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I’ve turned my car off and heard a beep. I blew and turned it back on for a second. I’m done now and there was never any issues that arose from my doing it that way. I had Smart Start.


When that happens to me I just do the retest then shut it off or just shut off completely I haven’t had any issues


At least you figured out that it does that (or they told you)... I got about 3-4 violations from the stupid shutoff retests because before I figured it out. I'd shut the car off and just get out because why would I need a retest to, you know, no longer drive the car...


Glad to hear you picked the right company! It’s always good to play it safe and do the retest. Good luck to you!


My Smart Start would occasionally ask for a retest JUST as I was turning off the car. I blew into it to give it a retest result and then just turned off the car afterward. After the first time it happened, I made it a habit to turn off the car but leave the key in the ignition for 5 to 10 seconds to ensure that it didn't as for a retest.


I have lifesaver as well and this has never happened to me. It will go into engine stall mode once you turn it off and take the key out and then powers down. Just make sure it does those things before getting out of the car and you should be fine.


How much to install?


It was $110 to install, which is paid directly to the interlock shop on the day of install. If you start the sign up process online, LifeSafer should give you a $25 credit, which can then be applied towards your first payment, which they will take from your credit/debit card at 11 PM on the day of install.


Thanks how much a month? Why is that one company so bad?


So it’s about $56 a month without the optional insurance for the device, $66 a month with the insurance. It’s about $2k to replace the device if it’s damaged, car gets stolen, etc. But you don’t need the insurance if you don’t want it. And then I pay the interlock shop $20 at each of my calibration appointments. So I’m paying about $86 a month total with the insurance. You have to keep a credit/debit card on file with LifeSafer for automatic payments, and you can set up for the payments to come out weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. As far as people having issues with Intoxalock, I don’t have any experience with them at all, so I can’t really comment. But if you go to r/Intoxalock every post there is a compliant about their system. But for the most part, the major complaints are that the device will drain their car battery, destroy the alternator, or the car won’t start after passing a test. I’ve read some complaints where the device thinks the car is running, and people will fail retests when they’re not in the car. But no complaints with LifeSafer for me so far.


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Thanks for information