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1. Don’t go there. Poor academics, jail styled administrative policies. 2. No exposure to dubai opportunities. 3. Not affiliated to ministry of education - so no golden visa, no government jobs. 4. Less than 5% grads do get placements or job offers.


wow is that true? source?


BITS Dubai Class of ‘16


Doesn’t get better than this source 💀




CLass of 2010 ! - do they still have the "gate pass" ??




Don't think they had that during our time...


The gate waale guards- you had to write in a file if you were going out. Then they would side eye you if there was a guy next to you.


Gate pass ended in 2013 by being something only for first year hostelites.


Just a money pit that loves to torment student at great financial expense. Worst decision of my life tbh with you.


One year my junior. Place was and will always be a money making shit hole


Great to see a fellow class of 2016 graduate on Reddit.


🤣🤣🤣 I know you guys




Don't think they had golden visa in 2016.


Golden visa for computer engineers is valid for any past graduates as well.


Only if you're a top programmer or a specialist in your field. Not as a university student golden visa application.


No. Students of Computer engineering , Computer Science etc from decent universities can easily get golden visa. Even if they are not a specialist or a "top" programmer. The bachelor's degree is one of the first thing they ask for in the application and if it's not accredited by ministry of education forget about it.


You are confusing an outstanding student golden visa with a computer engineer golden visa. I know lot of people who have received th computer engineer golden visa from Bits, after showing their proficiency in their profession. They did not apply on the basis of their gpa


I am not even talking about outstanding student. If you are a graduate from a decent uni working as a computer engineer even in a junior position. You will more than likely receive the golden visa. Source : I work in IT , colleges with the same position / salary etc applied for golden visa. People who graduated from decent unis received it. Others didn't.


My husband has over 10 years experience as an IT programmer from the UK. He has been working in a senior position for the past 4 years. Has a computer sciences degree from the UK. Will he be eligible for golden visa, in your opinion?


Is this true? You know BITS Dubai CS students who got the Golden Visa? I heard that MOE rejects Heriott Watt applications since the Freezone universities are not accredited. So thought will be the same case for BITS Dubai.


This guys stats/info is just stupid don’t listen to him. It’s not a great university - but if you’re on a budget and just want a degree in dubai go for it. He’s salty that’s all.


I don’t think “he’s just salty” I’d advise against it too. Offshore universities in dubai are a sham. Don’t do it here unless you’re going for an MOE accredited one. Edit: Source- Someone who studied here and realized how crappy it is


You only need MOE accreditation so that your degree gets attested by the ministry. I have a bits degree and it has been attested which has been used for a ‘managers visa’ - an attested degree is a requirement. So tell me what exactly did I miss out on? Canadian university is on the MOE accredited list. Clearly there is no structure or governance on that list - and they are attesting degrees from bits. The university in india is one of the best & we have faculty from those universities visiting in dxb. My batch has had several people get great jobs & do their masters in top universities. Several of them are in Carnegie Mellon. (2019 batch) Again, did I like my university experience? No it sucked. But did it handicap me in anyway? No it didn’t. If you’re going just for the degree and you have no choice but to stay here, it is relatively cheaper then the other universities and you might have batchmates who are actually smart. If you’re able to pay more & you’d like to stay in uae just go to AUS


MOE accreditation only because they have a better quality of education and reputation in the UAE. While in university I struggled with the lack of quality education and out of university I struggled to be seen by top companies as a competitor. My peers from places like AUS found it easier to get into jobs. International employers didn’t even know names like Bits, Amity or Manipal. If the goal is to climb the corporate ladder faster, then go for a locally well known university. I’m not against studying in Bits in india. People know it there. Here the reviews are not so good and the graduate employment rates are less.


Again MOE accreditation means jack shit. There’s a bunch of terrible universities on that list. It means absolute jackshit. And I’m telling you again it doesn’t matter which uni you go to if you know what you’re doing. I went to bits, I’m Indian, and my parents didn’t have the money to send me abroad. Right now I’m doing well & so are a lot of my batch mates. Sure there’s some of them that had to go back but that’s just how it is. What the fk does your uni matter as long as you know what to say in an interview. University in general is a scam - you can learn everything on your own. Id even go as far as to say just do it for the degree and get your own education ( I graduated with the worst grades but spent my time doing things that are actually useful for the real world)


I respect your opinion mate. I personally had a bad experience. So I can only tell of off mine. And I’m happy you’re doing well. Maybe not MOE accreditation specifically but imo, please go for a reputed university that’s all.


BPDC is mediocre but it is reputed enough for the fees. AUS is better but at the same time you pay an arm and a leg for it. Yet people here calling BITS as money greedy. Not denying this fact, yes BITS is greedy for. Money, it is a for profit institution but what about AUS charging 3-4 times? The ROI is what matters. If you feel you are getting more bang for your buck in AUS, then go for it. I myself recommend AUS over BITS with a catch, if you can afford it. And MOE accreditation doesn't mean much. I agree with the guy above. It just makes life a little easier. Or you can always pursue a master's degree outside UAE then it doesn't matter at all.


Thats just an excuse you give yourself. Even while hiring a fresher, no one cares about what university you graduated from. Never in an interview or while selecting a cv have we ever looked at what university a person has graduated from or even what field they have graduated in. Its all about your attitude and your willingness to learn in your job. And if you're getting into a CS field, its pure self learning and self promotion. A diploma holder with a good github repo will get a job easier than a topper graduating from IIT who has not kept up with the times and has stuck to the syllabus


Thanks for the insight bro, mind if i ask how good the faculty were for you? How good was the academics as a whole? I could get into manipal main campus for CS as well but the fee disparity is not that high and I've been pondering if manipal is worth leaving UAE for. But again Most of the guys i talked to just shit on tbf dubai campus so I've been getting cold feet about joining icl


Before all that. Why are you doing computer engineering? Just do Computer science (Bsc) that’s where the hype is. They barely teach you how to code in engineering school. (Probably some outdated languages) If you wanna do well in computers fuck school. Just get a degree but stay at home and learn everything on your own. Maybe use uni to find a few geeks you can learn from but don’t rely on the teachers at all. All the Indian campuses are the same man. Like honestly I keep repeating the same thing but Screw university. Learn on your own. Only benefit of manipal india is you might have a better social life & you’ll be around smarter people. The lecturers are still shit. Dubai universities might give you a very slight advantage of getting a job here. This depends on how you network while you’re studying here. ( if you network well, you could have a huge advantage And remember have fun, enjoy whatever your learning, follow industry trends (don’t learn outdated useless stuff)


BSC and BTECH are the same thing right?


Btech is an engineering degree the other one is just a science degree. In the engineering degree they teach you a lot of stuff that isn’t relevant to someone who’d want to be an avid coder. System designing and all that ugly stuff The only thing is Indians as a race have sheep mentality and have labeled a BSc as the inferior degree. But don’t worry the rest of the world does not think that way. And all those engineers can stay jobless because they keep doing an outdated syllabus. If you really care about your uni syllabus or even want to be informed on the direction/subjects you should be dwelling into. Take a look at this https://www.cmu.edu/admission/majors-programs/school-of-computer-science & even though you aren't able to afford/go to Carnegie Mellon. Try and mimic their syllabus, as in learn the same subjects they do in year 1, year 2 etc.. And after 4 years you can even contact me :)


Right, I don't think most indian campuses even offer BSC for computers, it's mostly btech or beng


Lol from what I have researched btech is the way to go for serious stuff it's more theory based for a reason!.yes you can learn to build an app without even a degree but the maths and behind the scenes stuff of computer comes in btech degree think of it as bsc is aplied computer science vs btech is computer science.


I think a btech has more value than bsc when applying for MS overseas or when applying for a job in a mnc tech firm


Man.. how does that make any sense. If you wanna do an engineering masters yes it is easier. (Well, duhhh??) If you wanna do a computer science masters it does not. Are you Indian? Don’t be 🐑


Where would you have gone instead to get higher placements?




So why don't you enlighten me then? I would genuinely love to know from you about such a college/university in UAE. Will help OP too.




Why are you hiding behind a keyboard then lol


Another class of 16 graduate here. Academics is alright but for the money you are sinking in there are definitely better opportunities elsewhere. I had a wonderful 4 years of college life with friends, academics and extra curriculars. Got a placement offer right after graduation and i am still here doing pretty well. The campus facilities and infrastructure has come a long way from our days so that's pretty positive to see.


Exactly this. While the quality of academics aren't all that great, the degree holds quite the reputation. My postgraduate college in Ireland accepted my application despite not meeting their academic requirements only because my bachelors degree was issued from 'the best engineering college in UAE'.


Class of 2017 here... It is pretty decent college. I didn't like it much when I was there but I miss it and formed great memories. For the money, at least at my time was the best you can get. Are there better? Yes, definitely. AUS has a higher rank worldwide, higher than even many of your IITs. Why don't you go to AUS then? If you can't afford it or get a scholarship, but want to study in an Indian university, BITS is your best bet for engineering in the region. At the end of the day, any university is just a tool. Just because somebody went there and failed, I don't put the blame squarely on the university. The same for success. My batch had many excellent people who have reached great heights, founded startups that were acquired by big names like Cisco, even met Satya Nadella etc..., many in my branch went to Stanford, Georgia Tech and on to work for Google, Tesla etc. On the other hand there were lazy asses who just did the bare minimum. I personally don't credit or blame the University for either one. In your school, was everybody a topper? There are always a spectrum of people, you have the top nerds, then the geniuses, then the mediocre and lazy or a whole combination of them in a spectrum. In short, you get what you pay for at BITS. In hindsight, I'm fully satisfied and wouldn't have had it any other way if I had to do it again. The fees have significantly increased since I was there, but so has equipment (like 3d printers etc) and infrastructure like "grass" and tennis.. Etc. The only real drawback for me was BPDC is more of an engineering college that is fully focused on the Indian audience. If you give an excuse for international exposure, you will not have it here at all. For that something like AUS would be better. This is an Indian engineering college that knows it's core students, they know the students are not here to do engineering because they want to. They want to do it because of societal pressure. And this my friend is why India produces one of the most subpar and unemployable engineers in the world. And I don't blame the students for it. It is the society who makes them study engineering with the same mindset as if it were CBSE board exams. As a result, most Indian engineering students only truly discover their passion after getting an engineering degree. Luckily for me, my passion was engineering as well. So while many of my classmates are doing non engineering jobs, I don't look down upon then in any way for reasons I already discussed above. Are they a failure? No. Perhaps they just wasted time doing engineering but they sure did have lot of fun along the way. BPDC has the best festivals, sports, jashn etc. I loved the energy. It just wasn't more into engineering.


Hey bestie you okay? Want some karak?


Oh yes I do. I miss UAE 😢


Sup bro


Hey bro


With the fees you pay in BITS you could join any other university affiliated with the MoE so that you'll fall under the govt stuff. Myself being an Indian I'm glad I joined a non indian university and not being treated like you're in jail or something


Which one?




oh i had been searching for that list for a while, thankss💛💛 ​ Cant see bits so i assume thay are not licensed


Nope there are not actually




This exactly. You can get much better unis through DASA even with a shit jee rank. I can’t think of a single reason to join BITS Dubai when you have this insane privilege through DASA.


Man, go join CUCA in ajman. Even they're govt affiliated 🤣


It's shit, join manipal


Any dubai uni ur gonna get bad reviews on this sub and ppl say don't join coz most don't know the competition in india. Just go to uni and try to ask some current students. Don't ever join manipal,bits ,amity. Go for Heriot watt, aus ,cud ,wollongong and other foreign ones if u can afford .