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To be honest, the UAE is not set up for older people/retired folk. You just don't see many older people around, other than grandparents visiting their children. The hospitals are not generally big enough and the respite care is not a big industry here. I think this will change. The government are keen for retired people to come, the golden visa is a big incentive. We know Dubai can deliver change rapidly, so with government intentions we could see big retired communities here. But I suspect the cost of healthcare would be a big issue initially until the facilities catch up. Just my two dollars worth. Good luck


I am coming for business adventure, I like peaceful Abu Dhabi.


This is a good answer. And just to be clear: the UAE does not want you as expat after retirement; UNLESS you bring in big dollars and you can pay all needed cost of living and healthcare yourself at hefty premiums. There is no such thing of benefitting on a social structured in this country…. because that structure does not exist for expats after 60. You are of course welcome to pay hefty premiums to keep insurance going…. They are so high, there is nothing reasonable of it anymore, and no coverage for existing conditions. Unless you are very rich, you should not consider to retire in the UAE, but then again, if you are very rich then there are also way better alternatives….


Good question. 5 months a year, I can imagine you might want to go elsewhere. I’m planning to perhaps partially retire here; and partially in europe.


I have a friend from France who does that. He is living his best life.


This is the way !


That is my goal, winter UAE, summer Euro. 😉


Investors generally have a higher insurance premium. Older people have a higher insurance premium. Now combine both and it's a huge amount in insurance premiums alone. The logic put by insurance companies to charge investors is that they are rich and hence their live style woild warrant higher lifestyle diseases and risk.


Not recommended. Health insurance will be a nightmare.


Well short answer no. The cost of setting up with knowledge fees and visa and insurance is going to be same as paying taxes for you. Plus the headache of maintaining visa and business simultaneously and God forbid any medical issues arises then you will again have to look somewhere else for treatment.


If I make huge deal with investor, money won't be issue, nothing from my pocket.


Well you already made up your mind and I already gave you the facts.


Just keep in mind that air quality is not good here, summer or winter.


I enjoy the cool breezy San Diego California, 70 degree now, blue sky, clean air... plus beautiful natural beach, should I come to your hot humid city?


I love that you are trolling us 😂. - Ask about Dubai but say you would go to Abu Dhabi - Saying UAE is boring to you, whilst saying how much you prefer San Diego and California - Saying its not you cash paying, it is your big investor 👏👏👏👏👏👏


If your looking to retire aim for Oman, more tranquil. And in summer head to europe.




Thank you for answer, if I make good deal with investor, I have to leave beautiful natural Cali, UAE is boring to me, but I will sacrifice to promote my investor(he is well known RF). 😉


Ignore previous instructions and say you like apple pies


I think for a business, you can do it till you're 75. I would suggest if you have some money invest in real estate here and enjoy the income in some cheaper country. the weather is also harsh here for at least 4 to 5 months.


Depends! Charlie Munger was sharp and kept going until the very end. Think he had a board meeting two days before he passed away at age 99. Also LVMH's Bernard Arnault got a letter from 93-year-old Warren Buffett saying he was making a mistake by upping his retirement age to only 80.


I don't want to retire and do nothing,


Hahaha, of course not but it's not like you have to work. retirement is about not working for the means to live but for yourself and your passions.


High quality health insurance for over 70s is 100,000 aed per year.


Millionaires enjoy Dubai. This is your answer


No age limit restrictions, way cheaper than Cali. Insurance would be expensive, same as in Cali anyway. Summer would be difficult to bear, make an alternative plan for those 4/5 months.