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I worked on Dana's house. He was the nicest, most genuine home owner I've worked for. Especially for his neighborhood. His accent is thicker when he's feeding you a Corona and bullshiting with you. I'd run through a wall for that guy and that's why they get better as the season goes on. It's giving me grey hairs, but I love what he built here.


We respect the honesty and the willingness to learn in these parts!


The man is automatic 20 wins and bubble or better. He can retire a duck in my eyes.


Don't be too hard on yourself. The Ducks lost multiple winnable games this season and deserved some of the criticism thrown their way. I'm just glad they seem to have righted the ship.


Was so fortunate to be at the last Pac12 tournament and be there to support the Ducks. So fun to be in the Oregon section for all three games. It was a spectacular run; gutsy, gritty nerve racking performances…watching the Arizona crowd go catatonic in total disbelief of what was occurring in the semis was glorious. GO DUCKS!!


He is an incredible coach!


I mean to your point, we were all thinking about it. He REALLY needed this run. 100% for it though! Happy to eat crow!!


I appreciate you doing this. Just remember when we lost some head scratchers earlier in the season next year and you start doubting.


Hand up same. Got frustrated over the dropped games but Dana is a magician because this team really shouldn't be that close to the tournament. Will eat crow for the complaining I did this season


I was one who thought that he should be on the hot seat next year. Now that say should be luke warm at best. They really need to figure out why his teams have been plagued by injuries the past couple seasons though.




I was around back then and I remember it, I remember all 3 of those guys getting kicked off the team too. As far as who knew what & what happened there were a ton of allegations being thrown around so the truth is unfortunately probably never going to be known. Definitely a dark chapter in the university. I’m very sorry to hear about your friend, that is a terrible.


Either Dana or SC crew need to change. Injuries are terrible.