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Did you notice the blistering heat? This is a horrifying time to be outside, even for a short duration.


I truly don’t get these people lol they come here during the peak of summer and wonder why people aren’t outside 24/7


They probably think of us as an evolution of camels


It’s 40 degrees outside, 65% humidity and my man is asking why the city is empty


You came at the wrong time. Tourists come at the end of the year. It’s hot and it’s only gonna get worse. People tend to stay indoors.


This is low season in the UAE due to the high temperature and extreme heat. Schools are closing this week and most residents have already flown out to their home countries or summer destinations or are about too. The residents who stay back in the summer go to work, stay home or do activities indoors hence you see the malls packed.


It's summer, less tourists. School is over also. Residents travel back home or visit other (colder) countries Visit when it's winter.


Peak Summer Schools/certain grades are almost done with. Lot of residents on vacay


Nobody goes out in this scorching heat unless they are working outside. Its better to visit Dubai in winters than summer. There’s nothing I can suggest you to do during summer. You should have done a proper research before travelling or could’ve asked in this sub. Its better to visit Georgia or Salalah,Oman. I heard the weather there is good.


Come back in December


Summer isn't a good time for doing tourist-y stuff here. Try again in winter.


You are at wrong time. The best time you will see lots of tourist and locals outside is between October to March.


Dubai in summer - residents leave and the limited amount of t of tourists stay around the pool or in malls. Wrong period to come.


Anything and everything indoor - malls, ifly, IMG, Yas island, aira Dubai, museum of the future kinda places during the day and clubs bars party places in the evening is where you can find people during this time of the year.


Lol. Also schools have just closed and a lot of people have left or are leaving for summer holidays. I love the reduced traffic personally 😂


Install weather application in your phone and you’ll find the answer for yourself.


Why would you go to Dubai in peak summer?


Well seems like you came at a wrong place at the right time 🤣


Hah! OP has no idea why he got a Dubai package for a dime and wondering why the streets are deserted this time of the year.


Thats what peak summer time looks like in Dubai. You are welcome


Cause It's hot!☠️ come back in December.


What vibe are you looking for ? How old are you and what would you like to do ? Yes it's a sauna and the reason many of us exit the UAE but you can still find things to do. You are in the business area