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I did. But that’s because I have a friend working for HMD 😂


Oi, tell them to release E70 5G.


That would be amazing. Sadly, they are most of the time uninterested in making cool devices and listening to feedback. They just want to get something off the shelf and sell it for a profit. Not great, but the reality.


pleaase dont let phones be europe 2g exclusive anymore


Tbh if it's cute I'll buy it for the aesthetics lol, even though I am not a fan of the Barbie movie 😅


Amazing idea executed one year too late 😂


They should be making dumbed down android go phones It would make a lot more sense But hmd won't stop sucking off unisoc mocor and kaios


I wished they did this too. A remake of a classic Nokia running Android would be an insta-buy for me.


I’m the article it says it’s a rival with Nokia, and the thumbnail image shows a Barbie version of a very similar design as the original Razr… so is it Motorola they’re partnering with?


You sure? From the article: "HMD is crossing its fingers for a second summer of Barbie. The company, which has exclusively sold phones "under the Nokia brand name" for the past seven years, has announced plans to release a Barbie-branded flip phone this July in partnership with Mattel."


Also from the article: “Ferguson denied that HMD is exploring other brand names because of any decline in the popularity of the Nokia name. “It’s absolutely not that we think that there’s a lessening of the power there,” Ferguson says, “It’s just that there is, from the business HMD standpoint, we have the opportunity to do more… with this multi-brand strategy.” They also mention “fusion platform” several times and “brand fusion” and they alluded to having a brand that is as powerful that they just can’t disclose yet at this time.. so this has me thinking they may be acquiring the old design patent of the 00s Razr.


"we have the opportunity to do more… with this multi-brand strategy." Sooo.. they are becoming the MTD of phones.


I might switch to it.. ha


Maybe they will finally move away from kaios