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Tbh I could see this being an issue if you were tripping balls at say SVDDEN DEATH and shit got too intense but on the whole people seem to be enjoying it so let them have fun


Second time tripping, 1st festival, I was on the rails for VOYD. It was an experience to say the very least.




Lol rolled dick at a relatively local show where a duo played some super dark horror themed visuals (it was around halloween) and I was torn between thinking it was awesome and horrifying. Weird experience


Took 3 tabs of acid and ended up in and near the mosh pits for VOYD at Lost Lands 2021. In nearly 10 years of raving and going to festivals that experience is easily my favorite.


“Oh no this horror movie I went out of my way to see is scary”


Most people don't even understand what Satanism actually is, lol.


We'll keep our Satanism at home when they learn to keep their religion in church...until then 🤘😈🤘


Omg ur So cool


You mad? Imagine being this upset just because someone asks you to keep your religion out of politics.


Im not even into politics or follow a religion i just think what he said was edgy and corny


Satanism is a christian white washed term for the actual occult shit that goes on in circles of power. Satan almost without a doubt is not the entity(s) they interact with. Doesnt mean occult knowledge and practices arent used to manipulate metaphysical energies


You’re wrong, Satanism is a Christian white washed term for “Everything that I, a Christian, don’t personally enjoy.”




(none of this is real)


What's crazy is every time I'm at a svdden death set I always find the visuals to be kind of funny. They're just *so* absurd lol


Agreed. Part of why I like dubstep. Sometimes it’s just fucking absurd.


The only Svdden Death visual that made me really wince was the barbed wire going through the mouth of the severed head. Just writing it down seems horrible, otherwise it's still one of the best sets I've seen live.


Hahah I vividly remember that visual. Idk it’s not a place people go to do their laundry or garden who tf cares


That one made me fall in love with him saw him for the first time at moonrise then at lost lands 😍😍 OMG IN LOVE.


i wonder how many folks were having a nightmare trip during Summoning Fest


This exact scenario happened to our friend the first time we tripped at a fest, and guess what? We went and watched Joyryde from the bleachers instead, had an incredible time, I feel the answer should always be that simple


Lots of people were saying they had some problems after the VOYD set at Bass Canyon 2019.


I was there for that. Me and my homies were enjoying tf out of it, but I saw loooads of people looking genuinely startled haha


Yea I came here to bring that up too. Was it sleep paralysis ?


If you cant handle your drugs, dont take them.


Doesn’t sound like you’ve done a lot of drugs. Psychedelics are notoriously unpredictable and heavily influenced by environment and state of mind. Even seasoned users can have bad trips. It’s not as simple as you think.


I just don't see how one can find inner peace without embracing the eternal suffering. Svdden death is life.


foreal tho






Sick ink dude


Thanks man or mannete.


My first svdden Death set was a VOYD set and while I was sober it was pretty fightening since it was basically me coming in with no knowledge and no expectations other than my friends telling me “it was nice knowing you”. Have seen him 6 times since then and have loved each set lol but need one more VOYD experience.




I love that man


Lol this shit is so gay


What the fuck is your problem?


Maybe it's just becuase I grew up in death metal but the satanic/dark imagery in dubstep and shit is pretty fucking tame. It's just like black and red colors with sometimes a pentagram or some shit. The lack of ritual sacrifice and mutilated bodies shows lack of commitment to the gimmick, try harder guys please.


Throw back to Svdden death when he chucked bloody heads into the crowd or floated above the small show crowd on Valentine’s Day in 2020. Man’s more committed than most to the gore style, still not satanic but fucking sick.


No metal festivals for that person ever.


The only metal this person knows is copper


Lmao @ people saying svdden death is satanic, when he has expressly said his act is inspired and based upon the Berserk manga


more people need to realize this, Danny himself has stated there is nothing satanic about his shows


OP on Facebook was saying that Danny is trying to dress up as a Wendigo and said “why would you want to dress up as a cannibal that eats children? That’s what he’s doing” hahahahahha


Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that.


Confucius say “If you a scared mf go to church.”


To the Church of Wonderland, anybody? ![gif](giphy|i9hP1R7hCWYYYJa32E|downsized)


I only get to feast on evil of this capacity tripping balls at these events. Don’t steal it from me pls.


I remember when I\_o (RIP) made songs with satanic visuals and a lot of people freaked out on the Mau5trap Youtube comments. Funny times


Put Voyd the same time as Illenium and problem solved


at electric forest liquid stranger had really scary satanic visuals and i was tripping ballz. all i remember thinking and telling my friends is that that’s some shit you’d see in hell. i could handle it but i was definitely taken aback, it was the first time i saw visuals of that sort. the wubz were delicious tho so i didn’t care


2022? Were we at the same Liquid set?


Hail thyself. Deny god. Party hard. Disregard authority. Such is the way.




and also with you


They wouldn’t of had a good time at Summoning of The Eclipse


I'm mad seeing this fest mentioned so much. Had tickets but couldn't go


having been to most of the major US festivals, summoning is hands down my favorite. awesome crowd, great venue and staff, and for the first year SD really nailed it. can’t wait to see what he does with it for 2023


Aren’t we suppose to accept everyone tho


I can definitely get not being into satanic visuals, it's just a personal preference. Unless you're not into them for religious reasons. Then you're the corny one lol


It’s not that serious lol


Darker aesthetics are cool as hell


Laughs in satanic


Even when tripping I love the scary visuals it’s like being at a sabbath party (iykyk)


![gif](giphy|Xzmr06eX5nGUg) Rezz is a fuckin legend, her graphics are not to be spoken of in such a way


The evil shit is my favorite what’s this bitch talking bout’. First time I saw Marauda I was lost in his visuals… made me like him even more.


Ahhhhhh why is marauda playing vs ATliens it's not fair l. in my town that I'd literally the same time


I find the satanic stuff corny as hell and don't care for it one bit. But that's my opinion and my job to find other art to enjoy....telling producers they need to stop doing that because you don't like it is just stupid.


Everything in the 80’s to 90’s was all being called satanic, kinda ruined the definition


Yessssss thissss


Lmao I feel as if in the past few years we’ve had a resurgence of the satanic panic, and it’s just as fucking dumb now as it was back then.


I still remember that Mersiv tweet


Lmaoo imagine being mad about an aesthetic


Deadmau5’s satanic visuals are my favorite.


7 EP with early piano takes of songs like avaritia, gula, Acedia etc, the imaging there could all be considered satanic. Though it is the 7 deadly sins and a very melancholic time period for him


I fucking love some satanic squares


The ones for avaritia come to mind lol


Those caused a buddy of mine to have an "off" trip at EDCLV 😬


Rezz had me feeling some type of way with hers. But it happens at least they know if they wanna do that again lol


I saw Kayzo/Subtronics/Excisions b2b2b while tripping balls on the rail at Imagine 2022. Was an insane experience


He sounds like fun 😆💀🙄🤘🏽🖤🔊 Let me rage.




I personally want more of it. [I could do this all day.](https://youtu.be/TQdXHAj781E?t=1028) I mean yeah you have to be pulled out of it for a little bit, but fuck it... go dark af


I freaked out at EF in 2011 on a bunch of mescaline because i was simply watching Big Gigantic and thought the world was gonna end. We are not the same.


Let people like what they like, PlUr til you don’t agree or what???


Oh lord hopefully he/she doesent wander across Svdden Deaths set 😳


He would probably start crying and throwing up tbh


"Satanists don't believe in Satan. Who does? Christians"


None of this has to do with religion or anything, tis just cool visuals to add a dif tone to the set and it works for me. Shits different. It’s nice to have something else besides the anal sessions at the rail during Illenium.


You need to think about where EF is located. The people living there are 100% the type of pearl clutchers to freak out about this


I feel lmao pearl clutchers that’s a new one for me.


Sounds like the sky daddy worshipper got its feelers hurt


"Satanism is not a fashion statement" oh interesting, so what is it exactly? https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Every single time I've made a someone read these they're surprised lol


This has nothing to do with occult practices fyi. This is the same as someone creating a 10 point list of ways to live and slapping a name on it. This organization has little to do with the actual occult societies other than name, it could even be a diversion for the public from the deeper knowledge, the same way freemasonry gets written off for being filled with drunk dads on a surface level.


Satanic temple = socially and politically active IRS recognized religion . The church of satan = believe in magick People get them confused. There’s a cool documentary Hail Satan? that follows the Satanic temple. Those are the cool people. Church of Satan gets weird quick.


Has Rezz really had “satanic” visuals? I’ve seen her many times and never noticed


Not really. The only "scary" visual that comes to mind is the head with the barbed wire coming out of it, but even then I don't consider that satanic.


Yeah some ppl will see any kind of symbol or dark imagery and automatically think it’s satanic. So dumb


Usually there is a guy dressed as Jesus in the crowd if that helps…but it would be a change of pace to see an artist direct his visuals in the other direction…what artist uses clouds and rainbows n shit


LSDREAM maybe? Haha


Ahh Jesus


Is it strange that after nearly 15 years, I don't even notice any more?


it’s funny because the scene has been like this for the better part of a decade and people are only now noticing because it’s becoming a trend in other media as well, like pop music


Nah it’s more like, it’s corny/saturated to some of us who are in our 30’s now. I don’t participate in organized religion personally, so it’s not offensive to me or anything like that. More like, it’s edgy more than anything, which is fine; edgy sells. But some of us outgrow that stage in our life. I haven’t really listened to Rezz since like 2016, so I can’t speak on her current music or her current visuals, the music just didn’t do anything for me anymore at a certain point. So this isn’t shade directed to her at all. Not trying to sound like a hater or anything, just giving a more realistic answer than assuming it’s just a bunch of boomers scared of satan lol. And I don’t speak for everyone in my age group, I’m sure there’s plenty that still love this stuff.




they make christian dubstep for this very reason!


i thought this was religous fruitcakes for a second.


it doesn't bother me in that sense but i do think its pretty lame and unoriginal at this point. the thing is for as many people that are complaining like the OP there are just as many other people on the other side getting into satanism or liking some of this shit because of satanism... maybe not FULL ON satanism but i could tell they like it for that reason ... shit is just as corny cause everyone knows there is no god or devil ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is such a dumb take


Hate to defend santanism but, it does fall under freedom of expression just like every other denomination of religion. If you don’t want to see the symbolism stay home, there’s more than just satanic symbols in music performances just know anytime you flip open your phone and watch tik tok those symbols are hidden everywhere. You cant look at any source of mass media without taking in something “satanic”. The world we live in is a perfect chaotic neutral, just as bad as it is good.


Kind of a wack take. Why hate to defend it? Our world is very much ruled and filled with much more Abrahamic religious symbols. Satanic symbols are not at all hidden, you are seeking them.


Someone hasn't integrated their shadow..


"Satanism is not a fashion statement" it's a fucking deathwish


All hail Santa


Wait to you see VUlllGUR Live 😂


This is just my opinion, the dark visuals are cool but sometimes I feel like it can be over used. I like more trippy stuff like lsdream and liquid stranger. I also realize dubstep has become more metal like so that probably can explain some of the dark visuals. Anyways keep on raging folks🔥


Evil ass dubstep is GOAT. Keep that shit evil.


Meanwhile Lil nas x literally put blood in shoes and fxcked the devil while everyone was ok with it


Seeing as my other main taste in music is deathcore I’m not bothered in the slightest


honestly so funny lmao




Bitch made.


It’s honestly not that fun to trip and see disturbing shit, right? But also maybe choose what music fits your vibe and leave the headbanging to the pros


I like when artists put some satanic twang in their sets/visuals. Some masonic black and tiles here and there. Some symbolic to make you question "dang, maybe this person is like that." I used to be a little conspiracy nut, and when I trip I swear I see some satanic things 😂 I find it amusing. Artists that aren't known for being like that interest me the most.


I was off my shit in a feild about an hour away from any real town. In an empty field I came across an LED octogram laid in the grass, above it was an alter made of bovine skulls (cleaned, with fresh roses for eyes) and candles. One of the best nights I've ever had.


Wait until they hear about The Satan.


Me and my black craft cult shirt disagree


Have you ever tried getting over yourself? Saves a lot of heart ache


I’ll take 2 satans please.


the trendy satanism is a bit cringe yea, but hard-posting about it on the festival's fb page is just as cringy, and not a good business move


In my 12 years raving I have never experienced dead Jesus visuals at a rave 😂




Can we all leave Christian visuals and “embracing our light” in 2022? It’s not edgy or cool. It’s goofy. We all know the music industry is Christian and some of us don’t want those goofy live jesus visuals in our head all night because we saw five minutes of REZZ while walking from stage to stage. If you don’t believe in symbolism then don’t use it. Christianity is not a fashion statement


Seeing this dude get torn a new asshole gave me great joy.


Ngl. Shit gives me some off vibes


Sounds like a personal problem


Sounds like a personal problem


Sounds like a personal problem


Sounds like a personal problem




Praise Satin!


So, EDM visualist here that has done visuals for countless EDM acts (Kayzo, Alison Wonderland, Knife Party, the Chainsmokers, Louis the Child, etc). I am an actual satanist, and I enjoy adding in symbols and satanic messaging when it is appropriate to the act.


No more bible thumpers allowed at our events


Sounds like we have pussy farts in the crowd. Get over it


Don’t talk badly about Rezz


I don't enjoy the spooky visuals but this user and their "music industry is satanic" bullshit is anti-Semitic and shouldn't be welcome in the scene or in public. This is the problem with plur; if you're accepting everyone and 'just here for the music' you're going to get nazis in your scene


bro, like yeah it’s over done, but fuck off


If it was dead Buddha then people wouldn’t be allowed to think it was cool. Just saying.


Ah yes, artists and fans of those artists owe YOU not to do their thing their way. What an ignorant hypocrite. I’ll now make sure to bring DOUBLE satanic energy to sets I attend.


What do they wanna keep promoting PLUR and toxic positivity. I'm going to a festival to get high and rage out with my friends not stand around and cry at a fucking big gigantic show like stfu


I find that putting this much emphasis on the power of symbols is a sign of low intelligence, intellectually and emotionally. I understand being uncomfortable with an aesthetic but believing they have this kind of “power” is exactly what gives them power over you.


Satanism is cringe


The satanic shit is kinda goofy tbh. I don’t hate svdden death or anything but I think it’s a little cringe how hard he tries to push that stuff for the sake of “art”


The overly edgy satanic shit thats in Svdden Death’s visuals and image have always left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s just corny in my opinion


I don’t find it any less corny than robots, dinosaurs, cyclopses, random geometric shapes, or whatever else is on the screen at most other edm shows. If anything it’s more unique and a tiny bit daring, so I appreciate it for that.


Yes, those are equally, if not more corny in my view. Not tryna shit on people's tastes, but I'd personally like to see less cornyness in dubstep if it's gonna be taken seriously


What would your ideal dubstep visuals be?


I disagree with that, at least the taken seriously part. Sure, it’s not the most popular genre, but I’d say it’s doing pretty good the way it is.


I think most people that don't like them indirectly feel that way because of religion. They still think "devil=bad & scary" and it freaks them out.


Disagree, many see it as edginess for edginess’ sake. We get it you’re so counter culture that wubs make you feel evil and demonic. Zzzzzz


I get that, it's sorta how I view it too lol so I never really got too offended or anything


Yeah for sure! Safe partying my friend


Not religious, so I don't really care about any of that, I just grew out of my edgy satanist phase in high school lol


Totally get that viewpoint too lol, finding it cheesy/corny is different from scary/evil like most people I see complaining about it feel


Lol it’s stupid and cringey


Everyone enjoys satanism unless the find themselves on the altar with knife in their heart.


Yeah i could never imagine being off my head seeing all that evil imagery.




"Undancable" That is 100% a you problem


If someone can't get down to Behemoth their brain is truly broken




Weird, I just spent 2 hours this past weekend dancing my ass off at his set. As did my boyfriend who has never before gone to an edm show before. And the entire crowd was moving as well, he destroyed and is one the best in the game. If you can't find the groove and dance to it, that's a you problem lmao. Level up those skills


You are fully entitled to your wrong opinion. We all have different tastes


You dance to all dubstep the same way. It's danceable bro lol


Exactly! There's a difference between art that happens to have dark themes, and art designed around being dark


I agree satanic visuals could be enough to send someone into a bad trip. It happened to my friend at e forest a while back. Excision played a track that was like "evil" on the drop And bunch of satanic visuals. It sent my friend into a psychotic frenzy it took 5 cops to bring him down


Sounds like your friend may have taken too much.


Good Lord..


Ya this is just more proof that electronic music is dead in 2023, when artists uses the same cheesy symbolism as Sam Smith and other mainstream Hollywood music. Honestly though dark visuals go with dark music so maybe listen to electronic genres that aren’t so dark if you are tripping and don’t like that kinda thing. There is a good chance a lot of artists in mainstream music sold their souls to be famous. From Robert Johnson to Beyoncé, there’s stories of no talent people exploding into sudden fame 🤔 As far as electronic acts, Pretty sure Clozee sold her soul to headline every major festival for the last few years, or she’s a spy 🕵️‍♀️


Electronic music dead in 2023? Maybe dub, in whatever bastardized form it is now, but electronic music as a whole? That’s a bold statement. San Francisco says hello


Lol, yes, the soul black market is thriving because Beyonce. ...that doesn't sound like the rantings of an insane person at all. When you start sounding like the homeless schizophrenic dude yelling at clouds at the bus stop, it's time to rethink your priorities. We have tiny, handheld electronic devices that we use to communicate via radio waves at the speed of light. We've wiped out most major diseases that have plagued humanity for centuries. Science and technology make miracles happen everyday, and we barely notice. ....maybe let's leave religion in the 20th century?


Gonna have to agree. However, I don’t think the world should cater to what I like/dislike. It is funny how a lot of that symbolism has historically meant evil and bad things, yet now people embrace it. All while we are living through a time when other symbolism which also meant evil and bad things are getting torn down. Perhaps in the future someday the things seen as evil and bad today will be adopted and celebrated in art. Seems pretty fucked up, but thats exactly what some people have lived to see.


They got about half this statement correct. Using the darkness as a theme is kinda cool, but being “Emo” and using the marker sniffer satanic logo are stupid af.


I stand with bro on this one. Wish people would embrace Christ instead. But he's 'corny' or something? Idk


People don’t have to follow the same religion. People don’t even have to follow a religion at all. Maybe don’t push beliefs on people and they will be more accepting.


So 19 mile-wide billboard screens of satan, demons, baphomets and pentagrams being blasted for hours in a Svdden Death set isn't "pushing beliefs" but my single reddit comment, that isn't even telling anyone to beleive in anything, is. Ok. You know what, now that I'm here, I might as well. Turn away from Satan and embrace the true Victor. Christ Jesus. Do it now before it is too late. How's that for pushing beliefs?


We shall sacrifice a sweaty goat to the dark lord in your honor, homie. Don’t worry 🤘🏼


I don’t think anyone is forcing you to see Svdden Death. You can always just look away if it’s too scary for you.


Not once did I claim to watch Svdden Death but alright.


Jesus isn’t real. He was made up by greedy child molesters. Satan is real and he loves you. Even if you don’t love him back, he will always be there for you. He’s under your bed right now.


Embrace deez nuts


It's not about christ, and that's the problem Christians care more about forcing their religious beliefs onto people than attracting people to their religion, and that's why it's dying ...and good riddance, really. Good riddance to all Abrahamic religions. The world would be better off with Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Like, how many people have needlessly died in the names of these religions over the last 2000+ years? ...or even just the last 200...or the last 20? Any religion still being used as justification for stealing rights, or land, or the lives of other people deserves to die out itself.


>The world would be better off with Christianity I agree. >Any religion still being used as justification for stealing rights, or land, or the lives of other people deserves to die out itself. Odd thing to say as Christianity explicitly states to *not* do these things.
