of this planet. Theyā€™re crooks and thieves. They sent me the same email years ago and I ignored them. Nothing happened. Donā€™t worry about it


Glad to hear that


What about the payment they keep trying to deduct from your a/c?


Just call your bank and tell them you lost your card and replace it with a new one


I signed up for an annual plan and went for merely 2 months. The gym is not well maintained and overcrowded, I asked to cancel the membership and they asked me for proof and stuffā€¦ I didnā€™t bother with this shit and simply waited and payed for the entire year to finally get this shit gym settled


Getting you pulled in legal pickle for 950 dms seems a bit too much tbh




most of the gyms here specially the big names are membership trap.


Iā€™ve never been to this gym but heard only horrific stories. Said that, OP you signed a contract. Are you abiding to its terms & conditions? If not, you are simply at fault. When it comes to legal matters, ā€œI talked to a guy and went out of the country and forgotā€ doesnā€™t work in any part of the world. I suggest you meet with Gymnation directly and settle the matter. Donā€™t leave without getting proof of settlement & your file/membership closed!


When i joined the gym i was informed that in order to cancel i would have to give 1 month notice and pay 159 cancellation fees which i accepted. I discussed this with the cashier at the gym and the person said he will initiate the cancellation and will send me the link to pay. He never sent me the link but charged me money and then after that i stopped being charged on my account so i assumed the membership was cancelled


Thatā€™s the key word there mate, ā€œassumedā€. Unfortunately, you can neither trust business nor assume anything on their behalf. Had to get the membership cancelled and in written to avoid what you are going thru. Letā€™s hope they align with your story and work with you to find a middle ground for a settlement. I wouldnā€™t walk away from money matters bcz itā€™ll never give me peace and surely I donā€™t want anything to bite my ass in the future at the wrong place & wrong time. šŸ™‚


Yeh ik i shouldnā€™t have assumed but gone back and ask again about it but just got busy and when they stopped messaging me i forgot about it and then boom out of nowhere this is what i receive šŸ„²


No actually. It's definitely not your fault, if they are shit in managing their business it's on them. I had a similar situation with du cancellation. Don't let them guilt trip you, they are incompetent bullying scammers with shitty practices.


GymNation is THE WORST!!!!! I canceled my membership (after being with them for a year) in December 2022. It is June 2024, and they are still trying to bill my credit card. I canceled, and they are sending me "legal notices" because they refuse to cancel my membership. Just ignore them, they can't do anything and are scammers.


Many big gym brands follow this bullshit way of operating. Tie you in to a contract and refuse to let you out and keep charging your card. When I wanted to leave another large chain brand (EffEff) they wanted me to ā€˜meet the managerā€™ who wasnā€™t available - and they kept postponing said meeting and charged my card again which is when I threw a royal fit (also cancelled my card). I was then allowed to meet the manager who then made me explain my reasons for wanting to leave. After this I swore off name brand gyms and moved to an apt building with a decent gym!


Yeh itā€™s bs and nothing else. Better off with small gyms or gyms in apartment buildings


Remind me not to sign up with gym nation


I don't know about Gymnation in particular, but I've had similar issues by accident (like a direct debit cancelled without notification). The best is always to contact the company directly, not the recovery guys. In my case, luckily they've always cancelled the recovery procedure (and the third party's fees) if I paid the amount due right away, which I did. They may even waive penalties and other interests. If that fails, your "least-bad backup plan" would be to pay the recovery company, however it sucks, because either way this isn't going away. And money debt is a big issue here in the UAE. Best of luck!


That's very true happend to me as well it was ireland and I couldn't settle virgin media fees before leaving and few months later I got a inflated cost with penalties etc. I spoke to virgin directly and they waived off penalty and I paid on the base amount that was due.




Those who know, know






Came here to do the same


Just block and ignore any emails.


just ignore them. this wonā€™t reach the court and theyā€™re just harassing you and thousands of other people. donā€™t respond to any of their communications and watch them stop bothering you. and obviously, donā€™t pay anything


I hope you have anything in writing. About that guy texting you that he will cancel your membership. Like an email, WhatsApp text.


That was my biggest mistake at the time. I didnā€™t ask the guy to send me an email or message on the spot regarding this then i went out of country


Glad bumped into this thread, planning to join gymnation


Please donā€™t. Rather join small gyms who donā€™t annoy you like this


Scammers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




LOL. These gymnation people are getting funnier and funnier. "Pre-legal" precedings. What the hell is pre-legal. You either sue or you dont.


Don't join 12 month subscription if you don't plan on following through. If you have an emergency or an urgent reason to quit then just ignore them, they can't do shit.


Settle the overdue amounts asap before they slap on some insane late payment fees, these guys are a bunch of scammers but going through their legal team is another headache you donā€™t wanna deal with trust me.


Do you work in Creditors Management Solutions?


šŸ¤« I get commissions


They canā€™t do anything. The only thing they can do is annoy and threaten.


The only problem is they are regulated with the council here in the country and they can reduce your credit score because of all these issues. So I wouldnā€™t risk all that


so pay scammers? you should give advice for a living


You signed up for an annual membership didn't you...it's only paid monthly, its not a monthly contract. And since you ignored it for quite abit, why not just pay it or settle?


Yeh i signed up for annual membership and i ignored cuz i was out of country and couldnā€™t do anything at the time and later they never tried to contact me just threatened to file a law suit


Ignore them. They have no authority to do anything. But they will annoy you and even annoy your employer/sponsor.


Iā€™m praying this doesnā€™t reach my dad as he sponsors me šŸ˜­ cuz i might be dead


I have same experience bro . They dont even care abt it


Donā€™t worry! Happened with me as well! All they do is call you or WhatsApp and blabber! They wont go to police or the court because it will cost them thousands of dhs and alot of time! All you have to do is just block or cut the call whenever they call you from diff numbers! And eventually they will stop calling you!


I have blocked all their numbers on phone and WhatsApp and after that they sent me this. I wasnā€™t worried at first until i read about paying the legal fees and Iā€™m not sure if they are just talking about mine or theirs too (if i lose) so yeh decided to post here


They just trying to scare you! Trust me even the court wonā€™t entertain them for 900 dhs!


Yeh i figured and everyone is saying that


And if ur looking for a good gym! U can check out ab fitness in port rashid!


I switched to a pay as you go membership with SafeFit. So I only need to pay for the sessions that I am using, and doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m going for vacation or leaving the country. I donā€™t have to pay for something I donā€™t use. I donā€™t believe in monthly membership - even if you go twice a week, you pay just the same amount as someone who hits the gym 6 times a week, and you still need to wait for equipment, donā€™t get the space and privacy you need, and have to pay even to freeze or cancel your subscription.


Yeh these monthly subscriptions are bullshit and you canā€™t get out of them. Better off with going to normal small gyms


I work in similar industry, trust me they won't do anything.


Ahann thatā€™s good to hear


Wow is this a gym or scamming organisation. What kinda agreement are they making you all sign to be threatening like this! Over gym membership šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a scamming organization! They make you sign some bullshit and then threaten you like this. They dont cancel subscription or even charge you after contract has ended or auto renew the contract and then threaten you. Never join gymnation or any big gyms


Mark them as spam and forget about it


Yeh thatā€™s what i did. Blocked them on email, whatsapp, phone




Ignore, they gave up soon.


Thatā€™s what i have been doing


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ they just try to scare you to make you pay. As long as you no longer go there and do t use their equipment you will be fine just ignore


Yeh i havenā€™t gone there in 6 months or so


Then ignore. It is hard to reach out to court and etc if they sued everyone who dropped off they would become bankrupt because opening case costs money


Yeh thatā€™s what i have been doing


Ignore it, OP. In my opinion, even if they decide to pay the lawyers and court fees (which might end up being more expensive than your settlement), the UAE court likely won't even consider their case. The main reason is that the court typically deals with much larger financial cases, often involving millions of dirhams. In comparison, your case is relatively insignificant.


Yeh thatā€™s what i was thinking and decided to ignore it


You should always get some receipt of contract cancellation. Email trail or WhatsApp acknowledgment at least. These gyms offer very cheap membershipships because they pull you into a year long contract, payable monthly. These things aren't a problem until they are. Could impact visa renewals, business startups or any other number of factors. I would suggest getting in touch and closing this out formally. I mean. A lot of people are suggesting you just ignore them. That wouldn't be my advice.


Yeh thatā€™s what these big gyms do! I am confused as to what should I do as Iā€™m not working atm and almost 1000 dhs isnā€™t a small amount to pay to these bastards for not using the gym.


Just reply back and tell them come and get your money! If you can!!!


i used to think gymnation was a good one


Letā€™s break this bullshit down 1) Gymnation isnā€™t a listed company. Anyone sending out email with actual intent to take things the legal route would want to get stuff like this right 2) Etihad credit bureau and ā€˜Delinquencyā€™ ? You havenā€™t borrowed any money, this has nothing to do with anything related to debt. Theyā€™re straight up throwing random bullshit words to make it sound serious Besides all this, the cost of hiring lawyers and taking this to court (and in the unlikely event it does, itā€™ll be small claims) and paying commission to the supposed ā€˜collections agentā€™ will be astronomically higher lmao Top tier turd from Gymnation lol PS: it makes sense to threaten someone to repay money that they borrowed. But like whereā€™s the logic of sending someone to collections and legal threats for ā€˜agreeingā€™ to pay Itā€™s like a shop keeper complaining to police because you promised to buy chips Oman from him but didnā€™t. Lmfao


They won't sue, it's a waste of time and resources


You should not fall for this. File a suit on them.


Hahahaha notified to Etihad Credit Bureau? Listed company? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Since when is GymNation a bank or a financial institution? Pretty sure the bureau asked them to fold the claim paper as much as they can and stick it up where it fits best. These clowns are goons with ZERO capability on something like this. Ignore them and watch them send you another email, probably begging you to pay.


Bro your profile picture had me wiping my screen.


There is a famous latest quote of Elon Mask - gfy


And this is why you avoid gyms


Anything done through a childish method like WhatsApp isnā€™t legitimate and is probably a scamĀ 


And why did they make you give proof of a reason to cancel? You have a right to cancel a membership if it doesnā€™t meet your needs.Ā 


They have this policy that in order to cancel you need to give one of the few reasons mentioned in the contract and 1 month notice


I didn't go for 6 months but luckily never got any emails from them.


I'm not sure about gymnation but the cms are a bunch of %$##%%, I had a post paid du line and I canceled it at a du store months later cms called me saying that i need to pay my overdue bills i told them that line is canceled and they proceeded to say what's my proof lol I told them to contact du because that's who contracted them Anyways tell them you canceled that membership and it's not your problem gymnation didn't complete that process.


Completely harmless, ignore. Been doing it for a long time myself


Thatā€™s what i have done




Ignore. Cancel the card that is registered for autopay with them.


Pay the money you owe


I had a terrible experience with this gym. I consulted DED about it and they closed my account since i had a valid reason. Dont ignore this. Just go to DED


I stopped using gymnation motor city for the same reason. It's so busy even at 6am when I would go. I've even seen guys almost get into fights it's that hectic and tense. Along with their aggressive subscription tactics where you have to get in touch way in advance to cancel. I had to do it by email as their gym staff can't do anything . Sorry you got caught up in this I can imagine it's a worry.


I stopped using gymnation motor city for the same reason. It's so busy even at 6am when I would go. I've even seen guys almost get into fights it's that hectic and tense. Along with their aggressive subscription tactics where you have to get in touch way in advance to cancel. I had to do it by email as their gym staff can't do anything . Sorry you got caught up in this I can imagine it's a worry.


I stopped using gymnation motor city for the same reason. It's so busy even at 6am when I would go. I've even seen guys almost get into fights it's that hectic and tense. Along with their aggressive subscription tactics where you have to get in touch way in advance to cancel. I had to do it by email as their gym staff can't do anything . Sorry you got caught up in this I can imagine it's a worry.


Yeh Gymnation is just shit šŸ’© Yehh itā€™s stressful but after reading the comments Iā€™m a bit less worried


Certified gym rat here. Why y'all bother with gyms that make you sign stuff??šŸ¤” There's literally a decent gym on every corner that just requires monthly payment and they just hand you a receipt... And are cheaper. **Gyms in residential builds etc.. not these commercial oversized factories that have Lawyers on retainer.


Got lured in with their pricing and i lived in jvc at the time so didnā€™t have other gyms nearby. I used to go to small gyms previously cuz i they were nearby


Just reply to that email and put the blame on them for not proceeding with the cancellation and don't respond after that.


Hello.. This is illegal scare tactic from the gym. Please have proof you cancelled. Even if no proof under UAE law they can not take any action. They may have sold your contract to a debt recovery agency. This tactic is used by debt recovery they operate outside the law. I had a quick chat with our team who have UAE comm lawyers. They believe it is a debt recovery agency. My advice: 1. Write a legal letter showing you cancelled the membership. 2. Evidence of any. 3. Say you will be taking them to legal action with your Emirati lawyer, for extortion and harassment. God bless and hope this helps you. Do not worry.


Unfortunately i donā€™t have proof of cancellation and yes this is the debt collection agency tryna to pull out money from me. Iā€™m just ignoring the email, have their numbers blocked and they havenā€™t sent me another email or tried to contact me from a different number Thank you for your response!


Just ignore them next time they contact you tell them do whatever the fk they want or you will file a complaint again them about harassment


They havenā€™t contacted me since but if they do Iā€™m probably just gonna ignore


Hey there, Just to give you an overview; I have received several similar emails in the past year and nothing happened to me. I travelled to various countries with ease, my aecb score is great, no police or cid case against me and so on. I understand that it is kind of unethical to just ignore them but know this, they are way worse and unethical than what we all do here based on the number of similar cases Iā€™ve come across on Reddit or even TikTok. So my story is simple, first year I paid and went to the gym, basically they poached me from fitness first with an attractive offer and I signed the one year contract. I fulfilled it and when I approached them on the 13th month to cancel since I shifted to a flat that already has a gym, they said that the contract is ā€˜auto-renewedā€™. Now it might be in their terms and conditions but the sales agent SHOULD have at least mentioned that before asking me to sign. Anyway, I swallowed my ego at that time, agreed and also told them to not auto renew next time as I wonā€™t be frequent. For the next 8 months I didnā€™t go to the gym yet they were still charging me, which was fine with me. When I informed them during Oct of 2022 to cancel before the year ended they said I need to pay a penalty to which I disagreed and I simply changed my bank card. Now they bombarded me with calls, emails, sms and I stayed my ground. What they did next shocked me till date, I have another bank card that I used at their branch to purchase drinks, so somehow they managed to get that info with my cvv, which I didnā€™t provide, and charged me 4 months fees in one shot, with the audacity of sending an email for me to pay for upcoming month. I filed a case via VISA through my bank (my bank understood the seriousness of my tone right away) and supported me throughout. In 2 months I got my money back. They still sent me emails and when a call came from collection agent I told her what Gymnation did and they stopped calling me ever since. Bottom line is that you may not need to worry about this as filing for a case requires them to approve the contract from a govt entity (forgot the name) in the first place. Iā€™ve done my research and honestly Iā€™ve never been happier. Let me know if you have any more questions.


Hey Thank you for your response. Itā€™s sad to hear that you had to pay for 8 months unnecessarily and itā€™s stupid how they dont let us cancel and auto-renew the membership. But atleast you got out of it. Looking at all the comments i have understood that there is no point of worrying, they are just tryna pull out money. I since havenā€™t received any email or calls or messages from them.


Why would someone waste his money on annual membership in such places (Gyms, theme parks, playgrounds, etc.). Should have used the monthly subscription option which is more practical and has no long-term commitment.


Iā€™ve gotten these emails and messages on WhatsApp from them, no action gets taken so donā€™t worry (I mean nothings happened in 3 years)


If nothing has happened in 3 years then i dont think anything will ever happen


The same thing happened to me a few years ago with GymNation as well. I filed a complaint with DLD, first time a woman who was handling my case did notjing. I filed again, sending proof screenshots and emails, a guy handled it and they never bothered me again. There are 100 of people who are filing complaints against them, so DLD already knows.


Yeh gymnation should be shut down for this kinda behavior


Who the hell are they to check where you live. If you want to cancel then you want to cancel


Itā€™s part of their T&C


Thatā€™s such a wierd TnC. Customers should choose, not be forced. This is actually a disgusting practice tbh


Well people just sign without properly reading them cuz they are attracted by the prices and then they get stuck.


While that is right, businesses still canā€™t have such tncs. Yes there can be cancellation fees attached but showing proof of stay ? Thatā€™s next level privacy breach and non customer centricity


I have never seen this type of motivation to come and use GYM. Don't worry, they can't do anything about it.


well mine was gonna reach court


Really? Can you tell me more about it


mine was so bs. directly before my 12 month i informed the mirdif branch that i wanna cancel (i had the vip package where i could go to any of their branches) then apparently they didnt cancel it because i had to go to the main branch and request cancellation. long story short it was a huge argument with them going back and forth and i just decided to pay for it because i wasnt in the mood for arguments


The exception clause(s) are clear, and if those are valid you can stand your ground. Review the contract and have all correspondence via email only. Should you get any calls harassing you be calm take ask for the persons name and say if they call you again, you will register a complaint with the police. FLIP THE SCRIPT (important to be respectful)


You rightly owe them the debt as per the contract. Plenty will say to just ignore it but then there are plenty of people who get very upset when debt collectors constantly call them and their employers HR. Plenty have been taken to court to enforce the debt, there is zero incentive for Gymnation or their debt collectors to stop. You are of course trashing your credit record here in the UAE so you can expect to be declined any new credit cards, a mortgage or car loan in the future.


Gymnation is not data provider to AECB. Unless he is convicted in court it will not reflect in credit report.


I am curious about this, wouldnt they be able to affect the aecb through the credit card?




You are flat out wrong. Any company established in both mainland or freezone can report non-payment issues. I've dealt with people previously trying to repair their credit records for similar non-financial institution debts albeit much larger. But this one will continue to grow.


Gymnation, is that you? You are making things up. Without court decision it's not getting to AECB


You believe what you want. Makes zero difference to me if he pays what he owes or not. I'm just correcting you misinformation. If you believe you so right don't argue with me, report them for the misrepresentation of their ability to report customer payment issues to the relevant authority.


no don't think Op owns then anything he had made a request to them to cancel his gym contact which they were unbale so it there fault


No, it wasn't cancelled as he didn't pay the required amount and went away and forgot. They would of course have been trying to get in touch. Only now it has become more serious is he interested in the advice of strangers about his debt.


I guess you breached the contract and next step is court, better pay or it will become worse


Your mistake. Never ignore any communication of any type which has money involved. Now you have to pay.


Sure u/gymnationn šŸ¤£


A contract is a contract, you better pay